PRAKTIKAJUHENDAJATE KOOLITUSE LÄBINUD ÕDEDE KOGEMUSED ÕPPEMEETODITE RAKENDAMISEST PRAKTIKANTIDE JUHENDAMISEL SIHTASUTUSES TARTU ÜLIKOOLI KLIINIKUM Experiences of nurse mentors, who have undergone a mentoring programme, with utilization of teaching methods during clinical mentoring in Tartu University Hospital Kristiina Virro, Airin Treiman-Kiveste, Ere Uibu
Abstract Clinical practice is important in nursing education because it determines the skills and clinical competence of nursing students. The clinical practice forms 40% of nursing education in Estonia. The methods used by mentor nurses in teaching undergraduate nursing students during clinical practice determine the quality of learning experience. The purpose of the study was to describe the experiences of preceptor nurses, who have passed a mentoring programme, with utilization of teaching methods in mentoring undergraduate nursing students during clinical practice in Tartu University Hospital. The individuals studied involved the mentoring nurses who had undergone a mentoring programme. 14 nurse mentors participated in the study. Data was collected during the period from October 2015 until May 2016 with semi-structured interviews. Results of the study show that mentoring nurses use different teaching methods and tasks which are, by their nature, applicable either in practical or theoretical situations. In the selection of teaching methods, mentoring nurses rely on the desired learning outcome, the objectives of the practice, and previous experiences and skills of the trainees and on the development of undergraduate nursing students during the clinical practice. Teaching methods are influenced by various factors related to mentoring nurses and undergraduate nursing 237