Alcantara, M.N.P.A development in the selected five cities; however, mobility measures and actions are neither easy to implement nor simple. Thus, to answer the research question, the methodology proposed has been based on qualitative methods to scrutinize the selected strategic documents published by planning departments (Table 4) thesis
objects of this
and uncover the mobility processes behind their development, implementation,
and monitoring phases according to the SUMP guidelines. Hence, the primary documents that have been analyzed are marked with a *symbol; the others are complementary documents used for specific parts of the analysis. In addition, if not specified in Table 4, the available language is English. Further, in the following subsections, the methods that have been used for the analyses have been concisely described. Table 4. Overview of selected strategic documents that have been analyzed for this thesis. Source: Author Type
N. of pages
Vienna, AUSTRIA SUMP Total
STEP 2025 Urban Mobility Plan Vienna (Vienna City Administration, 2014a)*
124 pp. 124 pp.
Good Move Plan regional de mobilité 2020-2030 (Regional mobility plan 20202030), only available in French or Dutch (Bruxelles Mobilité, 2020b)*
290 pp. 290 pp.
Budapest, HUNGARY SUMP SUMP SUMP SUMP Monitoring & Evaluation Handbook Total
BMT - Budapest Mobility Plan 2030 - Volume I Objectives & Measures (BKK Budapesti Közlekedési Központ, 2019a)* BMT - Budapest Mobility Plan 2030 - Volume II Transport Development and Investment Programme (BKK Budapesti Közlekedési Központ, 2019b)* BMT - Budapest Mobility Plan 2030 (Project data sheets), only available in Hungarian (BKK Budapesti Közlekedési Központ, 2019c) A Balázs Mór-tervhez kapcsolódó programozási, illetve hatáselemzési és értékelési (Development of impact analysis and evaluation methodology program related to the Balázs Mór plan), only available in Hungarian (BKK Budapesti Közlekedési Központ, 2016)
100 pp. 152 pp. 311 pp.
87 pp. 650 pp.
PUMS Roma - Piano Urbano della Mobilità Sostenibile - Volume 1 - Quadro conoscitivo ed obiettivi (framework and objectives), only available in Italian (Roma Servizi per la Mobilità, 2019a)* PUMS Roma - Piano Urbano della Mobilità Sostenibile - Volume 2 - Strategie | Azioni | Scenari | Valutazioni | Monitoraggio (Strategies | Actions | Scenarios | Evaluations | Monitoring), only available in Italian (Roma Servizi per la Mobilità, 2019b)*
287 pp.
314 pp. 601 pp.
Lisbon, PORTUGAL Strategic Mobility Vision
MOVE Lisboa, visão estratégica para a mobilidade 2030 (Strategic Vision for Mobility 2030), available in Portuguese and English (Lisboa Câmara Municipal, 2020)*
72 pp.
Mobility Action Plan
PAMUS - Plano de Ação de Mobilidade Urbana Sustentável da Área Metropolitana de Lisboa - Volume I Relatório (Sustainable Urban Mobility Action Plan for Lisbon Metropolitan Area - Volume I Report), only available in Portuguese (AML, 2019)
261 pp.
Total Total
333 pp. 1.998 pp.
46 Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans [SUMPs] and the transition behind planning paradigms