I ookirg Back on thc kduoodfuIarket
TutoTears Ago the California Redwood Association undertook the task of telling the public the Story of Red*99d-,a story that we knew would solve the problem of demand, once it had firmly gripped the public mind.
One Tear Ago a complete advertising campnign, supplemented by new plan books, afarmbuilding series, and a wealth ofinformation on Redwood was offered to the public. Prospects were referred to Redwood dealers, and Redwood dealers to prospects.
Today stocks of Redwood are much reduced, prices are firmer, consumption greater. Inquiries are pouiing in at the rate of zooo a month. Scores of dealers have written us saying that prospects referred ro them are increasing their business. The job is well begun-let's complete it!
Ve z.uantr ltou to share tbis business
Dealers stocking Redwood are supplied with the material advertised, as well as many other helps such as letter inserrs, yard andjob signs, technical information, mountain cabin booklet, etc.

Use the Coupon below for securing your compiimenrary copy of the Rnowooo Sarns MaNuar. It contains valuable information on dozens of native woods, including Redwood. You need it for reference.
Californra Redwood
24 California Street ' S.an Francisco
CarrnonNra RrowooD AssocrarroN, 24 cALTFoRNTA srREET, sAN FRANcrsco, Dept. 26012
Please send me complimentary copy of your "Rrowooo Sarrs MaNUAL," afl aurhoritative text on nearly all native woods.
The F{olidays Are Upon us
Cheer, happiness, good-will to me'n preoailsha??y children, tichled tots, proud ?arents-nature in its glory-the holidays are nigh.
H ous es brig ht cne d, bard ens li g ht cned-h e art h fr et g l ow-anticipaliuv-s s4lizationChristmas-and a home
We can well be proud of the joy-filled homes during this season. Your eftorts and our efforts; your accomplishments, and our accomplishments have made these homes possible.
May the year Ninetecn-hundred-and-trrenty,eight be one joyous season for us all. May lr'e serve more, accomplish more, and gladden more.
,$ Pacific Door and Sash Company

6600 Lexington Avenue Los Angeles
"The home of Masterbilt and Eureha Products."
J. E,MARTTNMuqlor Edtr
'.. - Clrculedo Murer
, A. C. MERBYMAN : - Adwrddnf Managcr
w. H. W(x)Ds, Mnr. !]eo Frrnd*o Ofta
Mrr. Pctbad Officr
J*kDionne, furttbt*
. lnccpmtcd padcr tla bvr d Cdlfcala 'J. e. Dlmnc, Prcr. ind Trcu.; J. E. Msdt' Vlcc-Pu.; A. C. Mcrryu, Jr., Scy. Publishcd thr lat end lsth of each uo|t rt 3rs-te-20 CENTRAL BUILDING, LOS ANGELFS, CAI-' TELEfHONE VAndllc r5l5 Entcnd u Smd-clas uttcr Sopt nbcr 6, L4 at ltc Pctffio rt Is Angclcr, Crllfcd!, rodcr Act of Mlrc} t' f&t.
iiubrcription Pricc, $2.lXl Pfr Ycar Slnglc Copicr, 25 ccntr cach.
How Lumber Looks
Conditions indicate trhat tbe martet is due to rhow conriderable irnprovement after the holidays. Production will be curtailed aa some of the milb in the Northweet are dready down, and many are figuring 9n g-oing- dowin earlier than-usud for the holidayr and will be clooed for a longer period. The fir log market b firm, and with much rnow and rmfavorable weather conditionr, many of the lggernel carnps will have to close for an indefinite period. Retail stocks are low and the buyerc are reported as feefing that an qd' vancc in pricea ir cbming. The generd outlook b Ego{.
The California market rhowr very little change. D*iqg the past two wee&r tte volume has continued on a fair bario with no change in pricet. There are about 11 million feet of ungold lumb€r it San Pedro, rnoct of which is underir' ablc rtock. Fir cargo errivalr'into Southem California for the rnonth of November totded 104'960 M ft., and practic' ally alt the rtock arriving ir being diepoeed of. r{r cotn: pa;ed with the month of Novernberr -1926, fit--9"tg9 arrivalt iot 1927 rhowed a decrease of nearly 24 rnillion feet For the year 192? up to December 1, fir cqrgo gr"rvals into Southern California rhow a decreare of 159 million fee$ ar compared with the rame period for 1926.
Fir cargo arrivalr at San Frencirco for the month of No' vember t;taled 45,415 M ft. For the ralne month in 1926, the cargo receiptr amounted to Slrol 1 M ft.
The lath rnarket is reported firm, with good lath saaroe. Shinglee are reported ae looking better and showing etrength again.
Building permits in the city of Loa Angeler for Novenr' ber totded -$17,4il,327-the recond larged monthly 6g' ure on record. Clag A conrtruction for November, 1927, comprired 10 building!' with an e*imated vduation of $1O,388rO98. There included two buildingr for the county, the recond rnit of tte corurty museum at Expooition Park' and a unit of the Crenerd Hoqital, ectimated to cort $9r75O'(XX). Clats D, all frame conrtruction, arnounted to $4,532,3(N lor l7l2 buildinge. The Los Angeler figure ' for November war far in qrces! of the $8,688'255 tabulated for the rame montfi in 1926, and tte total for the

Advcrtiring Rrtor ' oir Applicrtior
eleven monthr of 1927 amounted to $11613961736. Thc game eleven months for 1926 totaled $112'916'344.
The November building permits for San Francirco totded $6,382,171. The Oaklar.rd building pBrmits for the rame month totded $1,908,713.
Tbe redwood market continuee firrn. Commons are very short and clean are moving satisfactorily. All rtockc at the millc are being depleted and the outlook ir encouraging. Redwood cargo arrivals into San Francisco for November total 2Or122 M ft. Redwood cargo arrivals into Southetl Gdifornia totaled 13,225 M ft.' which is practically the eame as the arrivalr for Novernbetr, 1926. For the firct elev€n months of 1927r-cargo arrivals into Southern Californit show an increare ol 23 million feet as compared with the rame period for 1926. For the year 1927 to December 3' the Redwoodl Arsociation barometer rhowr, 16 millr report- ing: Ordere received, 4091136 M ft.; Production, 3741164 M ft., and Shipmentc, 398,984 M ft.
The Califonia Sugar Pine market rernainl steady and will probably remain euite firm for the nert 60 to 9O dayr with pocribly rome nominal advancec. Factory lurnber ir getting rciarce, perticularly 8/4 No. 1 Shop. Californh White Pine is rhowing improvement. Factory gradea are reported in better rhape and the market har a firmer tonc. Stocke at the millr are broken and an advance in price will undoubtedly follow. The only grader where any surplur ir in evidence ir in No. 1 and No' 2 Clear.
For the week ending December 3, the Weat Coact Lumbermen's A$ociation baromcler, 114 mills reporting, rhowed: Production, 11718661559 ft.; New Burine*, 95r984'86E ft., and Shipmentr, 108,fi)5,389 ft. For the 6nt 48 weckr of 1927,95 mills reported: Production, 4170311721559 ft.; New Busineer, 4158314451434 ft., and Shipmentr, 4r547r46t,794 ft.
For the week ending December 3, tfre Southern Pinc Arsociation barometer, based on 109 millr, reporbd: hoduction, 6719571162 ft.; New Buolnecc, 5913721679 ft., and Shipmentr 67,028,860 ft.
Advice to every retailer, wholesaler, and manufacturer of lumber, which, if followed, would brrng certain prosperity to the iridustry: 'DON'T SELL ANYTHING AT At{Y TIME TO ANYBODY THAT DOESN'T BRING YOU A REASONABLE PROFIT.''
Kotrsible Sasb is a feature q,f tbe T{etu Arnerican Windou., accornplisbed without cI ' re*d
yrrv *rr"*, vvfeYw , of the regular
.t tuto sasb tyPu
Numerous installations in office buildings, hotels, hospitals, apartments and residences, plus satisfactcry performance in daily use, is ybur 'assurance that the new American ' Window is sound in principle and not simply a new-fangled idea.
Positively none of the merits of the pres. ent two-sash type of window have been sacrificed. Ncw conveniences have been achieved by simply improving the methodof hanging the sash through the use of twelve simple pieces of hardware, sturdily constructed and inexpensive to install.
Featares of the Neut Arnerican lf,/indout
Top and bottom sash reverse without effort for cleaning panes from inside of room.
Top and bottom sash may be entirely removed for glazing or repairing.
Both sash automatically lock when closed.
Top sash automatically locks in ventilating position without weather hazard, and secure against outsi{e entrance.
Ifardware is attractivell designed-simple to install and positive in operation.
Any millwork plant can build the frame for the American Window, for it differs but slightly from the usual window frame. Any carpenter who understands blue prints can install American Window hardwale, for it fits any size or thickness of double sash. Once installed, there is positively nothing to get cut 6f slds1-n6 springs-no trick hardware.

You will be interested in knowing the details of the new American Window. The coupon below, properly signed and mailed to us, will bring complete information. Our technical booklet will also be sent on request.
The demand for the new American Window has been phenomenal. It will become a new scurce of acceptable proft to wideawake lumbcr merchants. Write today for information.
e-r{medcan Vindout Hardutare is naiketed tbru millanrk pl.an ts. Tbe coabon belou.,, sisncd and mailed to us aill bring cokplete infoniatiotz,
American \(/indow Compuny
tb:e "p;:f#fu,'
The Vital Importance of Selling

I'll have to plead guilty that I don't know the idcntity of the man who made the r+ marks that I am about to quote, but whoever he was, I'm for him, for he compressed into a few terse lines manyl things that experience has proven beyond a doubt to be true, and he states them in a very interesting way.
I grabbed it out of an editorial in Forbes Magazine (and I rise to remark that that is a business magazine that frequently prints business editorials that hit the spots and hit them hard) and the author is Mr. St. Elmo Lewis. flere's what he said:
"The selling process is the ULTIMATE PURPOSE of an organization, and if IT fails, the COMPANY fails. Its vital importance is obviouq. IT IS THE ONLY REASON \vHY A BUSINESS EXISTS.
"Vl/e sell to a public. That public is a peculiar thing. It is busy, indifferent, exacting. We know less about it than we should, but we do know, however, that:
"1. It is a fallacy that the public will automatically seek the BEST. It has to be EDUCATED and DIRECTED.
"2. It is a fallacy that the public knows the difrerence between PRICE and VALUE.
"3. It is a fallacy that the public knows what it wants.
"4. It is a fallacy that the public will automatically reward enterprise and service.
"5. It is a fallacy that the public will demand over any great length of time \VHAT IT IS NOT REMINDED OF."
That is one of the most profound-talks on selling that I ever encountered. It is a sermon that should be read by every business man several times every day.
The truths expressed are exactly opposite the instinctive beliefs of many business men who are sound on all other subjects.
QUALITY will NOT create business of itself.
The world will NOT mahe a beaten path to your door just because you have a better product than the other fellow.
LOW quality things ar€ successfully sold in direct competition with higher quality things, every day, every where, in all lines of business.
The all important end of every business is the selling end.
The whlte ant lrroblem? Ask ltfeGorrmlic?l
LALIFORNIA architects are specifring tneated lutnber for any purpose that bri4gs it in contact with the ground. Underpinning and sills creosoted under presrue the McC.ormict< way solves the home builder's white ant pnoblem.
Our own treating plant is taking cirne of such orders daily, and is part of the complete chain of service we offer from the forest to your yard.
A feer d 25 ltdcConnicL ves*ls are bngaged in delivey of McC,ormick lumber. Twenty-five y€ars of growth arc bach of the unusual senrice we offef,. ***

