EAKATE ENESEHOOLDAMATUSE RISKITEGURID JA AVALDUMINE NING ÕE VÕIMALUSED EAKATE ENESEHOOLDAMATUSE HINDAMISEKS JA ENNETAMISEKS Manifestation of self-neglect among the elderly, the associated risk factors, and means available for nurses to assess and prevent the self-neglect Elena Kiseleva, Nadezda Sazonova, Margit Lenk-Adusoo
Abstract This article is based on theoretical review of literature, in total 41 sources were used. The objective of the article is to describe the manifestation of self-neglect among the elderly, the associated risk factors, and means available for nurses to assess and prevent the self-neglect. The self-neglect among the elderly is a geriatric syndrome with multifactorial aetiology, in which case an elderly person (aged 65 years and older) fails or refuses to perform acts of self-care. The elderly person with self-neglect issues ignores or exhibits indifference towards situations that could adversely affect his or her health or safety. Elderly people who do not admit the self-neglect are more often hospitalised and do not trust health care workers. The main risk factors for the self-neglect include age, female gender and living alone. Nurses must detect the self-neglect at an early stage, using appropriate evaluation measures. In order to prevent the self-neglect among the elderly, a nurse has to maintain their independence in every possible way. Keywords: elderly, self-neglect, risk factors, manifestation, prevention, assessment, nursing. 158