Immerse yourself in the full range of flavours and cuisine only Barbados has to offer.
The best getaways are often remembered for unique experiences. In Barbados, that could be spotting a sea turtle while snorkelling on the West Coast, spending the day on a remarkably untouched white sand beach, or enjoying a meal that deeply connects you to the richness of the island’s local producers. While speaking with local chefs and bartenders to create the issue you hold in your hands, we were impressed by the respect and admiration they all have for quality, home-grown produce. It is no surprise then that the common theme you’ll find in our top picks for cocktails and meals is fresh, Bajan ingredients.
Discover breadfruit and how it’s elevated on the menu at Cocktail Kitchen (p. 90); the secret to Lone Star’s reimagined crab fish cakes (p. 66); an ode to Bajan rum and Caribbean bitters (p. 108); a menu topped with the yield from a fresh herb garden at The Sandpiper (p. 36).
By choosing any of our recommendations, you’re sure to offer yourself an unforgettable experience in Barbados. Join us in following the thread of the island’s bounty, weaved into every recipe and fine dining menu featured in these pages.
Atlantis — 15
Baia — 17
Buzo Osteria Italiana — 19
Café Sol — 23
Cariba Restaurant & Bar — 25
Chef Michael Hinds X West Bar & Restaurant — 27
Cocktail Kitchen — 31
Coral Reef Club — 33
Crave Restaurant — 35
ECO Lifestyle & Lodge — 39
Fusion Rooftop — 41
Il Tempio — 43
La Cabane — 47
Lobster Alive — 49
Local & Co. — 51
Lone Star Barbados — 55
Nishi Restaurant — 57
Paul Owens at the Beach House — 61
Primo Bar & Bistro — 63
QP Bistro — 65
Round House — 69
Sipping Room — 71
Surfers Cafe Barbados — 73
Tapas — 77
The Cliff — 79
The Fish Pot — 81
The Garden Terrace Restaurant — 85
The Grille — 87
The Park Cafe — 89
The Restaurant at the Animal Flower Cave — 93
The Sandpiper — 95
The Tides Restaurant — 97
The Tiki Bar — 101
Zaccios Restaurant & Beach Bar — 103
Zen — 105
PUBLISHER: Menu International — PRODUCTION DIRECTOR: Brigitte Nantel — TRAFFIC COORDINATOR: Boris Kowka —
ART DIRECTOR: Eric Quenneville — PHOTOGRAPHER: Kenneth Theysen — COVER PHOTOGRAPHER: Kenneth Theysen — CONTRIBUTING WRITERS: Eva Cirnu, Timothy Dugdale, Kylee Ross
PROOFREADER: Eva Cirnu — GRAPHIC DESIGNER: Étienne Jacques —
WEBMASTER: Eric Quenneville — MARKETING DIRECTOR : Mike Power — ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVES: Alan Green, Michael Hamilton
FOR INFORMATION OR COMMENTS, CONTACT THE PUBLISHER: Menu International, 4687 Victoria Avenue, Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3W 2M9 — TEL.: (514) 287-3327
E - MAIL: info@menuinternational.com — WEBSITE: www.menubarbados.com //////// © COPYRIGHT 2023 MENU INTERNATIONAL. The publisher reserves all rights. The name, concept, page layout and contents of Menu International shall not be used or reproduced without the express written permission of the publisher. Advertising material and information appearing in Menu International magazine and in the ads are provided by the advertisers. All advertisements and editorial material are the responsibility of advertisers. The publisher shall not be held responsible for the general information contained in Menu International, nor the advertisements. PRINTED IN CANADA
Cover Shoot – Putting Down Roots
— 20-21, 74-75
Interview – Sophie Michell of Local & Co.
— 12-13
Interview – Matt Worswick of The Cliff — 58-59
Writer’s Corner – My Quest to Find the “Best” Beach in Barbados — 52-53
Alleyne Real Estate — inside front cover & inside back cover
Corbin’s Car Rentals — 110-111
ECO Skywater — 9
Lickrish Food Tours — 44-45
Southern Palms Beach Club & Resort Hotel — 99
The Gap — 106-107
The Royal Shop — 3, 5, 7, 112 & back cover
The Sandpiper — 36-37
The Spa — 29
by Senior Mixologist Ivana Garcia of Chef Michael Hinds X West Bar & Restaurant
Culinary Director Matt Worswick
Reflects on a Legacy at The Cliff INTERVIEW
Spiced Rum Old-fashioned by Deon Fields — 108-109
West Bar Remix by Ivana Garcia — 82-83
Crab Fish Cakes with Roasted Red Pepper Sauce by Donovan Lopez — 66-67
Fire-roasted Breadfruit with Lobster and Saltfish by Damian Leach — 90-91
Cariba Restaurant & Bar — 25
Nishi Restaurant — 57
Sipping Room — 71
Atlantis — 15
Lickrish Food Tours — 44-45
The Garden Terrace Restaurant — 85 & 99
The Restaurant at the Animal Flower Cave — 93
Atlantis — 15
Baia — 17
Café Sol — 23
Cocktail Kitchen — 31
Coral Reef Club — 33
ECO Lifestyle & Lodge — 39
Fusion Rooftop — 41
Il Tempio — 43
La Cabane — 47
Lobster Alive — 49
Local & Co. — 51
Lone Star Barbados — 55
Paul Owens at the Beach House — 61
Primo Bar & Bistro — 63
QP Bistro — 65
Round House — 69
Surfers Cafe Barbados — 73
Tapas — 77
The Cliff — 79
The Fish Pot — 81
The Garden Terrace Restaurant — 85 & 99
The Grille — 87
The Restaurant at the Animal Flower Cave — 93
The Sandpiper — 95
The Tides Restaurant — 97
The Tiki Bar — 101
Zaccios Restaurant & Beach Bar — 103
Zen — 105
Atlantis — 15
Chef Michael Hinds X West Bar & Restaurant — 27
Coral Reef Club — 33
ECO Lifestyle & Lodge — 39
Local & Co. — 51
Lone Star Barbados — 55
Round House — 69
Surfers Cafe Barbados — 73
The Fish Pot — 81
The Garden Terrace Restaurant — 85 & 99
The Park Cafe — 89
The Sandpiper — 95
Zaccios Restaurant & Beach Bar — 103
ECO Lifestyle & Lodge — 39
Round House — 69
The Park Cafe — 89
Surfers Cafe Barbados — 73
The Park Cafe — 89
Atlantis — 15
Cariba Restaurant & Bar — 25
Cocktail Kitchen — 31
Crave Restaurant — 35
Lickrish Food Tours — 44-45
Lone Star Barbados — 55
Paul Owens at the Beach House — 61
Round House — 69
Sipping Room — 71
Surfers Cafe Barbados — 73
The Park Cafe — 89
The Restaurant at the Animal Flower Cave — 93
The Sandpiper — 95
The Tides Restaurant — 97
The Tiki Bar — 101
Zaccios Restaurant & Beach Bar — 103
Crave Restaurant — 35
Cocktail Kitchen — 31
Chef Michael Hinds X West Bar & Restaurant — 27
Paul Owens at the Beach House — 61
Lone Star Barbados — 55
The Cliff — 79
Local & Co. — 51
Baia — 17
Chef Michael Hinds X West Bar & Restaurant — 27
Coral Reef Club — 33
Fusion Rooftop — 41
Local & Co. — 51
Round House — 69
Tapas — 77
The Fish Pot — 81
The Garden Terrace Restaurant — 85 & 99
The Sandpiper — 95
Zaccios Restaurant & Beach Bar — 103
Buzo Osteria Italiana — 19
Il Tempio — 43
QP Bistro — 65
Tapas — 77
JAPANESE Zen — 105
Lobster Alive — 49
Coral Reef Club — 33
La Cabane — 47
Lone Star Barbados — 55
Primo Bar & Bistro — 63
QP Bistro — 65
The Fish Pot — 81
La Cabane — 47
Café Sol — 23
The Cliff — 79
Baia — 17
Baia — 17
Buzo Osteria Italiana — 19
Chef Michael Hinds X West Bar & Restaurant — 27
Cariba Restaurant & Bar — 25
Coral Reef Club — 33
ECO Lifestyle & Lodge — 39
Il Tempio — 43
Lobster Alive — 49
Sipping Room — 71
The Fish Pot — 81
The Grille — 87
The Sandpiper — 95
The Tides Restaurant — 97
The Grille — 87
Fusion Rooftop — 41
Nishi Restaurant — 57
The Cliff — 79
Zen — 105
The Cliff — 79
Tapas — 77
Zen — 105
ECO Lifestyle & Lodge — 39
Il Tempio — 43
The Tiki Bar — 101
Atlantis — 15
Baia — 17
Buzo Osteria Italiana — 19
Café Sol — 23
Cariba Restaurant & Bar — 25
Chef Michael Hinds X West Bar & Restaurant — 27
Cocktail Kitchen — 31
Coral Reef Club — 33
Crave Restaurant — 35
Fusion Rooftop — 41
Il Tempio — 43
La Cabane — 47
Lobster Alive — 49
Local & Co. — 51
Lone Star Barbados — 55
Nishi Restaurant — 57
Paul Owens at the Beach House — 61
Primo Bar & Bistro — 63
QP Bistro — 65
Round House — 69
Sipping Room — 71
Surfers Cafe Barbados — 73
Tapas — 77
The Cliff — 79
The Fish Pot — 81
The Garden Terrace Restaurant — 85 & 99
The Grille — 87
The Restaurant at the Animal Flower Cave — 93
The Sandpiper — 95
The Tides Restaurant — 97
The Tiki Bar — 101
Zaccios Restaurant & Beach Bar — 103
Zen — 105
The Garden Terrace Restaurant — 85 & 99
Little over a year ago, Barbados declared its independence from the UK. The time had come for the island to make its own way on its own terms. That's why there's never been a better time to sample and savour all that Barbados has to offer.
Menu International is your trusted guide to a deceptively big island that surprises and delights anywhere you go. You'll be introduced to some of the island's most interesting yet unsung destinations, along with chefs and craftsmen who express their creativity with a mix of flair and flavour that is the essence of Barbados. We explore the rich and varied traditions of Bajan cuisine and recent trends in sustainable agriculture and farm-to-table cooking.
We give you the tips, the insights and the confidence to strike out on your own. Embrace a state of independence and make your visit to Barbados a real winner.
— Menu International
Sophie Michell and I met the day before the Local & Co. reopening in October. The restaurant closed a month prior for expansion—including an open fire grill and smoker for serving tacos, grilled fish, smoked meats, and burgers by the beach.
— By Kylee RossBoth floors of the restaurant were crawling with staff restocking the vintage rum bar, prepping locally sourced ingredients, and preparing the kitchen. A small group of people, including co-founder Julie McNeel, sat near the Queen Street door typing on laptops and answering a steady stream of incoming calls.
When Michell entered the front door, I instinctively lifted my gaze from my notepad. I could hear the buzz of “hellos” and discreet meeting invitations. Contractors and other members of her team surrounded her like a swarm of perfectly coordinated worker bees. Without missing a beat, Michell responded to every query, comment, and confirmation—but never stopped moving through the restaurant.
By the time she made her way to me, I felt oddly at home. Sitting amongst the exposed brick walls, ornate carpets, and plush chairs, I had the sense I would be well taken care of— even while the restaurant was closed to guests.
We took a side door to access the steel stairs outside and passed the upper patio (offering a view of the ocean for private dinners) and made our way to the cosy upstairs kitchen (where Michell and other guest chefs host private dining experiences for small groups).
We sat across from a few people recording videos for social media announcing the restaurant’s reopening. Once they finished, we eased into our conversation. I wanted to start at the beginning. Michell is a well-established chef who has trained and cooked in Michelinstarred restaurants in the United Kingdom and made a name for herself in TV and food writing. It isn’t every day that you get to ask someone with that kind of resume how it all started.
When I asked what persuaded her to say “yes” to packing up her life in the UK for a position in Barbados, she said it was “quite random”. She had stopped working in kitchens and was the Food and Drink Director for Byron Burgers UK. “I always talked about having a seafront restaurant where I could scuba dive on the weekend”, she says. “That was kind of my passion: the sea and conservation.” When the opportunity to travel to the island to consult on a restaurant for friends Julie and Ian McNeel arose, she jumped on it. This was
in February 2020, so while in Barbados, Michell and her husband had to make a decision for their family. Would they travel back to the UK or stay in Barbados for the remainder of the pandemic lockdown? They eventually opted to stay indefinitely, and Michell joined Local & Co. as chef / co-owner.
Our conversation then pivoted to her start as a chef. “I think like anything, my choice to become a chef was impacted by lots of little things that happened to me”, Michell says. After leaving school at 14, she got her first job in a gastropub. “Looking back at that very first job in the countryside in Somerset, I think even though it was just a casual pub, I learned straightaway how to cook from scratch”, Michell says while reminiscing about the lessons that have stayed with her from that first job. She mentions this because everything at Local & Co. is made from scratch every day. “And farm to table produce was already at the forefront of my mind then.”
This naturally brings us to chatting about the ethos at Local & Co.: Eat well. Do good. Michell tells me that 90% of the products used in restaurants and hotels in Barbados are imported. Michell and the team set out to “turn that on its head”.
By actively choosing to support Bajan artisans, farmers, butchers, and fisherfolk, Local & Co. uses 80% locally sourced ingredients. “I don't think anyone in the world should be planning business without having sustainability, local economy, and eco-practices at the forefront, because that's the only way we can function realistically, consciously and ethically”, she says. Now, the restaurant is Blue-verified by Oceanic Global for a sustainability plan for single-use plastic, waste management, and water efficiency.
Farm to table cooking offers constantly refreshing options for the menu of the main restaurant and the beach grill. And what to expect from a meal at Local & Co. depends on several factors beyond the chef’s control. As Michell puts it, “We are totally governed by what the farmers can grow, and the farmers are totally governed by the weather and the conditions.” The meals are also governed by Michell’s latest inspirations. When we speak, the star ingredients are cassava flour, sea purslane, and organic meat from Oink & Moo with most emphasis on cassava. All the tortillas for tacos and other imaginative dishes, tart cases, and dredge for the staple fried chicken bites with chadon beni aïoli and smoked
tomato ketchup, are made from scratch with a blend of the flour. “We take influence from the Caribbean and from places which are similar in agricultural zone: South America, Mexico, the Caribbean, Southeast Asia have all got the same sort of produce. So, playing with those flavours is quite fun.”
With that, I wrap up the interview and ask if Michell would show me around. I snap a few photos of the impeccably styled area where we were sitting and, as we walk down the stairs, the beach grill. Michell points to something. “That’s actually my smoker right there”, she says. “There’s nothing better than sitting on a beach and having an amazing grilled piece of meat or grilled fish, you know?” And that’s where Local & Co. is headed next: toward the addition of more casual dishes, with the same quality of local ingredients as the fine dining menu, to eat by the ocean.
Famous for its Sunday lunch buffet, the Atlantis has developed a strong local following over the years for its ABC cuisine (All Bajan Cuisine).
Opened in 1884 and recently renovated, this historic hotel is gracefully perched at the edge of the Atlantic Ocean, in the midst of the most picturesque and perhaps the most photographed part of Barbados.
Monday to Sunday, 8:00 to 10:00 a.m.
Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays, 12:00 noon to 7:00 p.m., and Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays, 12:00 noon to 3:30 p.m.
Monday to Sunday, 10:00 a.m. till...
DINING: Open-air
ATTIRE: Casual
Caesar Salad — 36.00
crispy romaine leaves, garlic croutons, cherry tomatoes, boiled egg, Parmesan
Caprese lnsalata — 35.00
roasted pine nuts, arugula, balsamic dressing
Atlantis Salad — 38.00
mixed leaves, cherry tomatoes, honey-roasted cashews, quinoa, caramelised apples, raisins
— with grilled chicken breast add 16.00
— with grilled flying fish add 20.00
— with grilled shrimp add 24.00
Thai Mini Crab Cakes — 40.00 red Thai aïoli, orange-poppy seed jelly
Bajan Fish Cakes — 26.00
Marie Rose sauce, garden salad
Panko-crusted Shrimp — 38.00 wasabi mayo, Asian slaw, tamarind dip
Crispy Jerk Calamari — 34.00 mango mayo, arugula, lemon wedge
Grilled Octopus — 34.00
pickled cucumber, wakame, roasted tomato, cumin-honey mayo
Catch of the Day — 66.00
8-oz. fresh fish, grilled or pan-fried, basilwhipped mashed potatoes, smoked salmon cream, sautéed leeks
Tent Bay Fish and Chips — 60.00
deep-fried fish, French fries, coleslaw, tartare sauce
Seared Tuna — 58.00
deep-fried blue cheese polenta, wilted spinach, aubergine and sun-dried tomato salsa
Pan-roasted Pork Tenderloin — 58.00
crushed fried plantain, sautéed asparagus, apple purée
-> Go to:
Menu Barbados/ Atlantis
Scan the code to find the location, get directions, make a reservation, and more.
8-oz. Black Pepper-crusted
Sirloin Steak — 74.00 home-cut fries, steamed vegetables, red onion jam, garlic butter
Penne or Linguine Pasta — 42.00 Alfredo, or basil pesto , or marinara , or bolognese
— with grilled chicken breast add 16.00 — with grilled flying fish add 20.00 — with grilled shrimp add 24.00
Rogan Josh Curry poppadums, basmati rice, mango chutney
— vegetables 50.00 — chicken 55.00
— seafood 58.00
— shrimp 60.00
Atlantis Angus Beef Burger — 48.00 brioche, jalapeño mayo, crispy bacon, sautéed mushrooms, Cheddar cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, French fries or garden salad
Vegan Burger — 42.00 edamame, chickpeas, lettuce, tomatoes, vegan mayo, French fries or garden salad
Thin-crust Margherita Pizza — 38.00 — add pepperoni, red onions, mushrooms, flying fish, chicken, olives 5.00/each
Affogato — 22.00
vanilla ice cream drizzled with Lavazza espresso
Chocolate Cheesecake — 24.00 stewed berries, mango sauce
Warm Cherry Pie — 24.00 nutmeg cream, vanilla ice cream
Coconut Bread Pudding — 24.00 vanilla cream, rum and raisin ice cream
All prices are in Barbadian dollars and include government value added tax.
A 12.5% service charge and a 2.5% tourism product levy will be added to your bill. Prices and menu items are subject to change.
Sand Street
St. Peter
(246) 432–2242
Baia brings the spirit of Latin America to the Caribbean through mouth-watering Peruvian-fusion food, exceptional cocktails and live entertainment, in a laid back, rustic yet luxurious setting.
They take you through a journey of vibrant and fresh flavours and textures, from Peruvian chilli, corn and smoke to coconut, chocolate and lime. Experience their ceviche, raw bar and open charcoal-grilled dishes, with the stunning backdrop of the Caribbean Sea, or let Baia’s bartenders pick something out for you from their extensive tequila list! Down on the beach deck, take in the view while sipping on a signature Baia sour or a glass of rosé, watching the sun go down as the music turns up.
