'We always have a large stock of SHED and YARD STOCK on hand for prompt shipment to serve the trade.

327-8 Lumbermen's BIdg. PORTLAND, OREGON
Stevenson, Sales Manager

We manufacture a full line of Screen Doors, French Doors, and Panel Doors.
They are all made blind mortise and tenon, the strongest door manufactured.
This with our matchless pine product, plant modern to the moment, and high ideals of service, explains the nationwide popularity of ; doors.
For two years we have made all our windows with Putty Anchor in the glass rabbett. This invention has given our sash a feature distinguishable from all other makes, and makes for a quality of which we are tremendously proud.
We recently increased our window capacity, 50/" in quantitysarne quality.
Our products are all made from
the softest and Iightest white pine in the American continent-weighs only 2000 lbs. to the | 000 feetbetter than the famous old Michigan cork pine.
fiom nlttrre's buried treasure s -nrre jearch of color for your roof
Llidden for ages under moun- I I tains of earth and rock lay nature's jewels of color in slateuntil a quarry blast revealed them !
Now, snatched up by gigantic steel carriers, they are sPeedilY crushed into flakes, and later enameled upon a wholly new slatesurfaced shingle. The resulting color is a rareweathered brown, as beautiful as the frostY tan of autumn fields.
Richardson Super-Giant Shingle
-a unique roofing product which in addition to its beauty, offers you an unusual degree of roofing serviceability. For example, its greater size (10/x14") saves 35le in cost of laying. ItsffiTogreater thickness makes it last much longer, and casts a deepershadow line on the roof. And its 100/e greater stiffness keeps it rigid in all kinds of weather and makes the whole roof twice as firm.
A super-shingle indeed, when you weieh its points one by one ! Firstabsolutelv exclusive color effects. Second-unusual dimensions which sive added life to the roof at % less in cost of laying. And final1y-exceptionally high test standards in its materials.
The unique color effects of the weathered brown have delighted architects and home owners, especially when it is blended with other Richardson shingles of jade green,tile red, orblack pearl. Thus, foryouit will be an increasing sourceofnewbusiness.
A super-shingle Weathered brown is usedexclusivelyonthe brins
Moreover, its inner materials, Staularl Shinglc
felt and asphalt, give conclusiveevidenceof its endurance. Richardson felt, as you know, has for the last fiftyyearsbeen recognized as the best. And the asphalt which goes into it is of the highest grade raw
Ttu supct-ciarn shingtc-lo7ti matef ials f ef ined thicka, r00Vo mc rieid, anJ, eXClUSiVely by the 35E rnm. qottmical ln cost 01 35To ot tarins Richardson process.
These definite talking pointsesoeciallv the exclusive color effbcts-will bring you new customers. And, of course, Richardson Super-Giants are equally good fornew or "over the old roof " jobs.
Send for our beautiful new color chart, together with sar4ples of Richardson Super-Giant Shingles inweathered brown and other colcs. For every roofing use there is a Ridrardson product-from Lok-Top Asphalt Shingles to Rubbertbx Roll Roofing with Pyramid Khps. Just use the coupon below.
Q6nrcnrnosoN coMPriNr Irc}land (Circinnati), Ohio MelroE€ Park (Chicago), Ill. New Orlcanr, I:.


The Japanese Tragedy Booms Lumber Market
The lurnber producing industry of the west already has occasion to acknowledge the truth of the old axiorn, to wit: "It's an ill wind that blows nobody good."
The tenible ,disaster that has befallen Japan during the last two weeks-the worst disaster probably in the history of civilization-h3s already set the lumber industry'of the Pacific standing on its ears.
A perfect fog of information and misinformation regarding the damage done to property in Japan" and the amount od mate,rials that will be needed to replace and rebuild thet devastated cities, has been flying around evetr since thd finst news of the disaster came. The daily press imunediately p,urblished reports that o,rders for half a b'illion feet had been received. by wire by the northwestern rrrrills, etc., etc.
As a matter of fact no great orders for Japanese stock have been placed or accepted, so, far as we have been able to'determine, as ye'L It is the one topic of conversation in the lumber bu'siness from Lqs Angeles to Vancouvsr, B. C., but nothing physical has yet come in the way of orders from across the water.
That they WILL come, in huge proportions, within'the next f,ew days, there can be no doubt. To say hwv rrnrch stock Japan is going to take, would be a foolish estirnate. That she will need at the very least from one to several billions of feet before all the damage can be replaced' seems very likely. That the northwest mills will be called upon for all the stoc,k they can give rush shipment on, ib also positively certain. That every effort will be made to filI Japa.nese orders, regardless of any other markets, is also certain, for there are humanitarian reasons to back up the commercial ones.
The rnrlls of the Northwest are sittiqg tigh$ as we go to prerss, waitihg flor o'rder to come o{ut df; chaos, so tlrat they nnay accurately judge just what will b€ reqr-lired of them. The first thing they are going to have to know is, how and when and where is the money to come frona. Financial affairs are going to be the first things to be straightened out. That these financral arTEurgements can and will easily be ,rnrade, is very certain, for the'credit of the Japainese Governrnent is good, and she will probably have to act to assist in financing the restoration of the destroyed cities' There is no doubt but that huge orders are corring immediately, or that the mroney will be secure'd to buy it with. So we know that for the tt.*X ssveral mio'nths the Northwestern mrills are going to have their hands full; also their order files.
Word comes from the Northwest that the mills feerl that they rnr;st handle the situation skillfully to Prevent profiteering, and to keep the market from gctting over-excitcd
as a result of the Japanese situation, and that they p,ropose to do so.
The immediate effort of the Jap situation in California has been an enthusiastic awakening of the lurnber market. The California rnrarket was already picking up strong when the Jap situation developed, but it has jun:rped both in volum€ and price in the past ten days, and is still strengthening. California prices have advanced from $g to $g.So a thousand since our last issue. Everyone wants to buy and get in ahead of the sharp rise they feet will come when Japan gets to actually buying. So the Jap situation has already advanced the market in California, even before they have purchased a foot of lurnber.
Add the Japanese situatibn to the fact that l,os fingslgg is again smashing all of her own buildling records-note the more than twenQr million last month and the still
heavy tide of building in L. A. this montlr-and the advancing msrket in California is easily exptrained.
Of course, the call o{ the Japanese market on the Nbrthwestern mills is not only going to strengthen the California lurmber,market, but is going to have the same sort of effect-though of course less marked-on the general lumber market of the United States.

For the past two weeks the Southern Pine demand has exceeded production, and with the sudden effect of the Jap siltr:ation on the Northwestern rnills, taking thern out of the pr,ice cutting line entirely, it is reasbnable to suppose that the general market is going to be much strengthened, and that at once.
Ih the last two weeks the mernbers of th,e West Coast Lumbermens' Associatron manufactured 1081684'000 feet and sales amounted to 96,127,000. Not much change frorn the last report. This production is about 23/o above notmal and new business about l2/o below p'roduction. Thc reporting mills have unfilled rail or'ders for 5500 cars.
The Southern Pine Association reports for the past two weeks a cut of 80,000,000 feet with sales of 82,000'000 feet. Looking naurch better with these figures.
The arrivals of lumber carriers at tlte Los Angeles Harbor up to the night of the l2th were 47 boats, carrying 57,700,000 feet.
The world doesn't need brains and brilliance half as much as it does honesty and dependability.
W. B. "BilI" Dean, of Chico, California, guider and directs the deetinies of the Diamond Match Company intererts in California.

He-is a rtraight-shooting, clear-thinking, rmiling optimirg_ who has made his way in the rlorH bi t&e sim-ple plqr of trying forcefully and intelligently to profit _by the experiencer of other -"t, "ttd by studying hors-in his businecs and personal capacit! -he might best serve the public.
He runs the mills, re-manufacturing planta, and thirt_y-two retail yardr of hie companylrrCaliforniq and has been with the concern for twenty years.
. He is one of the mort rerpected and devoted citi, zena of Chico, and the most ardent Californian never boosted better for any other dictrict, than W. B. Dean doer for tte Chico dirtrict, itr-beautier, its assets, itr opportunitier, and ite promise.
He is a mighty fine citizen as well as a moct active and progreuive lumberman, and deserver well the rplendid things hir friendr ahuayr ray about him.
You can bank on this--
Pioneer Roofings and Shingles always give perfect satisfaction.
Pitying The Farmer

We are wasting entirely too much vocal lxrwer, and printing paper in t$q '
"o*try tti" ""--.:t;;;;;hg U" t""r fa:rmer," artd-th" "lo* iurchasing power of farm products.tt
Everywhere you go, when business men get to {"g*ling economicr-,_ +rd conditioni and prospects, some one is almost sure to shike his head "ttd t"q you that "we ott't kno* genuine prosperity until the farmer, the bulwark of our prosperity, gets -o""-fo, his iroduct in terms of those otlrer commodities which : he must boy.tt
This has become an almost universal remark.
And it isn't true.
Certainly the,farmer MIGHT come to a condition better than his preren! one, but it ic also mighty certain that there has never been any-pr9JigYs normal time when he wag "..ttv as well off-generally epeaking and all thingr con' sidered{s he is RIGHT NOW.
In the good old days when the northern farmer_gol lfeguhrprice of 50 cents a bag Tor potato"" (" bag contained a burhel and ahalf), and the Southern farurer goifi"" cents a pound-for his cotton, we didn't hear half as much roar about the ttpoor farmerrt' aa we do now.
It is tme that when you consider the price the consunrer payr_for farm atuff, ." ""-prtJ with what ih" f"r-"r gets for it, it looks as tllotgh ttg Y.I. "hold' iig U. U.S" to tome extent; but before yo,t b.g1 iumping with hob'nailed f"-"t" "" tf,ot" terriblc "middlc mcn" who are getting all the money that the "fatmer rhould be getting f,or'hir cropE," and those "robber railroads who get more out of the pril of vegetablcs and fruit than the_producer doesr" iust stop "nj ""*ia.t the iacts of the-matter, ahd it may not look quite so much as though thc farmer were being gougd.
It was these "middle mrjn" and these "robber railroadstt who devised, and created, and arranged the ways' and means, for transP"*iTg'- 91f .greg41ing' .11a i"frigerating, Ittd d"ti""titrg trhere_products _o3t -of their LOCAL TERRIfOntgs,- and iii,erefore not oily madl it possible for Mr. Consumer to have ;;i;;;iufi th" y""t around, bui alpo -.d. it poosible for the farmer to sell iu" ti-"r or a huldred times'ar much product today as he used to be able to sell *liui, h""ing only himcelf to depend -uPon, he could ""JV F"{ a market for his "t"p ilthi" ieach of his farm wagon-deliveryr and then hg had to take whatever the local market would afiod and that wac far less than he is getting- today for the stufi, even though the t'middle men" and nilroadc do seem to be cutting deep into the final pricea.
Think those thingc over, before crying over the "poor farmer.t'--- You will find this poor suffeto d"i"itrg a car, burning up gasoline, s9911s-the-sights with his famitv that he never drearned of seeing in_"the olddays_," living in mych better homes than he did, getting,more cash for his crop than he ure! to, and enioying life much more than-in tli-e davs before the middle men and the railroads began "robbing him""
It'a like a lot of other thittgr we hear cussed in thia country today. The i'c.s1,.epi,grq top'busy.to thirrk, oi'theyld stop clissing'
This phrase is trite we admit, and the word "quality" as generally used may mean a whole lot or nothin$ Lt all.
But "quality" in REDWOOD means definite and proven beairty and durability.