When you have special needs, you can depend on McC,orrnick. I-et our nearest sales ofrce or sales rqrresentative quote you in straight or mixed cars. Besides cargo facilities, we have a departnrent specializing on rail busincss.
Ghas. R. lf,cGornlclc Lunber Go.
Exchsiye Califomia disnibutors for Weyohaeuw Fh Floofing and Walton Vetpu Panels
SALES OFFICES: San Francisco+2l7 Marka Street; Datenport j5O0. Los Angela-770o Iarc Mortgage BaildinS; Tinity 5241 Phoafu-C. P.Heny,reprcentatite,423 Heard Building. MILIS: St.Helens,Oregon; Port hdlon'and Port Gamblc, Vahington. TREATING PLANT: St. Hefetr, Oreson. PLANING MILIS: San Diego. DISTRIBUTION YARDS: Wilmingbr atd San Diego. Douglas Ftr . Gedar . Spruce . Benlock
First Quarterly Round Table Meeting of the Pacific Coast Group National Association of Wooden Box Manufacturers
Held in the Palace Hotel, San Francisco, Cafifornia, on December lst and 2tld,, 1E27.
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Walter S, Johnson,Mr. Paul L. Grady, Chicago, Ill., Secretary-Treasurer of the Association, gave a report of the activities of the Association as a whole.
Mr. B. F. Masters, Chicago, Ill., Chairman of thi Board of Governors of the Association, addressed the meeting.
The Pacifc Coast Manager read his report concerning the activities of the Pacific Coast Group,
The meeting then took up a "round-table" discussion of the subiects outlined in the Docket.
The following Motions were passed during this Meeting:
'Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was:
RESOLVED that the Pacific Coast Secretary of this Association prepare lists of all box operators who are not members, and as,sign these lists to difierent groups of the present members, with the request that the present members use their influence, and whatever efiorts are necessary, to persuade them to become members. That the members who .receive these lists make suggestions as to whether they, or somebody else, can better handle possible subscribers.
,Upon motion duly made and.seconded, it was:
RESOLVED that the Secretary of this Association at the Chi-
C. E. Dant, president of Dant & Russell Lumber Co., Portland, was in San Francisco the first week in Decernber. While Mr. Dant spends most of his time in Portland, yet his many interests bring him to San Francisco occa' sionally.
cago, Illinois, office issue a bulletin directed to jobbers, wholesalers and retailers in the Eastern territory and Middlewest, advising that they can now obtain their western canned goods packed in light weight wooden containers, at approximately the same weight and freight as the present fibre case, if they so specify; these bulletins to indicate how cases can !e made, suggestions for nailing, wire strapping, etc, That the Secretary submit proposed copy of such brrlletins to the Pacifc Coast Group Executive Committee before publication.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it
RESOLVED that tier tallies be included in every car of shook shipped, together with the manifest.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was:
RESOLVED that the Executive Committee of the Pacific Coast Group be increased to nine rqembers, this Committee being prcviously composed of seven members.
The following members were elected to the Executive Committce of the Pacific Coast Group, to serve for one year: Mr. C. H. Daggett; Mr, Robert L. Ferral; Mr. W. G. Hyman; Mr. Walter S. Johnson; Mr. Herman Paine; Mr. J. W. Rodgersl Mr. John &. Tomlin; Mr. J. M. White; Mr. C. R. Wisdom.

The Chairman of the Executive Committee will be elected 9t the first regular .meeting of the Executive Committee to be held at 2:00 P.M., December l5th, 1927, in the office of the Association, 537 Call Building, San Francisco.
The Higman Lumber Co., with office and mill at Ninth Avenue and Exposition Blvd., Los Angeles, are now open for business. Jerome M. Higman, president, has been a resident of Los Angeles for many years and was formerly manager of the Southrvestern Lumber Co.
You Win Both Ways!
If you invest your January funds in Pacific Coast Building-Loan Association Investment Certificates, you have the guarantee that it will earn a worthy 6% for you, \ rith practically unlimited safety.
Moreover, since our loans stay in the community and are used for building purposes, part of each loan finds its way back into your pocket in the form of casft-from the purchase of building materials.
And so, the more you invest, the more we can loan, the more other people can buy, and the more you get backl This givee you a special advantage over every other type of invegtor. It's worth your serious considerationl Guaranteed
Please send me further inf ormation about your investment plans.
Name Address
A y""t ago we said 1927 was going to be a Redwood year. We felt that a good product' working hand in hand with modem merchandising, was bound to be successful.
Today we s€e that prophecy vindicated by facts. The Association mills shipped 3Sl mitIion board feet of Redwood during the first 11 months of. 1927, an incease of.5Yz7o over the corresponding period of, 1926. Orders increased, stocks were reduced.
For the year 1927 up to December 1, redwood cargo ar:rivals at San Pedro showed an increase of nearly 21 million board feet as compared with the same petiod rn 1926, while Douglas fir cargo receipts showed a decrease of 159 million feet.

This increase in the consumption of Redwood took place in the face o, " O""ra. in buitding throughout the country ranging from 3 to 33Vo.
The reasons behind Redwood's plogress are not hard to find:
I.-CONSUMER INTEREST IVAS STIMULATED by a nationd advertising campaign in a score of magazines having a total citrulation of over 2r7OOr0OO. The teal story of Red. wood went out to meet the public. Thousands who had never thought of Redwood were intetested to the point of action.
2.-MODERN MERCHANDISING BACKED UP CONSUMER ADVERTISING. Literally tons of material in the form of plan books, letter inserts, agricultural series, architectural ssvice, etc., etc., were distributed direct and through retail yards.
3.-REDVOOD PRODUCTS WERE MODERNIZ'F,D to suit the demands of modetn buitding. Economy and Anzac siding, new suins and finishes, interesting efiects in sandbtast and buffing btought Redwood directly in line with present-day desires for artistic intedons and exterions.
4.-REDWOOD SATISFIES THE DEMAND FOR BETTER BUILDING. People are tired of cheap, fimsy construction. Much evidence everyrvhere is convincing prospective home owners of the foolishness of moving into ttcraclcer boxestt that cost the owner hundreds of dollars to keep in repair. Ffomes that endure are the kind that are wanted. And people are leatning that Redwood endures for generations.
Red Cedar Shingle Congress
S. P. Johns, Snoqualmie Falls Lumber Co., Snoqualmie Falls, Wash., was elected president for the coming year of the Red Cedar Shingle Bureau, at the eleventh annual Red Cedar Shingle Congress held at Seattle, December 8.
The congress adopted the re-roofing plan presented by Secretary-Manager Whiting, and agreed to raise the sum of $35,Q00 necessary to carry out this plan, which it is believed will result in increasing the 'r'olume of shingle business.
S. P. Johns, Snoqualmie Falls Lumber Co., was chairman of the morning session. He made an appeal to the shingle manufacturers to adhere closely to American Standards, and stated that in his opinion the Red Cedar Shingle was coming back strong, and predicted a big increase in volume in the coming year due to the demand for shingles for re-roofing over the old roof. Sixty per cent of the business of their competitors is re-roofing business, he said. Mr. Johns told of the district meetings of manufacturers that have been held by the trustees. Mr, Whiting,. Secretary-Manager of the Bureau, had made close contact with practically 100 per cent of the members through these meetings, arltl the interest shown was very gratifying.
Arthur Bevan, Assistant Secretary-Manager, read the annual report of the secretary-manager. In the course of his remarks Mr. Bevan said he believed the re-roofing plan presented by IVIr. Whiting was a winner, and that the time had come for the Bureau to do some offensive work as well as the defensive work they had been doing up to now. He gave a brief sketch of the proposed re-roofing plan, which will cost the Bureau $35,000 in addition to their regular annual expenditure.
The congress also expressed their satisfaction with the work being done by the Bureau in fighting anti-shingle ordinances throughout the country, and decided that this defensive work must be kept up, and that the money voted for the offensive ri-roofing campaign must be raised in addition to the regular fund.

Henry Olwell, Jamison Lumber & Shingle Co., Everett, Wash., led the discussion on "RE-roofing Over The Old Roof Campaign"" He said his company had received wonderful cooperation from the dealers, and urged the convention to'adopt the re-roofing plan.
After considerable 'discussion the plan was endorsed unanimously by the congress, and thi trustees were instructed to find ways and means to raise the money necessary for the carrying out of the plan.
(Continued on Page 43)
Gan Tou Flgure Thtc Horrse + ln5-Dflnutec????
Wtth Thls Bools You Gan!
And what's more you can figure practically any othcr housc in 5 ninutcs. This book, "Automatic Building Costs," positively makes figurins any house plan as siraple as ABC. It is absolutcly new, nothing else like it. It is to a lumbcr dealer figuring a house plan what an intcest actuary is to your bpnker rn computing intercst. If this book will do what we say it will' you can not afford to be without it. And to prove our case we make you this
Just fill in the coupon, pin to your letterhead and mail NOW
Orders received from a few localities are subject to certain arrangements which we have with a few lumbermen who aided us in the compila- tion and testing of this book.
Send us your bmk, "Automatic Building Costs," for one week's FREE use; If after using this book one week, we don't think it will save us ten times its cct the
year, we will return it to you by parcel post insured. On the othei hand, if we like yogr book and want to keep it, we will remit immediately on receipt of your firstt invoice the special introductory piice of $15 which pays for the bmk in full during this introductory offer.

Territorial Rights
Address delivered at the Annual Convention of the California Retail Lu.mbermen's Association.
By Steve Westover, San Gabriel Valley Lumber Co.
Is there any excuse for a wholesaler or manufacturer selling direct?
So far I have been unable to find any excuse for such unethical practice.
Our general business structure has two distinct operations, call them as you will, production and distribution, manufS.cturing and merchandising, or wholesaling and retailing.
The manufacturer produces on a quantity basis and should distribute to the quantity buyer-that is the retailer. He is a specialist in distribution, selling as you know, a certain number of lines from different manufacturers in very much smaller quantities than his original purchases.
This requires an entirely different operation from the manufacturer of individual commodities, and it is only by the concentration of numerous lines that the distributor can make a profitable showing. Should the manufacturer attempt to sell his product in a retail way, it would require him to set up a retail organization of his own that would be more expensive than selling through the usual retail channel, and it is my contention that it is a ruinous policy for a manufacturer to attempt to do business in direct violation of accepted practice.
Are small planing mills or large industries entitled to buy as cheaply as your yard?
We will take the case of the small Planing Mill first. Usually he is financially handicapped to be a quantity
buyer, and my answer to this question is for a nearby yard to sell him his requirements at an agreed price, the yard to give the mill as much sash door and cabinet work as is prudent.
Industrial requirements in lumber are usually outside the average run of yard stock, such as crating, shook, pattern stock, shop grade, etc., and if the particular industry is a quantity buyer, the wholesaler is perfectly justified in selling direct. On smaller orders for regular yard stock, the business should certainly go to the retail yard.
Should wholesaler sell one retailer for delivery in another's territory, and do you follow your customer? are two questions that can be answered together. In the San Gabriel Valley and surrounding country, it is our practice to follow the customer, and we can offer no objection to the wholesaler selling one retailer in another's territory, providing the price structure of that particular territory-is maintained. When any of the yards in our organization figure in outside territory we endeavor to find out existing scale of prices and always figure on that same basis.
Do the large city yards sell in your territory? I say they do, largely for the reason that they also follow their customer. The larger yards, who are also wholesalers, do not attempt to disturb our established trade, but gladly work with us to maintain prices on an even schedule.
Unfortunately there are other yards whose favorite cut price and low grade policy causes some disturbance with us elsewhere.
The News Is Sp"eadittg r - r
And prospective builders and architects are evidencing great interest in the new process of stained finishes for Maple which we are now able to supply.
The introduction of this proces3 marks the beginning of a new area of possibilities for the use of this most durable of hardwoods, which the alert lumber dealer will be quick to realize.
As a result of our display at the Shrine Auditorium inquiries are being received daily regarding thio new stain. This is the only finish for Maple which is now obtainable in colors and is guaranteed to be durable and wear-resisting.
Additional information and literature may be had on request.
They're Bru"8 Growth Yeltonr
Larorv LurusBn Conapewy
October. !4, 1921

Santa F€ Lunb6r Conpuy Ss FrancLaco, CaUf.
f heve bgm lntcndln( over slnc6 thet last car anrlv6d to rrlte and congratulatg yil on th6 vsry good grades tt8t you shlppacl us fron th€ 4 C. d1L.
Tho floorin6 ud colllng wor6 nlco and, soft Mlerlal and w;ll riLLed,
Kiln.Dried Fir wins the good will of dealers' customers. There's "Satisfac. tion in even' foot" of our Old Growtir Yellow Frr lumber because it is thor. oughly kiln.dried and dressed after seasoning to Ameri. can Standard si:es. All degrades are taken out at the mill.
Thg c omons rere dry arrd ac- tuslly 8tratght snough to pilc' rlthdrt ua havlng to use a sllo as e bin.
:fours vory trul.y, Laton Ixnbor ConpenJr
-dePenda. bility
-quality ?'SefVlCe
Watch these ads and read what others say about this dependable lumber.
(A. J. "Gus" Russell)
Distributors in California o;nd Arizona General Ofrces:
General Offces: Kansas City, Missouri (Oregon-American Lumber Co., Vernonia, Ore.)
A joint luncheon meeting of the San Gabriel Valley Lumbermen's Club and the Pasadena Lumbermen's Club was held at the Tavern, San Gabriel, Cal., on November 28, about 45 members of the two district clubs and other retail dealers from neighboring towns being present. Wm. H. Sievert, of Alhambra, president of the San Gabriel Valley club, presided at the luncheon and Albert R. Israel, of the West Coast Lumber Trade Extension Bureau. which has headquarters at Longview, Wash., addressed the meeting.
Mr. Israel, rvho is doing some special fieldwork in California for the Bureau, told of the work that organization is doing to promote the sale and use of lumber in general and Pacific Northwest woods in particular. He suggested to the dealers rvays in rvhich they could utilize the different services offered by the Bureau to their advantage and offered suggestions regarding lumber merchandising and co-operative efforts among retail lumber dealers. At the close of his talk he answered a number of questions concerning the Northwest woods and other matters affecting lumber distribution in California.