Christopher Hawkesworth HEAD CHEFLUNCH AND DINNER:
Mondays and Tuesdays, 5:00 p.m. until…, and Wednesday to Sunday, 12:00 noon until… (open Tuesdays only in December and January)
DINING: Open-air (covered and uncovered)
ATTIRE: Elegantly casual / Island chic
ENTERTAINMENT: DJ, live band, live percussionist
Pork Crackling — 30.00
pork belly bites, rocoto jam
Baia Guacamole — 36.00
avocado, pico de gallo, sunny side up egg, crispy tortillas
Taco de Pescado al Pastor — 36.00
crispy white fish, soft taco, pineapple criolla, aji yogurt
Pollo Ajomiso al Josper — 38.00
ajomiso-marinated chicken, aji yogurt, spring onion
Patacones de Ropa Vieja — 38.00
slow-cooked pulled pork, crispy plantain patties, avocado mousse
Lamb Chops al Josper (two) — 58.00 Nikkei lamb chops, crushed cancha
Tomate Salad GF — 34.00
wild tomatoes, pomegranate dressing, crushed cashews
Baia Quinoa Salad GF — 40.00 tabouleh quinoa, lime dressing, cancha
Langostino Salad — 45.00 king prawns, wild mixed salad, citrus emulsion, pineapple criolla
Ceviche de Platano GF — 34.00
diced plantain, sweet potato, coconut leche de tigre, cancha
Tuna Tostada — 38.00
crispy tortilla, akami tuna, yuzu, wasabi emulsion
Tiradito de Atun — 40.00
akami tuna, rocoto leche de tigre, sweet potato purée
-> Go to: Menu Barbados/ Baia Scan the code to find the location, get directions, make a reservation, and more.
Traditional CevicheGF — 46.00 white fish, lime leche de tigre, sweet potato, choclo, plantain chifles
Mahi-mahi Japo — 46.00 cured mahi-mahi, yuzu, truffle, cherry tomatoes
Salmon Laqueado — 54.00 sashimi-grade salmon, passion fruit leche de tigre, crispy purple potato
Pesca del Dia Tulemasi GF — 68.00 catch of the day, coconut milk, plantain purée
Pulpo AnticucheroGF — 82.00 charcoal-grilled octopus, anticucho sauce, aji amarillo purée, purple olive emulsion
Aji-glazed Salmon — 80.00 charcoal-grilled salmon, yuzu sweet potato purée, bonito flakes
Chupe de LangostaGF — Market price lobster tail, aji panca bisque, edamame, aromatic basmati rice
Moqueca de Zapallito — 60.00 Brazilian courgette stew, green coconut milk, aromatic basmati rice
Papa Seca con Seta y Trufa — 72.00 stewed sun-dried Peruvian potatoes, trio of mushrooms, white truffle oil
Pollo al Josper — 75.00 charcoal-grilled Peruvian half-chicken, choclito crema (approx. 30-minute cooking time)
Nikkei Short Rib — 92.00 braised short rib, aji amarillo purée
Carnes al Josper — 130.00 10-oz. prime center-cut strip loin served with huacatay and chimichurri sauce
GF Gluten-free. Vegan. Vegetarian. Has a slight kick.
All prices are in Barbadian dollars and include government value added tax.
A 12.5% service charge will be added to your bill and a 15% to parties of 10 or more.
A 2.5% product levy will be added to your bill. Prices and menu items are subject to change.
The Pavilion
Hastings | Christ Church
(246) 629-2896
buzo.barbados@gmail.com facebook.com/buzobarbados instagram.com/buzobarbados
Revel in the ambiance of an electric atmosphere, amazing décor, welcoming service, fabulous Italian food, wines and cocktails.
A team of talented chefs creates exciting works of art using only the finest meats, fresh seafood and other delicious ingredients. Chef Nakita Goddard is known for creating exciting dishes that are sure to seduce your taste buds in a symphony of flavours, textures and aromas of contemporary Italian food.
Monday to Saturday, 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Monday to Sunday, 5:00 to 10:00 p.m.
DINING: Indoors
ATTIRE: Elegantly casual
Carpaccio di Manzo e Scaglie di Grana all’Olio Aspringnolo
beef carpaccio, shaved Parmesan, crispy shallots, verjuice and lemon olive oil
Tartare di Tonno
yellowfin tuna, celery, tomatoes, onions, pine nuts, sesame seed and lime vinaigrette, topped with citrus crema on thinly sliced cucumbers
Risotto di Funghi e Crema al Tartufo Bianco wild truffle-mushroom risotto, white truffle crema
Fritto Misto dell'Adriatico shrimp, calamari and zucchini dusted and fried
tomato, mozzarella and fresh basil
Insalata alle Almond e Frutti di Stagione spinach, red apples, red onions, goat cheese, cranberry, pecans and blueberries tossed in a balsamic vinaigrette
Cavoli e Pere
kale and pear salad with grapes, toasted almonds, Gorgonzola, poppy seed dressing and a balsamic drizzle
Torcelli Salsiccia e Porcini
Calabrian sausage, porcini mushrooms and light cream-tomato sauce
Strozzapreti alla Wódka e Salmone
Affumicato con Pendolini e Rucola
strozzapreti pasta with smoked salmon, vodka, cherry tomatoes, arugula and cream
Lasagna al Ragù original beef lasagna
Gnocchetti di Zucca Fatti a Mano al Burro Salvia con Tartare di Zucca hand-made pumpkin gnocchi with sage and beurre noisette, warm pumpkin tartare
* All Buzo pastas are made in-house. Gluten- and egg-free pastas available with any sauce.
Gamberoni alla Diavola
Mediterranean prawns with fresh chilli and garlic on Prosecco and asparagus risotto
Filetto di Pesce Contadino fish fillet with fresh herbs, tomatoes, olives, capers, lime, garlic, extra-virgin olive oil and fresh tomato sauce
Cotoletta di Pollo Croccante panko-breaded and pan-fried chicken breast with fresh lemon wedge
Tagliata di Agnello al Rosmarino grilled rosemary rack of lamb, home-made peppermint sauce
Rado (with our home-made Napoletana sauce) tomato, mozzarella, spicy Italian pepperoni, oregano, green peppers, onions and olives
Buzo (without tomato sauce) Manchego cheese, wild mushrooms, rocket, truffle oil, pepper flakes
Quattro Stagioni
spicy salami, double-smoked ham, artichokes, mushrooms and mozzarella cheese
buffalo mozzarella, shaved Parma prosciutto, fresh basil and arugula
Soufflé Caldo al Cioccolato
-> Go to: Menu Barbados/ Buzo Scan the code to find the location, get directions, make a reservation, and more. All
flourless chocolate soufflé, vanilla bean gelato and raspberry reduction
Half the battle in life is planting your flag. When you commit to a vivacious paradise like Barbados, you can unpack your bags and donate the bags to charity. Our featured chefs have most certainly arrived in Barbados and are putting down roots in the place they know best – THE KITCHEN . Both of them have enviable chops gained from old-school CULINARY TUTELAGE and TOIL in their native UK. And both deftly explore the crosscurrents of influences that define Barbados. Yet they focus on SIMPLICITY and PURITY by foregrounding elemental flavours. That's the essence of home cooking, no matter where you land.
Continued on page 74...
Christ Church
(246) 420-7655
Barbados’ original Mexican restaurant not only serves great Tex-Mex-style food but is also one of the liveliest places on the island.
Located at the gateway of St. Lawrence Gap, Café Sol draws visitors and locals alike who enjoy the laid-back and informal atmosphere. Here you can listen to hot Latin music while sipping your favourite cocktail and enjoying spectacular ocean views of St. Lawrence Bay. In addition, there’s two nightly happy hours you won’t want to miss! Café Sol burns hot. Enjoy the heat.
Tuesday to Sunday, 11:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Monday to Sunday, 5:00 p.m. until late
Nightly, 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. to 12:00 midnight
DINING: Indoors – Outdoors
ATTIRE: Relaxed
Range: 18.00 – 42.00
Chips and Salsa
a traditional way to start a Mexican meal
– corn tortillas served with our salsa (made fresh daily)
Cheese Nachos
a plateful of crunchy tortilla chips topped with our zesty three-cheese sauce, served with a spicy salsa
Chunky Chilli
a hearty bowl of spicy chilli served with crunchy tortilla chips for dipping, available mild or wild!
Jalapeño Fish Cakes
deep-fried fresh shrimp cakes, spiced with jalapeño, served with a spicy Tapatío dip
Range: 38.00 – 55.00
Flat-iron Fajita Sizzlers
brought to your table sizzling hot with soft flour tortillas and sides of pico de gallo salsa, iceberg lettuce, Cheddar cheese and sour cream... make them however you like them!
— grilled steak — grilled chicken breast
— grilled shrimp — grilled seasonal veggies
— fajita fiesta (chicken, steak and shrimp)
your favourite filling served in a soft flour tortilla with crisp iceberg lettuce, fresh salsa, cheese and beans, topped with sour cream, guacamole and our zesty cheese sauce, served with a Spanish rice and refried beans
— beans, rice and cheese — marinated chicken
— spicy beef — pork carnitas — chargrilled steak
— flame-grilled shrimp — grilled market veggies
2 corn tortillas filled, slow-baked, then topped with our spicy tomato enchilada sauce and melted cheese, served with Spanish rice and refried beans
— spicy beef — marinated chicken
— black beans — pork carnitas
-> Go to: Menu Barbados/ Café Sol Scan the code to find the location, get directions, make a reservation, and more.
2 crunchy corn or flour tortilla shells with lettuce, salsa and Cheddar, loaded with your choice of filling, then topped with sour cream and guacamole, served with Spanish rice and refried beans
— spicy beef — marinated chicken
— crispy beer-battered fish — pork carnitas
— chargrilled steak — flame-grilled shrimp
— combo (any 2)
crispy corn tortilla chips, heaped with queso, refried beans, pico de gallo, sour cream and guacamole
— spicy beef — marinated chicken
— chargrilled steak — flame-grilled shrimp
— pork carnitas — vegetarian
— ultimate nachos (beef, chicken and steak)
Sol Sangria — 16.00 a refreshing blend of red wine, triple sec, fruit juices and Sprite
White Lightning Sangria — 16.00 white wine with a dash of vodka, raspberry and fruit pieces
Margaritas — 18.00 choices of traditional lime, wild berry-mint, coconut-pineapple, peach-orange, orange-vanilla cream, etc.
Traditional Mojito — 18.00 Cockspur white rum, cane sugar, lime and fresh mint leaves
This is just a short sample of our extensive menu which also includes many more Mexican favourites, tasty side dishes, exotic cocktails and delicious desserts.
We also have a ‘gringo’ menu featuring burgers, grilled chicken and more non-Mexican food for the less adventurous.
With a comfortable and relaxed atmosphere, Cariba offers modern Caribbean cuisine with an Asian twist.
Internationally trained executive chef-proprietor Glen Bent has worked in five-star establishments all over the world, including the prestigious Sandy Lane Hotel right here in Barbados. Since he and his wife Faye opened Cariba, they have earned a loyal following of repeat clients. With Glen’s innovative flair in the kitchen and Faye’s warmth and hospitality in the front of the house, Cariba is a perennial hit with residents and visiting gourmet food lovers.
DINING: Indoors – Outdoors
ATTIRE: Elegantly casual
Range: 22.00 – 40.00
Home-made Soup of the Day with bread and butter
Mango- and Molasses-glazed Chicken Wings with spring onions and garlic croutons
Tropical Seafood Cocktail with shrimp, calamari, crab and seasonal local fish
Jerk Pork Spring Rolls with pineapple and coconut chutney
Spicy Beef Wontons with a vegetable salad and sweetand-sour chilli sauce
Brie, Bacon and Walnut Salad with golden apple vinaigrette
Panko-crusted Crab Cakes with mango mayonnaise
Range: 62.00 – 84.00
Today’s Catch with the chef’s seasonal garnish
Gratinated Seafood Pancake market-fresh local fish in an herb and vegetable cheese sauce with mashed potatoes
Blackened Sirloin Steak with bacon-infused macaroni cheese, green beans, caramelised onions and aged rum sauce
Orange- and Ginger-roasted Duck Breast on pumpkin purée with vegetable spring rolls
-> Go to: Menu Barbados/ Cariba Scan the code to find the location, get directions, make a reservation, and more.
Five-spice Chicken Breast with vegetable fritter on yam purée, served with sweet corn and coconut sauce
Tamarind-glazed Pork Chop with stir-fried vegetables, grilled plantain and crispy rice noodles
Curries served with coconut rice, herb flatbread and mango-tamarind chutney
— chicken
— shrimp
stir-fried vegetables noodles with peanuts, pineapple and basil — lemon peppered chicken — coconut curried beef — garlic-chilli shrimp
Range: 12.00 – 24.00
Bread and Butter Pudding with cinnamon ice cream and caramel-rum sauce
Chocolate Tart with coconut sauce
Banana Spring Rolls with coffee-caramel sauce
Fresh Fruit Salad with seasonal sorbet
A Selection of Home-made Ice Creams
We also have a vegetarian menu.
Monday to Saturday (low season) and Monday to Sunday (high season), 6:00 to 9:30 p.m. All
Limegrove Lifestyle Centre
St. James
(246) 571-7300
Chef Michael Hinds X West Restaurant takes the exquisite food and great vibe they have always been known for… up a notch.
Breathing new life into a dynamic space, Chef Michael Hinds is elevating the island flair with a hint of luxe that is the West Coast of Barbados. Fusing his gourmet daytime offering and the lively night-time experience of West Bar, the air-conditioned indoors or cool, covered outdoors of the restaurant are the perfect setting for a unique culinary experience.
Hinds EXECUTIVE CHEF / CO - OWNERBREAKFAST LUNCH AND DINNER : Monday to Saturday, 8:00 a.m. until…
DINING: Indoors – Outdoors
– Open-air (covered)
ATTIRE: Elegantly casual
Local Tomato — 32.00
Crimson Sweet watermelon, Genovese basil terrine
Duck Liver Pâté — 38.00 smashed heirloom tomato jam, brioche toast
Cajun Chicken Cobb Salad — 48.00 crispy bacon and crumbled Roquefort
Warm Seafood Salad — 60.00 asparagus, red onion and caper dressing
Grilled Market Vegetable Stone Bread* — 36.00 tomatoes, goat cheese, basil pesto
Chicken and Chorizo Stone Bread* — 38.00 Tuscan olives, prosciutto, mozzarella and rocket
Bajan Flying Fish Sandwich* — 40.00 rum-soaked raisin and cabbage slaw and fries
Grilled Reuben Sandwich — 42.00 on wholewheat with fries
* Available as wrap, baguette, wholewheat or gluten-free.
Mild West Indian-style Chicken Curry — 55.00 red lentil dhal, home-made mango chutney
Wok Noodles with Angus Beef and Tiger Prawns — 55.00 Oriental flavours
Grilled Pavé of Market Catch — 60.00 orzo and fire-roasted provençale vegetables
8-oz. Angus Beef Split Strip — 75.00 hand-cut fries, wilted greens and classic Béarnaise
-> Go to: Menu Barbados/ Chef Michael Hinds X West Scan the code to find the location, get directions, make a reservation, and more.
Local Reef Fish Soup — 42.00 coconut, lemongrass, ginger and glass noodles
Toban-seared Ahi Tuna Tataki — 48.00 ponzu and gari
Atlantic Salmon Tartare — 48.00 avocado and sweet potato
Pan-seared Sea Scallops crispy coppa, “chilled out” habanero, microgreens
— small 50.00 — large 70.00
Crusted Ruby Snapper Viennoise
Soave sabayon
— small 50.00 — large 70.00
Blue Swimmer Crab Cake
sriracha mayo, red oak
— small 58.00 — large 90.00
Breast of Chicken
truffle-infused ravioli, shoyu-teriyaki broth
— small 55.00 — large 70.00
Grilled Lamb Cutlets
black aubergine caponata, vine tomato confit
— small 60.00 — large 78.00
Medallions of Certified Angus Beef
au poivre, wilted greens
— small 65.00 — large 90.00
Roasted Red Onion and Plum Tomato Tart
rocket, aged balsamic
— small 35.00 — large 58.00
Market Vegetable Tempura
ponzu dressing
— small 45.00 — large 62.00
All prices are in Barbadian dollars and include government value added tax.
A 12.5% service charge and a 2.5% tourism product levy will be added to your bill. Prices and menu items are subject to change.
They say: ‘‘There ain’t no food with more flava’ and no rum sweeta’.” Put the two together and you get Cocktail Kitchen, the ultimate casual dining experience.
Let the night move you, as you sip on their freshly made cocktails, under the stars, on the celebrated CK rooftop. Here you will meet interesting people from all parts of the world – tourists and locals alike. It’s everything we love: people, food and of course, cocktails.
Monday to Sunday, 5:00 p.m. to 12:30 a.m.
HAPPY HOUR: Daily, 5:00 to 6:00 p.m.
DINING: Indoors – Outdoors
Open-air – Rooftop
ATTIRE: Relaxed casual
Range: 28.00 – 36.00
Seacat and Shrimp Ceviche seacat (octopus) and shrimp marinated in citrus juice, cilantro and red onion, served with breadfruit crisps
Roast Breadfruit and Lobster fire-roasted breadfruit with lobster and saltfish, tobiko and Bajan pepper sauce aïoli
Pulled Pork and Bakes braised pulled pork with Bajan bakes, coleslaw and crispy onion rings
Rocket and Watermelon Salad — 32.00 fresh rocket leaves with pieces of watermelon, feta cheese and radish, finished with a balsamic reduction
Range: 26.00 – 34.00
Calamari crispy fried squid rings with lemon-garlic aïoli
Breadfruit Nachos
crispy breadfruit crisps topped with avocado sour cream, tomato salsa, English Cheddar cheese, chilli flakes and chopped cilantro
Chilli and Lime Shrimp
crispy fried chilli shrimp, cilantro-lime aïoli
Beef Carpaccio Bread Sticks (raw) crispy bread sticks wrapped in thin slices of Angus beef, truffle oil and Parmesan aïoli
Range: 46.00 – 90.00
Shrimp and Gnocchi
potato dumplings and shrimp tossed in a creamy lobster bisque with cherry tomatoes
Fettuccine Alfredo
fettuccine pasta tossed in creamy cheese sauce with your choice of either chicken, fish or shrimp
-> Go to: Menu Barbados/ Cocktail Kitchen Scan the code to find the location, get directions, make a reservation, and more.
Coconut- and Ginger-crusted Catch pan-seared catch crusted with dehydrated coconut and ginger, served with ginger sweet potato purée and coconut-curry broth
Sausage and Bacon Penne penne pasta in cream sauce with bacon and local pork sausage, roasted pumpkin and Parmesan-sage crumble
Boneless Presidential Pork Chop
Bajan-marinated pork chop, served with brown butter potato purée, roasted Brussels sprouts and sautéed onions
10-oz. Prime Rib-eye
10-oz. rib-eye served with garlic and rosemary potato gratin, cilantro-chimichurri sauce and roasted veg
Range: 26.00 – 28.00
Chocolate Chip Cookie-crusted Cheesecake Brownie Bar cheesecake brownie bar topped with chocolate chip cookie dough, baked and served with vanilla ice cream
Coconut Bread Pudding coconut bread pudding with rum-vanilla crème anglaise, sorrel-poached pineapples, cilantro-coconut crumble
Spiced Banana Sticky Toffee Pudding spiced banana cake soaked in toffee and topped with ice cream and caramel popcorn
Range: 18.00 – 24.00
Forbidden Fruit
Aperol and gin with home-made red fruit-tea syrup and grapefruit soda for a fizzy delight, an ode to the tart and tangy grapefruit, a hybrid fruit known to have originated in Barbados
Julie and Pawi
this Old Brigand rum-based cocktail features a fruity blend of our home-made mango purée and red wine syrup, a tropical julep cocktail that makes for a sweet sundowner
Vegan menu available.