Tfris wood's warm reddish color and softness of .finish are distinctive. In natural finish exteriors, REDWOOD deepens in tone instead of fading or streaking. Durability not only means length of life under normal conditions, but resistance to wet, fung,i, white ants and fire.
REDWOOD stands up under the severest tests. For that reason it has no rivals as a wood for flumes, pipe, vats; tanks and silos. Its easy working qualities cause it to be extensively used by pattern-makers. Keep these facts to the front in answering the question--
Elmer H. Cox Starts Gte:rt Fresno Mill-Two Great Plants WorkHarmoniously

Seven miles from Fresno the mighty white and sugar pine sawmill recently built by Elmer R. Cox, and asso' ciates, is booming away.
It is one of the 'biggest, greates,t, most interesting, and most modern mills built for the manufactur6 of Cal'ifornia white and sugar pine. It is the pride and joy of its builder, and his efficient corps of assistants. They tell you pridefully that it is the latest and fines{ thing in mill operations -and it looks the part.
.It is located on the outskirts of Fresno, in a district now referred to as Pinedale. The postoffice is Fresno,'however. It is a completely electricallv equipped sawmill, with every modern facility for the remanufacture of the lumber after it leaves the band'saws, to prepare it for the use of Mr. Consumer.
In the giant sawmill proper .there are four band mills, each busily engagedr in sl,icing the splen'did. pine logs into
(Continued on Page 12.)

New Marks Set in August Building
From all over the state reports arrive telling of new records made in August, usually the quiet month of the year in building.
This year, the hot month started off with a bang, evidently the slightly lower lumber priies having some effect, and all through the month permits were authorized to a total. that will be a record, at least for a short time.
In Los Angeles, the high rnark of last Mar,ch was topped rby a good m.argin. In August this city authorized the large total of $22,249,262.00 in new 'buildings. This comprising 5932 separate permits. In March of this year 5056 permits were issued to a valuation of $2l,196g87.CA. So {ar this year, Los Angeles has issued 40,332 building perrnits, calling for an ,expenditure of $131,221,72o.ffi.
Following are the totals, for some of the cities of the state, doing over $10O,000.00 in August.
(Continued from Page 10.)
lu,mber. In addition there is a planing mill of sufficient size and capacity_ to handle the outpuiof the sawmill; a
big and moit modernly equipped bo>l factory; a battery of stea_m dry kilns; a great yard, sheds, loading station, etc.
The timber is cut in the mountains fiftv miles awav.
To transport this timber to Fresno there has been lbuilt an incorporated common carrier railroad, called The Minarets & Western Ra,ilway Company. Its ,main line is 5O miles in length. The logging lines that meet it in the mountains are the property of the lumber company. At the end of this line of rail the lumber company owns enough high.grade sugar and white pine ,tim'ber io keep that great mill in operation for fifty to sixty years-per- haps more-a character of timber that its o*rers believe is unsurpassed for size, quality, and availability.
The name of the E. H. Cox concern that built this great operation is the Sugar Pine Lumber Company.
At Madera, just a few miles north of this new mill, there is another big and very interesting sugar and white pine operation, also an E. H. Cox concern. It is called The Madera Sugar Pine Company.
In the case of this concern, the sawmill itself is also en- tirely new, having been in operation but a few months, and bu.ilt_to replcg one destroyed completely by fire last winter. This mill is not located at the general- plant, as is the case of the Sugar Pine Lumber Company, but i, built in.the Sierras, in the heart of their tim'ber holdings, sixty miles away from the remainder of the plant. T[is mill is just half the size of the new Fresno plant, yet h very large m.ill itself, being equipped with two,heavy bands
and all the necessary subsidiary equipment for the mak- ing of splendid lumber.
No railroad connects Madera with the mill. The lumber is _tied together with steel binders, and du,mped ,into a great flume, and the running water in the flume carries it down to the re-manufacturing plant at Madera, where it is unloaded, re-mannfactured,-and dried for market. This is one o'i the longest and biggest flumes known to the Iumbtr^industry,_a full sixty miles long, and carryinC a00 to 350,@0 feet of lumber daily that great distance.
Men are posted at lookout stations every six m.ile6 alone this flume, equipped with telephones and working materl als, and it is there business to keep the flume open, and the lumber running, and to keep it ,in repair. ft -requires a million and a half feet of lumber annually to keep the flume in repair.
The end of the flume is in the yard of the plant at Mradera, and w,hen it reaches the yard it bran,cires into smaller flumes, so that the lumber -can be distributed in various parts of the yard and plan,t before unloading.
_ In the Madera plant there is a big and modern p-ianer, box_ factory, battery of steam dry kilns, storage -sheds, yards, load'ing and unl.oading tracks and facilities, etc. It is here the lu,mber and box shooks are prepared and distributed to the trade.
Elmer H. Cox, of San Francisco, is the active head and General Manager of both these great sister institutions. The executive _department of both mills and compan,ies is the same. Mr. Cox is General Mranager; Mr. -John p. r, and in active
(Continued on page 48.)


Capecity 600,000 ft. daity. One of the biggest and most modern white and sugar pine mills of California has just gtarted full time operations at this point.
A sawmill with 4 bands cutg our wonderful lumber, and there is a great planer, box factory, kilns, sheds, yards, etc., in connection.
There is a huge daily production of Pine at this great plant.
Capacity 3oO,O00 ft. dailv.
The prgduct of these two great concerns is sold by one sales organization, no\ / located at Madera.
Quotations or Information Glady Given
Ad&ess All Such Communications to
A new 2-band sawmill of modern equipment hae juat replaced one destroyed by fire. It ia Iocated in the mountaine above Madera. At Madera we operate a most efficient and modern re-manufacturing plant, with planer, box factory, sheds, kilns, yards, etc.
'We are very proud of our product at Madera.

Northwest Manufacturers Meet at Lon$view
The midsummer semi-annual Coast Lumbermen's Association Longview, Washington, and the parts of Washington and Oregon

D. Robertson, Pres.
,meeting of The West was held recently at clans gathered from all for the occasion. This
Establirhed 1888Geo. R. Hackett, V. P. & G. M.
'We wish to announce to the retail trade of California that we are in position to quote on parcels of
Boards l- Di*"rrrionGreen Clears and lath, for shipment on Canadian Government Merchant Marine boats, and solicit your inquiries.
Highest quality lumber and lath manufacturedand inspected by Pacific Lumber Inspection Bureau.
Robertson & Hackett Sawmills Ltd.
Plans and Progress Here and There What Busy CaliforniaLumberFolksAre Talking About
Tacoma, Wa.sh. In the production of sash and doors, the factories of'Tacoma, Washington, have attained a volume which has done much to help establish that city's claim to the title, "The Lumber Capital of America."
In one year alone, that of 1922, Tacorna factories produced Z,ZSa,7Z| doors, more than enough to replace every door of every building in the city. To realize this output, the manufa.iu.ets had to cut up 90,029,000 board feet of logs.
tfoday the mills are turning out 10,0CO doors per -day. The saih and door factories employ 3,0C0 men. In 1889, the number was 300 per day. The sash and door mills employ 3,000 men. Thirty-three.years ago there were.but 400. ioday 95 per cent of the doors and sashes are shipped to other paits of the world, whereas in 1889 the eniire output was consumed locallY.
In iuit four months of this year, the door factories of Tacorira produced 951,250 doors, cut from 38,050,000 board feet of logs. Production of three-ply panels -last year was 24,075,506 sq. ft. To May 1 of this-year the production was 8,655,200 sq. ft. T'o obtain this finished material, 48,151,C00 feet of iogs were used last year, and for four m,onths this year, 17,330,400 feet. -
"And thatts just one branch of the lumber industry in Tacoma and vibinity," explains the Tacoma Lumbermen's Club, which takes a praiseworthl prj{e in- the preeminence whicir its city has achieved in the field of forest products'
ln All Stock Sizcr
Effective September 1st., the Patrick-Andersen Corporation, in the Northwestern Bank Building, Portland, will change their name to the Patrick Lumber Com,pany.
Mr. N. J. Sanford, Jr., has been elected vice-president of the company.
The Hallack & Howard Lum'ber Co.; retail lumber merchants of Denver, Colorado, have recently issued an attractive calender, vrhich displays in large type this philosophy, duly credited to The California Lumber Merchant:

"Good times come and go, but one thing is certain: -honest goods-honest equipment-honest advertising-honest salesmanship-and honest service, will bring in a reasonable amount of business in ANY kind of times."
The Horse Thief Lumber Company, of Siskiyou County has closed its mill, account, according to the officials, of the recent price slump.
Cardinal fuIerits
In Five Cross Panel Doors of Califotnia White Pine
TRIKINGLY HANDSOME! Fitted with 3-ply slash grain fir panels as shown above they add a distinct note of beauty to every rooq particularly under a stain and dull rub finish. A[ In all White Pine they have no superior lor white or tint enamel finishes now so popular with home builders. At OI perlect workmanship; great economy in installatim, the white pine stiles assuring easy and accurate mortising oI locks and fittings. C[ I..st one of Standard's complete millwork line. lnsist upon. Standard Millwork Products at your |obber's. Cl Yo, ue mafte sash, tool

Sugar Pine and Honey Bees
Folks, if you are looking for something wonderfully new and 'interesting in the lumber business, go to Chico, Californ.ia, and look over the Bee Hive Department of the Diam,ond Match Company.

You will soon agree that the old axiom that "there is nothing new undelthe sun" doesn't apply to sugar pine as related to honey bees.
A few years ago, almost by accident, this company mads its first Bee Hives. Today they have a great department of their plant doing nothing on earth but making Bee Hives and Bee supplies and accessories (a Bee Hive we discovered has alm'ost as 'many accessories as a Ford) and they are selling about $150,00O worth of this stuff every year, and the business is still growing. 'They have an expert Bee sc,ientist from England in charge of the plant. You not only can buy Bee Hives from them, but you can get the m,ost expert Bee raising and honey making informati,on, literature, etc., from them.
They not only maks sugar pine Bee Hives, but they are makipg by 'machinery a lot of the honey making Joundation work that ord'inar,ily takes a lot of the bees time.
When a swarm of Bees moves into a Diamond Match com,pany sugar pine hive, they find everything ready for housekeeping, and honey collecting and storing. You should see the department where they take big gobs of bees wax, and cleanse it, and purify tt, ,and roll ,it into sheets, and perforate it just as the bee does, and fasten it
into the slides, or shelves, or whatever they are, that gro into the hive, and on which the bee begins the storage of honey without further preparation. They take the bees wax and make it'into honey comb, and all the bee has to
(Continued on Page 2/.)
"No hits-no runs-no er1s1s"-reads like the business record of too many lumber dealers.
You Can
Builders are at a disadvantage in trying to luy
good oalc floors with poorly manufactured flooring. The excellent manufacture of Long-Bell
Oak Flooring makes it possible for the builder to
hy a sturdy, beautiful floor with a minimum of Long-Ben
.lll .
il::ili ;::..1T.-# ?ihllT:il-
turing requirements:---
It is the selection of only the High-class, experienced grad-
best rough oak lumber. ers, standing directly behind
. the machine, mark the grades All lumber is thoroughly air as the stock is manufacture<1. dried before being Placed in
rt is kln-dried in modern
moist-air kilns. the machines.
All lumber allowed to cool for All Long-Bell oak fooring is 72 hours after lcilndrying, so bundled with annealed wire, that it will attain itg natural two pieces to each bundle. condition before it is manu- Moisture-proof shedg keep the factured into floor ern machir,",y.rr"J'ff;,#lll stock in perfect condition' which reduces crooked foor- A large well assorted stock on ing to a minimum. hand at all times, enabling us Best side-matcher machines to give prompt service to our known, kept in perfect condi- traoe' tion at all times, thus insuring Good average lengths shipped perfectly matched stock. in all grades and sizes.
A famous end-matcher ma- Long-Bell oak flooring can be chine used, making this fea- identified by the Long-Bell ture of our flooring perfect. trade-mark on every piece.

ffiffiCalifornia's Greatest Oak Tree
Hgre is a picture of the biggest and,most wonderful oak tree in California.
-It is probably no exaggeration to say that it is one ot the. grandest, as well as one of the largest oak trees in America.
' They believe, up in the Chico district, where all visitors are taken to see this wonderful tree, that it is the very largest oak in America.

