EESTI ELANIKE JOOGIVEE TARBIMISHARJUMUSED JA ARVAMUS PUDELIVEE VÕIMALIKE TERVISEMÕJUDE KOHTA Estonians drinking water consumption habits and opinion about possible health hazards of bottled water Eleri Pastak, Kristi Vahur
Abstract In Estonia, like in the rest of the world, the consumption of bottled water is growing from year to year, despite the fact that people have an access to clean drinking water almost everywhere. Therefore, it is important to know the reasons why the consumption of bottled water is constantly increasing. The aim of the study was to determine drinking water consumption habits and subjective assessment of the potential health impacts of bottled water in the Estonian population. The data were collected by using online questionnaires (connect.ee). A total of 869 people, aged 10–72, participated in this study. This research study showed that most of the subjects use tap water for washing, cooking and drinking. 82.9% of the subjects purchase bottled water and almost everyone was doing it to quench thirst. The main reasons why they consume bottled water are the convenience and a good smell or taste. Bottled water is bought more often by younger, aged 22–34, single and married/cohabiting people. 48.8% of subjects could not answer whether the consumption of bottled water may cause health problems or not. It is estimated that the consumption of bottled water may cause tumours, metabolic disorders, poisoning and affect adversely dental health. Keywords: drinking water, bottled water, tap water, well water, consumption habits. 59