All prices are in Barbadian dollars and include government value added tax.
A 12% service charge and a 2.5% tourism product levy will be added to your bill. Prices and menu items are subject to change.
St. James
(246) 422-2372
Chef Hance Bannister and his team provide a high-quality dining experience at this attractive oceanfront restaurant. Guests dine in comfortable wicker chairs and enjoy imaginative dishes crafted with fresh fish and local produce. Hance keeps abreast of changes in the culinary world and as a result, Coral Reef Club, a member of Small Luxury Hotels of the World, welcomes many return guests who can’t get enough of the superior cuisine at this family-owned luxury hotel.
Monday to Sunday, 7:30 to 10:30 a.m.
Monday to Sunday, 1:00 to 2:30 p.m.
Monday to Sunday, 7:00 to 9:30 p.m. (Thursdays BBQ night, 7:30 p.m.)
DINING: Open-air (covered)
ATTIRE: Elegantly casual
Range: 36.00 – 50.00
Ceviche of Red Snapper avocado, red onions, lemon, chilli, toasted coconut, shiso sprouts
Lobster, Mac ’n’ Cheese Truffle Fritters mango and daikon slaw, watercress, sriracha-lemon aïoli
Goat Panna Cotta beetroot chutney, spicy lentil salsa, arugula, pine nut and thyme vinaigrette
Crispy Duck Croquettes red cabbage purée, carrot slaw, watercress, hoisin and ginger emulsion
Tortellini of Pork Shoulder
spinach, fennel, prosciutto tuile, Parmesan shavings, mushroom velouté
Range: 70.00 – 122.00
Pan-fried Barracuda
smashed purple potatoes, leek fondue, baby carrots, tomato and caper salsa
Blackened Fillet of Mahi-mahi breadfruit croquettes, grilled zucchini, christophene slaw, caper-butter sauce
Trio of Lamb
grilled chop, roasted loin and crispy croquette, green pea spring roll, ratatouille, confit of garlic, lamb jus
Sweet Potato and Parmesan Ravioli mushrooms, spinach and tomatoes, sage and hazelnut beurre noisette, Parmesan shavings
Filet Mignon
grilled to your preference, black truffle risotto, grilled asparagus, deep-fried poached egg, scorched tomatoes, Merlot reduction
-> Go to: Menu Barbados/ Coral Reef Club Scan the code to find the location, get directions, make a reservation, and more.
Range: 25.00 – 38.00
Bay Leaf Panna Cotta cassava crumble, ginger-infused mango, basil and mango gel
Bajan Molasses and Rum Cake roasted pineapples, nutmeg ice cream
Chocolate Spring Rolls
Earl Grey ice cream, walnut praline Lemon, Yoghurt and Syrup Cake berries, vanilla Chantilly
Apple Crumble Cheesecake salted caramel, Calvados ice cream
(246) 420-1518
www.craverestaurantbarbados.com craverestaurantbarbados@gmail.com instagram.com/craverestaurantbds
Crave Restaurant is a casual fine dining alfresco restaurant located in the entertainment strip of the St. Lawrence Gap, featuring live music most nights. Their Caribbean-infused meals include vegetarian, vegan and gluten-free options, prepared with fresh seasonal items by Chef Katrina Hinds and her team.
Whether you’re choosing from the dinner menu or enjoying a happy hour cocktail and small bite at the bar, Crave’s lively atmosphere guarantees a perfect dining experience with family, friends and business associates.
Monday to Sunday, 4:30 to 11:30 p.m.
DAILY HAPPY HOURS: 4:30 to 8:00 p.m. on select cocktails, rum mixes and beers
DINING: Open-air (covered)
ATTIRE: Relaxed casual
ENTERTAINMENT: Live music (most nights)
Chef’s Soup — 16.00
Vegetable Spring Rolls — 18.00 sweet chilli sauce
Chicken or Vegetable Samosas — 18.00 house chutney, mixed leaf salad
Caesar or Greek Salad
— with grilled chicken 23.00
— with grilled catch 28.00
— with shrimp 30.00
Shrimp Mac and Cheese — 25.00
Coconut Shrimp
— appetizer 30.00
— main 55.00
Classic 8-oz. Angus Burger — 34.00 barbecued onions, grilled tomato, pickles, cheese, straight or sweet potato fries
Bajan Fish and Chips — 45.00 garden salad, lemon tips
Fisherman’s Catch — 48.00 peas and rice, seasonal vegetables, Creole sauce
Herb-roasted Chicken Breast — 48.00 pimento mash, Creole cream sauce, seasonal vegetables
West Indian Curry
infused with coconut milk, jasmine rice, dhal roti and home-made chutney
— with chicken 48.00
— with shrimp 55.00
Asian Vegetable Stir-fry rice noodles tossed with soy- and ponzu-infused vegetables, toasted sesame seeds
— with chicken 48.00
— with shrimp 55.00
-> Go to: Menu Barbados/ Crave Scan the code to find the location, get directions, make a reservation, and more.
Penne Alfredo concassé of tomato, garlic crostini
— with chicken 48.00 — with shrimp 55.00
Blackened Snapper — 50.00 mash, vegetables
Braised Lamb Chop — 50.00 mash, vegetables, herb jus
Chilli-glazed Shrimp — 55.00 jasmine rice, seasonal vegetables
Hanger Steak — 58.00 8-oz. steak, mash, vegetables, peppercorn jus
Surf and Turf — 80.00 8-oz. strip loin steak, 3 shrimp, garlic mash, steamed vegetables
Garlic Bread — 8.00
Breadfruit Chips — 10.00
Truffle Fries — 12.00
Assorted Ice Cream — 18.00
Decadent Chocolate Cake — 20.00 cinnamon ice cream
Apple-pear Crumble — 20.00 caramel ice cream
Crème Brûlée — 22.00 biscotti
We also offer a vegetarian and vegan menu.
All prices are in Barbadian dollars and include government value added tax.
A 10% service charge and a 2.5% tourism product levy will be added to your bill.
Prices and menu items are subject to change.
The first beach bar at The Sandpiper was a makeshift countertop built with a used shop sign from a store across the street.
— By Kylee RossAll the cocktail mixes and ingredients were kept in cooler boxes on ice and the bar was staffed with a single bartender. Before this set-up, guests called the main hotel bar from a telephone mounted on a tree trunk near the beach to place their order. A staff member—like veteran Bartender Harold Shepherd—would then run the order to the beach.
Shepherd is the one who initially proposed a beach bar separate from the main bar located in the middle of the hotel. Since he worked the main bar and served cocktails on the beach day in and day out, he saw an untapped opportunity to offer convenient and friendly service. “The guests would prefer to have somebody stationed on the beach”, Shepherd remembers suggesting to management. His idea stuck.
The first beach bar didn’t have electricity or a roof for shelter from the elements. Despite this, hotel guests, tourists, and locals alike were immediately drawn to Shepherd’s one-man operation on the West Coast. And since the beach bar became a success, the team
at The Sandpiper readily implemented its next iteration: a more structured wooden hut with a coconut palm roof, and the addition of a cardboard sign made by loyal returning guests that read “Harold’s Place.”
The steady improvements continued with the help of Shepherd’s suggestions and his ability to tap into his guests’ needs. Shepherd advocated for lawn chairs and tables on the grass in front of the bar for extra seating. “We only had six tables. So, we had a full hotel of people rushing for the tables because they were first come, first served”, Shepherd remembers.
Eventually the bar completed its location with seating on a beautiful patio, began serving tasty bar bites and a lunch menu, and installed a mahogany bar sign (again contributed by a loyal returning guest who brought the sign from England) making the name “Harold’s Bar” official.
Now almost 30 years since Shepherd single-handedly operated the beach bar, “Harold’s ” is introducing another change based on valued guests’ requests: the opportunity to dine al fresco morning, noon, or evening. “We don't rest on our laurels.
We keep improving all the time”, Shepherd says. “We keep improving in terms of standards and quality.”
Now, Harold’s serves an all-day menu designed by Executive Chef Andrew Jean— with extended dining hours to enjoy the early evening view of the white sand beach and delicious menu options. The à la carte menu is also offered at Harold’s during dinner service. “Everybody wants to eat outside because look at the conditions now”, Shepherd says as he gestures to the sun setting over the horizon. “You want to eat outside.”
Once the sun finally sets, a warm glow from the bar adds to the ethereal charm of dining by candlelight in the open-air. Since Harold’s is closer to the shoreline than the dining hall, you’re lulled by the soft drone of whistling frogs and gentle washes of ocean waves. Start with a signature cocktail designed by Shepherd himself (a Gentle Bent named after a long-standing guest, a Harold’s Smile, a High Tide, or any other cocktail on the speciality list). The atmosphere is inviting and relaxed—those dining mingle with friendly staff or fellow diners and sit
comfortably in casual attire. Chances are you’ll finish your meal having made at least one kind acquaintance.
Whether you opt for a dish from the allday menu or the à la carte menu, you’ll enjoy the crisp taste of fresh ingredients (including herbs and vegetables from the garden behind the kitchen) and flavours inspired by Caribbean-European fusion. “Right now we are definitely into food that is closer to home. Farm to table. Fork to sea. All the usual slogans that are used”, Jean says while describing the menu’s style of food. “It’s got to be as close to the Caribbean as possible.”
On the all-day menu you’ll find gems like the Bajan-style fish cakes and the spicy flying fish wrap with cucumber slaw and curried mayo. Or, if you’re in the mood for an expertly plated dish from the à la carte menu, you’ll find the fisherman’s jewel (or catch) of the day crab-crusted, tomato relish, crumble feta, and watermelon tian and an array of choices from the grill: Scottish salmon, Caribbean shrimp, pork chop, “ Creekstone Farm ” beef rib-eye, beef tenderloin.
What’s next for Harold’s? “The sky's the limit”, Shepherd says. He imagines expanding again—possibly seeing more tile patio built to the edge of the deck for more seating even closer to the ocean. But a few things will never change: personable bartenders and an unforgettable dining experience (complete with a cocktail). “We want to be the best for sure, and that's on the entire island. That's my aim”, Jean says.
“I think we've got the talent to do it.”
St. Joseph
(246) 433-9450
Tucked away on the hills overlooking the dramatic seascape of the East Coast is ECO Lifestyle & Lodge. Their primarily plant-based menu uses fresh ingredients including organic fruits, vegetables and dairy as well as cage-free eggs from neighbouring farms, fresh seafood caught in local waters and nourishing greens grown on the island. ECO is proud to support local businesses and individual growers. Working together with fishermen and farmers, they’re creating a true farm, gully and sea-to-table restaurant experience.
Wednesday to Saturday, 8:00 to 10:30 a.m.
LUNCH: Fridays, 12:00 noon to 3:00 p.m.
Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, 6:00 to 8:00 p.m., and Saturdays, 3:00 to 7:00 p.m.
SUNDAY BRUNCH: 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
DINING: Open-air (covered)
ATTIRE: Casual
ENTERTAINMENT: Live music (weekly)
Omelette du Jour — 36.00 three PEG eggs your way, seasonal fillings and a fresh side salad
ECO Harvest Salad — 40.00 mixed yam house leaves, seasonal vegetables and fruit toppings of the day, and our ECO super dressing
Raw Vegan Beetroot “Rawvioli” — 42.00 with herbed cashew ricotta, green goddess and rawmesan
Plantain Foster Brioche French Toast — 44.00 rum-glazed plantains, spiced cocoa-candied walnuts, crème Chantilly, Old Brigand caramel, warm maple syrup
Fresh ECO Ricotta Plate — 45.00 with charred crostini, tomato jam, pickled veggies and hot honey
Plant-based Moqueca — 46.00 Brazilian-style vegetable stew with plantains, peppers, red onions, tomatoes, coconut milk, turmeric and farofa
Plant-based Calamari — 48.00 with green goddess tartar, nori and lemon
Crispy or Grilled Fresh Catch Tacos — 55.00 cassava tortilla, chilli-lime slaw, ECO pico and shado beni yogurt
Crispy Fresh Catch Sliders — 58.00 tartar and dill-pickled cucumber
ECO Green Falafel Mezza — 59.00 herby green falafel, spiced plant-based labneh, pickled radish, black sesame, cucumber salad and grilled flatbread
The Lobster Eggs Benedict — 88.00 fresh Caribbean spiny lobster, atop our ECO bread with rocket, red onions and tomatoes, topped with two PEG eggs and an herbed hollandaise sauce
-> Go to: Menu Barbados/ Eco Scan the code to find the location, get directions, make a reservation, and more.
Eggs Your Way — 16.00 three PEG eggs prepared poached, scrambled or sunny side up
Gd Ole Time Pancakes — 25.00 spiced butter and warm maple
Plant-based Coconut Yoghurt Bowl — 29.00
Seasonal Topped Toast — 30.00 fresh hyper-seasonal toppings on our in-house baked bread
ECO Green Smoothie Bowl — 31.00 seasonal greens, seasonal fruits, nut mylk, chia seeds, granola
ECO breakfast Roti — 38.00 dhal puri skin with PEG scrambled eggs, sweet potato, ECO pico, plant-based sour cream and Cheddar
Breakfast Arepas — 40.00 Cheddar, tomatoes, rocket, sauce of the day and PEG eggs
Eggs in de Gully — 42.00 PEG eggs poached in a skillet with roasted tomato sauce, served with seasonal greens and charred fresh crostini
Tempura Sea Purslane — 16.00 with a plant-based old bay aïoli
Breadfruit Crisps — 17.00 with garlic aïoli
Fresh ECO bread — 18.00 always a fresh selection baked in-house
Smashed Okra Crisps — 25.00 with smoky remoulade sauce Vegan.
All prices are in Barbadian dollars. A 7.5% government value added tax and a 2.5% tourism product levy will be added to your bill. A 10% service charge will be added to your bill. Prices and menu items are subject to change.
Built on the top floor of the vibrant Limegrove Lifestyle Centre, the visually stunning Fusion Rooftop features a spacious seventy-two-seat ‘alfresco’ restaurant, a contemporary lounge and a dramatically-designed full-service bar. The interior, created by one of North America’s leading interior designers, combines Feng Shui tradition and sleek, contemporary style, reflected in the four natural elements. Sweeping floor-to-ceiling views of the West Coast of Barbados create a stunning visual backdrop, while the stateof-the-art retractable roof lets the night sky create an unforgettable atmosphere. Fusion Rooftop can also accommodate weddings, private and corporate functions. Its comfortable multi-use areas – hosting up to two hundred and fifty guests – make it the perfect venue for parties or social gatherings.
Monday to Thursday, 5:30 to 10:30 p.m. (and Sundays in high season), and Fridays and Saturdays, until 1:00 a.m.
-> Go to: Menu Barbados/ Fusion
DINING: Open-air (covered) – Rooftop
ATTIRE: Elegantly casual
Calamari Salt and Pepper — 42.00 deep-fried, wok-tossed, chives and peppers
Chicken Manchurian — 42.00 wok-tossed ginger, garlic, coriander and peppers
Home-made Gyoza — 42.00 pork, scallions, ponzu sauce
Warm Goat Cheese and Roasted Garlic Salad — 42.00 organic leaves, crumbed cassava goat cheese, roasted garlic, pickled carrots, beet-jamunblueberry vinaigrette
Duck Liver Pâté — 44.00 served with mango and sorrel gels, focaccia crostini
Grilled Piri-piri ShrimpGF — 44.00 served with avocado mousse, spicy pickled radishes and oven-roasted cherry tomatoes
Thai Red Curry market-fresh vegetables simmered in homemade red curry and coconut milk, served with basmati and wild rice
— vegetables 69.00 — fish 74.00
— chicken 75.00 — shrimp 77.00
Fresh Fish of the Day GF — 77.00 marinated with yoghurt and toasted spices, served with sweet potato-corn purée tempura and tarragon salsa
Panko Chicken Supreme — 79.00 breaded with panko, filled with button mushrooms and Cheddar cheese, served with butter-roasted market vegetables
Smoked Shrimp Tagliatelle — 84.00 handmade pasta and asparagus tossed in white wine cream, drizzled with sun-dried tomato pesto
Seared Yellowfin TunaGF — 85.00 white miso marinade with rice vermicelli, hondashi broth and sesame-tossed green vegetables
Scan the code to find the location, get directions, make a reservation, and more.
Tamarind and Black Curry
Pork TenderloinGF — 92.00 sous-vide in tamarind and black curry, served with carrot and red lentil mash
6-hour Braised Local Lamb Shank — 99.00 with saffron-dusted Israeli couscous, herbs, toasted almonds and sultanas, jus au naturel
8-oz. Black Angus Steak — 125.00 served with Hasselback potatoes, blue cheese sauce and steamed market vegetables
Saffron Caribbean Lobster — Market price crispy lobster tail, saffron-cream sauce, garlic-tossed mushrooms, snake beans and asparagus
California Roll (10 pieces) — 49.00 crab, avocado, shiitake mayo, tempura crunch and tobiko
Eclipse Tempura Roll (10 pieces) — 74.00 eel, crab, avocado, cream cheese, panko-crusted, topped with tempura flakes and eel sauce
Platinum Roll (10 pieces) — 74.00 salmon, asparagus, hijiki salad, avocado, topped with seared white fish
Rainbow Roll (10 pieces) — 74.00 crab, avocado, shiitake mayo, topped with white fish, tuna, salmon and avocado
Rock ’n’ Roll (10 pieces) — 76.00 tempura shrimp, crab, avocado, shiitake mayo and tobiko
Nigiri Sushi (2 pieces each)
— white fish 27.00 — maguro (tuna) 29.00
— sake (salmon) 32.00
Sashimi (5 pieces each)
— white fish 47.00 — tuna 54.00
— salmon 56.00
Treasure Chest (16 pieces) — 98.00
4 spicy salmon, 4 california, 4 spicy tuna, 2 nigiri tuna, 2 nigiri salmon
GF Gluten-free. Vegetarian. Spicy.
Fitts Village
St. James
(246) 417-0057
Dubbed “the best Italian food in Barbados” by the late opera great Luciano Pavarotti, Il Tempio is located beachfront on Barbados’ magnificent West Coast.
Il Tempio was featured in Condé Nast Traveler as “one of the coolest beachfront restaurants in the Caribbean” and in the New York Times’ Frommer’s review as “a restaurant where the chef’s light touch is ideal for tropical dining, an Italian experience not to be missed!”. Enjoy a casual lunch or a magical candlelit evening where Anna, Leo and Alessandro welcome you, while the Italian chef delights your senses with tantalising dishes.
LUNCH, DINNER AND TAKEAWAY: 12:00 noon to 9:00 p.m., closed Mondays
HAPPY HOURS: Daily, 4:00 to 6:00 p.m., and Fridays and Sundays, 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. with complimentary finger food
DINING: Open-air
ATTIRE: Elegantly casual
Range: 24.00 – 59.00
Millefoglie di Mozzarella
fresh ‘dolce latte’ mozzarella with tomato, sweet basil and fine olive oil
Tartara di Barracuda
Marinato all’Arancia
tartare of orange-marinated barracuda served with fresh mint
Antipasto all’ Italiana great selection of Italian Parma ham, salami, cheeses and home-made pickled vegetables
Carpaccio di Manzo all’Aceto Balsamico
thinly sliced raw beef filet, Parmesan and aged balsamic vinegar
Range: 52.00 – 65.00
Agnolotti con Pere e Gorgonzola
home-made pasta stuffed with pear and Gorgonzola cheese in a cream-walnut sauce
Ravioli agli Asparagi in Salsa Caprese
home-made pasta stuffed with ricotta cheese and asparagus in a light tomato sauce with sweet basil
Capunti allo Scoglio
home-made pasta with shrimp, mussels and clams in a cherry-tomato-garlic sauce
Linguine all’Aragosta with fresh local lobster in a garlic and brandy sauce
-> Go to: Menu Barbados/ Il Tempio Scan the code to find the location, get directions, make a reservation, and more.
