d-mars.com Top 50 Black Professionals & Entrepreneurs
Al Colbert TRAILBLAZER 2013
Al Colbert CEO & Co-Founder Colbert Ball Tax Service 2616 South Loop West #110 Houston Texas 77054 (Office) 713.592.5555 alcolbert@colbertballtax.com www.ColbertBallTax.com
people’s individual needs. In 1995 the first Colbert/Ball Tax Service office was opened. It was a meager place in the heart of Third Ward, Texas. The office achieved prolonged growth. The company grew at such a steady pace that franchises had to open across the city of Houston. The company’s corporate office did not travel far from its initial location, but it is now comprised of several offices in a high rise that boldly displays the Colbert/Ball name and stands near a major As the Founder and CEO of America’s larg- freeway. est and most recognized African-American Because of his philanthropic and business tax service company and franchise, Al Col- efforts in Houston as well its surrounding bert has triumphantly unearthed the perfect areas, Mr. Colbert has received the Young mix for entrepreneurship. Mr. Colbert and Leaders of the Future Award from Ebony business partner Ja Ja Ball pride them- Magazine, the YMCA Outstanding Achieveselves on quality products, quality service, ment Award, and Black Enterprise’s Speand quality employees. This unique ap- cial Achievement Award for Franchising. proach to tax service in the minority com- He was also the winner of the Prestigious Pinnacle Award for Top African American munity has proven to be a great success. While attending Texas Southern University, businesses in Houston. Colbert/Ball was Mr. Colbert hatched the idea to create a dif- recently ranked in Entrepreneur Magazine’s ferent tax service company that catered to Franchise 500. One of Mr. Colbert’s most unique accolades came in 2003, he was reams are more than sleep time entertainment. They are mosaics painted with purpose and potential. Al Colbert has taken his childhood dreams and erected a multi-million dollar franchise with over 350 offices in 23 states. Mr. Colbert’s desire to make life better for family and friends has driven him with relentless fervor to not only teach people how to fish but to also own the pond.
granted “Honorary Georgia Citizenship” by the state of Georgia. Mr. Colbert is a proud member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Incorporated, the Young Entrepreneur (YEO) of Houston, and a Board Member of Pro Search Staffing Firm. Since the rapid growth of Colbert/Ball Tax Service, Mr. Colbert has started and built a sister company Coball Entertainment in 2007 an entertainment conglomerate which has had tremendous success. Mr. Colbert is happily married to Monica Colbert. While celebrating 10 Years of marriage, Al and Monica have four beautiful children together, Alejandro II, Mariah, Alexa and Alexander. He attributes all of his personal and professional success to his faith and unyielding commitment to placing God first and dedication to excellence in all endeavors.
TOP 50 BLACK P&E 2013