Urretxu_Irimo (ES) winner
Carlos Soria Sánchez (ES)
Avda. Doctor Federico Rubio y
Laura Fernández García (ES)
Galí 31, 3 A
Irene Vitorica Donezar (ES)
28039 Madrid, Spain
Ana Rosa Soria Sánchez (ES)
T. +34 636802615
correodecarlossoria@ gmail.com
210 Piztutako Irimo Team point of view Our proposal’s success depends on the initial strategy. Using a non-form initial approach, we were able to develop the project as a complex electronic object with no hierarchy between function and form. It is not an architecture of metaphor but of actions and ideas. We deal with a non-form architecture that can absorb additions, subtractions and modifications spontaneously and easily without changing its sense of order. The design will absorb uncertainty, variations of every kind and the inevitability of change. It is a non-symbolic, indeterminate, nonlinear, rhizomatic diagram. What we work with is an operative mechanism rather than a restrictive document. Jury point of view The authors propose an operation on both a general and a detailed scale. They use three strategies – “shade/perforate/invade” – that can be staggered over time. The project takes into account various usage options, and anticipates the changes that inevitably accompany the passage of time. Alternative uses are suggested for the existing buildings, while the residential function, associated with potential agricultural uses, is relocated closer to the town centre. With a parallel operation that redefines the road levels, circulations and transversal elements, this project aims to convert Irimo into a focal point for activities, an interface between urban and industrial areas.