Range: 62.00 – 94.00
Salsiccia alla Veneziana con Risotto ai Funghi
home-made mild spicy Italian sausages in an onion and red wine sauce, served with a mushroom risotto
Costolette di Manzo al Vino Rosso
12-hour braised beef short ribs in a red wine and tomato sauce, served with sautéed vegetables and mashed potatoes
Cacciucco alla Livornese seafood soup with calamari, shrimp, mussels, clams and fish, served in a tomato sauce with garlic croutons
Range: 38.00 – 59.00
— margherita
— vegetariana
— romana
— funghi e salame
— and many more…
Range: 20.00 – 32.00
Il Classico Tiramisù classic home-made tiramisù
Gelato Affogato al Rum e Caffe
home-made ice cream served with rum or hot coffee
Soufflé al Cioccolato
chocolate soufflé served hot
Batts Rock Beach | St. James
La Cabane South
Hilton Barbados Resort
Needham’s Point | St. Michael (246) 256-2131
With privileged access to the turquoise Caribbean Sea, La Cabane welcomes guests to the ultimate island life experience.
A slice of paradise offering authentic, sustainable, tasty local food and original cocktails, La Cabane is a place where guests can relax throughout the day, from sunny lunches to dinner and cocktails under the stars. It is a unique spot where great memories are created and new friendships are made. Whether you’re in Barbados for fun with family and friends or for the thrill of escapism, La Cabane is your place!
Monday to Sunday, 12:30 to 9:00 p.m.
Monday to Sunday, 12:30 p.m. until…
DINING: Open-air (on the beach)
ATTIRE: Casual ENTERTAINMENT: Live music and DJ
Local Chips — 18.00 and home-made hummus
Eggplant and Tomato Dip — 20.00 with local crisp
La Cabane Ceviche — 35.00 cucumber, red onions, herbs, tomatoes, grilled focaccia
Tomates Farcies — 35.00 stuffed with minced beef, fresh herbs
Charred Octopus — 40.00 gingered sweet potato purée, lemon chimichurri, sweet pickled fennel
La Cabane Pork Sausage (merguez) — 40.00 Dijon mustard and bread
Penny Field Mushroom Risotto — 40.00 local confit mushrooms, ParmigianoReggiano and arugula
Garden Salad — 28.00
seasonal fruit, tomatoes, cucumber, radishes and a balsamic vinaigrette
Papa Jules Mixed Salad — 28.00
cherry tomatoes, apple, olives, blue cheese, mixed leaves and avocado
Beetroot and Pecan — 30.00 goat cheese, tomatoes and a tri-citrus vinaigrette
Mahogany Smoked Fresh
Snapper Salad — 35.00
sweet potato, roasted corn and garbanzos (chickpeas), fresh herbs
Mediterranean Grain Salad — 40.00
crumbled feta, red onions, cucumber and olives
-> Go to: Menu Barbados/ La Cabane Scan the code to find the location, get directions, make a reservation, and more.
Daily Brick Oven Pizza — 45.00
Mediterranean or margherita
Oistins Chargrilled Zesty
Fresh Catch — 55.00
Flint Hall Farms Free-range Aromatic Half-chicken — 60.00
Tender Grilled Hanger Steak — 80.00 peppercorn sauce, mushroom duxelles
Oink and Moo 6-hour Smoked
Pork Ribs — 80.00
12-oz. Chargrilled Rib-eye — 95.00 roasted garlic with a horseradish sauce
White Chocolate and Cranberry
Bread Pudding — 20.00 coconut sauce
Rum and Raisin Bread and Butter
Pudding — 20.00
Spiced Apple Galette — 25.00 with crème anglaise
Burnt Cheesecake — 30.00 mum’s recipe
Lime in the Coconut – Detox — 20.00 lime, coconut water, mango purée
La Cabane Club – Retox / Beach — 25.00
The Botanist gin, lemon juice, sorrel
Bajan Garden Punch
– Retox / Classic — 25.00
Mount Gay Eclipse, ginger ale, elderflower, cucumber
Coco Loco – Retox / Classic — 30.00
Mount Gay XO served in a coconut
All prices are in Barbadian dollars and include government value added tax.
A 10% service charge will be added to your bill. Prices and menu items are subject to change.
Their big Caribbean spiny lobster is caught by scuba divers in the nearby Grenadine Islands and flown in “alive” by Art Taylor in his private plane to their large wholesale distribution tank.
Newly-renovated Lobster Alive is centrally located at the International Yacht Anchorage in historic Carlisle Bay, the best beach in Barbados. The big walk-in tank provides stimulating entertainment for kids and adults alike. Beach lounge and umbrella rentals are available. There are jet ski and water sports operators out front along with good parking and wheelchair access. Speedboat pickup from the West Coast can be arranged. Beachy by day, peachy by night.
Monday to Saturday, 12:00 noon to 9:00 p.m., and Sundays, 12:00 noon to 4:00 p.m.
SUNDAY LIVE JAZZ LUNCH: 12:00 noon to 4:00 p.m.
DINING: Indoors – Outdoors – On the beach
ATTIRE: Casual (near-dry swimsuits and barefoot optional for lunch)
ENTERTAINMENT: Live jazz piano quartet (seven nights a week in season)
Smoked Kingfish Pâté — 30.00 with home-made French bread
Lobster Spring Rolls (2 pieces) — 42.00 deep-fried, accompanied by a sweet chilli dipping sauce
Conch Samosas (6 pieces) — 42.00 deep fried, accompanied by a sweet chilli dipping sauce
Crab Backs (2 pieces) — 54.00 grilled with a Parmesan crust
Conch Chowder — 38.00
subtle, sweet, lightly seasoned, a traditional St. Vincent recipe with callaloo
Lobster Bisque — 46.00 reduced lobster stock, vegetable purée, herbs and spices, Old Brigand rum, wine, cream, lobster pieces, served with a fresh-baked baguette
Caprese Salad — 38.00
Greek Salad
— regular 46.00
— with local cold-smoked marlin 56.00
Caprese Pasta — 52.00
penne with cherry tomatoes, asparagus, red and yellow peppers, fresh mozzarella and arugula, dressed with a basil-oil vinaigrette
Catch of the Day — 68.00 served with a mixed salad, and choice of herbed rice or spicy chips
Steak — 110.00
9-oz. U.S. rib-eye, served with a mixed salad, and choice of herbed rice or spicy chips
-> Go to: Menu Barbados/ Lobster Alive Scan the code to find the location, get directions, make a reservation, and more.
Lobster Crêpe — 72.00 meaty lobster pieces in a tomato-cream sauce wrapped in a light savoury crêpe
Lobster Pasta — 82.00 served with your choice of either Mediterranean, thermidor or tomatocream sauce
Fresh Lobster parboiled in seawater, finished on the grill with garlic butter, served with a mixed salad, and choice of herbed rice or spicy chips
— medium (680 g / 1.5 lbs.) 150.00
— large (907 g / 2 lbs.) 180.00
Lobster Thermidor
an all-time classic cooked in a creamy sauce with mustard, Parmesan and wine
— medium 175.00
— large 205.00
Grand Lobster Platters (for three or four persons) a fun way to have a massive lobster, fresh from the tank and grilled, presented on a central platter, served with a mixed salad, and choice of herbed rice or spicy chips
— 4 lbs. 360.00 — 5 lbs. 430.00 — 6 lbs. 500.00 — 7 lbs. 570.00
* Spiny lobsters are large and well-meated, a half-lobster is often your serving!
Home-made Ice Creams
Great Desserts
Coffees and Liqueurs
Kids’ and vegetarian meals available on request. We offer reduced prices for lunch which features solo jazz pan and vocals.
We feature a new smoker’s lounge and an open deck next to the band.
Queen Street
St. Peter
(246) 421-3276
Local & Co. is a true farm-to-table restaurant open for breakfast, lunch and dinner, housed in an early 1800's building, on one of Barbados' most beautiful West Coast beaches.
Chef Sophie Michell and her brilliant team dish up exquisite meals with ingredients sourced from local farmers, producers and foragers. While the deck restaurant is known for its elevated cuisine, craft cocktails, rums and wines, the beach grill welcomes guests with lounge-style dining, an open grill and smoker. It is a perfect spot to book a sun lounger and cooler full of your favourite drinks for all-day sunbathing. And while you’re there, do visit the marketplace for locally made artisan crafts and unique gifts!
Monday to Sunday, 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 midnight
DINING: Indoors – Outdoors – Open-air (covered)
ATTIRE: Elegantly casual / Beachwear
Local & Co. Fish Cakes — 48.00 cured and salted sustainable fish, pickled cucumber, Creole mayo
Black Belly Sheep Flatbread — 55.00 mint and cucumber salad, jamun molasses, Hatchman’s dairy yoghurt
Kingfish CrudoGF — 58.00 cured jerk spices, organic mango-lime salsa, jalapeños
Skillet Free-range ChickenGF — 68.00 organic greens, confit garlic, rosemary jus
Cassava Pasta Lasagne — 70.00 butternut squash, oyster and chestnut mushrooms, cashew crema, broad leaf thyme
Breadfruit Gnocchi GF — 70.00
black belly sheep ragù, basil oil, organic cherry tomatoes
Rum-glazed Pork Belly GF — 75.00 sweet potato gratin, golden apple purée, celery leaf salad
Catch of the Day GF — 75.00 organic kale, carrot purée, Bajan salsa verde
Shrimp Coconut Curry GF — 80.00 lemongrass, turmeric, Guyanese brown rice, pickled chillies
Local & Co. Beef Pepper PotGF — 85.00 whipped yam, house pickles
Grilled Mahi-mahiGF — 90.00
lobster, breadfruit cou-cou, sea purslane, lobster butter
Free-range Cassava-fried ChickenGF — 45.00 smoked tomato ketchup, chadon beni aïoli
Local & Co. Smoked Ham
Mini Cutters — 45.00 house hot sauce
-> Go to: Menu Barbados/ Local & Co. Scan the code to find the location, get directions, make a reservation, and more.
Grilled Caribbean Chopped GF — 45.00 cucumber, tomatoes, radish, red onion, pineapple, Scotch bonnet, mint, thyme
Local & Co. Superfood GF — 50.00 kale, beets, tomatoes, sprouted lentils, turmeric and ginger dressing, foraged moringa superfood sprinkle
Spicy Tuna Tartare Breadfruit TacosGF — 58.00 raw tuna, slaw, pickled red onions
Smoked Black Belly Sheep Sliders — 58.00 tamarind ketchup, slaw
Sustainable Flying Fish TacoGF — 60.00 tempura-fried, spicy mayo, Hatchman’s buttermilk slaw
Local & Co Smashed Burger — 65.00 aged beef patty, Cheddar, onion rings, bacon jam, bread and butter pickles, mustard mayo
Smoked Pork Ribs — 65.00 house BBQ sauce and pickles
Grilled Lobster Tail — Market price sea purslane butter
Rum and Sea Salt Caramel Tart — 25.00 banana ice cream
Watermelon, Mint and Coconut Panna Cotta — 25.00 coconut sponge
Grenada Dark Chocolate Pot — 25.00 coffee crème pâtissière
Walkers Honey and Rum Baba — 25.00 honey cream
GF Gluten-free. Vegan.
All prices are in Barbadian dollars and include government value added tax.
A 12.5% service charge and a 2.5% tourism product levy will be added to your bill. Prices and menu items are subject to change.
I am a beach person. Whether it’s the shoreline of the frigid waters in Atlantic Canada, where I live, or a white sandy beach in the Caribbean, I will always choose to go to the beach over any other plans or travel excursions.
— By Kylee RossIdon’t need very much to be content at the beach. I need a towel exclusively used to dry off, something to sit on, a book, a bottle of water, a packed lunch, and sunscreen. With that, I’m set for a full day of lounging and dipping in and out of the ocean as I please.
So naturally (and largely because of my inquisitive personality), I decided to ask as many people as possible during my week in Barbados, “What is your favourite beach?” That’s how I like to find out about hidden gems: I ask. This time, however, I was a bit naive in thinking that one beach would rise to the top in the results of my casual survey. Instead, the answers came in a wide range.
Some of the people I spoke with had worked in beach bars and restaurants for most of their careers and weren’t interested in going to the beach in their own time. Others swore off certain shorelines and highly recommended the opposite coast instead. Seclusion was important to some, being able to order a craft cocktail was crucial to others. The only common theme was that everyone had a list of criteria that needed to be met before calling any old beach their favourite on the island.
I soon realised my search for the best beach in Barbados was futile. And even though I didn’t get to see every beach around the island, there’s no doubt in my mind that all of them have something unique to offer— it all depends on your list of beach criteria.
Located near the middle point of Carlisle Bay, Pebbles Beach is one of the well-known beaches with public facilities in Bridgetown. The big three beaches in the bay are just a short drive from the city centre: Brownes Beach, Bayshore Beach, and Pebbles Beach. Executive Chef Andrew Jean at The Sandpiper recommends Brownes Beach—but he is admittedly biased. He grew up in Bridgetown and has fond memories of learning to swim there. “That beach, for sure, is just beautiful”, Jean says. “The long stretch is almost three miles, which is excellent.” Like most beaches on the West Coast, the bay boasts white sand and clear, shallow water. It does, however, tend to have the busy bustle of other beachgoers since it’s so close to the island’s capital city and cruise port.
Most of the beaches I visited were on the West Coast purely because I’m more drawn to a relaxing beach experience than an actionpacked day. The East Coast, where you can find Crane Beach, has stronger winds and rumbling Atlantic Ocean waves. (I’m sure that caught your attention if you’re into surfing.) Granted, the East Coast has stunning views. Sandy beaches and white caps contrast rugged cliffs and rocky vegetation. Harold Shepherd of Harold's located at The Sandpiper includes Crane Beach as a must-see beach. Shepherd recommends skipping the long flight of winding stairs from the top of the cliff to the shoreline and opting for the elevator at The Crane instead.
One morning while walking up the shoreline on the West Coast to Heron Bay, I stopped a few times to chat with people working on the beach. Naturally, I had to ask about the beaches in Barbados. Shark Hole was one of the most intriguing suggestions that came out of my stroll. A narrow cove sits in the dug out of coral cliffs—and if you didn’t know any better, it would seem that the cove was man-made, and the sand was purposely deposited on the
beach. Locals told me that Shark Hole is less well-known to tourists but is a busy swimming spot nonetheless (especially on weekends). However, the sound of the waves hitting the cliffs alone is well worth being on a slightly more crowded beach. Remember to watch out for the tide and be mindful of the strong current just beyond the edge of the cliffs.
Executive Chef Donovan Lopez has a view of the ocean from the kitchen at Lone Star. As he works through a lunch or dinner rush, he’ll look out at the water. “Sometimes the kitchen is not an easy place to be”, Lopez says. “So seeing a fish just dancing in the water or guys out on a boat, just having fun on a party boat, relaxes you.” When Lopez disconnects from work, he’ll sometimes make his way up the West Coast to Port St. Charles—Heywoods Beach. With the same West Coast charm of soft sand and clear blue water, you get the added bonus of the luxurious atmosphere of an exclusive marina community in the background.
Drive along the coast between Holetown and Speightstown and stop just about anywhere along the shore. You can even choose a spot to set
up for a beach day since it’s so close to the wideopen ocean. There’s just a sliver of white sand to sit on in the afternoon but it’s still enough to lay a beach towel down comfortably. This met my personal beach criteria to a T. Most of the bay is secluded and not marked off as a beach area at all, but if you walk in either direction from your set up—north or south—you’ll find local beach bars tucked behind slanted palm trees and the odd fine dining or seafood restaurant with lounge chairs for patrons.
Almost everyone I met was adamant about mentioning that there are no private beaches in Barbados—all beaches are public. With that in mind, I’d say the best way to find a beach that suits your swimming, sunbathing, or water sports needs, is to choose a bay you might like to visit and explore (with no set destination in mind) until you uncover your own hidden gem.
Located right on the beach of the famed Platinum Coast, Lone Star is renowned for its idyllic family-friendly setting, celebrity clientele and busy yet laid-back atmosphere.
Fresh local produce is at the heart of a menu that marries European flavours and Caribbean influences, along with Lone Star’s much loved classics. Visit them for an exquisite breakfast served right on the beach, and try their Sunday lunch: always a must… some things never change! In the evenings, enjoy a rum sour at sunset or an after-dinner glass of champagne in their spectacular cocktail lounge.
Monday to Sunday, 8:30 to 10:00 a.m.
Monday to Sunday, 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Monday to Sunday, 5:30 p.m. til closing
DINING: Open-air (covered)
ATTIRE: Elegantly casual
Range: 42.00 – 67.00
Coconut-crusted Jumbo Shrimp mango and lime chilli sauce, petite salade
Pan-roasted Scallops soft herb risotto, asparagus, lemon, citrus dressing
Sesame-crusted Rare Tuna mango and papaya slaw, wakame seaweed, wasabi mayonnaise, radish, ponzu dressing
Range: 85.00 – 98.00
Shepherd’s Pie (1985) slow-cooked mince lamb with peas and carrots, creamy mashed potatoes, rich lamb gravy
Lone Star Chicken Tikka Masala Curry basmati rice, poppadums, mango chutney and raita
Shredded Crispy Duck pancakes, cucumber, local spring onions, hoisin sauce
Range: 94.00 – 110.00
Pan-roasted Scottish Salmon and Spiced Shrimp warm new potatoes, kale, broccoli purée, horseradish and dill beurre blanc
Blackened Fresh Market Fish parsley new potatoes, wilted local greens, lime broth, aïoli
Mirin- and Soy-glazed Local Barracuda sautéed potatoes, chargrilled vegetables, sesame-ginger sauce
Thai-spiced Seafood Stew jumbo shrimp, scallops, calamari, salmon, mussels, local fish, roasted peanuts, fresh herbs, basmati and wild rice, green curry sauce
-> Go to: Menu Barbados/ Lone Star Scan the code to find the location, get directions, make a reservation, and more.
Range: 105.00 – 135.00
10-oz. Black Angus Rib-eye asparagus, charred tomato, crispy onions, thick-cut chips, peppercorn sauce
Slow-cooked Lamb Shank pomme mousseline, pot roast vegetables, gremolata, lamb and mint sauce
Jerk Pork sweet potato mash, braised cabbage and kale, apple and juniper berry sauce
Range: 82.00 – 95.00
Prawn and Chilli Pasta Perciatelli vine-ripened cherry tomatoes, basil, garlic, parsley, white wine, choice of butter emulsion or sauce pomodoro
Thai-spiced Vegetable Green Curry choice of Vegetables, chicken or shrimp, hearts of palm, eggplant, fresh herbs, crushed peanuts and jasmine rice
Zucchini and Aubergine Cannelloni garlicky tomato sauce, pan-roasted tofu, herb crumb
Range: 42.00 – 50.00
Chocolate Pecan Pie bourbon balls, orange mascarpone
Sticky Date Pudding butterscotch and Calvados sauce, vanilla ice cream
Fresh Mixed Berry Pavlova vanilla bean custard, citrus-lemongrass sauce
cinnamon sugar, banana crème pâtissière, rum caramel
(246) 432-2112 / 432-8287 / 832-4671
Nishi is an award-winning restaurant run by hosts
Steve Prebble and Cherrianne Perucci.