. Certain it is that it is a marvel to stand under and, gaze upon, not only for its tremendous size, but for its absoiute- ly perfect symmetry, and it's perfect health. There isn,t a spot ot decay on the entire tree or any of its limbs, which is most unusual. It is called the "Hooker Oak.', It stands in beautiful Bidwell Park, in Chico, and w,as named by General ;ohn Bidwell, the founder of Chico, after his friend Sir Joseph Hooker, a great naturalist.
The Pacific Southwest Lumber and Supply Company, located on 52nd. Street, Maywood, has openLd for -bujiness_. This company has installed a spur lrack into their yard, and has already unloaded a considerable quantity of the stock that will'start them off.
It's description is : Species, Valley White Oak. Age, estimated, 1,000 years. Height 101 feet.
Circumference 8 feet from ground, 28.4 feet. Spread of branches across, 200 feet. Circumference outside branches, 446 feet. Eight thousand people can stand under its shade.
Tacoma, Wash., September 5th. Gift of lumber worth $1,500,0m.00 for the upbuilding of the devastated area of Japan was voted ,here today by the Price Committee of the Douglas Fir Exploitation and Exporting Company.
The committee voted to donate 45,000,C00 feet of lum,ber of all kinds to the Japanese Government. The lumber will be furnished by the exporting mills of the Pacific Coast, which are members of this company.
merchant said:
Asked In In the secret of his success, a great the daytime I mind my stor6. the night I store my mind.

(Continued from Page 18.)
do is store the honey in it, and it's ready for market, box and all, clean, pure, and sanitary.
The old Arkansas saying, "What's time to a hog?" evidently doesn't apply to bees, for in this department they do most of the work a wild bee would have to do for himself, and they just keep the bee busy gathering ,in the stuff that brings in the cash.
There are many, many items of wood, hardware, bees wax, tools, etc., that are used in bee keep'ing, and all of these things are handled in this department of The Diamond Match Company in conjunction wit,h their sugar pine Bee Hive Department. Anything a Bee farmer can ask for, is there. They'have special machines and facilities in their milling department turning out the Bee Hives in volume, and they sell everything from the H.ive to the big mechanical "fan" in which the honey is removed in bulk.

It is a wonderfully interesting department.
Lumber and Boxes
Their sawmill is a b,ig one in the mountains 35 miles from Chico, and the lumber is brought down by ra'il, and remanufactured and shipped from the big Chico plant, where they make lumber of all kinds, box shooks, boxes, sash and doors and millwork, cabinet work, etc. It is a wonderfully equipped and efficient plant, and keeps about 450 men busy at Chico.
They also operate 32 very modern retail lumber yards in Northern California. and are active and earnest students
of the modern art of merchandising lumber
Mr. W. B. Dean, of Chico, is in charge of this entire lumber ,department, ,m,ill, wholesale, and retail, and has made a huge success of the enterprise. The mill, remanufacturing plant, Bee Department, and Retail Department are all models of efficiency, and the genial General Manager has so infused his spirit into the entire organization that .it is a joy to watch it operate.
The Bauer Geib Lum,ber Company has opened their new yard on the Long Beach Boulevard, Compton.
Over 70 per cent of the 610 fires that have occurred up to August 20 this year in the National Forests of California were man-caused, according to the United States Forest Service. These fires burned over 72,N4 acres of Government land, and 34,000 acres of private property within and adjacent to the Federal forests. Out of a total of 124 fires in the Angeles, Santa Barbara and Cleveland National Forests of Southern California, all but six were due to human carelessness, largely that of smokers, camrpers and sportsmen. Fires on the Santa Barbara National Forest, set by the carelessness 'of csmrp€rs and by incendiaries, have burned over 60,000 acres of chaparral and timber covered mountain slopes which were of inedtimiible value for watershed protection purposes. Seventy-four convictions for carelessness with fire in the woods have been secured by the Forest Service to date i the fines ranging from $50 to $500, with jail sentences in some of the more flagrant cases.

The Ability to See What Otherc Do Not See The Ability to See Further Tho,n They See
3. The Ability to See Before They See
Thur ir dcfined what ir probably thc greetert burinerr arcet of thc age by Dr. Mott, thc cxecutive head of thc International Y. M. C. A.
The Training of the Fire Prevention Service Deparhnent of the
Lumbermen's Underwriting Alliance
Develops in its FIELD STAFF the power to detect and visualize possible FIRE TENDENCIES, overlooked by heedless workmen and busy foremen before they grow into ACUTE HAZARDS. It develops the power to look bcyond the mere existence of the hazard and visualizi the OUTCOME, It develops the quick perception-the mental alertness-which causes the menacing condition to instantly register upon the brain the significance of the danger which VISION grasps. The long chance taken in permitting continuance of the hazard becomes manifest to the TRAINED INSPECTOR before its recognition by FOREMEN or by WORKMEN.
And what, do you ask, has this power of VISION availed? Does a SAVING on INSURANCE PREMIUMS made and returned of $2,51n,fin mean anything to you? Do you sense STRENGTH and SOUNDNESS in ready resources of TWO AND THREE-QUARTER MILLION DOLLARS? Do you realize that the ALLIANCE PROTECTM SERVICE has SAVED MILLIONS OF DOLLARS OF PROPERTY VALUES through FIRE LOSSES AVERTED? VISION pays HUGE DIVIDENDST More than 1,200 LUMBERMEN receive its benefits through the ALLIANCE. If you care to more fully understand our plan and methods, write -.*"1[Firr?*=-:5Gffi J3ililF-
Shinsles Won't Sell Themselves
By Jack Dionne(Being the second in a new series of articles on the Red Cedar Shingle Situation.)
Any shingle man will tell you that Texas and California are the big "Star shingle states." Meaning that in these two great consuming states, more than in the average other state, the consumption of shingles has run heavy to 6 to 2 Stars, until they have come to be known, among the shingle folks as "Star states."
It is worthy of remark, in brief, that both these great shingle consuming states with twelve months of open building season, are REFO;RMING. A whole lot of high grade Red Cedar Shingles are now 'being sold and consumed in California, and the number is growing.
Texas got an even earlier start than California, and for the past year ,many progressive dealers of Texas have been buying and likewise pushing the sale of thicker and better shingles. One big line yard concern in the Lone Star State reports that they are selling PERFECTIONS at every yard they own, and finding the trade much interested in thick, high grade shingles.
Take Texas, for in'stance, ,and the reputation she attained for being a "Star state." Whose fault was it? For a generation Texas has enjoyed the reputation of using a better class of lumber for her general building than any other state in the union. From border to border the far-
mer who built a barn would consider nothing worse than Numlber One dimension and boards, and the best of Cypress Shingles. While Texas has learned to use more or less low grade lumber where it can serve to good advantage Texas today unquestionably still uses a better class of lumber for building purposes than any other building district. That's history, and needs no proof to anyone who knows. Some of the biggest lumber yards in the whole state of Texas don't carry anything lower in grade than Number One stock. Think of that !
Then why should Texas have become a "Star State" for Red Cedar Shingles? Simply because, when Cypress shingles dwindled in production, which began to happen ten years ago-and Red Cedar Shingles came in to take their place, no effort was made by anyone connected with the Red Cedar Shingle business, to acquaint, instruct, advise, or educ:ate the Texas lumber dealer with regard to Red Cedar. They 'began buying Red Cedar Shingles strictly on a price basis, and a Red Cedar Shingle rilas a Red Cedar Shingle, and that's all there w,as to it. So of course they immediately got to using the Star shingle because it was the cheapest s,hingle, and they were being sold strictly on a price basis. !
Consider the result t You could find the Texas lumber (Contin,ued on Page 26.)

Fun, F ts and Filosophy
You talk of the Man in he
The fellow who makes But gimms the Kid in t pt Throng, Gimme the Goof with thVGong. Gimme the Hick with the Horn, Gimme the Whiz at the Wheel, Gim,me the N'ut w.ith the Noise. Gimme the Automobile. Who cares for the Man in the Street ?

The Geek only gets on the Q1355Gimme the Fish with the Ford, Gimme the Guy with ths Gas, Gimme the Lad with the Liz, Gimme the Simp in the Seat, Gimme the Crump with the CrankFOR I AM T}IE MAN IN THE STREET.
The orderly ofifi,cer was ins "Any complaints ?" he
"Just taste this sou
"It's very good
"Yes sir, but corporal says it's tea, and the cook says it's coffee, an just found a scrubbing brush at the bot-
An upright man has dug this soil, Who would not let this egg plant die; .Who pressed on Chaos with his toilThat upright man, Thank God, am I !
He would not let frost nip his beans, He kept those onions watered well, Although he said: "I think life means Through me a useless tale to tell."
And so today, in Sunday best, He counts his peppers in a line, And gives his toil-lamed back a restAnd that lame back, thank God, is ,mine !
( R. L. Burgess)Rastus' boss came into Rastus' house, where Rastus' wife, big fat Mandy was eating some "poke an' greens." It was evident from the look on the boss' face, that he carried bad news.
"Mandy" said he "Prepare yourself for a terrible shock. Rastus was hit by a train and-"
"Good Lawd !" exclaimed Mandy, "if Mah husban is dun daid yo shore is gwine t' heah some awful wailin when ah finishes dese greens."
"Give me, God, a vibrant flame of a woman for a Mate. Make her, I pray Th.e, a woman .of merriment. Fill her with a master love for the Strenuous. Enlarge her vision so that it will see all things, and make'her wise with that wisdom which shall see naught that demands her forgiveness.
Give her a body compounded of strength and sy.m.metry. Send surging through her a spirit elemental. Fill her with a love of the open air, the high hills, the winding streams, the storms that send snow hnd sleet across the wastes. Make her vibrate with the joy of the lightning flash and the crash of thunder. Let her ever be a silent worshipper of the stars.
Make her, I pray Thee, a sweetheart of the Natural. I would have her frank, and fearless, and gentle-fit to play her hand in the Game of Life in the manner of a master. And when, in Thy goodness, Thou hast given this woman unto me, let me ever find in her something slusiys-sernsthing that shall ever keep me searching joyously and with wonder.
(Thomas Dreier)\^/HY MEN SUCCEED
Few men succeed in life because they are naturally brilliant. Nine hundred and ninety nine t,imes out of every one thousand the man who achieves success and distinction through his individual efforts, did not do so because Providence had so arranged his life. On the direct con,trary, he is personally responsi'ble, and deserves personal credit, for what he is, and for what he has achieved. It isn't heredity that helps a really strong man to "bring home the bacon;" it's determination. It isn't inspiration, it's perspiration-it isn't luck, it's pluck. ft's honi:sty, and good old contagious enthusiasm, and amb,ition, and dogged determination, and courage, and mental and physical energy, and bulldog sticktoitiveness.
(Continued from Page 24.)
dealer selling his trade the highest class of lumber to build his home, and barn, and sheds with, and then selling him the lowest grade of shingles to roof it with. But why blame the dealer? .He didn't know any better, and no one had shown him the difference. And he simply got into the hatrit of buying the thin shingles, and habits are hard to break, particularly in the lumber busihess.
California for a number of years has been a great volume buyer, and she fell into the Star habit in just the same way that Texas did. Red Cedar Shingles came in to aompete with Redwood, had the long freight rate to .pay, and went to work selling on price. The result was simply the use of the lower price shingle.
And today you can call on the lumber dealers of the two great states of Texas and California, and you find the average lumber dealer rnaking no effort to push wooden shingles, but simply seeking the line of least resistance in selling :roofs.
You find very-little active and direct efiort being made to enthuse the lumber dealer in selling shingles by offering him new thoughts, new ideas, new service for his trade; and you find the man who makes other kinds of roofing spending all his time doing that very thing which the shingle folks fail to do.
The other day the lumber dealers of the great city of Cleveland, Ohio, got together, and voted to quit buying and selling anything thinner than a 5 to 2 shingle. That's a sign of the times.
Since at least fifty shingle rnanufacturers whom I met and talked to this summer have told me that they want to see the use of Stars reduced, and the use of thicker shingles increased, such news as that from Cleveland 'won't make them cry. It gives them a chance to sell better roofs.
In the last issue of The California Lumber Merchant there was an advertisement addressed to the retail trade of California, run by the M. R. Smith Lumber & Shingle Company, that is worthy of more than passing comment.