The joint meeting was arranged for by Stephen Westover, of Alhambra, Cal., secretary of the San Gabriel Valley Lumbermen's Club. Among the dealers present, in addition to President Sievert and Secretary 'Westover, were: Arthur Lawyer, Alhambra; Dean Butcher, Walter Conway and Henry Byrn of West Alhambra; C. L. Barton, Guy Casler, A. Jolly and E. A. Roush, Monterey Park; Al Muller and Amos Geib, San Gabriel; Riley Manning, Rosemead; J. Saltonstall, R. 'Wolstoncroft and F. P. Sap-
Mr. O. V. Pratt, formerly of the firm of Pratt &'Warner, and an expert in the making and merchandising of built-in things, has just been appointed Sales Manager in charge of sales and advertising for H. V. Cowan Company, of Los Angeles.
Mr. Pratt has been with Mr. Cowan for the past six months. His first job was the re-arranging and coordinating of the Cowan plant for the purpose of specializing in the production of the Cowan Built-In line of furniture. This finished, and the production and efficiency of the plant greatly increased, Mr. Pratt lvas placed in charge of the sales and trade promotion department of the company.
Mr. Cowan is going into the built-in business stronger, probably, than anyone in this territory has ever attempted be{ore, building a marvelous line of things, but featuring principally his kitchen built-ins. Mr. Pratt is keenly equipped to handle his new department.
Phillip Johnson, of the E. E. Johnson Lumber Co., Coquille, Oregon, was a recent visitor in San Francisco,
pington of E,l Monte; Leland Muller, Arcadia; Ted Stover, Wilmar; Glenn Billheimer, Lathrop Leishman, O. D. Adams, W. G. Newmyer, Harold Simeral, 'Wm. Burns, Chas. Faulkner, William Davies, Paul Orban, Henry Plank, Mr. Smith and C. M. Enkstrand, secretary of the Pasadena Lumbermen's Club; 4 C. Hill and Clarence Parker of South Pasadena: Leslie of Los Angeles. and L. L. Kelly
We are strictly wholesalers of a wonderful line of buildit g materials. We work with the dealer and realize that our interests are mutual. Our prices. are satisfactory, our quality challenges comparison and we are good folks to b.ry from.

Lumbermen Should Give Wooden Presents This Year
By M. S. Munson, Advertising Manager Exchange Sawmills Sales Co., Kansas City, Mo.
As the Christmas Season approaches, are we lumbermen going to forget the opportunity of giving our product a boost ? There are many ways in which we can do it and the whole industry will profit more.
It is not a new idea to advertise lumber products as Christmas presents; such things as a home, a new floor, a sun parlor, a storm door and many other things of a similar nature. But let us place ourselves as lumbermen on the other side of the counter-the buying side-and buy only wooden toys for the kiddies this year. A good idea, is it not?
It may not be at all new but it is timely to remind ourselves and all of wood's friends to buy and speak a word for wood when selecting our Christmas presents. A toy dealer here in Kansas City took an unexpected but illuminating course of instruction the other day from an entirely new source-a customer.
The man wanted to see some toys. Mechanicallv the dealer led him to long rows of paint6d tin jimcracks, -*il"s of them.
"I wouldn't have any of them in my house," he exploded in the face of the astonished dealer."Why?"
again, what's his inclination? Doesn't cheap paint come off? Is cheap paint a very good thing for a child's diet? That's point number one.
"Point number two is that I am a lumberman-been in the business most all of my life. Wood is beautiful and harmless, just in the natural finish-toys of almost every conceivable sort can be and' are being made of wood. Why, from where we stand, you can see some of those wooden toys over there that are not only practicable, but they will take a lot of boyish punishment and like it.
Show me the wood toys-and take a tip from me that you will be doing all of your customers a favor by showing them wood toys first."
Strange as it may seem, such an incident has actually happened. Another lumberman, hearing of the matter, added sorne comments of his own:
"That is just what we all ought to do. If every lumberman and every man in allied industries would demand wood toys, take nothing but wood toys, and keep talking the thing until they enlisted neighbors and friends in the movement, it would vastly increase the demand and build up an almost entirely new outlet for lumber that has practically no other sale."
i'Nq* look here, once and for all, let me tell you some- thing." The customer sidled over closer and raiied a men. acing finger for emphasis. "There are two or three reaso-ns why you will never sell me any of those things, and why_ other people are going to stop buying them." -
"Did you ever see a small child pick up a new toy, play with it a moment, then lay it down ? Wien he picki i-t u!
"The Christmas.season is upon us and lumbermen, the country over, are buying hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of toys. Think about it, Mr. Lumberman: You can do a practical turn for the lumber industry and you can persuide Mrs. Lumberman to do a practical thing if you will talk this matter of toys over with her tonight, in view of the above statements."
Wood, by all means, for the friends of wood !
fs There a Profit in Lumber Insurance?
YES. Lumbennen holding policies at our Inter-Insurance Exchanges are receiving savings from underwriting profits, the result of maintaining minimum eKpense ratios and normal loss ratios. Normal loss ratios are maintain"d by careful selection of risks and by the policyholders co-operating in fire prevention. Regular inspections by our trained representatives assist our policyholders by revealing unnecessary hazards and inadequacy in protection, and by developing carefulness and orderliness :rmong employees. Request our Representative to rate your propef,ty and fully explain our plan.
Sash, Doors and Frarnes,

standard or special,
with workmanship and material (California Pines) of the very highest quality are turned out by our system that combines quantity production with craftsman-built workmanship. Doors include our laminated, water-proof, els and veneered faces of California Pine. able.
warp-proof construction with panHandsome, attractive and depend-
Builders like these goods. Dealers find them highly salable.
"l had a cook once," said Paul Bunyan, "who was one of the first men to think of quantity production. He made up a month's supply of pancakeo at one time. They got so tough we used them to half-sole our boote and for hinges on the doors. He was gent down the tote-road, for I demand quality as well as quantity."
MIXED CARS FROM RED RMR of er unique adoantages. Wide range of stochs, rates and shipment seroice. Do you get our"Weekly Stoch Letter?"
"Producerc of White Pine for Over HaIf a Century"

An attractive feature of the Builders' Exposition of f/ On Saturday, November the 26th, the Sacramento ValSouthem California, by the Builders' Exchange, November ley Lumbermen's Club held their regular monthly meeting 28 to December 3, was the exhibit of Northwest Forest in the Senator Hotel at Sacramento. In the absence of Eod-ucq, which was prepared_by the West Coast Lumber President 'Walden, Jo Shepard of Friend & Terry Lumber Trade Extension Bureau of Longview, Washington, and Co., Sacramento, presided.- J.J. Farley of the Paiific Lumwas loaned to the California Retail Lumbermen's Asso- ber Co., San Francisco, was on hand with moving pictures ciation. This handsome educational exhibit was placed on of their mill and logging operations at Scotia, which prodisplay in the Exposition through the cooperation of three vided a very intereiting lna instructive entertainrnint. Los Angeles lumber firms-Hammond Lumber Co., Con- Harvey fsenhower of thJHolmes-Eureka Lumber Co., San Many thousands of people from Los Angeles and neigh- convention recently held at Los Angeles. L. J. Woodson, boring towns attended the expositiop and the lumber Ex- Northern California representative of Wheeler-Osgood Co., hibit proved an important drawing card. Many prospective manufacturers of Laminex Doors, talked on conditions in home builders, architects, contractors and others visited the sash and door industry. the Northwest Forest products exhibit and procured liter- Th$" present at thg meeting were: ature and other information regarding Red Cedar shingles, lo Shepard, Friend & Terry Lbr. Co., Sacramento; C. D. Douglas fir, West Coast hemlock, Sitka spruce and West- l.eMaster, Sacramento; Russell Tracey, Friend & Terry ern Red Cedar lumber for various purposes in construc- !bt. Co., Sacramento; Walter Baker, Friend & Terry Lbr. tion. A number of actual sales of shingles and lumber Co., Sacramento; I. E. Brink, Diamond Match Co., Chico; were made at the booth during the Exposition. L. J. Woodson, "Laminex Doors", San Francisco; H. Isenhower, Holmes-Eureka Lbr. Co., San Francisco; E, T. Robbie, Auburn Lumber Co., Auburn; Tom Brown, J. E. Higgins Lbr. Co., San Francisco; J. J. Farley, The Pacific Lbr. Co., San Francisco; Earl E,. Bbwe, Nat. Lbr. Mfg. Assn., San Francisco; R. C. Thompson, The Timberman, San Francisco; Harry Terrell, Chas. R. McCormick Lbr. Co., San Francisco; J. R. Neylan, Booth-Kelly Lbr. Co., San Francisco; "Doc" Folsom, Celotex Co., San Francisco; H. Henry, Booth-Kelly Lbr. Co., San Francisco; W. H. Woods, "The California Lumber Merchant". San Francisco.
solidated Lumber Co.. and E. K. Wood Lumber Co, Francisco, reported on the California Retail Lumbermen's
This attractive exhibit of West Coast woods is one of sixteen that the West Coast I umber Bureau is making for display at various state retail lumber dealers' conventions all over the country. The exhibit was on view at the California Retail Lumbermen's convention in Los Angeles, November 10 to 12, and was loaned to the state association by the Bureau for exhibition purposes all over the state by district clubs or retail organizations and by individual or groups of dealers who may desire to utilize the exhibit. Mrs. J. E. Fraser, secretary California Retail Lumbermen's Association, 112 Market Street, San Francisco, is handling the matter of furnishing the exhibit to ' dealers over the state.
"Ask Redwood Association to send airmail three sets working instruments design 'Pioneer'."
This message, sent by Mr. G. N. Thornton, Treasurer of the Southern Pacific Company, from his office at 165 Broadway, New York City, was received on December 6.by Mr. G. S. Evans, of the Railroad's office in San Francrsco.
Mr. Evans telephoned the request to the office of the California Redwood Association and twenty minutes later the blueprints and specifications rvere delivered to the airmail section of the San Francisco Post Office.
Myron Woodard, president of the Silver'Falls Timber Co., spent a few days in San Francisco during the latter part of November.
@rkXactd. IPhone r\sadloven Il6(M
To The Lumber Dealers of
the Sacramento and San Joaquin Valleys
In connection with our large sawmills at Crannell and Fairhaven, Humboldt Countyr California, we have large distributing yards enabling us to give you prompt and eficient service on
Tour Redwood Requirements
Located at the following points:
Friend 8d Teny Lumber Co., Sacramento The Little River Redwood Co. Madera