Their menu reflects their passion for great food, great wine and all good things in life.
Executive Chef Peter Lister and Head Sushi Chef Sandy Hardono have crafted a menu that includes classic dishes and rotating seasonal specials which reflect their experience, skill, and talent. Sample Head Bartender Keith’s speciality cocktails in a stylish and relaxed atmosphere, for a memorable experience.
Monday to Sunday, 6:00 to 10:00 p.m.
DINING: Indoors (air-conditioned) –Open-air (covered)
ATTIRE: Elegantly casual
ENTERTAINMENT: Live music (Fridays and select Saturdays, high season)
Udon Noodle Soup — 30.00 (veg option available) thick noodles, mushrooms, shrimp, green onion, savoury broth
Local Fish CevicheGF — 40.00 fresh local fish, tiger’s milk, peppers, tapioca cracker, coconut foam
Dim Sum — 45.00 (veg option available) shrimp, salmon, chicken, vegetable, soy vinegar
Tempura Shrimp — 45.00 (tempura veg available) nobashi shrimp, tempura sauce, seaweed salad
Nishi Burger — 65.00 (veg burger also available) 8-oz. Angus beef burger, kimchee pickle, American cheese, spiced mayo, sesame brioche bun, fries, salad
Stir-fried Vegetables with Rice Noodles — 65.00 crispy tofu, rice noodles, cashews, vegetables, stir-fry sauce
Roasted Miso and Maple
Half-chickenGF — 75.00
local half-chicken, citrus pepper sauce, local salad, potato confit
Thai Chicken or Veg Green Curry GF — 75.00 peppers, onions, ginger, coriander, basmati rice, carrots
Pan-roasted Catch of the Day GF — 85.00
local market fish, saffron and yuzu risotto, butternut squash espuma, grilled zucchini, roasted tomatoes, asparagus
24-hour Beef Ribs — 90.00
roasted beef ribs, potato confit, asparagus, herb emulsion, red wine jus
California — 55.00
premium crab sticks, cucumber, avocado, tobiko
-> Go to: Menu Barbados/ Nishi Scan the code to find the location, get directions, make a reservation, and more.
Futomaki — 55.00
vegan cream cheese, cucumber, asparagus, avocado
Crouching Tiger — 70.00
soft-shell crab tempura, premium crab sticks, asparagus, avocado, eel sauce
Dragon — 80.00
deep-fried, smoked eel, avocado, cream cheese, topped with tempura flakes, eel sauce
Godzilla — 80.00 deep-fried, spicy tuna, in panko, asparagus, tobiko, crab sticks, spicy mayo, eel sauce
Rock and Roll — 80.00
shrimp tempura, tobiko, avocado, asparagus, eel, smoked salmon, chilli miso, soya wrap
Deluxe SashimiGF — 105.00
12 pieces of chef’s selected fish
Deluxe NigiriGF — 115.00
12 pieces of chef’s selected fish
Lobster Maki — 120.00
lobster salad, tempura flakes, avocado, mango sauce, soya wrap, topping with 5-oz. tempura lobster tail, tobiko
* All rolls are available with your choice of seaweed or soya wrap.
White Chocolate and Passion Fruit
Cheesecake — 35.00 mixed berry compote
Sticky Toffee Pudding — 35.00 butterscotch sauce, vanilla ice cream
Coconut and Mango Panna Cotta GF — 35.00 caramelised pineapple, toasted coconut
Warm Apple Crumble — 35.00 vanilla ice cream
Please advise your server of any allergies. GF Gluten-free. Vegan. Spicy.
All prices are in Barbadian dollars and include government value added tax.
A 12.5% service charge and a 2.5% tourism product levy will be added to your bill. Prices and menu items are subject to change.
On opening day at The Cliff, he attended an early morning staff meeting to run through “how things are going to work, who's going to be in what place, and where the managers are going to be”, Worswick says. Next on Worswick’s agenda was a meeting with the chefs for a run-through of the menu. “Has it been checked? Has it been finalised? Do we have all of the dietary requirements? Do we have enough plates?” All of this was followed by a “walkaround”—essentially a look at all the table settings done every hour even during service. After the walkaround, Worswick took a final look at the reservations and table plans (he is responsible for the menu and the front of house as culinary director, after all). And finally, Worswick attended another full staff briefing as the first reservation quickly approached.
While the first round of champagne and canapés were served at the bar and lounge, each team member was queued up in position to make the evening’s service run like clockwork. “Everyone deserves their spot to be a part of opening The Cliff”, Worswick says. “This is an iconic moment for everybody, certainly for me.”
He notes the significance of the moment because The Cliff has had a longstanding reputation as a world-renowned restaurant in the Caribbean for over 25 years. And now Worswick is a part of the new legacy which includes an updated menu, an outdoor sushi bar, an entirely renovated restaurant with modern lines and sharp decor, and thoughtful nods to the history of the restaurant throughout the overall dining experience. “It’s still called The Cliff, but it's a new Cliff”, Worswick says.
The expertise Worswick brings to The Cliff far exceeds simply cooking exquisite dishes. He most recently held a position as executive head chef at Gordon Ramsay’s Savoy Grill in London. With a background in Michelin-starred restaurants and five-
“We’re aiming for perfection”, Matt Worswick says without the slightest change in the tone of his voice. He means it.
— By Kylee Ross
star hotels, and having earned a Michelin star twice in his own right at the Latymer restaurant and Gelnapp Castle, he’s now most passionate about two things. One, training new staff in the kitchen and seeing them excel in their role. And two, creating unforgettable experiences focused on food. “That's the essence of hospitality, being able to deliver memories and create them”, Worswick says. “Every food experience, or major part of people's lives, whether it's a wedding, a funeral, a baptism, a bar mitzvah, whatever, it's all food.” In a guest’s experience, Worswick says, the chef is just the middle person, “between the amazing ingredients that we get and the guests. All we apply in the middle is either heat or technique to the food.”
Worswick’s menu at The Cliff is based on seasonal ingredients and, as he describes, modern European food packed with bold flavours. “You should be able to eat anything on the menu and know what it is without a printed menu in front of you”, he says. “You’ll know the flavours.” Worswick’s signature dish is a dark chocolate délice. It’s chocolate mousse, ice cream, salted caramel,
and yogurt that takes three days to make. That’s the kind of meticulous treatment you’ll find in any dish at The Cliff. There isn’t an abundance of garnishes or surprise pops of sauces or plated purées—each dish is an elegant homage to an ingredient by highlighting its natural flavour profile.
The fall menu included: heirloom tomato salad with goat cheese, tomato water, and basil; cornish scallops with celeriac, curry, caper and pine nut dressing; dorset crown rack of lamb with smoked yogurt, potato mash, carrot, and lamb jus gras; goat cheese ravioli with smoked tomato, spinach, sauce vierge. “We keep the same sort of menu format but we change our menu all the time”, Worswick says. “It keeps the creativity for the chefs as well. What are they going to learn if they do the same thing day in and day out?”
To Worswick, every member of The Cliff team is key to creating the perfect dining experience. That’s why he’s keen on recruiting fresh, enthusiastic talent. “We’re guests here in Barbados”, Worswick says, “and if I can leave some sort of a mark, I want The Cliff to be a training school for people.” He sees a future
where people who have worked at The Cliff for a few years move on to other restaurants with the foundational knowledge of working in a fine dining kitchen—and sharing that knowledge within the restaurant industry in Barbados.
“I don’t want to just be perched up on the hill”, Worswick says. The views of the ocean and seaside cliffs are stunning from the hill where you can find the restaurant (especially when the The Cliff balcony is lit up at night) but Worswick is hoping to open the doors literally and figuratively to new guests, new talent, and most importantly, new ideas.
“We have a long way to go because we'll never be perfect. In fact, we will probably never reach perfection, but we’ll bloody well try”, Worswick says. “We want to give people an experience they can't get anywhere else.”
Paul Owens
With an outstanding reputation as Executive Chef of The Cliff Restaurant for 25 successful years, Paul Owens is the creator of Paul Owens at The Beach House. This romantic oceanfront restaurant offers wonderfully relaxed fine dining in a gorgeous setting. Paul’s signature style is complemented by a diverse wine list. Along with Paul’s superb culinary vision, his team’s first-class service makes every experience truly unforgettable.
Paul Owens HEAD CHEFLUNCH: Sundays, 12:00 noon (last seating 3:30 p.m., in season)
Tuesday to Saturday, 6:00 to 11:00 p.m. (last seating 9:00 p.m.)
DINING: Open-air (covered, oceanfront)
ATTIRE: Elegantly casual VALET PARKING
Beetroot Salad — 46.00
mesclun greens, goat cheese, pecan nuts, cherry tomatoes, balsamic vinaigrette
Spicy Caesar and Chorizo Salad — 46.00
romaine lettuce, aged Parmesan, chilli flakes, chorizo sausage
Oak Leaf Salad — 46.00
prosciutto ham, poached pear, pecans, cherry tomatoes, blue cheese, balsamic vinaigrette, port reduction
Snow Crab Cake — 48.00
coriander cream, coriander vinaigrette, red curry oil, tomato salsa
Foie Gras and Chicken Liver Parfait — 50.00 red onion marmalade, port reduction
Scallops — 54.00 truffle mash, creamed leeks
Smoked Salmon — 54.00 warm baked potato cake, horseradish cream, capers, tomato confit
Penne Pasta — 105.00 chicken, vegetables, garlic-cream sauce, aged Parmesan
Thai green curry sauce, jasmine rice, grilled zucchini, fried basil
— chicken curry 105.00
— shrimp curry 115.00
Linguine — 115.00
Caribbean shrimp, garlic-chive sauce, aged Parmesan, rocket, chilli flakes
-> Go to: Menu Barbados/ Paul Owens
Scan the code to find the location, get directions, make a reservation, and more.
Dolphin (mahi-mahi) au Gratin — 115.00 creamed potatoes, mushroom duxelles, wilted spinach, Parmesan sauce
Roast Duck Breast — 125.00 creamed potatoes, truffle onions, carrots, grilled tomato, wild mushroom sauce
Steak Diane — 155.00 7-oz. prime beef tenderloin, mushroomcognac sauce, creamed potatoes, grilled tomatoes, broccoli, carrots
All priced at: 25.00
Macaroni Pie
Truffle Fries with Parmesan
Tomato and Red Onion Salad
Mixed Vegetables
Espresso Martini — 28.00 Absolut, coffee liqueur, espresso, syrup
Hawaii Blue — 28.00
Mount Gay Silver, coconut cream, blue curaçao, pineapple juice
Hidden Gem — 30.00
The Famous Grouse, grapefruit juice, fresh lime juice, syrup, fresh oregano
Passionate Gin — 32.00
The Botanist gin, passion fruit purée, limoncello
All prices are in Barbadian dollars and include government value added tax.
A 10% service charge and a 2.5% tourism product levy will be added to your bill. Prices and menu items are subject to change.
www.primobarandbistro.com dine@primobarbados.com
Idyllically located on the edge of St. Lawrence Bay, Primo offers rustic sophistication with stunning views.
Its eclectic Mediterranean-style lunch and dinner menu offers an extensive selection of seafood, meat and pasta dishes that focus on freshness and flavour. Dine at one of the many seaside tables, sip signature cocktails in the air-conditioned lounge or relax in the seaside lounge with open-plan bar and pizza kitchen. Eat, drink and relax in a beach chic setting. Primo is where West Coast style meets South Coast charm.
LUNCH: Friday to Sunday, 11:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Monday to Sunday, 5:00 to 9:30 p.m.
DINING: Open-air (covered)
ATTIRE: Elegantly casual
Avocado and Mango Salad — 30.00 mixed greens, dried cranberries, lemon vinaigrette, pine nuts with chicken — add 15.00 with fish — add 20.00 with shrimp — add 20.00
Vine-ripened Tomatoes Salad — 30.00 red onion, feta, balsamic and olive oil, basil and arugula with chicken — add 15.00 with fish — add 20.00 with shrimp — add 20.00
Grilled Fish Soft-shell Tacos — 35.00 grilled catch, tomato and red onion salsa, sliced avocado, red pepper, aïoli
Seafood Soup — 40.00 mussels, clams, fish and shrimp in a delicate broth
Mahi-mahi Ceviche — 40.00 coconut milk, fresh cilantro, red onions, pickled cucumber
Salmon Cakes — 40.00 red pepper aïoli, mango salsa
Chicken Roulade — 58.00 chicken breast stuffed with goat cheese, spinach and walnut, served with chive mash and dill cream
Moroccan Curry your choice of either vegetables or sautéed shrimp, with basmati rice and naan bread in a rich Moroccan curry with vegetables — 60.00 with shrimp — 70.00
-> Go to: Menu Barbados/ Primo Scan the code to find the location, get directions, make a reservation, and more.
Baby Back Pork Ribs — 70.00 slow-roasted baby back pork ribs with BBQ sauce, served with slaw, herbed aïoli and course-cut fries
Parmesan-crusted Barracuda — 70.00 served with whipped potatoes, buttered broccoli and mustard-double cream sauce
Spiced Pork Tenderloin — 76.00 sweet potato mash, fried plantain and grilled vegetables, drizzled with red wine-herb gravy
10-oz. Prime Rib-eye — 110.00 onion rings, crushed new potatoes with creamy bacon bits and leeks
Primavera — 44.00 tomato sauce, mozzarella, zucchini, cherry tomatoes, mushrooms, eggplant, garlic, goat cheese
Quattro Stagioni — 44.00 olives, pepperoni, leg ham, fresh mushrooms
Godfather — 48.00 tomato sauce, mozzarella, bacon, pepperoni, mushrooms, peppers, jalapeño, cherry tomatoes
Lemon Tart — 28.00 almond and pastry crust, raspberry sorbet
White Chocolate Cheesecake — 28.00 mango compote
Crème Caramel Cake — 30.00 sweet decadence
Contains nuts. Vegetarian.
All prices are in Barbadian dollars and include government value added tax.
A 10% service charge and a 2.5% tourism product levy will be added to your bill.
Prices and menu items are subject to change.
Monday to Sunday, 12:00 noon til late
DINING: Open-air (covered)
ATTIRE: Casual
Amazing Spanish Gazpacho GF — 40.00 chilled tomato gazpacho, cucumber, red bell pepper, basil
Greek Salad GF — 40.00
lettuce, feta cheese, green bell pepper, black olives, red onion, cucumber, tomato, honey-mustard dressing
Classic Caesar Salad — 45.00 lettuce, Caesar dressing, grilled marinated chicken, croutons
Parmigiana di Melanzane — 45.00 classic aubergine and tomato parmigiana
Salt and pepper Squid — 45.00 sweet chilli sauce, coriander
Fish Cake — 48.00 fennel, capers, lemon aïoli
Sushi Platter — 60.00
tuna, vegetable and salmon rolls, pickled ginger, wasabi, soy sauce
Pizza Margherita — 45.00
fresh tomato, fresh basil, buffalo mozzarella
Double Tomato — 45.00 mixed heirloom tomatoes, mozzarella, tomato sauce
Pizza con Verdure Grigliate — 50.00 fresh tomato, buffalo mozzarella, grilled vegetables, fresh basil
Calabria — 55.00 tomato, mozzarella, spicy salami
Chargrilled Chicken — 55.00 pesto sauce
Cajun Shrimp and Fennel — 65.00 braised fennel, mozzarella, tomato sauce
Pizza Frutti di Mare — 75.00 octopus, squid, chilli
-> Go to: Menu Barbados/ QP Bistro
Scan the code to find the location, get directions, make a reservation, and more.
Caribbean Pumpkin Curry GF — 75.00 basmati rice, poppadums, prepared mild or spicy — with free-range chicken thighs GF — 90.00 — with tiger prawns GF — 100.00
Parmesan Gnocchi — 80.00 herb pesto, squash purée, pickled shallots
Half Rotisserie Chicken — 90.00 coq au vin, mashed potatoes, mushrooms, bacon lardons, red wine jus
Blackened Catch of the Day GF — 95.00 pea and mint risotto, broccoli
Crab and Clam Linguine S — 95.00 cherry tomatoes, chilli, garlic, white wine, dill
Thick Free-range Suffolk
Pork Loin GF — 100.00
BBQ apple, mashed potatoes, asparagus, mustard sauce
12-oz. Surrey Farm Rib-eye — 140.00 baby carrots, skinny fries, peppercorn sauce
Tiramisu — 35.00 biscotti savoiardi, espresso, mascarpone mousse, 58% dark chocolate
Little Sticky Toffee Pudding — 35.00 caramel sauce, roasted pecan nuts, Madagascar vanilla ice cream
Rum Brûlée — 35.00 molasses biscotti
Classic Victoria Sponge — 35.00 berry compote, candied lemon
GF Gluten-free. S Contains shellfish.
All prices are in Barbadian dollars and include government value added tax.
A 12.5% service charge will be added to your bill. Prices and menu items are subject to change.
Donovan Lopez wanted to be one of three things when he was a kid: a professional cricket player, an accountant, or a chef.
“Nothing else”, he says twice, emphasising that any other career was out of the question. He brings that kind of tenacity to everything that he does — always reaching for a precise outcome.
He did eventually play cricket for the Barbados team, he is a chef, and some of the responsibilities of executive chef push him into the realm of accounting. He’s passionate about learning and teaching his team in the kitchen. And he’s dedicated to making service at Lone Star the best it can be. That includes sprucing up menu staples.
“I chose to share this recipe because it’s been here for a while”, Lopez says as he flips through a notebook of reference recipes and recipes in development. The crab cake at Lone Star has transitioned from a mix of crab, fresh ginger and herbs to a new host of ingredients Lopez calls “more clever”. Each quality ingredient serves a specific purpose dedicated to flavour, texture, or colour. With pickled ginger, red and yellow peppers (not green, Lopez says, because the colour isn’t bright enough), and fresh cilantro, the crab cake currently on the Lone Star lunch menu is more pleasing to the eye. When you cut through the centre you can pick out each ingredient first with your eyes, and taste each in the medley of the cake’s soft, flaky interior.
1 lb white crab
40g red onion
50g red bell pepper
50g yellow bell pepper
50g fresh cilantro
40g pickled ginger
1/3 cup mayonnaise
2 tbsp Dijon mustard
Zest and juice of one lemon
2 eggs
½ cup flour
1 cup panko breadcrumbs
1. Set deep fryer to 350°F.
2. In a small bowl , sift through the crab meat for shells with your hands. Set aside.
3. Dice onion, red bell pepper, yellow bell pepper and finely chop coriander and pickled ginger. Set aside.
4. In a medium pan, sauté diced red bell pepper, yellow bell pepper, and red onion until onion is translucent. Set aside to cool.
5. In a large bowl, combine cooled red onion, red bell pepper, yellow bell pepper, mayonnaise, Dijon mustard, pickled ginger, lemon zest, lemon juice, salt and pepper to taste. Mix into a paste.
