Alcantara, M.N.P.A transport development and investment program; iii. transport development and investment program 2019-2030; iv. realization of the transport development and investment program (BKK Budapesti Közlekedési Központ, 2019b). Hence, BMT has considered different scenarios and has also consider social, economic, and environmental impacts throughout its measures. In a nutshell, BMT guidelines are well systematized and cover many indispensable topics for Budapest s urban development. For instance, the document has followed many of the SUMP 12 Steps to a certain extent (Figure 50); however, the activities associated with the participatory process have not been clearly displayed. Further detailed results have been presented in the following subsections, indicating the 32 SUMP Activities that have been covered (16), partially covered (10), and also specifying the ones that are unclear (6).
Figure 50. Overview of Budapest
s 12 Steps SUMP analyses. Source: Author
4.3.1. Phase 1 | Preparation & Analysis BMT has presented its development process through the document and has shown details in the introduction part of Volume I. Thus, the three steps from the SUMP cycle Phase 1 (Preparation and Analysis) have been scrutinized in the analyses below.
82 Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans [SUMPs] and the transition behind planning paradigms