Alcantara, M.N.P.A
Figure 78. Case Studies Comparison Results - Principles of SUMP. Source: Author based on the SUMP SAT Analyses Results
In summary, Brussels, Budapest, and Rome have presented similar performances related to their strategic documents. However, Budapest has not presented many details about its planning process, which led to a more significant difference in results on the 3rd principle compared to the other two cases. In the case of Vienna, which is well-known for many achievements in the mobility sector and based on the state of the art presented in this thesis, the city probably has the higher mobility performance among the five cases. Although, based on the analyses of mobility planning processes, the results show a different picture than the others. One possible reason behind this is the year of the
2013. Hence, as it was a very recent concept
and remains new until nowadays
it could
justify its performance compared to the most recent plans. Lastly, as explained before, Lisbon has not performed well, although it illustrates a transition scenario, making the challenges behind the SUMP Principles more visible for this research. As a result, the most critical princi been, for instance,
. Define a long-term vision and a clear implementation
Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans [SUMPs] and the transition behind planning paradigms 123