Kalmar (SE) winner
Verónica Sánchez Carrera (ES)
C/ Juan de Urbieta, 10. Loc. Dcha.
Indalecio Batlles Abad (ES)
28007 Madrid, Spain
Julia Font Moreno (ES)
T. +34 636226196
Beatriz Sendín Jiménez (ES)
356 Conservation, densification and complexity Team point of view n´UNDO proposes for Kalmar an intervention based on No Construction, Minimization, Reuse and Dismantling. Urban development based on density and complexity, prioritising the conservation of the environment and the territory. No construction, out of respect for the territory and areas of high environmental value that constitute the identity of Kalmar; Minimization, with criteria of minimal energy, environmental and visual impact caused by new constructions; Reuse of existing spaces and infrastructure, through revision and optimisation. Densification of the existing framework without losing the human scale. For a genuinely sustainable city, we would need to consider less energy-hungry systems and greater urban complexity. Jury point of view The proposal focuses on increasing density in the existing areas along the road rather than proposing new developments, making reuse and densification its main tools. The purpose of this choice is to keep the natural environment and wetlands untouched and to occupy the voids present in the urban fabric. The project is very successful in its self-restraint, working for a more sustainable – in other words compact – city, and protecting the ecosystem.
LAND CONSERVATION RINKABYHOLM_SÖDRA STADEN_KALMAR_SWEDEN “Architecture is not only a question of technique or aesthetics (or economics), but the frame of a – at best reasonable- way of living.“ Bernard Rudofsky