The Little River Redwood Go.
General Sales Olfice: Financial Center Building, San Francisco
Sales Ofrces:
New York City
Havana, Cuba
Amsterdam, Flolland
Mills at: Crannell, Calif.
Fairhaven, Calif.
Cargo and rail shipments
Does Cooperation Pay?
Address delivered at the Annual Meeting of the Millwork Institute of California by Will Goddard, SecretaryManager, M. I. C., Alameda County Branch.
When our genial managing director asked me to talk upon some subject of interest to you gentlemen assembled in solemn conclave at the Annual Conference of the Millwork Institute of California, I hesitatingly agreed to do so, feeling how mediocre my abilities as an orator were and knowing so many members, if they would, could rio so with much better etfect.
However, some time ago I made a talk on a similar subjecr to the one allotted to me and my friends told me I had got l-.;' al, right, so I was somewhat enthused, but when the present progranrs were mailed to the industry, one of my member.s dropped into my office and said, "Bill, I want to give you some good advice."
I immediately said that I would like to hear what it was, tltinking he would say I would probably be in line for some important position on the stafi of the Millwork Institute of California, or rf not that, probably something as important.
But he said, "It is this: it is a great deal better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt."
So I am taking great chances in speaking at all, but'if there are any present who really do not know the answer to the query my subject propounds, they are certainly not far removed from the class of people who make their homes in Napa.
The subject is-"Does Cooperatior.Pay?"
The question itself is as imbecilic as, "Does the sun give heat?"
' It is as crazy as, "Will water quench thirst?" It is as dumb as, "Can a duck swim?"
Does cooperation pay? Twenty years ago an association of business men was as scarce as hen's teeth. The few who had organized were leaders in their line of endeavor. They were men of great vision; men who saw the handwriting on the wall, To a man well versed in his business, who with thorough training has mastered all the different angles of finance, has made himself a past master in all matters executive and knows to the fraction of a cent the cost of each article that his plant produces; to such a man I say that notwithstanding his perfect plant and organization, notwithstanding his efficiency, the success of his business much depends on his cooperation and association with men who also happen to be trying t6 earn their livelihood in the same line of industry.
His next door neighbor is just as anxious to keep his plant working to capacity as he himself is and should he find that orders are faling ofi, a riduction in price (while not the most profitable) seems to bJ the easiest way to keep the pot boiling for the time being. This is the first nail in the coftin. Twenty-four hours have not elapsed before the cut in price is everyone's business. Every ma-nufaciurer of that line of goods is well assured that he can manufacture just as cheap as his competitor and about 90 per cent are of the opinion they can manufacture cheaper.
You all know the 6na1 outcome. The one with the largest bank rotl lasts a little longer, the weaker brethren go to the wall a little quicker, but worse luck, are replaced only too quickly by bigger damned fools and the referee in bankruptcy the only one to reap anv benefit.
these were the conditions that our big men of twenty years ago foresaw and hence the birth of business men's associations.
Have any of you watched closely the records of industries other than your own? Try to buy a certain brand of shoes and try three or four different merchants and see if one is disposed to sell at a
price less than his competitor. Try and buy a certain brand of hat in a similar manner. Try and borrow money from two different banks and see how much lower the rate of interest will be at one bank than the other. Try ihirts, try clothes, try gasoline, try tires, try any damned commodity outside of lumber, millwork and sash and doors and see where you get.
With few exceptions, from the cobbler to the banker, we see men who have the courage to ask a price for their commodities which will return at least a small margin of profit for the services they render.
Yet we lumbermen, millmen and sash and door men, controlling, or rather I should say, operating an industry which is one of the largest if not the largest in the state of California, are absolutely sittrng contented without any real effort to correct the present day villainous uncontrolled system of merchandising.
What is wrong with us? We have all at one time or another been members or a cooperative organization. There is not orib present but will admit that during the period of cooperation it has been possible, (if not to make a reasonable pro6t,) to have at least bettered conditions, and to have at least reduqed the previous loss.
Men, every Tom, Dick and Harry of us are to blame. We are too prone just to look to our own personal gain. We forget the other fellow. We forget that to help ourselves, we m,ust help the other man; we must realize that to establish healthy conditions for ourselves, they must be healthy for our competitor.
We are all in the same boat and as soon as we begin to rock the boat, we are liable to be the first to fall out.
Gentlemen, I have preached cooperation for twenty-five years, I have seen unbelievable results attained. I have records in one locality where in the short period of nine months cooperation added an additional $256,000.00 to the pockets of the members, and it cost those same members $600,000.00 for just one year of unbridled cornpetition only eighteen months later. Can you explain why men will illow themselves to be drawn into such a chaotic condition after experiencing what cooperation can do and what disastrous results wide open competition has wrought? No progress was ever made by competition, but the permanent advance of the race has been by cooperation. We know it, we honestly believe it, and we admit it.

What then is wrong? I have told you before and I will tell you again. We are almost devoid of vision; we are almost without faith; we are almost without confidence, and pretty soon we witt be without hope. Can we meet much longer in these conventions to discuss our problems unless soon we can see some real good achieved ?
Can we much longer shake hands with each other and eat at the same table when our very actions show we have no confidence in each other? Men, I think we are all wrong. We have got to get together in a bond of friendship. We have got to discuss- ways and means of instilling within the very souls of all of us a confidence that can not be shaken. We have been too prone to judge the other fellow of wrong doing, when probably our own skirts have not been too clean.
How many of us would dare to stand up if the Great Master were to command, "Let him who is without sin cast the first stone?"
Not one of rrs. We are none of us angels. We are not one whit better than the other man.
(Continued on Page 24)
Arnple Stock:
Whetfier your order be large or small, or in mixed selections, you are assured of a full and complete delivery.
The very choice woods are made available, and panel stock is more easily sold today due to economies, and low cost b-rought about by standardization.

VAL UWT IPLYWOOD ronsider these facts
Uniforrn Quolity:
' This is most important, for upon the quality of finish and ma3slia[-the skill in matching grains-the quality of gluingJepends the lasting attractiveness, and your future sales.
Quick Deliaery:
A complete and varied stock insures quick deliveries, and reduces your overhead by making these choice woods available on twenty-four hours notice.

Walter Ball, J. R. Hanify Co., San Francisco, was a recent Los Angeles visitor where he spent a week on company business matters. He made his headquarters at the -ompany's Los Angeles office where he conferred with Wendeti Brown, the company's Los Angeles manager, and together with Mr. Brown they spent some time calling on the trade in Los Angeles territory.
San Francisco Hoo Hoo Club No. 9 are planning a Christmas party for December 22nd at the Palace Hotel at rvhich they will be host to a party of children from the McKinley Orphanage. A special program is being arranged to please the little folks with Frank OlConnor in the role of Santa Claus.
from Page 20) THE OTHER MAN
Perhaps he sometimes slipped a bitWell, so have you. Perhaps some things he ought to quit, Well, so should you.
Perhaps he may have faltered-why?
Why all men do, and so have L You must admit, unless you lie That so have you.
Perhaps if we would stop and think, Both I and You, When painting some one black as ink, As some folks do; Perhaps if we would recollect Perfection we would not exPect, But just a man half waY correct Like me and you, I'm just a man who's fairly good, I'm just like you. I've done some things I never should, Perhaps like you. But, thank the Lord, I've sense to see The rest of men with charitY. They're good enough, if good as me .Say men like you.
Are we better than the other man or are we ready to throw in our lot and do our share in making conditions just what they should be? The whole state is in a chaotic condition and we men are more or less responsible.
If the industry is sick, for God's sake let us find a remedy. Cooperation is the only remedy.
Let me show you' what cooperation has done in a certain territory during this year. It has lessened competition;.it has tept the business in the channel where it belonged; it has increased the sellins orice. makins the difierence between a profit and a loss.
ThJ iomparisons thown on this chart are the most remarkable records ever compiled by any cooperative organization and an undisputable proof of what cooperation is able to do.
(D-monstrated with chart on blackboard; figures not recorded, by request)
Gentiemen. one would think that with such a splendid example of achievement by cooperation, one should have an easy time in putting it over in every city and hamlet throughout the stat€. But, i have lived long enough not to expect any big r.ush in that -di- rection. If I were to stand out on this floor offering tryenty dollar gold pieces at fifty cents each I doubt whether I could dispose of half a dozen of them'
You would wait patiently to see if your friends would try them first and then if they were good you would follow suit. But, in waiting, the years of life are gliding away and some day we shall wake uo to find we are old men and gray and feeble; too old to do a day's work, with the best years of our life wasted and no competence for the autumn and winter of life.
What a tragedy, men-millions of money invested in our industry in the state of California and yet ninety per cent of the millmen knowing that on December Slst they are going to show a loss or a near loss.
Does cooperation pay? Does the sun give heat? Do the stars shine? Does water quench thirst? Can a duck swim?
Just as surely does cooperation pay. It is as the morning dew falling on the fragrant violet, which with sagging stem and droop- ing head, lives again.
It is as the gentle rain falling upon the parched field of grain, giving renewed life and filling the ears with corn. It is the gift of God, founded upon His principle of all that is upright and justthe square deal-the golden rule.
Gentlemen, it is not necessary for me to tell you that cooperation pays. You all know it does. Can not the combined brains of this intelligent assemblage put their shoulder to the wheel and correct the chaotic condition that exists in practically every corner of this wonderful state ?
It will be hard work, but hard work is necessary if we wish to achieve anything.
The tree that never had to fight For sun and sky and air and light, That stood out in the open plain And always got its share of rain, Never became a forest king, But lived and died a scrubby thing. The man who never had to toil. Who never had to win his share Of sun and sky and light and air
Never became a manly man, But lived and died as he began.
Good timber does not grow in ease, The stronger wind, the tougher trees, The farther sky, the greater length, The more the storm, the more the strength; By sun and cold, by rain and snows, In tree or man, good timber grows; 'Where thickest stands the forest growth We find the patriarchs of both, And they hold converse with the stars Whose broken branches show the scars Of many winds and much of strifeThis is the common law of life.

any elze-anlf lluantlty
The above picture depicts a trainload of our timbers enroute for ship side and destined for Yokahoma, Japan. Timbers bearing our brand are very popular on the liale island due to their fine texture and even grain. Our vast stands of virgin Old Growth Yellow Fir timber is the finest on the Pacific Coast, our mill is equipped with the most modern machinery and manned by men who are professionals in their chosen line. Is it any wonder that many California dea[ers now specifiy our dmbers?
We are also in a position to furnish your requirements in Yard Stock, LJppers, Lath, Factory Lumber and Plank.
Pile a car of this lumber in your yard and notice the comparison with average lumber.

Jdaonta{e inaffincnt&uying
.Arrangcment riitltWeyZrhaeuser
\fOU can seeWey' r erhaeuserqudity. Itshowsuprtoorinthe better service each piece delivers. The high quahty comes from paying suict attention to all details of manufacnrre. Precise sawing to square edges and unilorm sizes; scientific sea-
soning; expert plan ing to smooth, satiny surfaces; carelul handling and loading to , insure delivery of clean stock, tOO% saleable. You are not bothered with the "boneyard"evilwhen you become a WeyerhaeuserPermanent Customer.

TF YOU have never dealt with Weyerhaeuser, there is a new I sensation awaitingyou in yourfrrst talk with aWeyerhaeuser Representative.
He has lumber to sell you, of course. That is his business. But he has also something to giue you-the advantageof a formr.;rr.lnt go-ahead program lor the benefit oI the lumber dealer as well as'Weyerhaeuser.
The way it benefits the lumber dealer is two-Iold:
lst-In his buying and supply. In the qlnl,itl oI lumber he gets-grades always the same and dependable; seasoning complete; manulacturing and finish workmanlike, no need lor apologies or evasions. And a complete range of woods for a large part oI all your customers' requirements.
2nd-Iu his dealing with his customers. Weyerhaeuser redly does understand the lumber user. Practically every step in the 'Weyerhaeuser PLUS program is intended to make the lumber better to use.
1. Concentrated buying and concentrated selling A call lrom a single Weyerhaeuser Representative bringsyou all the difrerent kindg of lumber you need to supply a large part oI your trade.
2. Filteen difrerent gpecies of lumber-induding Douglas Fir.'Western Red C,edar, Paciffc Coast Hemloclq Pondosa Piue, aad genuine White Pine.
3.The output oI t7 largemills-andthreemore building Shipping foom 20 large stocka
{. Four huge Distributing Plauts, with 10O,0Oo,oOO Ieet of lumber and 25,0o0'ooo Ieet oI timbers always ou hand. Shipping in 24 hours iI necessary
l. Th" ffnest staads oI tinber in this country. Precise nanufacturing. Scientific seasoning, giving the user the maximum natural durabilitv oI the species.
The moiletn equijment ot W eyedro,etset ntihls rachzs !ossibl,e a ueqhlg;htlpeof setrulrz.
6. Careful handling and loading to insure delivery ol loo/o saleable and usable stocks.
J. Sales making specialties that attract trade and "repeat.
$. Quicker, cleaner turnover on a smaller investmenu Easy buying Regular supplies oI compact stock. Fewer losseg, and less lumber thrown into the "boneyard."
9. Th" Weyerhaeuser Permanent Customer Plan, operated by Weyerhaeuser Representatives who take care of their customers in season and out of season. A most profitable arrangement lor the dealerwho makes useol it