It gave the firSt cost per 1@ square feet of shingle roof. at prices based on retail lumber prices existing in Los Angeles at the time the figures were made-and therefore good for comparison anywhere because the comparitive values would be about the same anywhere-showing the following facts:
"{ square oI 5 to 2 Stars, laid 4l inches to the weather, on 1 by 3 strips properly spaced, costs, including all labor at current rates-$l1.69.
PERFtrCTIONS, 100 per cent edgegrain and clear, 18 inches long, 5 to 2 1-4 thick, laid on the same sort of strips, and spaced correctly, costs $12.44.
ROYALS, lCO per cent edgegrain and clear, 24 inches long and t/, inclr' thick, laid correctly on same strips properly sp'aced, costs $12.U.
You can make the same comparisons for the various other grades of shingles, all ,of which will demonstrate that the thin 16 inch flat grain shingles, requiring more lumber for strips, more nails, more time for labor, etc., cost almost as much in the shape of a roof as the very thi,ckest and finest wooden r'oof that money can buy.
Suppose every lumber dealer had a panel of these various shingles, properly laid, in his office to s'how his trade. Wouldn't it make a wonderful difference in the shingle game?
The big idea is that it is rn,ighty diffrcult to enthuse a dealer into creating a demand for Star shingles, because they are NOT easily adaptible to such an operation, and if you are to increase the use of wood'en shingles it must be through showing the lumber dealer how and why he should boost shingle roofs.
You can talk all you please about the dealers only being willing to buy cheap shingles, but my experience with lumber dealers is different. Most of 'them are on their toes to give their trade better service, and if they are shown how and why they can sell beautiful roofs for the price of ordinary roofs, they will undoubtedly take an interest.
Which brings me back .to the same conclusion that I reached in the first article-the only conclusion possible of arriving at by an.unbiased student of the shingle industry and its eternal illness-which is that the only trouble with the shingle business is that too many thin shingles are made, and too little intelligent and direct efiort is made to actually SELL shingles, and create a market for them.
Shingles must be offered to the trade by missionaries and ambassadors-not simply by order takers. They must be offered to the trade by men equipped and enthused with shinglb facts and information, whose business it is to sell the trade on shingle roofs FIRST, and to take or(Continued on Page 45.)

Heat Proof rr Cold Proof rr Sound Proof With One Material- CEL OTEX !
is INSULATING LUMBER. It is mhdc from bag- a*e, or cane 6brc. Thir fibrc is feltcd and interIaced into a tough, rigid, board, having great dructural strength.
Makes Good Buildinss Better
No one tdday, who ir intercated in building a home can longer aftord to ignore thi value of insulatlon in the wallr and roofr aa protection against heat and cold.
Thc common practice of constructing buildinge with ordinary wood sheathing and building paper, to shut out heat and cold, is gradually giving way to thc ugc of the modern-day rriaterial-Celotex Inaulating Lumber.
The scientific procere,. uged in converting the cancfibre, from which Celotex is made, into building lumber cauac! it to develop miriarda of minute air cells, forming its lemarkable insulating quality. Its strength as shcathing hao been fully tcrtcd by leading engineerl, proving that it is rupcrior to wood sheathing when used for thir purpotc. Besidcs replacing wood ehcatfiing, Cclotcx ig abo a plaster bate, eliminating lath, an interior, caterior firiiah, and gound deadener. Insulation againrt heat an.d cold is combined in all its ueer. Cclotcx rnaker buildingr bctter.
Dealers Profit
Some live and up-to-date building material dealer ie going to sccurc dietributor'e rightt in your territory. You cannot afford to ovcrlook this oppor- tunity. It meanc money to you- For complete infrmation addregs: Wholesale Dcpartment, West, ern Celoter Company.
There is a use for Celotex in eaery building
Kticka Brotherr Company, San Diego, Calif.
J. D. Haldead Lumber Co.'
Freeno, Calif.
Homer T.'Hayward Lumber Co., Salinae, Calif.
Pacific Coast Distributors

Geo. L. Eestman Co. Los Angeles, Calif. McCraken-Ripley Co., Portland, Oregon.
F. T. Crowe & Co., Seattle. 'Wagh.
San Diego Building Supply Co.
Harris Bror., ' Bakersheld, Calif.
Western Arbertos Magneda Co., San Francieco, Calif.
Flanigan Wareboure Co., Reno. Nevada. East San Diego Lumber Co.
"Long" Jo Steel In California for Moore Dry Kiln Co.

A recent invasion of California of 'more than. passing interest, is the arrival in the sunkist state of Jo Steel, the long, tall young man who has c'ome to represent the Moore Dry Kiln Company in this territory.
You won't have any difficulty in recognizing him if he calls }on you, because he has to stoop down to get in a high door, and he has a good natured grin on his face all the time. He id six feet nine or nine feet six or something of that kind in height. He says he was raised in, the tall
Full Operation
DoucLAs FrR i?i$E[;3ot
Phonc or Whc Yoc hefficr
timber, and he just naturally tried to grow up in equal comparison to his surroundings. He didn't do a bad job of it at that.
He is lookin,g the California situation over, and getting acquainted. He is located at Oakland, and working the state from there. His address is 159 Lake, Oakland, Cal.
The Moore Dry Kiln Company is one of the oldest and finest institutions of its kind on earth. The ,patent office is in Jacksonville, Florida, but Mr. Steel travels out of the Portland ofifice, which handles all western business. The finm has a big factory at Portland, and supplies the western trade from there. There is no better firrn in the lumber drying business than'Moore, and there is no other firm that is drying as much lumber in steam, kilns in these United States. They are entirely reliable, and all to the good.
Mr. Steel will undoubtedlv be welcome in California.
605 Ftfe BIdg. San Francirco
Phone Dug. 3415
Our soft Vhitc Pine from the Feather River Canyon will meet your requirements for factory lumber and finish. [.ct us quote on your demands for the coming seiason.
Your inquiries and orders will receive our usual prompt attention if sent either to ourselves or to our . SouthernCaliforniarepresentatives:
Manh-Suong BuitCins, Los Angelcr Phoncr l2TtLPico 2129
GAL|FORlllA WlllTE /.@DN and SUGAR PlllES
PAUL BUNYAN LATH, sherthing Pffi% Buitding lumber and Finirtr. Factory and lath combined in one piece. A p.t- yffi:/ Lumber. Pattern Stock. Wide clears fect bond for stucco. A solid job of \SW./ and uppers for drainboards and ghelv-
rlll,appurance of lunber is on impordnt itsnwithbuyqs as L eouy rcta;iler ¬os. .Weye,hreusa. Mills rcalizethe impor tance of supplying rteir cusbners utith well machineil, fine ap. peoring stock.
The men in the planing nill must see that thqe is no aibtation of the nachhtes ta mar the wotL, fouadations mustbe firm, fasten ings seane.The plana knives mustbe sharply Sround and propqly
set. The rolls mustbe fuee fton pitchand otha olcatmrdloiorc. The blowqs rnrrust be utorkitg propaly so thot no chips will be caught on the feed rolls to mar thelutnbq. Anil thzse arebutafant of the iletails responsible for thefine appeatdnce of 'Weyahaeuser stoclc. On the left is shown a battuy of planer"s dt on,e of theWeyu. haeusq Mills. On the righr is sho um part o! the five million teet d dt esseil lrlrlnber in the ilry shed. at a.n,other Wet el:.haeuser Mill.
The Advantage to the Dealer in a Right Buying Connection
T-IHE old argument that lumber is I "all the same" doesn't fit in with the way many retailers are working today.
What many a retailer has discovered is that the way to keep his trade coming to him is to be able always to give them the particular type of lumber they want and have become accustomed to-not a Srade "just as good" -but the same grade of the same type from the same source, year after year. Each lot just like the one before-that kind of personal attention to the wants of your trade will build volume for you on a permanent basis.
Looking at the retailing of lumber in this light throws an entirely new
slant on lumber buying methods. The old habit of haphazard shopping around for lumber is not as popular as it used to be.

This type of retailer is particular about his buying connections, What he wants is a dependable source of uniform supply. He goes to the coricerns that can and will take care of him on this basis. He finds it beffer to keep supplied with the type of lumber his contractors and carpenters want than to try to switch them to something else.
Such retailers don't have to put up with a profit-eating bone-yard. The lumber they get is saleable. Every piece of it earns a profit. And the big
thinS these retailers have discovered is that their buying methods and their uniform quality lumber are the best salesmen they have.
The'Weyerhaeuser Mills like to see this new trend in buying. It is the particular kind of buyer that they are best equipped to supply. Their pleasant close relations with hundreds of retailers who purchase on this basis merelyindicate their desire and ability to render a complete dependable lumber selvice.

