GLÜKOMEETRITE TÄPSUS – KAS IKKA PIISAV IGAS KLIINILISES OLUKORRAS KASUTAMISEKS? Accuracy of glucometers: can it use of any clinical situation? Aivar Orav, Mare Remm
Abstract In 2015 to 2017 glucometers were studied at Tartu Health Care College, comparing their measurement results with the results of the laboratory method. Venous blood was collected from the subjects, at the same time their the glucose amount in capillary blood was determined, using the glucometers involved in the study. The amount of glucose in venous blood was determined by the laboratory analyzer Cobas C111. As data processing method the relative bias between measuring results of laboratory and glucometer was calculated and presented. Results of the study show that glucometers provide a considerable shift compared to the laboratory method, in the range of ±7.3%...17.2% (Root mean square). Some very big incidental deviations into the positive direction occurred, ranging even up to 73%. It was concluded that the study demonstrated a considerably big inaccuracy of glucometers compared to the laboratory method; all self-check glucometers involved in the study demonstrated a simliar quality, although the glucometers used in the hospital provided a bit worse deviation and targeting; all glucometers under investigation provided incidental inaccurate results with a positiive shift. While using a glucometer, one should be ready for inaccurate measuring results and repeat the measuments, if required. 8