:. TheWeyerhaeuser Plus is a finething to put to work in your yard.Itwill make p ernwrurfi custorners lor you-and we hopewill make you a futmonatt cus" tomerlorus.Callup theWeyerhaeuser
SnoqualmieFallsLuoberCo.,SnoqurtmieFalb,Vesh. ClearmterTimberCo., I.ewiston, Ideho TheNorthernlbnCo. Cloquet,Minn. Humbirdl-mberCo. Sandpoint, Idaho Weyerhaeuser Tbr. Co.,,Everett,I7ash. Johnson-Ifeotwotth Co.,Cloquet,Mion. Edward Rutledge Timber Co. Coeur d'Aleoe, Idaho Veyethaeuser Tbr. Co., Baltimorc, Md. 'VoodC,onvenionCo, Cloquet,Mino, PodatchLmberCo. ..... Podatch,Idaho VeyerhaeusetTbr.C.o.,Portsoouth,!'.I. BonoersFertylbr.Co.,BonnersFerry,Ida. Boise Payette LuberCo. .Boise,Idaho VeyerheeuserTb.Co.,PortNewarkNJ. Ifeyethaewer Timber Company, Minaesota Transfer, St. Paul, Minoesota
L. C. Hammond Elected Vice-President
J. M. Hotchkiss, Hobbs, Wall & Company, was re-elected President of the California Redwood Association for the 5th consecutive .time at the organization meeting of the Board of Directors of that Association. held in San Francisco on December 6, L927.
Mr. L. C. Hammond, Hamrnond Lumber Company, was elected Vice-President, and NIr. R. F. Hammatt, who has been with the Association since 1921, r'vas retained as Secretary-Manager.
The Board of Directors affirmed its policy to continue the Redwood advertising and merchandising campaign and formally adopted Budget which, in its opinion, will permit of the execution of that campaign.
Mr. Ben Ostlind, Coos Veeneer and Box Co., Marshfield, Oregon, is interviewed by Int.ernational News Service reporter on his recent visit to Los Angeles.

LOS ANGELES, Dec. 5.-(I. N. S.)-Ben Ostlind of Marshfield, Ore., head of the Longfellows' Club of the Tall Men's Association, unbent long enough today to tell of some of the achievements of his organization, which is dedicated to making life more tranquil and comfortable for men with towering frames.
Mounting a small step ladder, a reporter managed to shout into Ostlind's ear:
"lJnhinge, Mr. Ostlind, and tell us what is going on."
Whereupon from his great height, Ostlind recounted and recapitulated as follows:
"Twenty-five hotels have put in long beds and bedding for the convenience of the long men.
"Several cities have passed high awning ordinances.
"New Pullmans will have longer berths.
"Special long beds have been installed on some of new ships of the Swedish-American Line."
down from his perch.
The Los Angeles HooHoo Club are going to entertain the children again at their Third Annual Christmas Party, Wednesday noon, December 21, at the Elite Cafe, 633 So. Flower Street, Los Angeles. If you attended this event last year when the Club was host to over 400 orphan children, you will surely want to be on hand again this year to assist in extending some Christmas cheer to these youngsters. An excellent program has been arranged for their entertainment and the committee is not overlooking anything to make these youngsters hrppy. Luncheon will be served and Santa Claus will be there in person to present the children with presents.
The party is being financed through the sale of tickets at $1.00 each. If you want to act as sponsor for one or more of these youngsters, forward your check to Mel Coe, 403 Petroleum Securities Bldg., Los Angeles, who is acting as treasurer for the committee.
All lumbermen are invited to attend and are urged to participate in this event. The Christmas Party Commit- event. I ne Lnnstmas rarty Lor tee. includes: A. L. Hoover, chairman, B. W. B ne :luoes : -f\. t-. lJ. w. 5yrne, Barker, Roy Stanton, Frank Burnaby, Ted Lawce, B. W. Bookstaver, Floyd Dernier and Mel Coe.
A Douglasrecently was "big sticks"
fir timber, 80 feet long and 34 inches square, cut at a West Coast mill as the last of three
for a special government order. It was taken nore than four feet in diameter at the small the from a log more than small end. which scaled 9.925 board feet. These are to be end, 9,925 feet. to be
"So long !" remarked the interviewer, as he stepped used as anchoring "spuds" on government dredges in \he Panama Canal Zone-
"You said it !" was the somewhat lind as he moved away, his head in pensive reply of Ostthe clouds.
Jack Rea, Los Angeles manager for W. & Co., spent a few days around the first calling on the San Diego lumber trade.
R. Chamberlin of the month
R. F. Hammat, San Francisco, secretary-manager of the California Redrvood Association, was a recent visitor in Los Angeles. He spent a few days in the Southern California metropolis attending to association business matters.
You can add appreciably to your ttper house" earnings by supplying National Built-in Fixtures and Kitchen Furniture with each house job. Kitchen fixture business is especially desirable to lumber dealers because sales are made from a cataloguer-ns s16cl< investrnent is necessary. Furthermorg fixtures and cases are of tried and proven designs and the fexibility of the kitchen furniture line makes it possible to fit any size kitchen.
FulI information and catalogue on request.
This mostBeautiful Club, adorning a corner on one of the loveliest streets in America's Most Beautiful City, was built entirely from

By Jach, DionneThat Was His Low Limit
In Texas, when politics wax hot, remarkable things arc frequently said. A candidate for office on the Democratic ticket obligates himself to support the nominee of thc part/, regardless of who he may be. fn a certain election a defeated candidate immediately took the stump in op position to the duly nominated Democrat, trying to bcat him in the general election. This was entirely unethical, and in confict with his Democratic obligation.
The disgruntled and defeated candidate was delivering a red hot address one day, when his successful competitor appeared in the crowd and asked if he might ask a qucs. tion. The answer was affirmative. Said the Democratic nominee:
A. R. Israel spoke at a recent dinner-meeting of a score oi more of the Los Angeles District Retail Lumbermen at the Los Angeles Commercial Club, the meeting being atranged for and presided over by E. D. Tennant. At this meeting there was extended and interesting discrrssion of condiqions afrecting lumber merchandising in Los Angeles and vicinity.
In connection with his work in California during the last few weeks Mr. Israel has attended meetings and interviewed lumber dealers, architects and building officials in a number of cities besides those mentioned, including San Francisco, Oakland, Sacramento, Stockton, San Josii, Salinas, Santa Barbara, Santa Ana, and San Diego. He plans to visit a number of other California cities in the near future.
LONGVIEW, WN., Dec.6.-The Pacific Door and Manufacturing Company, Seattle, has signed a contract authorizing membership in the West Coast Lumber Bureau. In March, 1926, the Bureau had 73 rnembers. It now has 121.

"Did you, or did you not, previous to the Democratic primary, make the public statement that you would sup potrt even a yellow dog, if he were the nominee of thc Democratic Party?"
"I did," said the platform speaker.
"Therq" said the other, "will you explain how you now cbmc to be opposing me who am the duly nominatcd Democrat?"
"I Baid," replied the other firmly, "that I would support Gven a yellow dog if he were the nominee of the Democratic party, BIJT LOWER THAN THAT PLEASE GOD THEY'LL NEVER DRAG ME."
Henry Swafford, a partner in the business of E. J. Stanton & Son, of Los Angeles, recently made a business trip to El Paso, Texas, and returning brought with him a golfing score which he has been proudly exhibiting to his friends. The card shows that he made a score of 92 on the El Paso golf course, and, since he was never known to break a hundred in Los Angeles, the gang naturally looked the card over with some interest. Hank explains that the high altitude of El Paso, which is nearly a mile above sea level, was the thing that did it, grving him a lot more distance on his shots than he is accustomed to at home. He has had a lot of dirty questions asked him about all the holes being down hill, whether they use wash buckets for putting cups, etc., but, like the wise man. he refers them all to the score card.
A. L. Healy, western representative of the Mahogany Manufacturing Co., New Orleans, put in a few days in the Bay region during early December where he was calling on the lumber trade.
Frorpc l|il Cc, Prupcr. Orc.
RrtEmd lulr Cc, Retmond. Werh. Colublr Bq & LroDc Cc, Sdth Bend, Wech
Hulbrt Mlll Co., Abcrdeq Wuh. t tb Mltlr e flEbcr Co- South Bend, Wuh.
J. A, lrvl. ShlllL Co. Scth Bend, rrYech.
Edr Crr*l Rryud
Brooldyn Gnyr Har$c Pdn Cbrbtcm
509 Edrrrdr & WildcY Blds. ' Lor Angrlcr
Juc Chrlrtcnm
Annic Ctrbtcnro
Edtdn Chrbtrnro
Crthcrlrc G. Sudda
Elcuc Cbrlrtorm
Chubr Chrlrtcnro
tOl Portcr Bldg.Pcrthnd
A$e not guaranteed-Some I have told for 2O ]esrs--Some less
Finding New Redwood Prospects for the Retail Lumber Dealer
\r'o MILLToN homes are reached with the Redwood message as broadcast by the California Redwood Association through that organization's national advertising campaign. A message that tells the full story of Redwood-of its serviceability for nearly every form of interior or exterior construction.
tbat leatare tbe "Redutood Home Plans" booh bting tbousands of enqairies. Tbese ftospect names are turned ouet to lumber dealets in cities from ubicb enquiries originated.
And the response to this advertising reflected through thousands of direct enquiries, is evidence of the prospective home-owner's enlivened interest in Redwood. It remains for the retail lumber dealer to take full advantage of this added interest by aggressive sales effort in behalf of Redwood.
You will always find large stocks of this lumber in all grades and sizes ar Hammond's. Vhether by direct rail shipment from our Samoa mill or from wholesale distributing yards at Los Angeles Harbor, you will find a definite service on your orders for Redwoed-gfix6's a worth while insurance for you.

After two preliminary meetings at uihich the matter of The Albion Lumber_ Comp-any of San Francisco, cut and organizing a' lumbermen's cluil in So[roma County was presented t9 th-e children of San Francisco, what is predis-cussedl final arrangements were co{npleted at a meet- fumed to be the largest Redwood Christmas tree ever ing recently held at t-[re Boyes Spring$ Hotel. Eleven oJUZplouglt into San Francisco. The tree was cut near Althi fourteen lumber yards in the iouni{y were represented. ' bion, Mendocino County, and is 125 leet tal!, 30 inches in llorace Camm, Camm & Hedges, Petaluma, acted as tem- diameter and has a limb spread of 30 to 35 feet. The tree porary chairman and Herb eochrane, Cochrane Lumber was brought down on their steamer Pasadena, and it reCo., icted as temporary secretary. The motion to organize quired a fleet of trucks to transport it from the docks to a ciub was unanimousiy adopted and the charter members Twin Peaks where it is set up. The tree weighed eight of the organization wili include those yards now existing tons aL4-is a magnificent specimen of redwood growth. in Sonom-a County.
Mr. Flinn, gen-eral manager of the company, states that
Mead Clark of -Santa Rosa was elected president, Len it is the policy of the company in their operatiohs to plant Gilbert of Healdsburg, vice-president and Herb Cochrane, twenty-five to thirty trees -for each redwood tree cut and of Petaluma, secretaiy-treasurer. The club will be ofr- that this policy will be carried out in regard to this Christcially known as the Sonoma County Lumbermen's Club. rnas tree.
Sonoma County already has a Millwork Institute Branch representinC tf-te -mills.in.the. cognty and both
'ORTLAND organizations will rvork hand in hand. Both these organizations meet on the same night, around a common Bill Morrison, Los Angeles, manager of the Southern E""qu.t table, at which the matt-ers of interest to both California operations of the C' D' Johnson Lumber Co', the 'mills "rd yards are discussed. Th;- q;;.iion_gf will -spend the Christmas and New Year's holidays with ,,Credits,, will be discussed at the ".*i--*."'iio6- The his folks at Portland, Oregon. -He will leave for the y"ra, "rra *itt. of the county feel that they have made North shortly after the middle of the month' While in one of the most progr.rrilre stlps that has e.rlr been made Portland' he will be a visitor at the comp-an-y's Portland bt ah" lumber industry in the county in- a-good many office where he will confer with officials of the company' yi"r., " spirit of good will is particularit pr&;;nt and He will return to Los Angeles after the first of the year' lhey are looking forward to a year of prosperity.

