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Dr. Rath

Heerlen, Netherlands

The Dr Rath Books website is the official distribution channel for books published by the Dr Rath Health Foundation. This non-profit organisation uses the proceeds from book sales to support research into science-based natural therapies and educational initiatives in health and health policy. The range includes works on various topics such as health, politics and children's literature. The authors include Dr Matthias Rath, Dr Aleksandra Niedzwiecki, Paul Anthony Taylor and Mirja Holtrop. One bestseller, for example, is the book ‘Why Animals don't know Heart Attacks ... but People do?’ by Dr Matthias Rath, which deals with the causes of cardiovascular diseases and discusses natural prevention approaches. The website also provides information about the authors and allows you to buy the books in several languages, including German, English, Spanish, French, Italian and Polish.


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January 19, 2024