Alcantara, M.N.P.A
Figure 75. Lisbon MOVE Results - Principles of SUMP. Source: Author based on the SUMP SAT Results
Therefore, the overall SUMP SAT results present a below-average mobility planning process
as expected and mentioned before
since most of the SUMP
principles have achieved percentages below 60%. However, in a transition situation, MOVE helped reveal more challenges regarding the SUMP adoption. For instance, the lowest rate has been associated with the 3rd principle,
related to the
participatory approach, which should happen from the beginning of the SUMP cycle until the end. However, MOVE shares the vision exclusively of the Lisbon City Council executive; this is a point for it to consider for proposing the SUMP later since, according to the SUMP guidelines, this principle is essential for people to feel ownership of the SUMP and the policies it fosters. Failing to involve citizens and stakeholders along the process could prejudice the long-term success of the SUMPing since public support would be compromised. Further, the 7th principle,
to the assessment of the targets and indicators that should be monitored closely
received the second low rate since MOVE has not entered into details as a strategic and outline the
118 Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans [SUMPs] and the transition behind planning paradigms