Elmore King, King Lumber Co,, Bakersfield' was ,a Los Angeles visitor around the first of the month where he spent a few days attending to company business matters.
Mcrchaatr Exchangc Buildin3
Kearuy 507
PaciGc Mutual Building
VAndiLc E?91 - TUckcr 7691
Whcn in Humboldt Countn Virit Our Mill Sccord ud M Strctr, Euclc
Mernberc California Redwnd Association
Jack Thomas, Los Angeles, Southern California manager for the Coos Bay Lumber Co., has returned from a short business trip to Arizona where he called on their customers in the mining districts. He was away from headquarters about a week.
J'ft D(-stqn qqd'u trs^ti.rh r. o ai ri,ed. *_,"; tu",;,; ;. l{.,i;};i'"?j.;-1.,1,Ji1.;*i::1",.", r,o e."" i-*'*L,i fr{, *,pnl ;;i.-.":ia;;;'ii;ii";i-),i. ;.1'X ;1.11111-r hrd tu6il ru F nntu: :li*liiilr,:::..*ilil"*;i: Ii;ll.':i'ili:i{i};ff :r--" r r-.^:,Nrh.,..,...;,,.j' ! - : ri i' kr nr'. rdh' hrd..! sn n. t'.,sr.,tro,,r{on dn.r,.:\
-'so that when they build, they'll bry lumber from you
ADVERTTsEMENTs like the one reproduced in I\ miniature above, are promoting the home building idea-are suggesting that these homes be built of wood-are stating that this wood be Doug_l_es Fir,'\il7est Qoa-sr Hemlock, Sitka Spruce and \Testern Red Cedar.
'What is more natural than for prospective builders to think of you when they think of building? Vhat is more logical than for you to think of our member mills when you buy your lumber? _ \7hy- not send for complete details of our dealer help plan? Address'\U7est Coast Lumber Bureau, 16u Mount Hood Building, Longview, 'STashington. District oftces: Seattle,'\ilTashington; Portland, Oregon.

Here is a great thought for the pentfu-"Bvery man starting out in business will have to go over a hard road and find out its turnings for himself. But he need not go over this road in the dark if he can take with him the light of other men's experience." -
These words were written by one of the wisest merchants who ever lived-the late John Wanamaker, who had three great drapery shops in the States. He began with nothinB, and when he died he had 17,000 employces and a fortune of twenty-five million dollars.

He did not waste his life finding out what other men had already found out. He knew that life is short, so he took every short-cut. And he lit up his path with thc light of other men's experience, as well as with the light of his own. That is why he accomplished so much.-Efficiency Magazine, London.
A colored agent was summoned before an insurance commissioner.
ttDon't you know," asked the commissioner, "that you can't sell life insurance without a state permit?"
"Boss," said the darky, "you suah said a mouthful. I knowed I couldn't sell it, but I didn't know de reason."
Let each man learn to know himself ; To gain that knowledge let him labor, First to correct within himself
The faults he finds most in his neighbor. How lenient our own faults we view And conscience voice adeptly smother, But, Oh, how harshly we review Those self-same errors in another.
"Rastus, why did you call you last baby Encore?"
t'Cause, she wasn't on de program at all."
I fecl most deeply that this whole question of creation is too profound for human intellect. A dog might as wcll speculate on the mind of Newton. Let each man hope and believe what he can.-Charles Darwin.
Search thine own heart. What paineth thec fn others, in thyself may be; All dust is frail, all flesh is weak; Be thou the true man thou dost seek.
Last May in London the dismembered body of a woman was found in a trunk. Within a week or so the murderer was arrested. His trial and conviction followed. Early in August was hanged. The case is typical of English justice. The police are intelligent, incorruptible, and efficient. They work fast. The courts are unmoved by technicalities or subterfuges. In England, crime distinctly does not pay, because punishment is swift and sure.
"Happiness is the interest \R Zecent action draws, and the more decent actions you ilb, the larger your incomc will be. Let every man try to make every day a ioy-"Robert fngersoll.
Life affords no greater pleasure than that of surmounting difficulties, passing from one step of success to another, forming new wishes, and seeing them gratified. He that labors in any great or laudable undertaking has his fatigues first supported by hope and afterwards rewarded by joy.-Dr. Johnson.
We cater to the small yard-----
the smaller dealers have found out that our service to them is REAL SERVICE. Our quick shipment of anything and everything for the building trade by car or truck makes it possible for the small dealer to give tip-top service to his trade, and yet keep down his investment, his insurance and his overhead.
From the hearts of everyone connected with The Pacific Lumber Company

At this season of the yeer, we cast off the mantle of care and join in that spirit of camaradede and good fellowship traditional with the Yuletide, and so apdy oudin"dby that mecsage, "Peace on Eerth, Good-will to Men."
Ve wish you the season's greetings, hoping that you may be surrounded by your loved ones when the carols ring out, whetr the Y"l" l"g is on the fire, and the children, young and old, gather about the tree.
And the New Year-May yours be full of happiness arrd prcsperity. ft can be, for what one receives depends in the main on what one gives.
Christmas is particularly a time for introspection and retrospection for lumbennen. You, with your family in your home, do you rcalize that Christmas has no red meaning without a home? And, that your mission in life is the providing of homes to the homeless?
Vhen you see a beautiful, perfect tree, an evergreen, decorated and lighted to celebrate the peaceful, loving occasion of christmas, does your heart not quicken its beat a little bit with the thought that you oflyotrr whole community are most closely identified with coniferous trees; that your service to your fellowman consists in translating Mother Nature's message of service from her trees?
M. D. Campbell, Portland, Oregon, general sales manager of the rail department for the Chas R. McCormick Lumber Co., was a recent 'California visitor after complEting a trip throughout the east rvhere he visited the company's eastern officers and called on the lumber trade. His itinerary carried him to the Atlantic Coast, Middle West, Southern States including Texas and other points, Arizona, Los Angeles and San Francisco. While in Los Angeles, he visited the company's office where he conferred rvith their Southern California sales manager, Ed. Culnan. He was also a visitor at the company's main office at San Francisco where he spent a day conferring with officials of the company and with "Jimmie" Atkinson, manag'er of their Northern California rail department. Ife returned to Portland shortly after the first of the month after a seven weeks' trip.
Wendell Brorvn, Los Angeles, Southern California manager for the J. R. Hanify Co., will leave shortly after the middle of the month for the North where he will spend the Christmas and New Year's holidays at Eureka. He will also spend a few days in San Francisco where he rvill confer with officials of the company. He plans to return to Los Angeles after the first of the year.
A. T. Show, Los Angeles representative of the BoothKelly Lumber Co., is in Arizona rvhere he is calling on '.h.e Arizona retail trade. He will spend about ten days in the Arizona territory. H. C. Clark, manager of their Sourhern California office, states that Mr. Show tvill return to headquarters around the middle of the month.
R. T. Bournr, Prcr. Edward M. Paulrcn, Sec'y.COOS PILING & TIMBER CO.
North Bend, (Coor Bay) Oregon
We Speciali-e on Quick Deliwerier
California Reprerantativer:

No. I Drunrn Strcct, SAN FRANCTSCO, CALIF.
San Francisco Hoo-Hoo Club No. t held their regular luncheon Thursday, December 8th, in the Blue Room of the Palace Hotel. Professor Walter Mulford of the Forestry department, University of California, was the speaker of the day and gave an interesting talk on Forestry in California. The San Francisco supervisors have the shingle ordinance up again and the club devoted some little time to the discussion of this topic. Fred Roth of the J. H. McCallum Lumber Co., is one of the leaders in this fight on behalf of the retailers. Max Cook is devoting considerable time to this matter on behalf of the Redwood Association, and Earl E. Bowe is representing the National Lumber Manufacturers Association.
The program committee is to be congratulated on the programs they are preparing for the club. Russell Gheen heads this committee ably assisted by C. C. Stibich. 'fhey are preparing a surprise program for the Christmas party Dec. 22 and request a large attendance.
President Bert Johnson presided at the meeting with C. C. Stibich as chairman.
The Gieb Lumber Co., Carlsbad, aie starting an expansion program and will build an attractive new office building on land recently purchased. The land will also be graded and filled in and the whole tract will be enclosed with an attractive fence. George Gieb, prominent Southern California retailei, is the manager of this progressive Iumber concern.
The Simeral Lumber Co., Pasadena, are now located at their new office and yard at the iunction of Walnut Street and Huntington Avi., Pasadeni. rTheir telephone number remains the same. Colorado 2665.
The California Fruit Exchange, which h'as a membership of 7,000 fruit growers, does not contemplate a move from wood to fiber containers for fresh fruit shipments, according to Earl E. Bowe, field engineer of the Western Division, who has just made a survey of the box shook situation in the deciduous fruit industry of California.
The total amount of box shook, car bracing, and car strips used by the California Fruit Exchange this year amounted to L.24O cars of lumber.
One of the largest Douglas fir trees ever.cut in Snohomish county, Washington, where a large number of big trees have been found, was felled recently near the little logging town of Sultan. It contained enough timber to build three five-room bungalows and enough left over for woodsheds and chicken coops for each. Three cars were required for shipment to the mill.
The base of the tree measured eight feet across, almost a perfect circle, the entire tree containing la ltotal of 34,540 board feet. There wasn't a blemish in any of the seven log cuts made and the least diameter, the top log, was two feet.
Twenty-one kittens were initiated at a largely attended concatenation at 'Westwood on December 3. This was the lirst concatenatiqn directed by the new Westwood vicegerent snark, Jack Shere of the Red River Lumber Co. Parson Simpkin attended the concatenation and delivered an. excellent inspirational address stressing the part that Hoo-Hoo plays in maintaining cooperative relations arnong lumbermen.
For 22 Yeare
her becn a rtandard of @anufacture
Manrf,achned By
A True and Durable Vhite Pine-Pinus
MADERA SUGAR PINE is both water cured and air dried. The leaching out of the voluble gums and resinous substances by water curing makes our lumber whiter, softer, and easier to work. It is especially adapted to factory and pattern work.
MADERA SUGAR PINE is cut from the finest stand of timber in California. Our scientific piling insures pet. f*tly air dried lumber. Our manufacturing methods have stood the test of time, and our lumber has set a standard for Quality and Sewice by which other stock is gauged.

They Will Probably Have More Than 100,000 Slogans To Pass On
Washington, Nov. 29.-Preliminary judging in the $15,000 slogan contest of the National Lumber Manufacturers Association will begin about December 1. A thorough and equitable system of judging has been worked out, the work to be done at night by carefully selected groups of judges. The slogans which pass the first two groups of judges will be submitted to a group of experienced lumberrnen, publicity and advertising men who will submit their "eligible" list to the members of the National Lumber Manufacturers Trade Extension committee for final selection. The two groups of preliminary judges will together number from 35 to 40 persons.
With the close of the contest only 17 days oft, the slogans in answer to the lumber industry's offer of "a iortune for an idea" are coming in at the averaged rate of over 4,000 a day. Approximately 70,000 have already been received and it is predicted at the headquarters office that when the contest closes, midnight, December 15, 100,000 slogans will have been entered in the contest. On the record day 5851 slogans were received. Inquiries and slogans together exceeded Lz,W on the combined record day and were above 10,000 on November 28.
Altogether, from the Washington and New York offices, 335,97I copies of "The Story of 'Wood" have been sent out. Individual requests for the booklet are nearing the 150,000 mark.
She: Do you file your finger nails, Bill ?
He: No, lust throw them- away aiter I cut them ofi.
Mcrnbcr Celifornie Rcdwood Arociation
Croclcr Building
Phonc Sutter 6170
Lanc Mortgagc Bldg.
Phone TRiniry 2?5,2
FORT BRA,GG Californie
Adcquatc rtoragc rtocL at San Pcdro
Snark of the lJniverse James M. Brown, president of the Long Lake Lumber Co., Spokane, accompanied by Mrs. Brown, arrived in San Francisco November 28th on the SS. Manchuria. Mr. Brown was on his way home from Miama, Florida, where he attended the annual convention of HooHoo and where he was elected to his present office. They spent several days at Havana, Cuba, and then continued on through the Panama Canal to San Fiancisco.
Mr. Brown attended the Peninsula Hoo-Hoo Club meeting the night of the 28th at the Gumwood Inn near Palo Alto and in his talk to the club stressed the importance of harmony in all organizations. He also asked all those present who are in any way connected with the lumber industry, to get behind the National Lumber Manufacturers Association in their trade extension advertising campaign.

