RADIOLOOGIATEHNIKUTE ARUSAAMAD KUTSEPRAKTIKA JA KOOLITUSE KOHTA MAMMOGRAAFIA VALDKONNAS Clinical practice and training needs in mammography: radiographer perspectives Tiina Kukkes, Claudia Sà dos Reis, Eija Metsälä, Nicole Richli Meystre, Josè A. Pires Jorge, Anja Henner
Abstract The aim was to identify difficulties in mammography practice and student supervision and educational needs across five European countries according to the radiographers perspective. A questionnaire targeted to radiographers working in mammography were developed and applied to collect data. Before sending by email, the questionnaires were tested and the suggestions/comments were introduced to improve the questionnaires when appropriate. Descriptive statistics was used for data analysis. In total 141 radiographers fulfilled the questionnaire. Common difficulties included breast positioning (85.7%), pain management related to breast compression (87.9%) and doping with patient anxiety (82,9%). The need for providing an explanation to the patient about the role of the student in the mammography room was identified by radiographers as difficult and also performing exams and teaching at the same time (22.6%). Educational needs reporter by the respondents included new investigation modalities (54%), breast pathology (36.7%), breast positionining (30%), analysis of image quality (27.1%) and optimisation (26.45). 49