6. Add chopped coriander to the crab meat. Gently mix with your hands.
7. Add the paste to the crab meat. Gently mix with your hands until fully incorporated and let mixture set in the fridge for 30 minutes.
8. Shape 30g of set mixture into a sphere to form a crab cake. Repeat for the remaining mixture.
9. In a small bowl , whisk eggs. Then, pour flour and panko breadcrumbs on separate plates.
10. Coat each crab cake in flour and dip the coated crab cake in egg wash. Then, coat with panko breadcrumbs.
11. Drop the crab cakes into the heated deepfryer and cook for 2 minutes or until golden brown.
1 red bell pepper
1 tbsp vegetable oil
1. Preheat oven to 400°F.
1 garlic clove
1/3 cup mayonnaise
2. Cut a red bell pepper in half and place it on a baking sheet. Brush the red bell pepper with vegetable oil and season with salt and pepper. Roast for 15 minutes or until the red bell pepper is soft. Set aside to cool.
3. Peel the skin off the cooled red bell pepper and remove the seeds and membrane.
4. Add roasted red bell pepper and a garlic clove to a food processor or blender and mix until smooth. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
5. Combine red bell pepper mixture and mayo.
1. The crab cakes at Lone Star are garnished with Granny Smith apples and curried crab. Garnish with your favourite crunchy ingredient to add more texture to each bite.
2. Lopez prefers spheres over patties for crab cakes because they can be plated on any dish for a beautiful presentation. You can mould your crab cakes into whatever shape you want.
3. The roasted red pepper sauce isn’t the only pairing for these crab cakes. Lopez also recommends tartare sauce, hot sauce, sriracha, chilli sauce, or garlic sauce.
St. Joseph
(246) 433-9678
With a 150 year old legacy, Round House Restaurant and Inn sits proudly in the historic village of Bathsheba on the rugged East Coast.
Round House is one of the island’s most beloved landmarks, offering commanding views of the entire Atlantic coast, an undisturbed stretch of beach studded with natural tidal pools, and an atmosphere that evokes old Barbadiana for locals and visitors alike. Buffered by the sea and the iconic rock formations of Bathsheba, Round House is a cordial invitation to a location that reveres time and persuades you to embrace its passing.
Indulge in a dining experience that pays homage to the culinary tradition of this unique island. Round House’s imaginative menu includes local herbs and seasonings and organic produce, fish and meats, served with attentive hospitality.
Saturday and Sunday brunch, 9:00 to 11:00 a.m.
Tuesday to Sunday, 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
One Saturday each month for ‘Full Moon Over Bathsheba’ event, 5:00 to 8:00 p.m.
DINING: Indoors – Outdoors – Open-air (covered)
ATTIRE: Casual
ENTERTAINMENT: Live music at lunchtime (Saturdays, in season), ‘Full Moon Over Bathsheba’ event (live band and dinner, monthly), Bathsheba Rocks event (quarterly)
Range: 16.00 – 30.00
Flying Fish Pâté diced onion, fresh lime, crostini
Baked Rum-nut Brie Mount Gay rum, cane sugar, walnuts
Breadfruit Poppers fresh Bajan pickle, spicy aïoli
Coconut Fried Shrimp vodka-infused dipping sauce
Seafood Sampler
cripsy fried calamari, potato and chive fish cake, flying fish goujons, coconutfried shrimp
Range: 24.00 – 38.00
Caribbean Winter Salad beets, walnuts, oranges, ParmigianoReggiano and our citrus vinaigrette
Quinoa Salad
feta, candied beets, apple, cucumber, raisins, radish, fresh mint and our house herb oil
Round House Caesar organic romaine leaves, Parmigiano-Reggiano, anchovies, house croutons, house Caesar dressing (add local organic chicken, flying fish, catch of the day, grilled shrimp)
Range: 30.00 – 36.00
Pulled Pork Sandwich
10-hour braised local pork, caramelised onions, garlic aïoli
-> Go to: Menu Barbados/ Round House
Scan the code to find the location, get directions, make a reservation, and more.
Island Club Sandwich local organic grilled chicken, cheddar, bacon, pineapple, lettuce, mustard aïoli
Round House Burger
8-oz. house-made burger, chipotle aïoli, house-cured pickle and hand-cut fries
Range: 42.00 – 65.00
Flying Fish and Breadfruit Cou-cou steamed flying fish in a tomato-onion broth with fresh pickle and fried plantain
Catch of the Day locally caught fresh steak fish, garlic-chive mash, sautéed garden vegetables, herb oil
Steak Frites
10-oz. U.S. flat-iron steak grilled and topped with charred onions and green peppers over hand-cut fries
Roasted Quarter Chicken organic local chicken, pan-fried polenta, chimichurri sauce, sautéed vegetables
Range: 14.00 – 18.00
Round House Coconut Pie our classic home-made favourite
Warm Banana Bread with Ice Cream home-made with bananas from our own trees
Hastings Main Road
Near St. Matthias Road
Christ Church
(246) 547-6293 / 842-5821
As the new kid on the block, this unique venue offers a sophisticated international city vibe, while delivering an incredible value on both food and drinks.
The bar stocks the most extensive variety of whisky, wine and other spirits, and their mixologists are happy to design a new cocktail to suit your liking. Owners Hosea and Cathy Stuart and Head Chef Chanté Worrell pride themselves in providing a high level of consistency and customer satisfaction. Several seating options complete your experience: an air-conditioned indoor lounge area, complete with bar, high tables and comfy seating areas, as well as a welcoming outdoor garden.
Tuesday to Sunday, 5:00 p.m. until…
Tuesday to Sunday, 4:00 p.m. until…
DINING: Indoors – Open-air (covered)
ATTIRE: Elegantly casual
ENTERTAINMENT: Live music (certain nights, contact us for the schedule)
Sweet Potato and Plantain Croquette — 18.00 our beautifully breaded sweet potato and plantain croquette on a river of warm honeymustard sauce
Spicy Thai Curry Soup — 18.00 a hefty blend of fresh vegetables, fresh herbs and spices creates this authentic Thai curry vegetable soup
Chicken Satay — 18.00
tender strips of chicken on skewers, bathed in our home-made peanut sauce
Sipping Room Meatballs — 20.00
three savoury meatballs served in our traditional marinara sauce, topped with freshly grated Parmesan, served with a warm dinner roll
Shrimp Cocktail — 26.00
four shrimp cooked to perfection, served with our spicy shrimp cocktail sauce and topped with our home-made salsa
Crispy Tofu — 22.00
crispy tofu in a home-made rosemary flatbread with sautéed red onions, lettuce, home-made breadcrumbs and vegan mayo, drizzled with a balsamic reduction, suitable for vegans
Sipping Room Salad — 22.00
fresh mixed greens, red onions, cranberries, goat cheese, tomatoes, walnuts, pineapple with a creamy balsamic or honey-mustard dressing — with chicken add 10.00 — with shrimp add 17.00
Guinness Beef Stew — 35.00
tender beef simmered with carrots and potatoes in a rich Guinness-infused sauce
Pulled Pork Loaded Fries — 35.00
golden fries smothered with pulled pork, accompanied by a secret sauce, cheese and pineapple salsa, served in a tortilla bowl
-> Go to: Menu Barbados/ Sipping Room Scan the code to find the location, get directions, make a reservation, and more.
Pasta with either a cream, marinara or rosé sauce, served with garlic bread — with grilled chicken or roasted vegetables 38.00 — with grilled shrimp 45.00
Sipping Room Burger — 38.00
6.5-oz. burger topped with onion rings, Cheddar cheese, bacon, Jack Daniel’s sauce, lettuce and tomatoes, served with French fries — with mushrooms or a slice of pineapple add 3.00
Catch of the Day — 40.00 choice of grilled or fried fish accompanied by a home-made salsa and a spiked tartar sauce, served with a small salad
Black Barrel Rum BBQ Chicken — 50.00 half-chicken baked with a delicious Black Barrel rum BBQ sauce, served with a small salad
Shrimp and Mushroom Risotto — 58.00 rich and creamy risotto with shrimp and mushrooms with a touch of white wine
8-oz. Grilled N.Y. Strip Steak — 65.00 cooked to your liking and served with a roasted vegetable garnish
Surf and Turf
N.Y. strip steak with grilled shrimp, served with roasted Cajun garlic butter and a roasted vegetable garnish — with shrimp 85.00 — with lobster 105.00
* All mains are served with choice of either rice, garlic mashed potatoes, French fries or macaroni pie.
Cathy’s Carrot Cake — 12.00
Chocolate Cake — 12.00
Cheesecake — 14.00
All prices are in Barbadian dollars and include government value added tax.
A 10% service charge and a 2.5% tourism product levy will be added to your bill. Prices and menu items are subject to change.
Sermon Building, Shop 3
Oistins Main Road
Christ Church
(246) 435-5996
www.surferscafe246.com barbados.surferscafe@gmail.com
Surfers Cafe, located on the southern shores of Barbados, is known for its relaxed ambiance, fabulous food, live music nights and welcoming staff.
This coastal gem enjoyed by travellers and locals alike is nestled on the water’s edge of the iconic Oistins Bay. The coveted vantage point from their deck provides panoramic views of picturesque sunsets, sprawling sandy beaches and crystal clear waters from which shy hawksbill turtles occasionally emerge. At the break of dawn or under the stars, patrons enjoy a carefully curated selection of international and local cuisine prepared by top-class chefs. Whether it is enjoying creamy avocado toast and a freshly brewed cappuccino, sampling juicy coconut-crusted shrimp or one of their many exotic cocktails, Surfers Cafe is definitely a must.
Monday to Sunday, 7:30 to 11:00 a.m.
Monday to Sunday, 11:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
DINING: Indoors – Outdoors
– Open-air (covered)
ATTIRE: Casual
ENTERTAINMENT: Live music nights
French Toast — 14.00 with a hint of vanilla and cinnamon, toasted to perfection with powdered sugar, served with a side of syrup
Make It Simple — 14.00 toasted bagel and cream cheese or local fruit salad
Waffles — 16.00 (each) topped with whipped cream and fresh or caramelised fruit, served with a side of syrup
Banana Split — 18.00 this split is filled with Greek yoghurt, topped with granola and fresh fruits of the day, then drizzled with agave syrup
The Barrel — 18.00 bacon or sausage served on a bun with melted cheese, topped with a fried egg and a lettuce and tomato garnish
Omelet Corner — 20.00 start with our surfers 2-egg omelet then add 3 choices of either, cheese, tomatoes, red onions, bell peppers, mushrooms or spinach — with sausage or bacon add 5.00
Avocado Toast — 22.00
local bread topped with our seasoned avocado, lemon zest, mixed seeds, roasted tomato, radish and arugula, drizzled with garlic oil — with smoked local fish add 10.00
The Veggie — 24.00
an epic melody of baked beans, grilled tomato, breakfast potatoes, seasonal vegetables and toast
Eggs Benny — 27.00
two poached eggs with our delicious homemade hollandaise sauce served on a toasted English muffin with your choice of either bacon, sausage, avocado or smoked fish
Steak and Eggs — 35.00
chargrilled 6-oz. steak topped with sautéed onions, mushrooms and two eggs done any style
-> Go to: Menu Barbados/ Surfers Cafe Scan the code to find the location, get directions, make a reservation, and more.
Fish Cakes — 16.00
a local favourite served with Marie Rose sauce
Buljol — 18.00
this local delicacy combines saltfish, tomatoes, onions, cilantro, peppers and spring onion pickled in lime juice and served with crackers
Ceviche — 18.00
classic dish of pickled fish with onions, peppers and cilantro
Greek Salad — 28.00
romaine lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes, black olives, red onions and feta cheese with a side of balsamic vinaigrette
Alfredo Pasta — 26.00
linguine pasta infused with our home-made Alfredo sauce, topped with Parmesan cheese and served with garlic bread
* With every salad and pasta dish you can add the following extras: with seasonal vegetables add $10, with chicken or fish add $14, with shrimp add $16.
Veggie Wrap — 26.00
a melody of lettuce, broccoli, carrots, tomatoes and onions enhanced with avocado and hummus, includes one side of your choice
The Club Surfer — 28.00 a delicious triple-decker sandwich served on toasted bread filled with chicken, bacon, Cheddar cheese and mayonnaise, either white or wholewheat bread, includes one side of your choice
Shrimp Wrap — 32.00
our succulent guava jelly-flavoured shrimp wrapped to perfection with lettuce, tomatoes and red onions, includes one side of your choice
All prices are in Barbadian dollars and include government value added tax.
A 10% service charge will be added to your bill. Prices and menu items are subject to change.
Food was a massive part of Sophie Michell’s upbringing. She recalls her mother preparing savoury dishes and her grandmother’s outrageous cakes— sometimes with green and blue marbled batter. Early on, cooking became an escape for Michell. A kind of satisfying, therapeutic activity. Her passion for cooking, savouring, and reading cookbooks led Michell to dabble in the restaurant industry. And she hasn’t left since. She trained at Butlers Wharf Chef School and by age 19, was nominated “Young Chef of the Year” by the Craft Guild of Chefs. Now with a wealth of experience from working in kitchens across the United Kingdom, Michell is a best-selling author, food writer, and revered chef.
BIRTH COUNTRY: United Kingdom.
FAVOURITE BARBADIAN DISH: Pudding and souse with lots of hot sauce.
FAVOURITE DRINK: Rum, of course.
FAVOURITE SONG TO COOK TO: Jamming by Bob Marley.
BEST MEAL OF YOUR LIFE: SO many! Anything simple, grilled seafood on the beach, roast lunch at home.
FAVOURITE LOCAL INGREDIENT: Breadfruit, hands down the best.
ON A DESERTED ISLAND, WHICH 3 INGREDIENTS WOULD YOU BRING? Extra-virgin olive oil, soy sauce and lime.
YOUR COMFORT FOOD: Roast chicken with all the trimmings.
WHAT WOULD YOUR LAST MEAL BE? Seafood platter, full of oysters, sea urchins, langoustines, lobsters etc., with Montrachet wine and vintage champagne followed by a perfect crème brûlée to finish.
Matt Worswick says he’s “a bit of a one-trick pony”. He will always be around food (whether he’s cooking it or not) because it’s what he knows and loves—and it’s been that way since he was 18 years old.
Worswick started in the industry as an Apprentice Chef and steadily moved his way up the ranks across the United Kingdom to Head Chef. He’s earned a Michelin star twice at the Latymer Restaurant and Glenapp Castle respectively. Worswick hails most recently from a position as Executive Head Chef at Gordon Ramsay’s Savoy Grill inside the Savoy Hotel
Kenneth TheysenKenneth Theysen is the owner and main operator of Timeless-Pixx, a well-established, dynamic Aruba-based photo studio. Theysen has been a long-term collaborator of Menu International, delivering astonishing photographs, one edition after another.
With an eye for detail but also a broad vision of large-scale projects, Theysen was the natural choice when it came to choosing a photographer who would cover Barbados’ extensive and varied restaurant scene.
Theysen’s esthetic sense and work ethic make him versatile and a pleasure to collaborate with. This is why so many of the island’s great (and very busy) chefs are always relaxed and in a great mood during his photo shoots. And, as any good photographer knows, that is just priceless.
BIRTHPLACE: Liverpool.
BIRTH COUNTRY: United Kingdom.
FAVOURITE FOOD TREND: The classics, never fashionable, but always relevant.
FAVOURITE SONG TO COOK TO: Anything by Sam Cooke.
BEST MEAL OF YOUR LIFE: Ynyshir Restaurant and Rooms, Mid Wales UK.
FAVOURITE LOCAL INGREDIENT: Bajan-prepared hot sauce and raw ackee fruit.
A RECIPE YOUR MOTHER STILL MAKES FOR YOU TODAY: Pan of scouse (stew typically made from chunks of meat, usually beef or lamb, with potatoes, carrots and onions).
ON A DESERTED ISLAND, WHICH 3 INGREDIENTS WOULD YOU BRING? Very boring but universal: potatoes, onions and butter.
YOUR COMFORT FOOD: Pasta or sushi.
WHAT WOULD YOUR LAST MEAL BE? Starter: whole lobe of foie gras with apples and Calvados. Main: seafood platter, lots of Cornish crab, oysters etc., French cheese platter, malt loaf. Dessert: raspberry cheesecake.
Ideally situated on the buzzing South Coast boardwalk, just a few feet away from the water’s edge, Tapas awaits.
It’s the perfect place to enjoy great scenery while indulging in delectable food and drinks.
This elegantly rustic beachside restaurant is out to win your hearts with its warm ambiance and its international menu, perfectly designed by Chef Franco Parisi with touches of Italian and Caribbean flair. His expert kitchen staff loves to see Tapas full of happy people enjoying his creations. Locals and tourists alike flock to enjoy a glass of wine from their extensive wine list or a cool signature cocktail prepared by their talented mixologist.
At Tapas, awarded BHTA Restaurant of the Year, there is something for everyone. Alfredo, the host, exudes a warmth and a charm that will make you feel right at home.
Monday to Sunday, 11:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Monday to Sunday, 6:00 to 10:30 p.m.
Daily, 11:30 a.m. to 10:30 p.m.
Monday to Sunday, 11:30 a.m. until late
DINING: Open-air
ATTIRE: Casual
Range: 8.00 – 19.00
Tuna Carpaccio
thinly sliced raw tuna with an olive and caper dressing
Salt and Pepper Shrimp with sweet chilli sauce
Chicken Liver Pâté with mango chutney and crostini bread
Pork and Cabbage Spring Rolls with sweet chilli sauce
Range: 14.00 – 32.00
Lobster Bisque Cappuccino with lobster meat and roasted garlic-mascarpone foam
Beef Carpaccio (raw)
thinly sliced Angus beef with rocket salad, Parmesan shavings and truffle oil
Oxtail off-the-bone pulled oxtail with Gorgonzola cheese, grilled red onions and sweet potato chips
Tuna Tartare with lemon zest, grapefruit citronette and balsamic pearls
-> Go to: Menu Barbados/ Tapas Scan the code to find the location, get directions, make a reservation, and more.
Range: 46.00 – 90.00
Fish Pot (caciucco) sautéed mix of seafood, catch of the day, snapper, mussels, clams and shrimp in a tomato-olive-caper sauce
Duck Ravioli parcel of pulled duck in Parmesan crust and truffle essence
Spaghetti Mare mussels, clams and shrimp with garlic, white wine and tomato sauce
Lobster and Shrimp Linguine in a garlic and roasted tomato sauce
Grilled Mixed Seafood grilled catch of the day, jumbo shrimp, cuttlefish and green mussels on mixed leaf salad
Rack of Lamb (chops) with pesto-crushed new potatoes, sweet pepper salad and charred red pepper emulsion
Range: 15.00 – 26.00
Napoleon Layers of dark, milk and white chocolate mousse, studded with caramel
Tapas Dame Blanche flourless brownie with vanilla ice cream and chocolate cover
Tempura Banana Kebab deep-fried in cinnamon tempura with vanilla ice cream and caramel sauce
All prices are in Barbadian dollars and include government value added tax.
A 12% service charge will be added to your bill. Prices and menu items are subject to change.
Tantalise your taste buds with a two- or three-course gourmet meal created by Michelin-starred Chef Matt Worswick, as you listen to the gentle sound of the Caribbean Sea.