Milton V. Johns, Chicago representative of the Redwood Sales Company, San Francisco, is spending a few days at the home office. While here Mr. Tohns will confer with Mr. Sinnock and the directors of the company in outlining their 1928 program. He will return to Chicago soon after the middle of December,
J. M. White, general manager of the Long-Bell Lumber Co., 'Weed, California, spent a few days in San Francisco the early part of December. While in San Francisco Mr. White attended the sessions of the National Association of Wooden Box Manufacturers convention held in the Palace Hotel.
Carelessness o and His Destroqirs Crew
Keep this crew out of your plant and your danger from fire will be reduced to a minimum. Nearly 75/o of. all fires are caused by carelessness. To the careless handling of matches, cigarettes, etc., are attributed over 25/o of. all fires. Defective chimneys and flues account for about 2O/o and furnaces, stoves, boilers and pipes are responsible for another 20/o. So on, down the list, with oily waste, defective wires, rubbish, hot ashes, etc. Keep carelessness ont, and fire has little chance to start.
'fhat is why the Associated Lumber Mutuals give so much attention to the elimination of fire hazards. \Me prevent fire if possible. If we fail in our effort to keep fire out, our resources and our reputation guarantee prompt payment of losses and our dividends returnecl to the policy-holder represent an actual saving of about 4O/o in his insurance cost.
W'rite any of our companies for more specific information as to hozu we can ltrodde the most complete insurance protection tlte lumber industry ltas czter hnoun, and. at the same time reduce your insurance cost.

California Building Permits for November

Loe Angeles ------ -----$
San Diego
Long Beach
Beverly Hills
*San Pedro
Santa Monica
San Bernardino
San Marino
South Gate
Fluntington Par!
Culver City ---------------+-----
Santa Barbara
Santa Ana
*North Hollvwood
Burbant< -- :-- --- :--
*Van Nuys Ontario
lVendling-Nathan Co.


Don't Forget These Dates---All Lumberurcn Invited
Los Angeles Hoo.Hoo Christm.r Party
12:09 P. M.-Elite Cefe-Loc Angele3
San Francisco Hoo-Hoo Chrigtmas Patty
l2z09 P. M.-Palace Hotel-San Francisco

East Bay l{oo-Ffoo Club Chtistmas Party
6:30 P. M.-Athenc Club--4akland
(Continued from Page 10.)
W. H. Dole, Aloha Shingle Co., Aloha, 'Wash., was chairman of the afternoon session at which the question, "Why a 16-Inch Shingle" was discussed.
Governor Roland H. Hartley in a short talk made an appeal to the shingle manufacturers to: use better merchandising methods. "You will sell just as many shingles if you as\ a price that will give you a living-profit] as you will if you continue to give your product away as you are doing now," he said.
S. P. Johns, Snoqualmie Falls Lumber Co., was elected president, and W. H. Dole, Aloha Lumber Co., Aloha, Wash. vice-president. R. S. Whiting, Chicago, was reelected secretary-manag'er, and Arthui Bevan, -Seattle, asslstant secretary-manager and treasurer.
The 1928 Advisory Board is as follows: C. E. Merritt. Huntting-Merritt Lumber Co., Vancouver, Chairman; W. C. McMaster, John McMaster Shingle Co., Seattle, Vicechairman; S. G. Smith, Bloedel, Stewart & Welch, Vancouver, B. C.; R. R. Morse, Long-Bell Lumber Co., Long- view'; P. R. Smith, M. R. Smith Lumber & Shingle Co,, Seattle; R. D. Mackie, Mackie Mill Co., Hoquiam,-Wash.;
H(}BBS, ITAI.L & C().
Hubert Schafer, Schafer Bros. Lumber & Shingle Co., Montesano, Wash..; Jess Schwarz, Crescent Shingle Co., Kelso, Wash.; S. P. Johns, Snoqualmie Falls Lumber Co., Snoqualmie Falls, Wash.; Walter Mann, Everbest Shingle Co., Everett, Wash.; W. H. Wasser, Wasser-Hubbard Shingle Co., Dryad, Wash.; G. G. Evenson, Quality Shingle Co., Edmonds, Wash.; C. J- Culter, Hammond Cedar Co., New Westminster, B. C.; Robert McNair, Robt. McNair Shingle Co.,. Vancouver, B. C.; H. J. Bratlie, Bratlie Bros. Mill Co., Ridgefield,, Wash.; Dale Craft, Royal Shingle Co., Whites, Wash.; H. A" LaPlant, Skagit Mill Co., Lyman, Wash.; P. H. Olwell, Jamison Lumber & Shingle Co., Everett, 'Wash.; C. J. Melbn Everett Lumber & Shingle Co., Everett, Wash.; H. J. Bailey, Saginaw Timber Co., Aberdeen, 'Wash.; R. L. Ifennessy, Mumby Lumber & Shingle Co., Bordeaux, Wash.; I.L- Daugherty, Irvin-Daugherty Shingle Co., Everett, Wash.; Lou Fluhrer, Fluhrer Bros., Mayger, Ore.; W. H. Dole; Aloha Shingle Co., Aloha, Wash.; E. W. Mersereau, Doty Lumber & Shingle Co., Doty, Wash; Ed. Ilartley, Everett, Wash.; W. H. Morrow., Hoquiam, Wash.; and Dan Giles, Merrill & Ring Lurnber Co., Seattle.
In "Robbins" Flooring vou are as- surd of the very finest tfiat has ever been, or ever will be produced. Our geographical location, t h e modern machinery in our mill, and tfie t1rye of men who make our fooring, all go to.make this statemelq_poqsibl,e. "RobbinC" Maple and Birch Flooring is the best.
Southcrn Celifornir: C. J. LAUGHIIN
6il7 Petrolcun Sccuriticr Bldgo Lor Angcler
Three Steamcre Insure
Prompt Delivery
Northcrn Celifornie:
GEORGE C. CORNITTUS, Ancrican Benk Bldg. San Frencieco
Hammord's Beautiful Pasadena Office
One of the most attractive retail lumber offices ever built is the new office of The Hammond Lumber Company, at Pasadena. The entire yard is new. The old Pasadena yard lease expired, and an .entirely new plant was constructed on the corner of Broadway and Center, a very excellent business corner. The yard is neatness itself. The shed is a double decker, architecturally excellent, the lumber is neatly arranged, and everything is attractive and harmonious. The exterior of the shed is sided with old
fashioned lock siding of Douglas Fir, with a dry seal finish. There is a fair sized lumber yard, and a well arranged lime and cement shed. There are neat shrub trees planted along the outside of the sheds, and the general impressign of the yard and sheds on the eye is a very pleasing one. But the office is wonderful. It'is built entirely of Redwood, inside and out, and is a splendid demonstration of the beautiful things that can be made of wood. The (Continued on Page 47)


I L Members Californiq Redoood Atsociotion
El€ctric Hand
The saw you take to the lumber instead of the lumber to the saw.
Built in sizes for all clesses of work where a portable hand Eaw can be used.
Operates from ordinary light socket. Weight 10 to 26 lb8.
The lOJb. saw ideal for cutting veneer.
Why not inveetigate the many places you can uee a SKILSAW in your business?
Syatron rnotorless electria hanrmers for concrete drilling and chipping. For erecting machin' ery and remodeling jobs.
Electric Drills . All Sizes
Tools Sold - Rented Repaired
318 East Third Street Mutual 75OS Los Angeles
Four nearonr why yori rhould rtock Bnorrn'r Superccdar Cl,orct Lining.
l-Demand-greiter every day because architects are specifying it.
2{ost-aboud thc lamc ai lath and pladter.
3-Easily Handledpacked in fibre-board, danipproof boxeg. No depreciation. No brolcen tongues and grooves.
4-Profit-lt speaks for itgelf.
I*l us scnil gou trurrthcr. information anil quolc you pica.
Northem California Dirtributorr
Ie the ideal location for that new lumber manufacturing plant of youre.
Portland ie in the hcart of the big timbcr region of the Pacific Northwest. lt algo hag an abundance of cheap hydro-clectric powdr for manufacturing purpoEes. Good occan and railway shipping facilities, a mild climate ahd a fair aupply of skilled labor, practically all of which ia non-union
I will be pleaeed to aerve you in the location, deaign and conitruction of that new mill of yours.
C.om plete B u ilding C ons t r uc t ion
Special Attention Given to Repair Work
383 Pittock Block - Portland, Oregon
Telcphone Broadway 81160
Iron Workerr, Cemcnt \torLera, Brick Layerr, Carlrcntcrr, Roofcrr, Plumberr, Elcctricianq Cabinet-maLcrr, Peintcn and Papcrhangcrr; alro Rcel Ertrte Bondr and Mortgeger.
The East Bay Hoo-Hoo Club No. 39 will hold their
The annual meeting of the Washington and Oregon annual Christmis party at the Athens Club, Oakland, on Shingle Association was held at the ,mor4ing session of December 22, at 6:S0 p. M. There will be a dinner, the Red Cedar Shingle Congress at Seattle, December 8. special entertainment and a Christmas tree. The com-
P. R. Smith, M. R. Smith Lumber & Shingle Co., Seat- miqtee are arranging for an excellent progtam and a large tle, was elected president, and W, C. McMaster, John tu/n-out is expeited to be present.McMaster Shingle Co., Seattle, was elected vice-president. / Miss Grace Jones was elected secretary-treasurer to suc- l. ceed J. R. Blunt, who is now in charge of the Seattle office // p. r. MERTTHEW of the West Coast Lumber Bureau. " I/ D r r,r^-:.L-.-.

Trustees for 1928 are as follows: R. L. leynolds, wil-v P' I' Merithew' Phoenix' Arizona' fol eight years lapa Lumber co., R;y'*"";;^w.si,.,-].JJ 'S:;;;;;;'i;;- representative for the E. K. wood Lumber co., in Arizona, cent Shingle Co., Kelso, Wash.; H. J. ,Bailey, Saginaw is now connected with the company's Los Angeles oftcs' Timber co., Aberdeen, wash. ; Dale craft, Ro'yal Sfringle while in Arizona' Mr' Merithew took -an active P-{r!- in co., whites, 'wash.l S. p. Johns; snbqtialmie 'Falls Lim- *:::11.* affairs and is a past snark of the Arizona valley ber Co., Snoqualmie Falls, Wash'; W,''C. McMaster, John lJlstrrcr' McMaster Shingle Co., Seattle,'Wash., and H. A. LaPlant, Skagit Mill Co., Lyman, Wash.
Trustees at large lor 1928 are: H. J. Bratlie, Bratlie Bros. Mill Co., Ridgefield, Wash.; W. H. Dole, Aloha Shingle Co., Aloha, 'Wash.; P. R. Smith, M. R. Smith Lumber & Shingle Co., Seattle, Wash.; R. D. Mackie, Mackie Mill Co., Markham, Wash. ; C. J. Melby, Everett l,umber & Shingle Co., Everett, Wash.;' R. L. ]fennessy, Mumby Lumber & Shingle Co., Bordeaux, Wash.; W. Wasser, Wasser-Hubbard Shingle Co., Dryad, 'Wash., and W. R. Burke, Burke Shingle Co., Anacortes, 'Wash.
W. C. McMaster, John McMaster Shingle Co., Seattle, was elected president of, the Rite-Grade Shingle Association at the annual meeting held at Seattle, December 7. Paul R. Smith, M. R. Smith Lumber & Shlngle Co,, Soattle, was elected vice-president, and Miss Grace Jones waS elected secretary-manager.
For Smooth, Faster
If you have not tried the Planer Saw -1131 ns$' smoothcutting saw f o r wood$r6rksys - you are missing an opportunity. This saw cuts almost as smoothly as a planer well on hard knife, rips and cross-cuts equallY or soft wood and stands fast hand feed.
Specify the Planer Saw when you want better. service. SIMONDS SAW AND STEEL CO.
416 E. Third St., Lor Angclcr 2m-?28 Firrt St. San Franeirco, Calif.
Tom Jackson, Fruit, Growers Supply Co., Susanville, has been elected president of the Susanville Hoo-Hqo Club. He succeeds J. B. McAllistet, under whose administration the club made remarkable progress during the past year. Other officers elected were: W. 'E. Hunt, vice president, pnd Fred Klemm, secretary:treasurer. W. C. Graf was nominated to act as vicegerent snark of the district for the coming. year. Messrs. Hunt, Klemm and Graf are all connected with the Fruit Growers Supply Co.
Hammond Lunber Co.
(Continued from Page 44)
general appearance of the office building is that of a very handsome home rather than a business building. The ouiside walls are covered with thin split Redwo6d shingles, and the roof is one inch thick split and beveled Reddood shakes. ,The signs on the office lre particularly attractlve, being..all of unusu_al character. The rnain iign ..Hammond" over the office door is lettered with s;iiln wood, imbedded in stucco. The street number on the corner is of sand-blasted Redwood. They look sreat.
'The inside of the office is 54 by 36, most of which is one big and airy work room, sales room, and customers' room. Along ole end there are two private offices. At the othcr end is the hardware departrnent, only partly partitioned from the main room-

