d-mars.com Top 50 Black Professionals & Entrepreneurs
Irvin Ashford, Jr. CO M M U N I T Y H E R O 2 0 1 3
ership in the business community. In 2009 Ashford was named a recipient of the C.A.W. Clark Human Relations Award presented by the Interdenominational Ministerial Alliance of Greater Dallas. He is also a recipient of the Texas Women’s Empowerment Foundation 2010 Community Mentor award. In 2012, Ashford was selected as a University of Texas at Dallas Community Diversity Champion and a recipient of the 2012 Champion of the year award given by PeopleFund. His civic and community involvement includes serving on the board of directors for the Texas Women’s Empowerment Foundation and as a mentor to youth entrepreneurship at Change Happens (formally FUUSA). Comerica Bank partnered with Change Happens! to open its second Community Resource Center in Houston. The new Community Resource Center is housed at Change Happens! headquarters in the heart of Third Ward Houston. The center provides access to a computer lab and new library for 100,000 lowto moderate-income residents — including adults and youth — and is open to the public free of charge during normal business hours. Ashford teaches financial literacy at several Houston area non-profit organizations. In addition, Ashford was instrumental in the success of the Steed Society’s Top 25 Women of Houston Awards which recognizes corporate, non-profit and philanthropic leaders for their works in the community.
rvin Ashford, Jr., Senior Vice President of Corporate and Public Affairs and Director of Community Development and External Affairs for Comerica Bank, has extensive state-wide responsibilities focusing primarily on the Dallas and Houston markets.
A lifetime member of the National Black MBA Association, Ashford also is a member of the Urban Financial Services Coalition and the National Forum of Black (NABA), the National Black MBA Associa- Public Administrators. tion (NBMBAA) and the Texas Women’s A graduate of Oberlin College in Ohio, Empowerment Foundation (TWEF) for his Ashford, earned dual master’s degrees – work in mentoring men and young boys in one in public affairs from the University of the Houston area. Texas and one in business administration Ashford was named to the 2007 Unit- from the University of Dallas. ed States delegate class of the BritishAmerican Project. He is also a Woodrow Irvin Ashford, Jr. Wilson International Studies and Public SVP, Corporate & Public Affairs Director, Community Development & External Affairs Policy Fellow, an American Marshall Fel- Texas Market low, and a Zeit-Stiftung Ebelin und Gerd Comerica Bank Bucerius Fellow.
Ashford joined Comerica Bank in 2000. During his tenure, he has received Comerica’s Volunteer of the Year Award and the Chairman’s Outstanding Achievement Award for leadership and quality. He also has been recognized by the In 2008, Ashford earned the Dallas BusiYMCA of Metropolitan Dallas, the Na- ness Journal’s Minority Business Leader tional Association of Black Accountants Award for his work and outstanding lead22
TOP 50 BLACK P&E 2013
1717 Main Street Mail Code: 6554 Dallas, Texas 75201 (Office) 214.462.4324