Again we repeat that the first policy of the 'Weyerhaeuser Mills is to make high-quality, uniform lumber and deliver it to the retailer in saleable condition. Every member of the or ganization is acquainted with these ideals and works toward them.
Weyerhaeuser lumber is available to retail dealers through the 'Weyerhaeuser
salesman. FIis first principle of selling is to_help you-to aid you adjust your stocks to meet your local demandsto see that you are covered on your requirements at the right time and in the right way. Part of his duty is to see that you are satisfied with every stick of lumber you buy of him.
The Weyerhaeuser salesman knows personally the personnel of each mill he represents; he knoWs their stocks; he knows just what they can do 'for you. FIe is a man who understands the buying as well as the selling of lumber. The rnills have confidence in him. They rely on his judgment; they fulfill his promises to histrade'
If you do not know the addrbss of our local district representative, a letter or wire to our nearest branch office will prrt him in touch with vou at any time.
cDhnibutors of WEYERFIAEUSER
General Offices . SPOKANE, V/ASHINGTON Branch Ofices
ST.PAUL 269f UnirmityAve.
The Veyerlu*sa SaY: Coyryny is_t!:-comltled se-lling organi<atiott of ilre follon ;ng Weyerhaeusa Milk and Disrtburtng P-lants:
Chqnoqr-bqCo... CloquetrMinn. BonnersFerry_LumberCo.... BonneroFetryrldaho
The Northeor LuoberCo. OoquetrMinn. BoieePayette-LumberC,o. n"i"L, Idaho
Johnson-Ventrvorthep. CloquetrMina. SnoquatmieFallslumberCp. Snoqualmief.U"rW."t. Podatchlumbete.o. Poditch, Idaho WeyerhaeuserTimberC,o. .'. . EveretqVash. Humbind LumberC.o.
EdwaldRutledgeTimberC.o. ...Coeurd'Alenerfdaho ThompeonYarderfnc.. St.paglrMinn. VoodconvercironCo. . CloquetrMinn
Newsy News Fro*ttt"8""'
Frank Minard, the popular Fresno lumberman, head of The C. S. Pierce Lumber Company, is convalescing after several weeks in the hospital fr.om an operation for appendicitis.
W. J. "Billy" Kendrick, of Fresno, right hand man to F. Dean Prescott, got back on the job September first, after a months vacation spent mostly in the vicinity of San Francisco.
As the initial step in enlarging their fir wholesale department the L. B. Menefee Lurnber Company iecently took over the outrput of the Murphy Timber Company at Yacolt, Oregon.

This plant is operating two shifts and turning out 100,000 feet per day. It) is their intention to put the product of this mill mostly into the export business.
The other day George A. Jewett, driving a Jewett car, landed in Los Angeles, and promptly got his picture in the papers. He had driven his ,car over the ('overlarld Trail" recently made dotrtbly famous by "The Covered
Wagon," a trail ,over which his own father and mother drove a covered wagon in the famous gold rush to California in 1849.
Mr. Jewett is the best known lumber dealer in the whole state of Iowa, a progressive in the truest sense of the w,ord, and one of the best retail lumber advertisers and merchandisers in the United States.
If you don't believe it pays a retail lumtber dealer to advertise, ask George Jewett. He has made a fortune at it, and believes in it as he does the Scripture. He is taking a well deserved vacation in California.
The C. S. Pierce Lumber Company, of Fresno, Cal., has a good idea in the way of selfing low grades, left overs, and odds and ends of lumber around their yard. They have a good big rack in the center of the yard and in full view of the street, with a big sign on.it "CII,EAP LUMBER DEPARTMENT," and on this rack they pile the stuff that they are putting on sale. There are always odds and ends accu,mulating around retail yards. There are also always people dropping in who want some cheap bits of lumber for other than ordinary building purposes. A department like this accommodates such people, and ke6ps the yard stock clean.
It looks like a very good idea, indeed.
M. B. Nelson
Heads Long-Bell
Folks, meet M. B. Nelson, the newly elected President of The Long-Bell Lumber Company. This smiling gentleman is now the active executive head of the great firm that operates mills in California, Washington, Arkansas, Texas, Louisiana, and Mississippi, as well as a huge number of retail lumber yards.

He was elected President the other day, and he still holds the active office of General Sales Manager of the concern. He has been with Long-Bell since 1898. He is a smiling, kindly, genial, broad-minded gentleman, who looks out upon all the world with keen interest and perfect friendliness.
He is well fitted for the high honor given him, and it is a splendid tributg to a life of devotion to a great and growing corporation.
M. D. Johnson, Assistant Manager of The West Turlock Lumber & Mill Company, of Turlock, California, spent his vacation visiting Los Angeles and other Southern California cities. He reports business very good in his section.
Harry M. Maim is now ,managing the retail lumber yard of The Elsinore Lum,ber Co., at Elsinore, Cal.
The Solana Beach Lumber Company is the name of a new retail lumber firm iust started in business at Solana Beach, Cal., under the management of Frank Knowles.
Los Angeles received another big shipment of Swedish and Belgian cement a few days ago, when the Norway Maru unloaded over 8,000 barrels at San Pedro docks. This adds to the huge volume of foreign cement that has been landed at the L". A1g"l"" jo.I. ,hs year.
Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Kellogg, of Bellingham, Wash., have arrived in Los Angeles to re,main for the winter. Mr. Kellogg is associated with the E. K. Wood Lumber Companv at Bellingham.
Mr. J. L. Shallart, manager of the Ganahl Lumber Co., y.ard at Redondo, died on August 30th, after a long and lingering illness.
Let Tacorrra Fill That Order!
Tacoma Has the Re-
-€-----\42: sources, the Capacity and the Shipping Facilities.
Place your orderg for, Pacific Northwest forest products of_every description where exceptional resourc;-s, urrUs. ual man-ufacturing capacity and idequate shipping facilities, both rail and water, assure their beinj nU"a *ittt speed and satisfaction.
Tamgca, "The Lumber Capital of America," has the resources. She is the pulse and center of a tremendous lumber-producing arei of 6ne Douglas Fir, Red Cedar and \ffest Coast Hemlock.
Tacoma has the capacity. The daily cut of the Tacoma District would provide modern, 5-room homes for 350 families! Tacoma manufactures more forest products than any other city in America. r
Tacoma has the shipping facilities. Her lumber shipments by water, coastwise, intercostal and foreign, exceed those of any other city. Four great railroads serve her needs.

L"ook to Tacoma for lumber and lumber productr!
To harte your inquiries reach the entire lumber manufacturing inferesls of Tacoma anil Tacoma District, utrite or wire:
St. Louis Ouster Situation
The nineteen retail lumber firm's of St. Louis which were fined and ousted by the Supreme Court of that State in July 'for infringement of the anti-trust laws of the State of Missouri, have been trying since the dec'ision of the Supreme Court was rendered to secure a modifi'cation of the decision, so far without result.
Application for 'modification by the entire nineteen defendants, was promptly answered by the Atty. General of the State asking the Supreme Court, instead of modifying the ouster and the total of $qi,000 fines, to 'increase the fines to $2,5m,0CO instead. He made the argument that during the term the defendants had been found guilty of conspiracy, they had sold to the St. Lou'is public 500,000,000 feet of lumber at from $5 to $10 a thousand more than they could have secured for it without the conspiracy, and asked that they be fined $5 a thousand on the am,ount sold under those alleged conditions.
A fire loss of approximately $100,000.0O, mrostly lumber, was suffered by the box factory of S. G. Beach and Son the early part of this month. About 750,000 feet of lumber and ieven cars of shook was consumed.
The Supreme Court has answered neither the plea of the defendants for modificati,on, nor of the Attorney Gen: eral for an increase, as yet.
In addition to the general plea for modification, two separate mot'ions have been filed by individual defendants, giving separate and distinct reasons for modification. Three of the defendants joined in one motion of this sort, the Vandeventer Lumber Company, the Shallabarger Lumber Co., and the Holekamp Lumber Company. A separate motion was filed by the Julius Seidel Lurnber Company, the Goodfellow Lumber Company, and the Wiles-Chipman Lu'mber Company. No reply has been made as yet to any of these filings.

The Hale Lumher Company, Frank H. Hale, Manager, is a new firm just starting a new lumber yard at El Centro. Cal.
manager Lumber
We sell anything in softwoods that the California dealer desires.
White Pine. Douglas Fir, Redwood, Cedar and Redwood Shingles, Split Redwood Posts, Ties rnd Stakes
}TEND[II{G.IIAT]|AI{ C(l. 405 Lw-bcrtcatr Bldg. ,.*. sAN FRANCISCO, CAL
Under the Pines and These Timely Tales Are Redwoods Gathered
The latest invasion of California came from Oregon.
J. M. Montgomery recently moved into the Golden State from Silverton, Oregon, got as far south as Stockton, and then, to show that he was in no sen,se transient, he bought himself and family a very attractive home, and "m,oved in."
When he got settled he began making the rounds of the lumber dealers in the San Joaquin and Sacramento Val-
c00s BAY TUMBER c0.
Manufacturers of Douglas Fir and Port Orford Cedar.
Sawmills, Marshfreld, Oregon.
Distributing Plant, - Bay Point.
Annual hoduction
2(X),@,(XX) Feet
Los Angetes Office, itr:""t'.t
leys, and ,handing out his 'business card, serving notice that he had come to stay, and was after the business. _.IIe represents the Siin.. Falls Timber Company, of Silverton, operators of one of the biggest Fir- miils in Oregon, and makers of a very excelleni quality and quan- tity of materials.
Mr. Montgo,mery himself w,ill be an excellent addition to the lumber gang in California. He is an old time lumberman, has been in the north for a number of years, and came from Wisconsin where he used to be in the lumber 'business. He is a tw,in brother to Don Montgomery the famous Secretary of the Wisconsin Retail Lumbermen's Association, and looks more like Don than Don does himself.
. He is being warmly welcomed to Californ,ia by the entire lumber delegation he meets.
There is a little over fifty nine billion feet of timber left standing in the state of Montana, according to the latest govern,ment figures. The total annual cut runs about 600 .million feet of everything, logs, posts, poles, ties, timbers, etc., and the Government estimates that the annual regrowth of timber in Montana is close to 800,000,C00 feet annually, so it would seem that Montana is cutting less of her timber supply than she is growing, which is decidedly interesting.
Of the 57 ,billion feet Montana possesses, 35, billion feet is in the national f'orests, 2 billion is in the national parks, 2 billion in Indian reservations, over 2 billion is owned by the state, and the rest is in private hands.
The Outer Harbor Dock & Wharf Company, of San. Pedro, is arranging finances and plans for gigan- tic improve'ments and additions to the storage and wharfage facilities at San Pedro that will greatly increase and improve the freight handling facilities of the harbor.

