MASSAAŽ PEAVALUDE KORRAL Massage Therapy for Headaches Liivi Kukk, Kirkke Reisberg
Abstract The purpose of this literature review based study was to determine the effects of massage on headaches. 19 original studies, 4 systematic reviews and 3 reviews were included in the study. Trigger point compression-release techniques were most commonly used to relieve headaches. Most commonly massage was applied to the following muscles: mm. suboccipitales, posterior neck muscles, shoulder girdle muscles (m. trapezius, m. levator scapulae), m. sternocleidomastoideus, m. temporalis, m. masseter, m. occipitofrontalis. Most commonly the duration of massage session was about 30-45 minutes. It is not possible to approve or deny the effectiveness of massage therapy on symptoms of headaches and the use of headache medications, since there was a lack of research, methodological quality of most trials was generally poor, conclusions were made based on a small sample and the results were contradictory. Keywords: massage therapy, headaches Sissejuhatus Peavalu on üks levinumaid terviseprobleeme (Stovner jt 2007), millega kaasnevad funktsionaalsed ja emotsionaalsed probleemid mõjutavad oluliselt inimese elukvaliteeti (EspíLópez jt 2016). Peavalu tõttu väheneb töö