Sundays, 12:00 noon until…
Monday to Sunday, 5:00 p.m. til late
DINING: Indoors (air-conditioned, upper seating, panoramic level) – Outdoors – Open-air (covered, waterside seating)
ATTIRE: Elegantly casual (long trousers are required for men)
— 2 courses price per person: 285.00 — 3 courses price per person: 330.00
Roasted Scallops celeriac, smoked eel and apple dressing
Heritage Beetroot Salad burrata, blood orange gel, verjus
Sautéed Foie Gras pain d’épices, pickled blackberry
Mushroom Risotto
Australian winter truffle, Parmesan
Waldorf Salad Roquefort, endive, apple, candied walnut
Chicken and Mushroom Tortellini
Jerusalem artichoke velouté, pickled pear, truffle dressing
Tuna Sashimi smoked avocado, yuzu, seeded cracker
Dorset Crown Rack of Lamb smoked yoghurt, mashed potatoes, carrots, lamb jus gras
Beef Wellington
Surrey Farm tenderloin, truffle mash, roast Roscoff onion, truffle-Madeira jus
Open Goat Cheese Ravioli butternut squash, basil and pine nut pesto, sautéed mushrooms, Parmesan foam
Ricotta Dumplings cauliflower, yeast purée, grape sauce vierge
Whole Dover Sole — 40.00 supplement grape sauce vierge, fries, garden salad
Côte de Boeuf (for 2 persons) — 50.00 supplement per person
Surrey Farm forerib of beef, Caesar salad, fries, onion rings, garlic and parsley butter
-> Go to: Menu Barbados/ The Cliff Scan the code to find the location, get directions, make a reservation, and more.
Dark Chocolate Délice salted caramel, yoghurt
Rum Baba lime Chantilly, mango salsa, yuzu
Classic Lemon Tart blackberry sorbet
Honey and Mango Parfait lime sorbet
Vanilla Soft Serve salted caramel, popcorn
Selection of European Cheeses plum chutney, lavosh crackers
Vegetable Roll — 45.00 avocado, red cabbage, kanpyo, cucumber, beni shoga, panko
Spicy Tuna Roll — 55.00 spicy tuna, takuan, cucumber, spring onion, sesame, spicy sauce
Salmon Roll — 55.00 salmon, tempura flakes, kizami wasabi, avocado, sesame, wasabi mayo
Classic California Roll — 60.00 crabmeat, cucumber, avocado, tobiko
Ebi Tempura — 65.00 prawn tempura, takuan, avocado
Red Dragon — 80.00 grilled eel, prawn tempura, cucumber, shiitake mushroom, red tobiko
Spider Roll — 80.00 soft-shell crab, tobiko, cucumber, spring onion, spicy mayo
Maldon Oysters mignonette, cucumber, tabasco — 6 oysters 60.00 — 12 oysters 120.00
All prices are in Barbadian dollars and include government value added tax.
A 12.5% service charge will be added to your bill. Prices and menu items are subject to change.
Little Good Harbour
Shermans | St. Lucy (246) 439-3000 / 439-2604
Uncomplicated yet chic, The Fish Pot is a welcome alternative to traditional dining.
This unusual restaurant, set in a small 17th-century fort at the water’s edge, is airy and bracingly casual. Executive Chef Christophe Poupardin uses only the freshest ingredients and amps up the flavour with bona fide local seasonings. With the fish market a mere five-minute drive away, The Fish Pot delivers a menu full of tempting dishes made with the fresh bounty of the sea. The Fish Pot offers a truly gourmet experience in a delightful setting.
Monday to Sunday, 8:00 to 10:00 a.m.
Monday to Sunday, 12:00 noon to 9:00 p.m.
DINING: Indoors – Outdoors
ATTIRE: Casual
SMOKING POLICY: Smoking not permitted
Grilled Octopus — 44.00
olive tapenade, pimento peppers
Insalata di Burrata — 46.00
heirloom tomatoes, basil, pine nuts, balsamic, truffle oil
Tuna Tartare — 48.00
shallots, wakame, sesame seed oil, spicy coconut dressing
Almond-crusted Goat CheeseGF — 48.00
carpaccio beetroot, arugula, balsamic reduction
Sautéed Jumbo ShrimpGF — 52.00
avocado salsa, roasted coconut, lava sauce
Smoked Salmon Carpaccio — 54.00
caper berries, lemon oil, chive cream, dill-pickled red onions
Caribbean Curry — 48.00
flavoured basmati rice, pineapple chutney, roasted coconut
— with chicken add 16.00
— with fish add 20.00
— with shrimp add 26.00
Linguine alle Vongole — 64.00
clams, onions, wine, butter, parsley, tomatoes
Chargrilled Beef Short Rib — 68.00
garlic-cream spaghetti, Parmesan crackers
Spicy Lobster Risotto — 84.00
onions, cherry tomatoes, Parmesan, mascarpone
Saffron-roasted Cauliflower — 62.00
herb gnocchi, tomato coulis, Dakar spice
Grilled Market Fish — 72.00
herb mash, braised red cabbage, sweetcorn velouté
-> Go to: Menu Barbados/ The Fish Pot Scan the code to find the location, get directions, make a reservation, and more.
Broiled Shellfish — 74.00 prawns, clams, mussels, wine, parsley, butter, fries
Barramundi, Sweet Chilli, Teriyaki — 76.00 noodles, mango-lime yoghurt, spiced granola
Seafood Cioppino — 78.00 spiced tomatoes, grilled garlic bread, lava sauce
Braised Lamb Shank, Tomato, Red Wine — 78.00 spring pea cassoulet, heritage baby potatoes
BBQ Baby Back Ribs — 82.00 buttered corn cobette, grilled pickle, French fries
Cheese Platter — 28.00 apple-onion compote, crackers
Sticky Toffee Pudding — 28.00 Bajan rum sauce
LGH Eton Mess — 28.00 passion fruit, Chantilly cream, berries
Caribbean Crème Brûlée — 28.00 coconut, Malibu rum, sweet coconut chips
“Lest We Forget” — 30.00 Anzac biscuit, raspberry cheesecake, ice cream
Dark Chocolate Lava Cake — 30.00 vanilla ice cream (15-minute preparation time)
GF Gluten-free.
All prices are in Barbadian dollars and include government value added tax.
A 12.5% service charge will be added to your bill. Prices and menu items are subject to change.
As the senior mixologist behind the bar at Chef Micheal Hinds X West Bar & Restaurant, Ivana Garcia is tasked with keeping the signature cocktail menu fresh—a responsibility she takes quite literally by regularly drawing inspiration for new recipes from bright citrus, crisp vegetables, and fragrant herbs.
“You can never stop learning when it comes to mixology”, Garcia says as she pulls up her Instagram account to remind herself of a few of her latest cocktail creations and their innovative ingredients. Fresh passion fruit and peach purée, freshly squeezed lemon and lime are a few of the standouts on the cocktail list that immediately draw the eye. “You're like an alchemist.”
The first cocktail on the signature cocktail list—the West Bar Remix—is a refreshing (and maybe even hydrating) mix of tart, sweet, and savoury elements. Similar in execution to a mojito, this cocktail requires a good amount of muddling to release the aromatic oils from mint leaves and cucumber rinds.
Half a cucumber
6 mint leaves
¾ oz simple syrup
1 oz fresh lime juice
1 oz triple sec
1 oz Gordon’s London Dry Gin
1. Cut two one-inch chunks of cucumber and dice them into half-inch cubes. With a peeler, cut three ribbons from the remaining cucumber.
2. In a cocktail shaker, muddle the cubes of cucumber and mint leaves together.
3. Add simple syrup, lime juice, triple sec, Gordon’s London Dry Gin, ice and shake the cocktail.
4. Line the inside of an old-fashioned glass with two cucumber ribbons. Strain the cocktail into a glass with fresh ice.
5. Garnish with a rolled cucumber ribbon on a skewer and loose mint leaves.
Garcia says that when she’s creating cocktails she likes to include less sugar than the average cocktail, and more fresh ingredients and herbs. However, if you’re in the mood for a sweeter take on the West Bar Remix, Garcia recommends adding up to an ounce of Passoã liqueur—a passion fruit liqueur—to the recipe.
Southern Palms
Beach Club & Resort Hotel
St. Lawrence Gap | Christ Church (246) 428-7171
Variety is the spice of life. The Garden Terrace Restaurant offers à la carte theme dinners with entertainment three nights a week and, of course, the legendary Sunday lunch buffet featuring The All-Star Steel Orchestra.
The Garden Terrace provides a wonderful dining experience complemented by stunning beach views. The restaurant exudes tropical interiors with a warm and inviting ambience. And when you mix that with a superb meal, well... you know you’re at the right place!
Monday to Sunday, 7:30 to 10:30 a.m.
Monday to Sunday, 11:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
Monday to Sunday, 6:30 to 10:00 p.m.
DINING: Open-air
ATTIRE: Elegantly casual
Range: 15.00 – 37.00
Assortment of Delicious Starters
Range: 20.00 – 60.00
Selections include:
— soups
— salads
— sandwiches
— burgers
— pastas
— fish and chips
— steak
— seafood
* Available from 11:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
-> Go to: Menu Barbados/ The Garden Terrace Scan the code to find the location, get directions, make a reservation, and more.
Range: 24.00 – 45.00
Quenelles of Lobster garden beetroot and mesclun salad with bell pepper sauce
Tomato and Mozzarella Salad drizzled with extra-virgin basil oil
Range: 45.00 – 80.00
Poached Salmon with Garlic Mustard and Herbs spiced potatoes and green beans
4-oz. Beef Filet Steak seared jumbo shrimp, cognac and peppercorn sauce, dauphine potatoes
Chicken Breast in Coconut-curry Sauce grilled plantain and long-grain rice
Range: 10.00 – 18.00
Chocolate Tart served hot with coconut ice cream
Baileys Cheesecake
Crème Brûlée with a hint of ginger
The Grille restaurant, located on the lobby level of the Hilton Barbados Resort, features Bajan-inspired cuisine.
They offer a special dining experience combining a relaxing ambiance with impeccable service and innovative cuisine by their award-winning Barbadian chefs. Enjoy a variety of grilled steaks, succulent seafood, and delicious desserts prepared especially for your dining pleasure.
DINING: Indoors
ATTIRE: Elegantly casual
Chef’s Soup of the Day — 28.00 ask your server for today’s selection
Tricoloured Tomatoes and Mozzarella Salad — 30.00
tricoloured tomatoes, Parmesan crisp, basil pesto, mozzarella pearls and white balsamic vinegar
Grilled Romaine Salad — 33.00
local romaine lettuce, creamy Caesar dressing, shaved Parmesan, garlic croutons, warm Clifton bacon
Quinoa and Bajan White Steamed Pudding Garden Salad — 33.00
cauliflower, cured Brussels sprouts, parsley and red cabbage dust, coconutspinach emulsion
Barracuda Ceviche — 44.00
citrus-marinated local fish, avocado, shaved lipstick radish, tomatoes and coconut milk
Martins Bay Octopus Carpaccio — 60.00
coconut fluid gel and curls, arugula, shaved Scotch bonnet and citrus
Maple-glazed Pork Belly — 65.00 peanut spread, bok choy and apple duo
Seared Caribbean Shrimp and Watermelon — 70.00
compressed watermelon, sweet potato and mango-curry sauce
Double Lamb Rack — 95.00
Filet Mignon — 98.00
Rib-eye Steak — 130.00
Cedar-grilled Catch of the Day — 55.00
Local Caribbean Shrimp — 60.00
-> Go to: Menu Barbados/ The Grille Scan the code to find the location, get directions, make a reservation, and more.
Portvale Brown Sugar and Pepper Sauce Cauliflower Steak — 48.00 cashew purée, cranberry-red onion relish, potato, kale chips and coconut-coriander sauce
The Grille Burger — 50.00 house-blended chuck and beef brisket, braised oxtail, local lettuce, cucumber, tomatoes, chipotle, aïoli and seasoned fries
Grilled Sweet-and-sour Pork Chop — 58.00 toast, avocado, herb sour cream and garden salad
Stone Clams and Pasta — 60.00 home-made pasta cheese pockets, bacon lardons, white wine-cream sauce and basil-clam foam
Sun-dried Tomato and Parmesancrusted Chicken Supreme — 62.00 toasted barley and split peas, cauliflower, rocket mushrooms, mushroom air and bacon-infused broth
Pan-fried Flying Fish and Wheat Berry Risotto — 72.00 Baxters Road-style flying fish, mushroom medley, fennel salad and coconut-butter sauce
Needham’s Seafood Stew — 96.00 pan-seared barracuda, jumbo shrimp, bacon-infused broth and garden basil aïoli
Pina Colada Crème Brûlée Fusion — 33.00 creamy coconut crème brûlée with pineapple sorbet served with toasted coconut crumble and dehydrated pineapple disc
Decadent White Chocolate
Cheesecake — 33.00 served with layers of citrus tones – creamy lemon curd and lime zest-lemon shortbread
DINNER: Tuesday to Saturday, 6:30 to 10:00 p.m. All
* All proteins are served with your choice of sides (seasoned French fries, garden salad with local farmer’s vinaigrette, mashed potatoes, garlic-buttered corn, herb-garlic market vegetables) and a choice of sauce (three peppercorn or tomato vierge).
Peronne Village
Christ Church
(246) 421-7448
facebook.com/theparkbarbados instagram.com/theparkbarbados
A tranquil cafe/bistro tucked in the lush vegetation of Peronne Village on the South Coast.
Central but just slightly out of the hustle and bustle, easy to access, park and enjoy. With both indoor air-conditioned dining, and cool covered terrace seating, it’s the perfect place to have all-day breakfast, lunch or light pastries and coffee. Guests’ favourites include blueberry pancakes, chipotle chicken sandwich with The Park’s special seasoned fries, as well as speciality drinks like the apple crumble frescante and Biscoff frescante. You can also visit The Park for Sunday brunch and experience their unique brunch platter. The Park oasis awaits you.
Monday to Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Saturdays, 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., and Sundays, 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
DINING: Indoors (air-conditioned)
– Open-air (covered)
ATTIRE: Casual
Range: 28.00 – 40.00
Three-egg Omelette with Toast plus choose 3 from the following: ham, bacon, sweet peppers, onions, tomato, Cheddar cheese, feta cheese
Regional two eggs any style, baked beans, toast, potatoes, roasted tomato, bacon or sausage
Sweet One caramelised banana French toast
Comfort three pancakes with blueberry compote and sweet cream cheese
Meat-free two eggs any style, plantain, potatoes, toast and roasted tomato
Greek yoghurt, mixed berry compote and cinnamon granola
Range: 12.00 – 28.00
Ham and Cheese
Bacon and Cheese
Egg, Ham and Cheese
Egg and Bacon
Egg and Cheese
Cream Cheese
Smoked Salmon and Fennel Cream Cheese
Roasted Vegetables and Cheese
-> Go to: Menu Barbados/ The Park Scan the code to find the location, get directions, make a reservation, and more.
Grilled Vegetable, Cheddar and Pesto Panini — 36.00 served with seasoned fries or The Park house salad
Grilled 3-cheese Panini — 30.00 with pepper jelly, served with seasoned fries or The Park house salad
* Gluten-free bread available.
Chicken Quesadilla — 38.00 grilled chicken, roasted vegetables, mozzarella, feta and Cheddar, with pineapple salsa, sour cream and chipotle sauce
Spicy Grilled Chicken Sandwich — 40.00 with bacon, pepper Monterey Jack cheese and chipotle sauce, served with seasoned fries or The Park house salad
Caesar Salad — 30.00 with romaine lettuce, Parmesan, croutons and Caesar dressing — with chicken add 16.00 — with shrimp add 20.00 — with smoked salmon add 22.00
Greek Salad — 35.00 with cucumbers, sweet peppers, tomatoes, black olives and balsamic vinaigrette
Alfredo or Creamy Pesto — 34.00 with freshly sautéed broccoli, carrots, sweet peppers and onions — with chicken add 16.00 — with shrimp add 20.00
** Gluten-free pasta available.
Delicious desserts are available daily on our special menu.
All prices are in Barbadian dollars and include government value added tax.
A 10% service charge will be added to your bill. Prices and menu items are subject to change.
Meet the breadfruit. It’s a starchy staple in Bajan cuisine that can be roasted, baked, boiled, dried, fried, or ground into flour.
But if you talk to Chef Damian Leach—he’ll passionately advocate for the traditional treatment of this versatile ingredient: tossing the entire fruit (skin and all) into an open fire until the outside is blackened. You can trust him on this. If you’re going to take advice from anyone on how to cook breadfruit, take it from the man with the fruit tattooed on his right hand. The key to cooking delicious breadfruit, Leach says, is butter.
The roasted breadfruit dish currently on the Cocktail Kitchen menu is a play on meals Leach ate as a child in Barbados. Roasted breadfruit topped “with the cheap stuff”, he says. Corn beef, tuna, mackerel. So he took the concept and elevated it slightly with saltfish and lobster. “This is by far the most popular thing we have on the menu”, Leach says. “We actually took it off and tried to do a variation of it two years ago and people were vexed.”
1 breadfruit
4 oz melted butter
1 red onion
Fresh thyme
1. Carve an X in the top of the breadfruit. Dice red onion and set aside.
2. Place the whole breadfruit in an open fire or directly on stove top or grill (see tips below for cooking methods).
3. Turn the breadfruit every 5 mins for approximately 25 minutes or until completely charred and steam starts to come out of the X in the top of the fruit.
4. Let cool and cut the breadfruit into quarters. Scoop the flesh from the skin and cut into small pieces.
5. In a medium pan, sauté onions until translucent. Toss the breadfruit flesh with melted butter and fresh thyme in the same pan. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
½ lb saltfish (cod or pollock)
2 lobster tails (crab works as well)
4 oz butter
1 red onion
¼ lb cilantro
¼ tsp Scotch bonnet
1. In a medium pot, with enough water to cover the salted fish, boil for 15 minutes. Strain, remove any bones. Repeat the process for a second time. Let cool and shred.
2. Dice the red onion and Scotch bonnet. Finely chop the cilantro and set aside.
2. Remove lobster from tail and cut into small chunks. In a medium pan, sauté the lobster in butter.
3. Add diced red onion, saltfish, chopped cilantro, and Scotch bonnet to the hot pan. Once warmed through, top the breadfruit with the mixture.
110g Scotch bonnet
110g chopped onion
55g fresh turmeric
2 tbsp mustard
120ml white vinegar
1 tbsp brown sugar
2 cups mayonnaise
1. Add Scotch bonnet, chopped onion, fresh turmeric, mustard, white vinegar, and brown sugar to a food processor or blender and mix until smooth. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
2. Add 3 tbsp of pepper sauce mixture to the mayonnaise. Mix until fully incorporated.
1. Place the breadfruit flesh back into the charred skin.
2. Top the roasted breadfruit with the saltfish and lobster mixture.
3. Drizzle the pepper sauce aïoli.
If you can’t build a fire to cook in your backyard, try one of these cooking methods to achieve a similar cook and flavour to an open flame.
1. Place a whole breadfruit on the burner of a gas stove element. Leach says to let the breadfruit sit on the element until charred. Rotate the fruit until all sides are charred evenly.
2. You can use a barbecue to cook breadfruit and achieve the smoky flavour Leach looks for to complete his signature dish. Again, make sure to rotate the fruit until all sides are charred evenly.
This restaurant, once only a bar, and the only accessible, natural, sea cave in Barbados has been owned and run by the Ward family since 1927.
