marly (CH) winner
Cristian Panaité (BE/RO)
Chaussée d’Alsemberg 287, BP.9,
architect - urban planner
1190 Bruxelles, Belgium
Mircea Munteanu (RO/BE)
T. + 32 485441079
architect - urban planner -
landscape designer
202 Le parc des falaises Team point of view How can Marly improve its urban quality while capitalizing on its natural surroundings? A linear public space structures the development, catalysing a mix of activities. Anchored in the cantonal road it blends into the existing open space network. It works also as a multi-layered green infrastructure for rainwater retention, ecological flows or urban agriculture. It is framed by a series of towers defining Marly’s entrance silhouette and by a ‘garden-city’ strip of parallel blocks and row-houses. This section (towers-park-rows) is the DNA of the development, permitting various gradual/adaptive implementation scenarios leading to a new more coherent neighbourhood structure. The Saint-Sacrement area is consolidated through the addition of sports amenities, a multipurpose hall and student housing. Jury point of view The project proposes a structured development along a green strip. The built front contains two building typologies. This proposal leaves some architectural questions unanswered about the two sides of the empty space (green space), but creates a good connection with the existing urban fabric and offers a coherent and diversified urban response. It suggests the possibility of a phased implementation.