The doors are of sand-blasted Redwood. Even the sash in the windows are all Redwood. The walls of the entirc interior are beautifully done sand-blasted Redwood panels. Every other panel has the letter H sand blasted irito thc center. These panels reach to within three feet of the
ceiling,, and the upp€r wall space, and the ceiling itself, is covered with Insulite, laid in squares, and each corner held in place by wooden rosettes turned out of R.edwood. It makes a beautiful ceiling.
Across the front of the big center room there is a counter sepafating the office force from the entrance, and the front of this big counter holds a series of small showcases fronted with glass, in which are displayed very beautiful examples of builders' hardware. Each of theie cases is electrically lighted, giving a pleasing effect, and the back of each of these little show cases is panelled with difierent kinds of hardwoods. This is the only wood displayed in the office except Redwood.
The hardware department is a small but finely equipped one at one end of the office opposite the private -offiies, and the plan book department is in one corner of that side. There are flower boxes outside each window with flowers in bloom, and there are attractive shrubs all around the bullding, giving it a very homelike look.
Mr, O. D. Adams, Manager of this yard, is very justly proud of the new office and plant. So is A. tt. Culnoa, oi
(Continued on Page 49.)
Los ANGELE5 Hog-Hoo cLuB No.2
w. E. coopER LIISBER co. HAVE HARDwooD io, Angeles Hoo-Hoo Club No. 2 held their regular EXHIBIT'A4SUILDERS''EXPOSITION runcheon at the Erite care, on rhursday, December 8. "frtfi,$
Plans were discussed for the Third Annual Christmas Angeles, frorir' Noverpbtr 28 to December 3'inclusi.'", *.s party when 400 children will be guests of the Club on the-hardwood displfii'r6f the W. E. Cooper Lumber Co. of W;;;"S;"t nbon, D.."mber 2r- s. w. Bookstaver and 17; tlq:]::.'
Floyd 'b.inier have arranged for an excellent entertain-. /In addition to'Ufftlpiting ihe regular line of harclwood ment ror the children which wil be one-or the nnest p'"- .A#il:i*i"t#lu'ffifi:;""1":31:;.1'tilt,,t?t"Tl:ojJ$: granrs ever Put on by the club. Santa Claus will be pre-" i'"* n;";il;"tit i;t[titOi iri-. -ih;;;gh the usebf "herrr- sent 'and will see that the youngsters receive appropriate ical itains, Ariibiican lacquer and virnitro, this display Christmas presents. The committee in charge of -theaarty 'showed'rhbw'maple flooring, panels and interior trim can irrcludes A^. L. "Gus'r Hoover, chairman, B. W. Book- 'be beautificd; so.as to harinonize with the interioi decorastav*i'.: Bern€ Barker, Frank Burnaby, Ted Lawrence, {ions of:the homel These'beautiful efrectS,"which are' atFloydi Dernier, B; 'W. Byrne, Roy Stanton and Mel Coe' tainable through the use of stains furnished' by the MarAlll'llrmbermen are inviied to attend and are urged to ietta Paint & Color Co. of Marietta, Ohio, have been found participatelinl'extending Christmas cheer to the children' uniformly dependable and have already been adop.-eld b-y -
Hernran Rosenberg,.The Hipolito.Co., Detroit, tle-Map_l_e$oo:ingAssociation. Accord,ing.to.theoffiCii|ls nfi"fri*.r; rvho is sp[tai"g a few-weeks at the Los An- of the.W. E. Cooper Lumber Co., this is the "Butter'Fly geles.1fficeoftheiompanywaS.preSext.atthe.meg!ing# fnd made a short talk on business conditions in the East' Herman was formerly president of Hoo-Hoo No. 2, vicegerent snark of the Los Angeles District, and Hoo-Hoo Jtate counselor for California.
Al Porter, who is now a resident of Los Angeles, was present and ,made a few remarks. A. R', Istael, special iepresentative of the West Coast Lumber Bureau, and R. L. Stein, rnanager of the'Hollywood Builders'.Exhibit, attended the meeting. .u.: ' ' : President J. Er;,{a?fin presided over the business sesslon.
In the December 1 issue, we inadvertently stated that Mr. Monroe Butler was the author of the article, "Thc Ethical Relationship of the Building-Loan Associations ancl the Lumbermen;" appearing on page 42. This was in error. as this article was-written by our correspondent and was based on Mr. Butlerrs address deliver6d before the convention of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association.

Consolidated Lumber Gompany
Gcncrel Oficc, Wholcralo,Yardr, Vharvcr and Planing Milb a' WILMINGTON, CALIF.
Phonc Wilmin3toa 120
Manufacturerr and Dealerc
Age" and colored flooring, panels and interior trim is becoming very popular with the public and is proving a r'ery important factor in the merchandising of these materials.
C. M. Cooper, vice-president-treasurer of the company.;. R. E. James, Secretary; Paul Penberthy, sales manager, and L. D- Reeder, flooring sales manager, were in attendance at the exhibit
The W. E. Cooper Lumber Co. maintain a permanent exhibit at the Architects tsuilding, 5th and Figueroa Streets, Los Angeles, where this beautiful display can be' seen at anv time.
,Ffat'.mond Lqober Co.
(Continued from Page 47)
lr'e.:u Yori and Office of Hantmrind Lunftcr Co. at Pasadend Los Angeles, Assistant General Manager to Mr. llarrl' to raise the standara .of .reiiif i;*fr#pii;tnts, and has alMcleod, and the man who designed the office. ready brought"them worlds of useful publicity in Pas4dena Such an office building, and the yard in general, tend by reason of this beautiful institution.

Thir Column of "\iltqts' rnd *Dog't Wrutr" ir fc:
{ LUMBER YARD SITE-For sale or lease. Two acres oh a Los Angeles Boulevard. Four-cent rate, spu,r track, sheds, planing mill building, burner, tacks, etc., all ready to so. - Will-sell on termC or lease with option to buy. Address Box C-16O. c/o California Lumber Merchant.
EXPERT MECHANIC wants position as master mechanic, engineer or machinist; thoroughly experienced in all branchis of lumber business, rod or gear locomotives, turbines, corliss engines and planing mill mach-inery. Twenty years on coast and inland, one year. jn South. Strictty temperate, do not smoke.; clean cut, 48 years of' age. Lookine for position where loyalty counts. Address R-ox C-163. clo Caftfornia Lumber Merchant. Box C-163, cl-o Ca
SASH, DOOR AND MILLWORK MANUFACTURERS need a manag'er, or assistant manager, with unusual exP-e-rience.and abitity who can handle any department., JVIy services ar. .'niilable January lst. Address Box C-164, clo Calif. Lumber Merchant.
Want to sell lumber yard or will take in partner. To buy into business $10,000 will be required. Yard in g-ood loiation and operating on a paying basis. .Address California Lumber Merchant, care Box C-165.
ABERDEEN, Dec. 6.-Sixty-four ships clearing from Giays Harbor during November carried 118,775,65 board feet of lumber one of the largest winter shipments on record, according to official port figures. The month brought the total for the first eleven months of the year to 1,310,368,444 board feet, within 200,0m,00O feet of last year's reoqrd breaking annual .shipment.
The bulk qf lumber taken from this port during the past month went to C.alifornia, rvhere 50,250,0o0 feet were unloaded. .Japan lpr,oved the next largest market, with 27,47l,6LO .f.eet. The lEast coast of the United States was third, with 27,O33;W feet, and Australia fourth, with 6,818,659 feet.
An article on uniform building codes by A. manager of the Western Division of the Trade C. Horner, Extension of "House
Department, appeared in the November edition Planning." published in San Francisco.
FOR SALE-One refuse burner. Original Cost $1800. Will sell for $300. Miller Box & Lumber Company, 2Ol No. Avenue 18, Los Angeles, California'
For Sale: One Sky Pilot, thirty-foot lumber Original price $1800, now $1000. Miller Box & Co., 2OI No. Ave 18, Los Angeles, California.
FOR SALE to close estate, 10,000 acres' 15Q000,000 feet of timber, complete sawmill of large capacity. All n9w. Trvo valuable d1m sites, easy transportation. $25Q000.00 is less than half the value. J. A. Timmons, 217 S. Main St., Santa Ana, Cal.
CASHIER rvanted by'a retail lumber yard. able to furnish bond. State full particulars vour experience and qualifications. Address Lumber Merchant. care Box C-165.
stacker. Lumber Must be regarding California
Position lvanted, wholesale or retail, by lumberman with trventy-five years' exoerience on the Pacific Coast and Middle West. J. T. Irish, 8833 Alcott Street, Los Angeles, California.
LONGVIEW. WN., Dec. 7.-The bulk of America's bridge timber is in the forests of the Pacific Northwest, accoiding to a booklet just issued by the West Coast Lumber Bureau on "Douglas Fir Bridge Material." Douglas fir trees, which grow tall and straight, yield big timbers readilv. Orders which are filled onlv with difficultv in readily. Orders only difficulty in other regions, the booklet states, are welcomed by the Douglas fir mills. Demands for I long lengths, Lrouglas lrr mllls. lJemands ror large slzes, lergtns, with- a low percentage of sapwood, are handled in the Northwest with ease.

The booklet covers the various grades of Douglas fir, grades-strength relationship, stress-property relationship, gives recommended grades for bridge items, and _working stresses for structural grades and the No. 1 Common grades. Other subjects treated include : available sizes, records of performance and preservative treatment.
Approximately 51 per cent of all the standing timber of the United States is on the Pacific slope. Sixty-two per cent of this is in the two states of Washington and Oregon and 56 per cent of all the timber in these two states is Douglas fir.
Paul M. P. Merner, Merner Lumber Co., Palo Alto, was a Bay District visitor the early part of the month where he called on the San Francisco trade and attended to other company business matters. cials Conference at the fecent meeting in Phoenix, Ariz.
Mr. Iforner's article related particularly particularly to the new uniform code adopted by the Pacific Coast Building Offi'
Planning,". published
Every dealer has faced the situation where a customer has had to have immediate attention wher€ sofil€, thing just out of stockis need, ed RIGHT NOW due to thteatining' rbins' o r' ekpira, tion of contract time limit.
Those are times requiring a great deal more than the us, ual good service . .-. times when PIONEER SERVICE pays the dealer. No matter whether it's roofing shingles, building papers, felts or r€, lated products, the Pioneer Dealer can supplythem in re, cord time because he has Pioneer behind him!

That means he is backed bv every modern facility in the 16r/z acre Pioneer plant ... that he has immens€ wo.r€. house stocks to draw from ... spot service. and the intelligent cooperation of the Pioneer Engineering Depart, ment.
If there is anything that will help dealers hold customers and get more of them... you can count on Pioneer to do it!
PapsR CoMp^q,Ny, INc.ROFITS}
alwavs with is building the future shall be
Certainly-for such is the purpose of business. But the future in mind. The roofing that you sell today future of your business. "Time tells" whether that prosperous or otherwise.
The wear-resisting quality of WeaverRoofing means _customer satisfaction, "repeat" business, future prosperity. . And its reputation makes it easy to sell, too.
Weaver-Henry Mfg. Co.
Successors to Weaver Roof Co. 3275 East Slauson Ave. Los Angeles Mldland 2141