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Hagmunafélög Advocacy Groups


Ýmis hagsmunafélög eru starfrækt innan Háskóla Íslands og hér kynnum við nokkur þeirra til leiks.

FEMÍNISTAFÉLAG HÍ Femínistafélag Háskóla Íslands er þver­ pólitískt félag háskólanema sem vilja berjast fyrir jafnrétti kynjanna. Tilgangur félagsins er að halda uppi fræðilegri og málefnalegri umræðu innan háskólans um málefni sem snúa að jafnrétti og sjá til þess að HÍ verði leiðandi afl í jafnréttis­baráttu íslensks samfélags. Félagið stendur meðal annars fyrir Píkudögum en þeim er ætlað að koma af stað málefna­legum og opnum umræðum um píkuna og öllu því sem henni tengist. Félagið er virkt á samfélagsmiðlum.    /feministafelaghi @feministarHI @feministarhi feministarhi@gmail.com

Below are just a few of the many advo­cacy groups active at the University of Iceland.

THE FEMINIST ASSOCIATION The University of Iceland’s Feminist Association is a cross-party organization of university students fighting for equal rights. The purpose is to encourage the university community to engage in constructive dialogue on issues related to gender equality and to ensure that the university is a leader in the struggle for equality both on and off campus. Among other things, the Feminist Association hosts Pussy Days, an annual event intended to encourage open and honest dialogue about all things vagina and vulva. The association is very active on social media.    /feministafelaghi @feministarHI @feministarhi feministarhi@gmail.com

AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL STUDENT ASSOCIATION Founded in fall 2018, the Amnesty Interna­ tional Student Association aims to encourage education and spark dis­cussion about human rights within the Icelandic university community and support those whose human rights have been violated. The association has for an example hosted the Human Rights Week and is an exciting platform for University of Iceland students who have an interest in human rights issues and the work of Amnesty International. As well as partici­ pating in the Equality Days at the uni they work closely with the Icelandic depart­ment and Youth Movement at Amnesty


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