The San Bernardino Lum,ber & Box Company, has arranged to rebuild the part of their plant destroyed by fire recently.
CtLlt0RtllA and 0REG0t{ TUMBER C0tPAt{Y
The extension division of the University of Cal'ifornia, in Los Angeles, will this season teach a course of "Art in House Building," through Prof, Arthur B. Clark, at Los Angeles.
The development of A,merican architecture and the practical application of that development to the miraculous building growth in Southern California will be its chief concern.
Speaking first of that chaste Georgian architecture of older cities of the Atlantic seaboard which has survived since the Colonial period, P'rofessor Clark said:
Buitding Right?
"Here on the Pacific coast whole square miles at a time are, in the course of a few months, converted from agricultural fields to thickly populated urban residence tracts.
"Are we building worthily? Are we retaining all that is best and adaptable from the past? Or are we, in a desire for newness and change, accept'ing in a feverish frenzy novel and bizarre effects which can have only disastrous results upon the national character.
"I believe that we are doing both good and p'oor buildittg. Some localities are advancing, some are retrograding .in the development of. A,merican civilization through domestic architecture. Still a worthy California architecture is b6ing formed. Just what its genius and traditions are ,cannot be entirely clear, but it is the privilege of all thoughtful Californians to exert themselves in determining what is desirable."
Open Forum
Open forum discussions will be held in'the class, which . will meet, beginning Sept. 18, on Tuesday afternoons at 3 o'clock in the Y. W. C. A. auditorium, 941 South Figueroa street, Los Angeles.
Tuesdays at 4, Professor Clark will conduct a class in architectural drawing, of value to contractors, draftsmen or carpenters who may thus gain an added knowledge of beauty or design.
Cleveland, Ohi6:-The Cleveland Board of Lumber Dealers has taken the m.ost drastic step in the. history of retail lumbering, in passing a resolution ,condemning the 6 to 2 Star wooden shingle, and agreeing not to buy any more of that grade. They did it, NOT as enemies to wooden shingles, but as friends to the wooden shingle who feel that the. shingle business and the building business both suffer by the use of the thin Star shingles on roofs. The resolution they passed follows:
'Whereas, in our opinion the use of 6 to 2 wood shingles upon a roof is against the interests of the putblic and of
the yards in this territory which aim to handle high class merchandise,. and
While 6 to 2 shingles as a 'hou6e sidipg might be approved, it has been f6und in practice that-a laige misuse of it has been made by contractors and builders desiring to cheapen their construction; therefore be it
RESOLVED, That we recommend to the members of this board that they discontinue the upe and sale of 6 to 2 shingles and offer in their stead not less than 5'tot 2 in thickness; and
RESOLVED, That 4 copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Shin$le Brgnch of the '!|est Coast Lumbermen's Association at Seattle, as expressive of the sentiment of this body.

A very interesting retail lumber ,meeting of the past month was held in Stockton, Cal., on August 29th. It was a "get together" meeting of the retail lu,mtber dealers of San Joaquin County, and the attendance was nearly 100 per cent. The affair was in the form of a dinner given, by the city dealers in Stockton, and inviting in as their guests the dealers in the county outside of Stockton. Chas. G. Bird issued the invitations on behalf of the Stockton dealers.
The dinn,er was attended by three invited guests, Gus Russell, of San Francisco; F'loyd Dernier, of Los Angeles, and Jack Dionne, Publisher of The California Lumber Merchant. Mr. Russell was pressed into service as Toastmaster, and made a very eloquent one. Robert Inglis, of The San Joaquin Lumber Co., Stockton, delivered a very nice address of welcome to the out of town visitors, and several other dealers present made short talks. Jack Dionne 'made a h"ppy after-dinner talk.
We have a paint proposition to live lumber dealere, who desire to handle painb of quality and backed by senrice.
Ow materials are made for people who know what good paint will do to improve the accept.bility of their lumber.
The Sunday Motorist
The car was at the curb.._ In it or near it, expectantly waiting, were the owner and his familv.
. 'lWq-u!4 you care !o take a Sunday ride with us?,'the motorist asked affably
. "Thanks, it is very kind of you,,' we replied. ,.When dol you start ?"
"As soon a-s the police give us our starting' time," he said. ,,We put r{r. an application to go out this morning and Willie has gone to call- Headquarters now to see if it was lranted bv thi Tr"affic Commissioner-."

'1A11 that formality?"
"Oh, yes. And quite proper, too, conside,ring the number of cars and the congestion o,n the roads, Well, Willie',-as his son vsfsynsd-"rvhat is the word from the police?"
"Our startiing time is 10:43, Pop, And you're to take Route No. 9."
"Whats the idea?" we asked blankly. you rrish and go,,Irlele you want tol"
"Can't you leave when
'Oh, no," replied the Sunday motorist. "We have to go where the police send us. If aj policeman stops us and asks for 6ur route card and we're in another road, we'll be summoned to court and fined."
"And is it a pleasant ride, this Route No. 9?',
- "No,.indeed. We haven't had a car long enough to draw any of the nice routes. All the good roads are taken. They're aj- sigled by segioritS you know. Route No. 9 goes mostly -by gas tanks an{-ash dumps on the outskirts of the city, and is full-of holes.. Seing out on it all day is no joke"-this with something of a sigh.
- "E!rt can't you comq back home when you feel like it? Surely the police-"
"You don't understand. The home-coming congestion on all roads is terrific. Once you're out, you have to takg your turn coming- back._ You geti your place in line from the police and you stay in it. There's nothing you can do about it except abandon youi car,-and then very likety they'd'arrest you for wilfutly obstruiting traffic."
."Do you mean .to tell .me," we_began, dumfounded, ,,that you can't come home here until the police-let you, once ybu're orit?t; "Precisely_ that. For even if I could find a'way to sneak back to town, they'd ar,rest me for parking in front ofmy own house if I were in ahead of my_ tim.e. ThIs street is a one-way traffic street from 4 to 8 on Sunday evenings. You can't beat thi game. I've tried and I know."
- "Rgp,' interrtpted. the motorist:s son, a worried look on ,his l?ce, "do you think it's true what the Salvation Army song says, that every day'll ,be Sunday by and by?"
The motorist's cheeks blanched deadly white and he could not answer. The vision was too awful--(Liie).
Eureka, September Z.-John Muir,s interest in the Se- quoia sempervirens, and his service as a pioneer in the cause ,of saving the Redwoods was the subiect of an address by Dr. William F. Bade, Councillor of the Save the Redwoods League, at the dedication of the Humboldt County. Pioneer Memorial Grove near Orick on Sept. Znd. A considerable number of people from Humrboldt jnd Del Norte counties ,as well as visifors from San Francisco and other points throughout the state attended the simple open-air exercises held at the grove, which is a 166 aire tract ,on the State Highway 60 mriles n,orth o,f Eureka, whictr 3as gi-vgn to. the State of California by M.rs. Zip- porah Russ of Ferndale
Judge G. W. Hunter of Eureka spoke on behalf of the local community, particularly the Humboldt pioneers, for whom this grove is a memorial. He spoki of loseoh Russ, to whose memory Mrs. Russ asked-that this-eroie be dedicated, and told of the qualities of the early seltlers who built up and developed Humholdt County. - He emphasized particularly their love for the wonderful Redwood forests. A number of early settlers from, all parts oJ Humboldt County attended the exercises.
Capecity 1000 Doorr Drily.
Htsh Grade Stock and mixed carl ouf specialty.
All doora made mortire and tenon.
One of the most unique and notable Con-Cats in the history of Southern California Hoo-Hoo was that which the San Diego bunch pulled off on September first on a log raft, moored in the ocean near that city. The San Diego mem'bers kept up their reputation for doing t'hings differentlv and better. and thev almost over-did themselves in their liospitality and live initiation ceremony this time. The log raft had a section decked over and enclosed from outer gaze.
Dinner was served on the raft at 6:30 in the evening and a Hawaiian Orchestra kept things merry during the eating. There was Hawaiian dancing also, with. lots of fun and enthusiasm.
Fifteen kittens "went through" while a hundred Cats looked on and enjoyed the ceremonies. Fred Hamilton, Snark at San Diego, and his merry gang of men, never pulled anything better than the Con-Cat on the Raft, which will live long in memor/. Snark Curtis Williams, of Los Angeles, and Snark M. V. \Arhitson, of Santa Ana, were among the notables present, while the Cats came from all parts of Southern California.
The officers were: Fred C. Hamilton, snark; Chas. S. Dixon, senior Hoo Hoo; Al Glendenning, junior Hoo Hoo; F. O. Benz, scriven'oter; Will Glasson, bojum; Homer Miller, jabberwock; W. H. McDermott, custocatian ; Geo. Mellville, arcanoper; J. F. Rastine, gurdon.
The initiates were: Harry A. Cass, Howard R' Kavanaugh, A. E. Scott and C. T. Pollard, Chas. R. McCormick Lbr. Co., San Diego; Ralph W. Smith, La Mesa Lbr. Co., La Mesa; Herbert Bowler, Frost Hardwood l-lbr' Co., San Diego; Chester A. Lane, Glassen Planing Mill, San Diego; Henry E. Rieger, Harry C. McGahey, Ralph M. Augustine, Chas. C. Wafer and Robt. O. Zumwalt, Benson Lumber Co., San Diego; Stelvart M. Morgan, with H. A. Browning, Los Angeles; Geo. A. Mees, Frost Hardwood Lbr. Co., San Diego; Willis H. Davidson, Pease & Osborne, I-ong Beach.
Mr. Her,man L. Rosenberg, Secretary Treasurer-of the H:ipolito Screen and Sash Company, T,os -Angeles, has beCn elected to serve as Vicegerant Snark of the Los Angeles District for the corriing Hoo-Hoo year, September
9th,1923 to September 9th, 1924.
The vote was taken by mail; each mem;ber in the district sending his vote to the retiring Snark, Mr. Curtis .Williams. There were two nominees, Mr. Rosenberg and Mr. C. S. Estes, of the J. O. Means Company, wholesalers of Los Angeles.
It would have been hard for the nominating committee to have selected two more fit and suitable candidates for the honor, and it is a testimonial to their wise selection that Mr. Rosenbergs lead in the final count was but five votes,
The new Snark will, without a doubt fiIl the ,position rn'ell, and will do great things for the order.
Saturday, September 22, is the date selected by Chairman C. S. Estes, when the wholesale lumbermen of Los Angeles will again meet the retail gang to decide the baseball championship of Los Angeles.
It is rumored that this coming contest will be a hot one. Not satisfied with the disastrous results of the game played at the last Concatdnation on August 11th, when the retail team went down to defeat at the hands of the wholesalers, said retailers have asked for a return go' and the newly elected Snark, H. L. Rosenberg has complied, naming Mr. (Continued on Page 41.).

Tie lV00D IC0RE WAtt B0ARD
Demanded for its greater strength
--and|-,._afiUgn\ cnmale-pfoof construction.
When it comes right down to selecting material for permanent wall linings, CompoBoard passes every teet.
This tough, sturdy board is not injured in handling. It will not chip or crack. Pieces will not break off. It saws clean, with no frayed edges. This easily handled, 4-footwide board saves considerable time in building.
In the final tests of long use, Compo-Board is unequalled. It resists the banga and knochs of furniture. It keepe out the dampness and gives better protection against heat and cold than a plaster wall a foot thick. Does not shrinlq warp or buckle.
Unlimitcd Dceorativc Poeribilitis
Compo-Board' tales any decoragi6n-1yatt paper, burlap, cloth, paint or kalgominc. Panel atrips rnay be used but are not required. _ Compo-Board Filler is specially prepared to fill the joints and nail headj, leaving a smooth, fat wall.
The Board with the Biggest Market
No other wall board made has tre combineil features of greater strength, resistance to moisture and protection from heat and cold. Sell the wallboard that frlls ALL of these demands- the wood core wall board. Made and sold for 30 years.
Large Complete stocks always on hand.
Write today f or sample, merchandising .plans and full information.
The Compo Board Co.

