Graz (AT) runner-up
Sebastian Jenull (AT)
Thomas Perz (AT)
Atelier Astwerk
Sandra Tantscher (AT)
industrial designer
Sebastian Jenull, Sandra
Wilfried Stering (AT)
Tantscher, Schörgelgasse 3
building engineer
8010 Graz, Austria
Reinhold Weinberger (BR)
T. +43 6642335791
162 Yard, Beach House and Framework
Bucket List 4 – Kiss under stars
The bucket list – Feel the city Team point of view The site is characterized by its schizoid fringe conditions: heavy infrastructure in the east, calm housing developments in the west. As a possible response we suggest a flexible and adaptable framework, which creates urban edges and borders while remaining open and permeable. The built grid can be filled with different uses. The suggested configuration of buildings with the big yard in between, are the grid for a wide range of different uses, such as housing, work, leisure and school. Urban rhythm takes place in the open spaces, which also give the city identity. These spaces are occupied with the components of the bucket list, which trigger people´s emotions and invite users to act in certain ways. Experiences and the associated feelings of happiness become part of collective memory.
Implementation of buildings
Jury point of view The project creates a whole set of proposals to enhance and trigger emotions relating to a variety of qualities that are created out of the “already there” of the place, reading its potential as a mixture of actions, situations and spatial developments. It follows that the overall plan is published as a manual that suggests a series of steps to be taken. The manual introduces the identity of the area as an amalgam of hard and software operations, in which infrastructural interventions (bridge), the re-cycling of abandoned structures (industrial shed) and technological topics are linked to scenarios of appropriation by different populations.
Typology and phasing strategy of uses – “Framework” and “Beach House” Site plan