Warszawa (PL) winner
Adrià Guardiet (ES)
Albert Estruga (ES)
C/ del Callao, 10, 2o1a
08014, Barcelona, Spain T. +34 609167770 adriaguardiet@gmail.com www.adriaguardiet.cat
154 cultural and memorial facilities adjust the imbalance between the cultural offer on both sides of Marszałkowska St. via different strategies in order to reinforce the relationship between the main landmarks of Warsaw’s history.
system of open space completion of the system of open spaces located west of the city via a set of greenways: Civic axes for pedestrians and cyclists that connect large-scale parks and merge the whole city into this system.
mobility rearrangement of the main traffic roads and reduction of the parking areas at street-level, which creates a system of superblocks with limited access for vehicles and total priority for pedestrians.
On the edge Team point of view Two scales. At city scale, we propose a series of measures that will reinforce links between Warsaw’s main urban nodes and the area where the plot is located, now isolated for several reasons: fast lanes crossing the district, big street-level parking lots, excessively homogeneous open spaces, huge residential-only areas, shortage of facilities and urban activators, etc. At plot scale, we propose to link the three residential blocks via a continuous ground floor that will have different uses – shops, community facilities, etc.– that aim, on the one hand, to enliven the urban environment, and, on the other hand, to reinforce a sense of community amongst residents. This operation will also produce a physical rearrangement of the open space in three categories: the street, the indoor public space, and the inner courtyard. Jury point of view The main strength of this project is the way it reconfigures the neglected intermediate space. An additional building volume breaks up the monofunctionality of the site. This measure implicitly redefines the street space, but only when the principle of densification with the ground floor zones of further building plots is adopted and the street space is enclosed on both sides. As a restructuring principle this procedure offers a kind of spatial blue-print solution for a move from the structured, lowdensity ‘Corbusian’ city to a compact, multifunctional urban district of the 21st century.