(Continued from Page 39.)
Cliff Estes as the committee to arrange the time and place.
The wholesale team will be captained by Fred Golding, and the retailers have placed their faith in Leo Hubbard, of the Hayward Lu,mrber Company.
The scene of the contest will be announced later by Mr. Estes.
A monster concatenation will be held at Spokane, Washington, at the time of the Pacific Coast .Logging Congress during the latter part of October. Vicegerant Snark, R. L. Bayne announces that they will have a large class and will put it over in great shape.
About thirty members of the Lumbermens Club, representing ,m?ny of the retail companies in the northern part of the state, met at the ,{,ppleton Hotel, at Watsonville recently, for their third monthly banquet and get together meetlng.
The Red Cedar Shingle Bureau has just issued a very attractive twelve page, handsomely colored booklet dealing wtith shingles, their uses etc.
The booklet shows a half dozen very well designed all shingle homes that will interest the dealer, and also contains a lengthy description of the various grades of red cedar shingles, telling of the practibility of each grade and the advantage to the dealer of selling the "artistic and practical roof."
Orders for approximately one million feet of California white cedar logs have beCn placed by Japanese interests with the McDonald Lumber Company of- San Francisco, who has placed the logging order- with Charles Lambert and W. C. Barrick of Humboldt.

-C?tpl have been established on the Trinitv River, part of the logs have already been hauled out io Essex,- by truck, and then shipped by rail to San Francisco.
It is understood that the Japanese governemnt will use this stock for aeroplane manufacture, and other uses.
The Western Lumber Company at San Diego has taken a permit Jor the construction of a new shed at their plant in that citv.
This new building will be 45 feet long of m,odern construction.
Ml E. F. Heiser, progressive manager of the progressive _I_ndependent Lumbei Company, oi Glendale, -has-just installed a complete plan and architectural service depart- ment that is expected to bring big returns for his company. In addition to the usual photographic plan service, Mr. Heiser has also prepared complete mateiial lists for the convenience of his prospects.
The San Pedro Lumber Company is planning a new planing mill at their plant, that will cost in the neighborhood of $125,000.00.
Construction will start at once, and when completed, this new plant will employ about seventy men.
- KOA', Hawaiian Mahogany offers distinctiae hardwood uooduorh at s medium price
for homes, rtores, store windows, vestibules and office buildings.
_Koa is a high class hardwood, unusually well 6gured. When finished natural it shows exquisile high lights and stradows, or it can be stained ai Mahogany often is. Koa runs clear and fine widths.
More Distinctiae Than Gum
Koa can be finished in neutral tones lile Gum. It has, however, a more distinctive and aristocratic appearancc than gum, and it is a far more durable wood.
"service With Every Stick" Says Fine Californ ia Lumber Merchant

When you go to discussing the "livest lum,ber,merchants in the United States," you will be doing a decided injus; tice to a very deserving applicant for membership in that exalted group if you fail to consider the case of one Charles G. Bird, who brings happiness to the heart of the building folks in and around the good .city of Stockton, California. He is the executive head of The Stockton Lumber Company.
He believes in the powers of modern merchandising, believes in the ability of the retail lumberman to CREATE business by intelligent effort, believes that the retailer owes a service to his trade, and he keeps busy anywhere from ten to fifteen hours every day, putting into actual practice these things that he believes in.
For ,Charlie Bird is one of these birds who takes the business of working entirely too seriously. He almost overdoes it. He is the opposite of the ;many, many merchants you meet who are {ull of intell'igence, and enthusiasm, and good workin$ ideas, but who don't put enough of their time at the game to prove their Point. Charlie Bird spells work with all capital letters-WORK-and he thinks that the best time for a modern lumber merchant to make hay is before "breakfast, between breakfast and lunch, after lunch and before d'inner, ,and for a few hours after dinner. The rest of the time he loafs.
He believes in hard work, attractive oflice, plan service, newspaper advertising, mail and other intelligent publicity, personal coirtact, etc. And he puts the whole thing 'into his ,mighty good slogan, which you will find all over his stationery, literature, advertising, etc., which reads-
I like that slogan particularly well, because I have written and spoken the declarat'ion some severval thousand times in the past fifteen years in talking m'erchandising, that "every stick of lum'ber and every shingle that goes out into the world seeking a market should have a definite service behind to make it GO."
Charl.ie Bird is on the lookout all the t'ime for a selling idea, and every time he gets hold of one that looks good, he tries it out. I am just going to tell briefly of some'of his merchandising activities here.
To begin, with, he has that wh'ich the large majority of willing lumber merchants haven't-the reason being that they claim it is too much work to make and keep up-and that is, a good mailing list for his sellin$ terr'itory; and he has it indexed and 'cross in'dexed, something like my old friend Jasper Fair has in Kansas, so, that he can fix up a letter ofiering a certain thing for sale to a certain kind of trade, and a clerk in his office can grab the particular
cards for that particular trade without work or confttsion, and send out the dope.
And Charlie Bird, like every other lumber merchant I ever knew who really created and used such a mailing list, says it is as 'i.mportant as. his capital stock itself.
In ,his territory of homes, farms, orchards of many kinds, etc., there is a variety of uses for building material and for building service, so he keeps changing his line of mail attack to suit the season, and he sends out his calls at the proper time to suit'the kind of trade he is then seekirg'
He has in his office file a prospect list, ,and a card for each prospect, one side of the card telling all about the proposed building, and the efiort his firm has made to sell it. On the other side of the card is shown what happened to the prospect, who landed it, what the price was, etc.
Back of this file he has a prospect "morgue," where these cards are retired to after the job is let to someone, but they have it there for reference later on, if need be:
When I was in Charlie Bird's office the other day ths was getting out two pieces of literature
One *as a white slip with a picture of a wooden tank on it, wh.ich he wa.s mailing to all the grape growers, and water tank users in his surrounding far'm territory. The tanks are for sale for storing either water or grape juice. In the old days they stored wine in them. He offers these tanks for sale in knockdown form, together with definite instructions for erecting them. This is the sort of litera-
ture he keeps gathering and sending out, and he finds that it sure sells goods.
The other item he was sending out was a postcard, o{-
ett, 'Wash., made famous several years ago in selling their Red Cedar Shingles. Charlie Bird had this mug drawn and liked it so well

Do You Need A "FIX IT MAN?" Consultation Free
New Residence.
Addition...... Roof
Sleeping Porch.
Garage...... Fences......
Clothes Line Posts.......
Flower Boxes
Kitchen Fittings.
Garden Stakes...
our N,ame.
l)isplay Cases.., Oabinets
Stands..... Shelving.....
Bins....... Racks
Pa,rtitions.. .. Counters..
Crating Lum.ber.
Car Decking
Mining Tirnbers. Dredger Studs..
vour I'hc,ne {f;ii Yorrr Address......
fering the services of a "Fix It Man" for anything in the line of building repa,irs or additions. I thought well enough of that to reproduce it here, showing both sides. He prints it on a bright pink card so that it catches the eye, and the card offers all sorts of building service. These were going out to his entire mailing list. The idea is good, and can be used by other dealers. The items can be changed to suit the territory of the merchant who uses it.
Not only does Mr. Bird work his slogan hard, but he is now putting another advertising assistant in harness, in the person of "Reddy Servus." You will find Reddy's mug around here somewhere, when you read th'is article. Reddy Servus is gning to be the Stockton Lumber Company cartoon mascot from now on. He is a snaggle tooth kid, probably a first cousin to the flame haired boy picture "Red" whom. Conner & Bailey, the shingle folks at Ever-
that he ran it in the local papers and offered a cash prize for the best name to be suggested for his newest family addition. A Stockton lady won the $10 cash for suggesrt. ing "Reddy Servus," and from now on this kid's mug id going to be shown on the advertising matter of this con: cern,
"Follow The Arrow" 'is perfectly familiar to every man; woman, and chitd in the Stockton territory. It is just a little condensed map of Stockton that they print as small as an inch and a half in size, wih an arrow 'pointing to the block covered by The Stockton T umber Co. plant, and the words, "Follow the Arrow" a1s always there. So "Follow the Arrow" has made lots of folks buy BirfE stock in Stockton. r1
And the entire office of The Stockton Lumber Cort'rpart$
(Continued on Page 45.)
t"utiil,'J-::' **"t' Service With Every Stick *,"tbX'[fr"i..,
Succeeding lTith Success tr "Speed Gefs

We deliver by truck to all parts of Southern C,alifornia.
Your sash, doors, screen doors, glass, ironing boards, medicine cabinets, mirrors, etc., delivercd to your yard at a small minimum charge, equal to freight charges.
(Continued from Page 26.)
ders for cars of shingles, SECONDARILY, to educate the dealer about shingles, and show them how they can interest their trade in better and'more-beautiful roofs.
Shingles have never been SOLD.
They have simply been DISTRIBUTED.
Some intelligent and forceful SELLING is what shingles need.
And from the things that I have been hearing and seeing right recently I would hazard the opinion that they are GOING TO GET IT.
'Portland, C)re.-There is one new wholesale concern in Portland that is making splendid progress in the building of a powerful lumber, shingle, and lumber specialty business, simply by reason of the fine service and personal attention they give their business, and that is the H. f. Anderson Lumber Company, which just started business last January. "Andy," as Herbert Anderson is familiarly called here, has been in Portland for eighteen years, and the first of the present year he severed,his connection with another wholesale lurnber concern to try the game for h,imself. He is succeeding splendidly.
Getting away from ordinary lines of wholesale procedure, this concern is building up a splendid specialty business, in addition to furnishing staple lines. They are selling Fir and Hem,lock lumber 'of every description, shed stock, yard stock, railroad and factory material, and they dilate on the fact that they ship only from big and dependable mills, and sell nothing but quality lurnber, evading ths ordinary "peckerwdod" mill troubles. In addition
they are doing a big ,!u5h.rs in mouldings, built-up columns, garage doors, window frames, door frames, Port Orford Cedar, and other various lines of lumber products that the retailer may profit by carrying.
They also sell Red Cedar Shingles, handling the product of The White River Lum,ber Company ,of Enumclaw, the quality of whose product they 'consider to be second to none on the Coast.
Their offices are located in the Northwestern Bank Building in Portland, Oregon, and they offer to the retail trade prompt and dependable service in the lines of stock named above, and also take much pleasure in furnishihg the dealer with any desired information concerning their products.
Mr. Anderson came years ago, and at one selling lumber, so that dle western trade.
from Minneapolis time traveled the he is not entirely
to this territory State of Kansas new to the mid-
(Continued from Page 43.)
is bright, light, and' attractive, while the den where they take 'em to sell 'etn is one of the most attractive lumber offices in California.
That's all we're going to have to say about Charlie Bird thrs time. He is undoubtedly one of the on-the-jobbest lumber merchants between the two very popular oceans that sweep our shores, and a go-getter in three languages. (That reminds me of something I forgot. He often prints his direct by mail literature in foreign languages when it goes to farmers who are of foreign extraction, and he finds that reading the stuf in their own lingo is a good selling appeal.)
A{tds dlstinctlon rnd lndlvldusllty to tho tEbstprl ru@, st 8 ffit but sl&tlt ltthcr thau dedud ltrlD f@rbg.
A@urato quutlty Dmductlon rt thc Bro€ mllls h88 Brdo lt posslblo lor DcoDlo ol moderato mesnr to enjoy th€ bsauty md rlchns ol Bruce Deslm trl@rlug ln a v&rlety ol psttoms, 'glylnS tmDlo mIE to tndlYldud t88te.
Sls! ol squees, number rod longthE of the Dl€co8. < wldthc ot strlps'
Thls adYertl*meot aDtpars ln th€ Octob€r lssue ol "Ilouso B€autlful" ln full page a9oce.
I'l@rlag. " May we eend you a @py ol thts book?
E. L. Brucc Co. Manufacturcrr

