Top P&E 2013

Page 38 Top 50 Black Professionals & Entrepreneurs

Terence H. Fontaine TRAILBLAZER 2013

ing Department record for having every student he taught, pass the required FAA oral examination on the first attempt. In January 2004, Mayor Bill White appointed Fontaine as a direct report in the capacity of Deputy Chief of Staff responsible for monitoring, measuring and improving the city’s day-to-day operations. In the wake of the mass evacuation of neighboring Gulf States as a direct result of Hurricane Katrina, Fontaine was chosen by Mayor White to serve as co-site manager for the City’s recovery efforts headquartered at the George R. Brown Convention Center. Under his leadership, the site received national recognition for its overwhelming impact on the lives of more than 28,000 evacuees and survivors who received shelter and services during the center’s three weeks of operation. In 2008 while working for the City, Fontaine graduated from the University of Houston Bauer Business School earning an Executive MBA.


erence H. Fontaine is a native Houstonian and a product of the Houston Independent School District, graduating from Bellaire High School in 1978. After graduation, Fontaine entered the United States Marine Corps where he began a career in aviation. During his seven-year tenure in the Marines, Fontaine worked in aviation operations, learned to fly and studied aircraft maintenance while serving his country stateside and abroad. Fontaine lived and studied abroad while working towards earning his Bachelor of Science Degree in Aviation Management from Southern Illinois University. In 1986, after an Honorable Discharge, Fontaine enrolled in Rice Aviation School to become a licensed aircraft technician. He also attended Cliff Hyde Flying Service to continue his flight training. In 1989, Fontaine joined the Technical Operations Division of Continental Airlines in Houston, TX. While at Continental Air36

TOP 50 BLACK P&E 2013

In January 2013 Fontaine was named Interim Executive Vice President of the Metropolitan Transit Authority of Harris County. He joined METRO in January 2010 after resigning from the Board of Directors. Fontaine has assumed the responsibilities of Tom Lambert who is the Interim President and CEO. In his spare time he is pursuing his Doctorate in Education at Texas Southern University mainlines, Fontaine worked in many capaci- taining a 3.90 GPA. ties including Aircraft Maintenance SuFontaine is a member of Wheeler Avpervisor and Project Engineer. In 1994 enue Baptist Church where he serves as he became a direct report to the V.P. of a Deacon. His hobbies include politics, Technical Operations. As the Manager of boating, flying, bicycling (completed the Maintenance Operations and a member MS 150 bicycle ride from Houston to of the Continental’s on-time performAustin), motorcycle riding, snowboarding, ance committee, he focused primarily and encouraging young people to conon maintenance performance. During his tinue their education. tenure, Continental Airlines achieved the highest headstart performance rating in Fontaine is the son of Sam and Beverlye Fontaine and is married to the former Ms. company history. Diedra Booker. They have one daughter, In 1996, Fontaine transferred to the Courtney Ann Fontaine. Flight Operations Division where he worked as a Pilot Instructor on the Boeing 727 and 777. After joining the training department, Fontaine continued his education and achieved an Airline Transport Terence H. Fontaine Pilot’s License, the highest rating an Air- Interim Executive Vice President line Pilot can achieve. During his time as Metropolitan Transit Authority of Harris County an instructor, Fontaine completed Boeing 1900 Main Street 777 Pilot Training at The United Airlines Houston, Texas 77208 Pilot Training Center in Denver, Colorado. (Office) 713.739.4655 He is proud to have held a Pilot Train-

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Chivon Jones ...................................................... C Jones Allstate Agency

page 103

Kisha and Lorenzo Armstead ............................ The Popcorn Bar

pages 105-108

Tongela Clark ..................................................... Heritage Texas Properties

page 102

Marcus L. Barnum ............................................. Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC

page 101

Terry Peden......................................................... T & T Liquors

page 100

LaTrice Martin-Gault.......................................... Save Your Properties, Inc

page 94

Tarus Morgan ..................................................... T & V Morgan Management

page 90

Leslie Phillips ..................................................... Obsidian Beauty Supply

page 80

Tony Whitaker .................................................... FSI Construction/Foundation Specialists, Inc

page 89

Joyce Owens ...................................................... Owens Management Systems, LLC

page 84

Stephanie Lee .................................................... Stephanie Lee Insurance Agency

page 79

Brandon Herndon............................................... State Farm Insurance

pages 75-77

Tristen Sutton..................................................... Tristen Sutton State Farm Agency

page 78

Helen Callier....................................................... Bradlink LLC

pages 71-73

Kimberly Dixon, M.S., C.N.E. ............................. Kimberly Lane Properties

page 70

Noel A. Pinnock.................................................. City of Houston

page 63

Sharone Mayberry.............................................. Mayberry Homes, Inc

page 61

Norris Aikens...................................................... Blue Sky Lending

page 60

Dannette Kay Davis .......................................... Kay Davis Associates, LLC

page 62

Ken Ross............................................................. Ken Ross Insurance Agency

page 58

Mena Freeman................................................... Mena Freeman Financial Services

page 57

Donovan Casanave ............................................ Shell

pages 53-55

Che’McFerrin...................................................... Reliant an NRG Company

page 52

Troy B. Smith ...................................................... Troy B. Smith Professional Services

page 56

James Harris....................................................... H-E-B

pages 48-49

Al Colbert............................................................ Colbert/Ball Tax Service

page 47

Layle McKelvey .................................................. United Airlines

page 50

Claude Cummings, Jr......................................... Communications Workers of America-D6

page 44

Calvin D. Wells ................................................... City of Houston Administration & Regulatory Affairs

page 43

Terence H. Fontaine........................................... Metropolitan Transit Authority of Harris County

page 38

Kimberly J. Williams, J.D....................................Metropolitan Transit Authority of Harris County

page 42

Ja Ja Ball............................................................. Colbert/Ball Tax Service

page 32

Roosevelt Petry, Jr. ............................................ GP Industrial Contractors, Inc

pages 30-31

Carla Lane .......................................................... Lane Staffing, Inc

page 37

D’Artagnan Bebel .............................................. Fox 26, KRIV-TV & MY20 KTXH-TV

page 26

Diedra Fontaine ................................................. United Airlines

page 36

Cary P. Yates....................................................... Wells Fargo Bank

page 25

Irvin Ashford, Jr. ................................................ Comerica Bank

page 24

Dr. John M. Rudley ............................................. Texas Southern University

page 19

Dr. Jonita Reynolds ............................................ Gulf Coast Community Services Association Inc

page 18

James Prince...................................................... Rap-A-Lot Records

pages 12-13

Bishop James W. E. Dixon, II............................. The Community of Faith

page 23

Borris L. Miles .................................................... Borris L. Miles Insurance

pages 14-15

Sharon Phillips ................................................... Multicultural Connections & Preventable Crisis Care

page 22

Terrance & Torsha Johnson ............................... Higher Dimension Church

pages 20-21

Mathew Knowles .............................................. Music World Entertainment

pages 10-11
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