Alcantara, M.N.P.A integrate the existing plans and identify the needs of the different actors and stakeholders. Moreover, citizens must participate and expose their mobility and accessibility needs. Further, the plan achievement depends on the implementation of actions that must be based on scenarios, cost assessments, and definitions of funding resources, which indicators will further monitor, despite also depending on how the plan management is being carried out. Hence, the plan s proposals must balance and integrate the different transport modes and cooperate between different government levels. The actions must be monitored and revised if necessary, and the results must be communicated to society. Thus, the local authorities are responsible for establishing mechanisms to assure the quality and efficacy of the SUMP within the sphere of sustainability (Duportail & Meerschaert, 2013; European Commission, 2013c; Rupprecht Consult, 2019).
Figure 4. The 12 Steps of Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning. Source: Rupprecht Consult (2019)
In a nutshell, the elaboration of a SUMP foresees a strategic plan designed to achieve consistent results, with goals and a mission statement defined together with the citizens and stakeholders (participation) to achieve a future scenario (vision) in a specific time (term), monitored by indicators. Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans [SUMPs] and the transition behind planning paradigms 13