The current owners, third generation, Manuel and Sue Ward created the latest version of the Animal Flower Cave in 2015, by adding ‘The Restaurant’ to enhance their guests’ experience. Now you can not only visit and swim in the Animal Flower Cave but also sit back, relax and enjoy a fabulous lunch, whilst soaking up the best view Barbados has to offer. There is also a fun play area for children, mostly created from recycled, repurposed and upcycled materials. The Restaurant serves Barbadian/Caribbean food, as locally sourced as possible. And since Mannie and Sue also run a black belly sheep farm, raising free-range lamb, you can often see the flock wandering about and may even get held up in a very typical Bajan ‘roadblock’!
Tuesday to Sunday, 11:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. (high season), and 11:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. (low season)
DINING: Open-air
ATTIRE: Casual
Range: 20.00 – 36.00
Bajan Fish Cakes traditional Bajan fish cakes with salt cod, herbs and spices, served with a Marie Rose sauce
Saltfish Buljol GF salt cod, lime juice, red and hot peppers, tomatoes and onions, served with grilled breadfruit (when in season)
Shrimp Cocktail GF baby shrimp poached in a spicy broth, served with a mango-ginger-pepper salsa
Ceasar Salad — 48.00
romaine leaves tossed in a creamy garlic dressing, topped with Parmigiano-Reggiano and garlic croutons
— with fish — with grilled chicken — with poached baby shrimp
Asian Lettuce WrapGF — 48.00
sautéed cabbage, carrots, broccoli, red onions, garlic, ginger and soba noodles tossed in a miso, sriracha, sesame oil and soy sauce, served on romaine leaves
— with BBQ pulled pork
— with shrimp — vegetarian
Chicken and Potato Roti — 35.00
mild chicken and potato curry wrapped in a roti skin
Black Bean and Pork Burroti — 45.00 when a roti and a burrito meet… roti skin filled with pulled pork, black beans and rice, topped with melted cheese, sour cream and home-made pico de gallo
Roasted Pumpkin and Chickpea Curry GF — 48.00 roasted pumpkin, tomatoes and chickpea simmered in mild coconut-cilantro-gingercurry sauce, served with jasmine rice and mango chutney
-> Go to: Menu Barbados/ The Restaurant Scan the code to find the location, get directions, make a reservation, and more.
West Indian Mild Chicken Curry GF — 58.00 simmered in a coconut-mango-tamarind broth, served with jasmine rice and mango chutney
Range: 54.00 – 65.00
Catch of the Day GF (ask your server for details) seasonal fish, all trom local fishermen, served with sweet potato mash and seasonal vegetables, topped with fresh pico de gallo
Slow-roasted BBQ Ribs
South Western slow-roasted ribs marinated in our in-house BBQ sauce, served with French fries and coleslaw
Breadfruit Taco Main CourseGF 3 taco shells made from breadfruit, loaded with coleslaw, onions, cilantro and pico de gallo, and your choice of filling — with jerk chicken — with BBQ pulled pork — with fish (not gluten-free) — with channa#
Jerk Slow-roasted Chicken GF free-range chicken marinated in our in-house herb and spice marinade, served with French fries and coleslaw
Seafood and Cajun Sausage Calypso GF scallops, shrimp, fish and Cajun sausage in sambuca and tomato broth, served with jasmine rice and a house salad (can be prepared without the sausage)
Black Belly Lamb Stew GF our home raised, free-range black belly lamb, potatoes, carrots and onions, done the 'Bajan way’, served with jasmine rice
Cuban Black Bean and Jasmine Rice GF black beans simmered in vegetable stock with onions, peppers, cilantro and a touch of Scotch bonnet pepper, served with jasmine rice, pico de gallo salsa and sour cream — with jerk chicken — with BBQ pulled pork — vegetarian
GF Gluten-free. Vegan. Spicy.
St. James (246) 422-2251
The Sandpiper Restaurant enjoys an enviable reputation as one of the island’s finest restaurants.
Chef Andrew Jean and his team continue to win accolades from visitors and locals alike. Fresh fish and the finest local and imported ingredients are used to create beautifully presented dishes. The Sandpiper Restaurant is magnificently situated in a family-owned and managed luxury hotel with an impressive return of guests who consider haute cuisine an integral part of their holiday experience.
Monday to Sunday, 7:30 to 10:30 a.m.
Monday to Sunday, 12:00 noon to 2:30 p.m.
Monday to Sunday, 7:00 to 9:30 p.m. (Sundays BBQ night, and Wednesdays buffet night)
DINING: Open-air (covered)
ATTIRE: Elegantly casual ENTERTAINMENT: Live music
Range: 30.00 – 45.00
Modern Caprese cherry tomatoes, burnt lemon meringue, smoked mozzarella, olive oil powder
Five-spice Pork Belly pomegranate molasses, apple purée, pear chips
Broccoli Soup
Cheddar crisp, bacon crumble, chilli flakes
Native Lobster sesame soba noodles, pickled mango, mirin dressing
Flash-fried Flying Fish beetroot paint, Scotch bonnet remoulade, pickled cucumber
Range: 82.00 – 95.00
Pan-seared Red Snapper grilled yams, sautéed leeks, kaffir lime foam, hollandaise
Fisherman’s Jewel of the Day crab-crusted, tomato relish, crumble feta and watermelon tian
Sandpiper’s Frutti di Mare local catch, scallops, shellfish, spiced tomato broth
Rib of Beef spiced potato cake, white asparagus, oregano green peas, Guinness sauce
Bajan Pork Tenderloin potato purée, cucumber ribbons, avocado salsa, pork jus
-> Go to: Menu Barbados/ The Sandpiper Scan the code to find the location, get directions, make a reservation, and more.
Range: 28.00 – 35.00
Double-layer Chocolate Mousse fresh berry compote
Warm Apple Crumble almond-praline ice cream
Chai Seed Crème Brûlée cookie and berry muesli
Guava Soufflé
‘No Sugar Added’ Dessert –Baked Raisin-filled Apple vanilla ice cream
Monday to Sunday, from 12:00 noon
Monday to Sunday, 5:30 p.m. til late
DINING: Indoors (air-conditioned, ocean view) – Open-air (covered)
ATTIRE: Elegantly casual (tailored shorts to the knees or trousers for men)
Range: 38.00 – 54.00
Tides Caesar Salad bacon, romaine hearts, creamy Caesar dressing, Parmesan and focaccia croutons
Spiced Carrot and Coconut Soup curried eggplant, lime crème fraîche
Fresh Burrata from Puglia, Italy Italian tomatoes, basil pesto, garlic croutons
Barbecued Baby Back Ribs potato salad, red cabbage, sesame seeds, warm barbecue sauce
Crispy Chilli Beef rice noodles, hoisin-sweet chili sauce and sesame
Crab Salad
lightly spiced, avocado guacamole, eggplant, chilli-lime dressing, plantain chips, pomegranate caviars
Jumbo Coconut-crusted Shrimp (4 shrimp) sweet chilli-mango dip
Crispy Spanish-style Lobster Risotto Balls shellfish gazpacho, chorizo, saffron-garlic aïoli, smoked paprika
Range: 78.00 – 350.00
Thai Vegetable Curry
chilli, lime, lemongrass, basmati rice, fresh coconut, coriander
— regular
— with chicken
— with shrimp
Sri Lankan Pumpkin and Coconut Curry chilli and cilantro, wild rice, chutney and poppadoms
-> Go to: Menu Barbados/ The Tides Scan the code to find the location, get directions, make a reservation, and more.
Catch of the Day
Tides jerked sweet potato fish cake, spinach, kale, zucchini ribbons, squash and ginger sauce
Pan-roasted Iberico Pork Two Ways presa loin and meat loaf, savoy cabbage, carrots, garlic mashed potatoes, rum-date purée, caper-mustard sauce
Lamb Shank slow-cooked in coconut milk and aromatic herbs, grilled zucchini, pumpkin, dried tomatoes, plantain fufu, lemon-herb bulgar wheat
Beef Tenderloin from Surrey Farm
Parmesan-rosemary dauphinoise potatoes, sautéed mushrooms, broccoli, garlic-herb jus
Surf and Turf
beef tenderloin and shrimp, local vegetables, potato gratin, beef gravy and lemon butter
Tides Seafood Platter
grilled Caribbean lobster tail, king scallops, mussels, shrimp, asparagus, garlic-herb butter, hand-cut fries, Caesar salad
Range: 38.00 – 40.00
Passion Fruit Bavarois caramelised white chocolate, passion fruit sorbet
Mango and Vanilla Cheesecake coconut-brandy snap
layers of flourless chocolate cake, glazed dark chocolate mousse, Baileys-espresso foam
Spiced Date Pudding
butterscotch sauce, caramelised bananas, roasted pecan nuts, vanilla ice cream
All prices are in Barbadian dollars and include government value added tax.
No service charge.
Tipping at your discretion. Prices and menu items are subject to change.
Rockley Beach
Christ Church
(246) 435-8074
Located on Barbados' South Coast along Rockley Beach’s half-kilometre stretch of sun-kissed sandy shores, The Tiki Bar is poised steps away from the cool, crystal-clear waters of the Caribbean Sea.
With a staggering arsenal of 68 exotically refreshing house cocktails and a respectable repertoire of beers, wines and spirits from around the world, The Tiki Bar lives up to its title of “Home of the Rum Heads”. Complementing this extensive line-up is an equally satisfying selection of food, offering mouth-watering local and international cuisine ranging from their succulent signature burgers and seasoned catch of the day to delightfully delicious flatbreads, ceviche and fresh-cut salsa. Whatever the occasion, all you have to do is visit, the fun is guaranteed.
Monday to Sunday, 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
DINING: Open-air (covered)
ATTIRE: Casual
Traditional French Fries — 10.00 straight cut, deep-fried, potato magic
Tiki Fish Cakes — 18.00 traditional Bajan-flavoured fish cakes
Buljol — 18.00
a Caribbean salad combining saltfish, onions and tomatoes mixed with local herbs and spices
Fresh Catch Ceviche — 18.00 fresh market catch cured in a citrus blend and finished with a red onion and pepper mix
Tiki Chips and Salsa — 18.00 our fresh-cut salsa blend served with a side of crunchy tortilla chips, the perfect chip and dip!
Caprese Flatbread — 20.00
freshly baked flatbread, a layer of melted mozzarella, lightly herbed tomato sauce, a dash of chilli flakes and a sprinkling of cherry tomatoes, drizzled with a light balsamic glaze
Chicken Satay — 22.00
tender strips of delicious grilled chicken skewered and served with a delicious peanut dip
Deep-fried Calamari — 25.00
lightly seasoned and fried ringlets, served with our home-made tartar sauce
Tiki Wings — 25.00
our delicious wings done to your liking, with your choice of wings, either BBQ, Buffalo or hot
Tiki House Salad — 24.00
our house mix of mesclun greens, carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers, bean sprouts and shredded feta cheese
-> Go to: Menu Barbados/ The Tiki Bar
Scan the code to find the location, get directions, make a reservation, and more.
Tiki Three-bean Salad — 25.00
garbanzo, kidney and black beans with red onions, spicy cucumbers and tomatoes on a bed of lettuce mixed with a cilantro-limechilli dressing
Caesar Salad — 26.00 shredded romaine lettuce mixed with a creamy Caesar dressing, topped with crunchy croutons and grated Parmesan
Feeling Adventurous? add any of the following to any salad — with grilled chicken add 12.00 — with fresh market catch add 14.00 — with shrimp add 16.00
The Classic Burger — 28.00 our Tiki burger patty topped with layers of lettuce, tomatoes, onions and pickles
Tiki Chicken Sandwich — 28.00 tender grilled chicken breast with lettuce, tomatoes and onions
Catch Sandwich — 30.00 our catch of the day grilled to perfection with lettuce, tomatoes and onions
Tiki Master Club Sandwich — 32.00 a classic toasted club with chicken, bacon, Cheddar cheese, tomatoes and onions
Spice It Up!
spice your sandwich or burger adding any of the following toppings
— jalapeños, mushrooms, grilled pineapple add 2.00/each
— fresh salsa, Cheddar cheese, bacon add 3.00/each
* All burgers and sandwiches are served with French fries. Substitute fries for:
— Tiki house salad add 5.00
— Caesar salad add 5.00
All prices are in Barbadian dollars and include government value added tax.
No service charge.
Tipping at your discretion.
Prices and menu items are subject to change.
West Haven Complex
St. James
(246) 432-0134 / 432-1319
Zaccios welcomes guests with a relaxed atmosphere they are sure to enjoy and remember.
A seaside restaurant located on the West Coast of the island, Zaccios offers a casual seaside lunch or dinner just steps away from the beautiful clear waters. Watch the sunset at happy hour and mingle with locals and tourists while enjoying amazing cocktails created by international Mixologist Shane McClean
Shane McClean MIXOLOGISTBREAKFAST, LUNCH AND DINNER: Monday to Sunday, 8:30 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.
DINING: Open-air (covered)
ATTIRE: Casual
Range: 16.00 – 36.00
Fish Cakes
salted cod, fresh herbs, spices, Zac dipping sauce
Vegetable Spring Rolls (4 pieces) sweet Thai chilli dip
Calamari deep-fried panko-crusted calamari rings, aïoli
Coconut Chicken Strips sweet Thai chilli dip
Plantain Nachos GF sour cream dressing, crushed avocado, salsa criolla, plantain tostones
BBQ wings served mild or spicy
Tuna Tacos spicy ahi tuna, seaweed salad, dipping sauce
Kani-age Soft-shell Crab roasted aïoli
Gochujang Pork Belly Korean pepper paste, crackling, fresh herbs
Range: 35.00 – 45.00
Fish Sandwich
Grilled Chicken Breast Sandwich
8-oz. Flame-grilled Burger
Zac Burger
bacon, blue cheese
Range: 27.00 – 56.00
Classic Caesar Salad
Greek Salad
Field Green Salad
* Option to add fish, chicken or shrimp.
-> Go to: Menu Barbados/ Zaccios Scan the code to find the location, get directions, make a reservation, and more.
Range: 15.00 – 60.00
Pizza Styles
pepperoni, Hawaiian, Greek, veggie sizzler, farm house, or build your own pizza, price varies according to size and toppings
Range: 50.00 – 80.00
Red Thai Curry
chicken, shrimp or vegetable curry served with basmati rice and seasonal vegetables
Catch of the Day with seasonal vegetables and your choice of either fries, rice or salad
Chicken Roti with fries or salad
Coconut Shrimp with seasonal vegetables and your choice of either fries, rice or salad
Alfredo Pasta with your choice of chicken, shrimp or fish
8-oz. New York Strip Loin garlic mash, butter vegetables, pink peppercorn sauce
Range: 20.00 – 26.00
Brownie vanilla ice cream, chocolate syrup
Cheesecake home-made with toppings
GF Gluten-free. Vegan.
Zen promises a truly unique dining experience in a spectacular cliff-top setting with a majestic view of the renowned Crane Beach through an all-glass frontage.
Featuring sophisticated Japanese-influenced interior design and superb classic Japanese and Thai cuisine, Zen also offers a variety of seating options, including a traditional Japanese tatami room, intimate private dining rooms, and its centrepiece‚ a sushi bar with a magnificent view. Experience the world of Zen at The Crane.
DINNER: 5:00 to 9:30 p.m., closed Tuesdays
DINING: Indoors
ATTIRE: Elegantly casual
Ka Nom Pang Na Moo / Pork or Chicken on Toast — 28.00
crisp deep-fried pork or chicken spread on a sliver of toast, served with chopped cucumber in a sweet vinegar
Goong Hom Pha / Fried Prawns in Rice Paper — 34.00 spicy tiger prawns delicately wrapped in rice paper, deep-fried and served with a sesame-soy sauce
Hoy Ma Laeng Phoo / Aroma Mussels — 45.00 steamed fresh green mussels with kaffir lime leaves, lemongrass, galangal, shallots and fresh basil, served with a lemon-garlic dipping sauce
Num Man Hoy / Wok-fried Beef, Mushrooms and Onions in Oyster Sauce — 60.00 beef tenderloin with fresh mushrooms and onions, wok-fried in a delicious oyster sauce
Pla Nueng Manoy / Snapper in Herbs — 60.00 fish fillet of the day steamed and served on a bed of herbs, topped with fresh lime juice and crushed fresh chilli
Pattaya Salmon — 68.00
grilled fillet of salmon with mild red curry sauce and a bouquet of spices
* All dishes may be prepared mild, medium or hot as per your request. Main courses are served with fragrant steamed jasmine rice.
-> Go to: Menu Barbados/ Zen Scan the code to find the location, get directions, make a reservation, and more.
Maguro (tuna) — 22.00
Hamachi (yellowtail) — 22.00
Osaka — 30.00 flying fish roe, cucumber, salmon skin and crabmeat
Tuna — 32.00 flying fish roe, cucumber, avocado and tuna
Maguro Age — 60.00 tempura-battered ahi tuna, crabmeat, fried egg, tobiko, spicy Japanese mayo, eel sauce
Spider — 64.00 flying fish roe, cucumber, avocado, soft-shell crab
Dragon — 72.00 cucumber, avocado, smoked eel and crabmeat
Samurai — 72.00 prawn tempura, tuna, hamachi, avocado, spicy mayo, eel sauce, wasabi tobiko, spring onions
Rainbow — 72.00 assorted fish, crabmeat, cucumber, avocado, tobiko
Hotategai — 74.00 scallop, ikura, cucumber, avocado, crabmeat, tempura crisps, spicy mayo, eel sauce
All prices are in Barbadian dollars and include government value added tax.
A 10% service charge will be added to your bill. Prices and menu items are subject to change.
The mixologists at Sipping Room infuse an intense burst of citrus into the drink—without losing the essence of the oldfashioned itself. “This recipe is just a bit of a twist on the classic cocktail with more of a Caribbean-Bajan-type thing to make it home-grown”, Deon Fields says.
It’s a refreshing cocktail that is reminiscent of the atmosphere at Sipping Room. The aromas of fresh orange and fragrant spiced rum,
Simple syrup or a sugar cube, bitters, bourbon or rye, an orange twist, an old-fashioned glass, and ice. That’s all you need to make a traditional old-fashioned. The sugar or syrup lends the cocktail a faint note of sweetness, and the bitters give the cocktail its spiciness and bitterness for a balanced flavour.
distinct immediately after pouring the cocktail, invite you to sip, sit back, and relax. “Sipping Room is the place to be”, Fields says with a grin. There’s a reason the only neon sign in the lounge says “Relax”. The lounge bar is laid-back in concept and design. And since it’s tucked away in a purple building between Trident Insurance and Dread or Dead Surf Shop, Fields says most people are amazed when they walk through the tinted glass door.
1 ½ oz Foursquare Spiced Rum
Angostura bitters
1 oz simple syrup
4 orange slices with peels
Maraschino cherries
1. Muddle Foursquare Spiced Rum, three dashes of Angostura bitters, simple syrup, and orange slices in a cocktail shaker.
2. Add ice and shake the cocktail.
3. Double strain the cocktail into an oldfashioned glass with fresh ice.
4. Garnish with an orange slice and a maraschino cherry on a skewer.
Fields says the simple syrup in the cocktail recipe can be switched out with another Bajan rum liqueur: falernum. Usually made with sugar cane, baking spices, nuts, and lime, the syrupy liqueur has a small percentage of alcohol and a very sweet taste.
Go where you want, see what you want, at your own pace. Jeeps