d-mars.com Top 50 Black Professionals & Entrepreneurs
D’Artagnan Bebel CO M M U N I T Y H E R O 2 0 1 3
ing local newscasts from 35.5 to 52.5 hours per week; conceived popular news franchise segments: FOX FACEOFF, THE ISIAH FACTOR, YOUR FAMILY MATTERS and the Emmy Award winning, MYFOXHOUSTONLIVE!com. He planned and executed the merger of KTXH station operations with KRIV in 2006. D’Artagnan is a proud graduate of Howard University in Washington, DC where he received a Bachelor of Arts, Cum Laude in Broadcast Management. He went on to attend Columbia University Graduate School of Business in his hometown of New York City where he received a Masters of Business Administration, Magna Cum Laude in Marketing. In September of 2000, Mr. Bebel was bestowed with the Howard University School of Communications Alumnus of The Year Award and has his picture on permanent display in the school. Mr. Bebel has served on several boards, some of which have included Harmony Charter Schools Advisory Board, Texas Association of Broadcasters, 2006 Board Chairman, Better Business Bureau of Houston, Zina Garrison’s All-Court Tennis Academy, Professional Sales Institute of Houston, The Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion, Minority Media & Telecommunications Council Braintrust, American Women In Radio & Television Advisory Board, Star of Hope Mission, Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International, and the Houston Area Urban League.
In addition to Mr. Bebel’s service on various boards, he is in high demand as a keynote speaker for various galas and community events, as well as a motivational speaker for colleges and schools. He was even invited to perform with the Vice President, General Manager at Fox Houston Symphony as Special Guest 13 WHBQ-TV for two years. Mr. Bebel Narrator for several performances of “Pehas been in broadcasting for over thirty ter & The Wolf.” years serving in a variety of sales and sales management positions for compa- D’Artagnan Bebel V.P., General Manager nies including Fox, CBS and The Dispatch Fox 26 KRIV-TV & My 20 KTXH-TV Group.
’Artagnan Bebel currently serves as Vice President, General Manager of 3 operating units for the Fox Television Stations Division of News Corporation including: Fox 26 KRIVTV, MY 20 KTXH-TV and MyFoxHouston. com in Houston, Texas since November 2001. He was promoted to his current In his current position, recent career include: expandposition from Memphis, TN where he was accomplishments 24
TOP 50 BLACK P&E 2013
4261 Southwest Freeway Houston, Texas 77027 (Office)713.479.2601