Mcmphir Tcnnccra
ShlDD.d ln mn wlth |tind. rd t{ll! llosln!, rnd oth.r Bru6 Droductr, s ttralllrt Gf.lOta.
Clcar Meple Flooring
THE SLOAN LUMBER CO. went a long way for this tough-fibered, tight-grained,'and carefully-manufactuied Flooring. Nothing like it for a place like this, where service and beiruty are both so essential. Send your inquiries ,for, BEECHT BIRCH and OAK Flooring also tei the mhhufact{rrer9., t{tcH(}ts
GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. 'Tf,c Hornc of glitlcd Woodvorlorr'

The Annual
at New Orleans
__NE_W ORLEANS, La., Sept. 1l.-The thirty second
^Ilo1H,oo Annual, the. most.qrogressiv" i" it, 'lrirt"ry -"i tne. order, cam.e to a close with a banquet at Hotel Grirne_ wald^h-e.re tonight. At this afrair, C. i. Lemaster of Fres_ no, Lalrt., newly elected Snark of the lJniverse, presided. Lemas_ter, who is President of the Western p,laning Mill and Wood Workers Assn., was unanimously elecieAS;;;k at the closing business session this afte-rnoon. - Other members of the new supreme nine are: Senior Hoo_Hoo_ peolge J. Osgood, _W_treeler Osgood, Tacoma, Wash. Jun- ror fioc-Ho9. A._J. Ilage,r, A. J. Hager Lumber -Co.,
!.".11S,_ Mi.ch.,_ Boi'um-J. H. Allen, - Sterling Lumbei -Uo., )t. Louls; Scriv,enoter T. T. Jones, T. T. Jones Lum_ P"t. Cg., Minneapolis, Minn. ; Arcinoper-J. A.' Mahlstedt, la A Mahlst_edt Co., Newrochelle, N. y.;-Custocatian-C. I. Ha.rman, Segr/. South Eastern Mill Work Assn., Atlanta, Ga., (re_-elected) ;. Jabterwock-Jos. H. Kurth, Jr., pr..ii dent Vernon Farish Lum'ber Co., Kurthwood, La.; Gur_ {ol, G.- C. Hemenway, Newton Lumber and Supply Co., Coloradb Springs, Colo.
Minneapolis was selected for the l9Z4 convention after invitations had been considered from about 12 other cities.
A resolution calling upon the 7,O44 members of the or- der to "pledge themielves to the fullest maintenance of all laws and regulations," was adopted today. The resolution says: "'Whereas,,we stand for the loftiest citizenship and most unquestioned,.obedience to the laws of our land, and being conscious of the growing lawlessness and con- tempt for authority therefore be it resolved that our entire mem,bership be called on to pledge itself to the fullest maintenance of all laws and iegulations-for this is the essence. and safeguard of true citizenship."
The same committee which recommended this resolution also urged the adoption of an amendment to a section ,of the order's by-laws prohibiting the serving of liquors at any session of the order or any meeting under its iusoices and forbidding the initiation or presence of any candidate or member "under the percepti'ble'influence of fiquor,', this amendment also was adopted.
Plans also were made known at today's meeting for a far reaching plan of oractical reforestation under the guidance of the order. These plans were the result ,of recommendations by W. S. Dickason, retiring Snark of the Universe, the commanding officer of the -order. It calls for the setting aside of a 60 acre tract in each of the nine iurisdictions of the order throughout the United States for experiments in reforestation.
These tracts. it was said, wou,ld be cut-over land the order-of Hoo-Hoo plans to place them in charge of prac- tical foresters and to demonstrate by the planting of-certain kinds of tr,ees, just what can be done in thJ way of reforesting waste larids throughout the United States.'Mr. Dickason reported at Monday's session of the convention, that the use of one tract had been tendered bv T. H. .Allen, of St. [,ouis. This tract of 16O acres, he iaid, would

be selected from 4500 acres of cutover lands in, Arkansas. Charles S. Keith of the Central Coal & Coke Co.. of Kansas City, Mo., also had tendered the use of 160 acres of land. A committee was appointed by the order to select the land and make arrangements for its protection and cultivation.
The order also adopted a resolution calling for co.opera- tion-with_the boy scouts in interesting young Ameri,cans in the value and importance of trees.- The -scouts w,ere chosen because they receivs instructions in tree-lore. The order will seek to supplement these instructions with use- ful information on the subject. H. R. Isherwood, secretary, was instructed to communicate with scout leaders in regard to this movement at ,once. The annual reDort of Secretary-'Ireasurer H. R. Isherwood, read with ihat of retiring Snark Dickason, showed a remarkable growth for Hoo-Hoo during the past year. From Sept. j, 1922, to Sept. 5, 1923, there were l24A new members initiated and 429 re-instatements received and 10 life members. The membership of the order on the last date mentioned was 7,044 Mr. Isherwood showed, he also brought ,out that Hoo-Hoo had paid 47 d,eath claims during this time, as against 31 the preceeding year, and yet was able to show a balance of $1602.19 in its death benefit fund. He mentioned in his report the $100 paid Mrs. Warren G. Harding, beneficiary of the late President.
Young mr;ln, experienced ip all brranches California lunr,ber trade, looking fo'r Southern Californi4 conrnection. Sernices immediately available. Pay in proportion to opportunity. Could make investmcnt. Box l0l, care CALIFORNIA LUMBER MERCHANT.
Ghickasaw Brand
(No Better Made)
0ak Flooring
Manufactured By Memphis Hardwood Floori
(Continued from Page 12.)
charge of production, looking after both plants. He makes his home in Fresno.
The Sales Department is likewise .identical fori uloth plants. Mr. D.- C. Birch has charge of the sale of 'the Shop and Better lumber from b'oth nijills, and,Vtl. P. F. Baird sells the common lumber for both plants. i Mr. Baird likewise manages the retail ddbartments at both plants. For the present, at least, both these salgsgren make their homes and offices at Madera,,from whichi pornt the sales are handled. There may be changes in the'{ei!!ng details to be ann,ounced later. '' -, - i

The combined capacity of the two plants is about 450,000 feet, single shift operation. They can supply anything and everything in the l,ine of sugar and white pine products.
An interesting story connected with these two great in: stitutions under a single head, is the fact that the same man bought' the first car of lunrlbelthat each of these institutions shipped. Twenty three years ago the mill at Madera cut its first car of lumber, and it was sold to W. R. Spalding, of the W. R. Spalding Lumber Company, at Visalia, California.
So the other day when the new mill at Fresno began turning its wheels, W. R. Spald'ing bought the first car they loaded out, thus making a very interesting event of the long time friendship between the two fir'ms.
The future of this double operation looks bright indeed. Mr. E. H. Cox ,is one of the most powerful men the California lumber industry has produced, and he has gathered round him a splendid organization throughout both plants.
Do you euer urite for samtples?
.we believe Superior Brand ls the best oak floorlng made. .we belleve thls because in the flrst place lt is flnished on disc-head milling machlnery that prod.uces a face flnish unequalled by any other process. In the flnlshetl product, thls means no knife marks. In th€ second place, owing: to apecial intltvidual methoals of manu- facture, Superior Brand has a remarkably unl- form moisture content whlch reduces "cupplng" and "buckllng:" to the mlnlmum. In the thlrd place, owlng to the fact that our lumber all comes from the same locality lt has a remark- able unlform color and texture, These facts. together wlth a quality of oak second to none prompt us to belleve that you wlll be Interest€tl in seeing thls superior product, Write for samples now.
A. R. McCullough, of the McCullough-Fagan Lumber Co., San Francisco, is in the Northwest calling on the company's mill connections. He is spending a few days at their Portland office, after which he will visit the Whitney Lumber Co. mill 'at Garabaldi, Oregon. After calling on his mill c'onnections in the Portland District, he will visit their Seattle ofrce and Puget Sound mill connections. The McCullough-Fagan Lumber Co., are the California agents of the Astoria Box Co.; Bryant Lumber Co.; CrossettWestern Lumber Co.: Douty Lumber Co.: Multnomah Lumber & Box Co.: South Portland Shingle Co.: Stimson Timber Co.; West Waterway LumberCo.; and The Whitney Co. M'r. McCullough will be in the Northwest about two weeks.
S. M. Hauptman, vice-president ,of Chas. R. McCormick & Co., San Francisco, is now in New York City, where he will spend the next three or four weeks on business. Before startin,g for the east, X4r. Hauptman spent several days at Portland, Oregon, where he was a visitor at the com'pany's Pottland office.
R. F. Hammatt, secretary-manager of the California Redwood Association, of San Francisco, is now in Southern California where he will attend the Pa'cific Officials Conference at the Hotel Del Coronado. The meeting will last from September 1O to September 14 inc,lusive. While in the south, he will also spend several days in Los Angeles attending to association business.
A. J. Russell, of the Santa Fe Lumber Company, San Francisco, is on a two-weeks' business trip to the Ngrthwest calling on his mill connections. He will visit Seattle and the Puget Sound District, Portland, and Mable, Oregon. The .Santa Fe Lumber Company are the California representatives of the Dollar-Portland Lumber Company, of Portland, and the Coast Range Lumber Company, of Mable, Oregon, and while in the north Mr. Russell will visit their plants.
Earl E. White, Secretary of the Sacramento Valley Lumbermen's Club, has sent out notices to the club members announcing that the next regular m,eeting of the club will be held at the Traveler's H,otel, Sacramento, at 12:15 orl September 15. For the reason that most of the members have been away on vacation during the past two months, no special program has been arranged and the time will be devoted to a general discussion of the lumber market and lumrber conditions. Music N{aster Walter Baker will have charge of the musical program. A large attendance is expected at the meeting.

J. M. Montgomery, of Silverton, Oregon, is now located at Stockton and is representing the Silver Falls Lumber Company in the Sacramento and San Joaquin Valley territories. Mr. Montgomery is well known among the lumbermen of the Northwest, and prior to locating in California, was assistant sales manager of the Silver Falls Lumber Company at Silverton. The Silver Falls Lumber Company are large mill operators in C)regon and have always been heavy shipp,ers into California.
The phone number of the Los Angeles office of the CALIFORNIA LUMBER MERCHANT is ttre same as it has been: 824-565.
There has been considerablc trouble in the trast few days in getting thris number, and we have received num€rous complaints. Phone service is a restrrcctor of no persons. Somc days we havdr it, and then again we don't.
To those who vainly tried to phone this office in dls last few days, we extend, an apo,logy.
Mr. Carl C. Crow, of Portland, Oregon, the man who originated and perfected the Crows Pacific Coast Lum'ber Index, as well as Crows Monthly Market Summary, is in California for a,, several weeks business and pleasure trip.
Mr. Crow stopped first at San Francisco for a few days, calling on m,any of his acquaintanc,es in that city, and,is now in Los Angeles. He will remain there for some time.
Floyd Dernier, of Los Angeles, who operates the Lumbermens' Service Association, is now in Northern Califor'nia calling on the retail lumber 'dealers. In addition to calling on the Bay District trade, he will also call on the retail trade along the Redwood Highway as far north as Eureka. Orr his return south, he will call on the dealers in the San Joaquin and Sacramento Valley territories. Floyd is well known to the lumbermen of the state and is doing a splendid work in the boosting and planning of better homes in California.
H. M. Gunton, of the Santa Fe Lumber Company, San Francisco, has returned from Los Angeles where he spent several days attending to business matters. While in the southern metropolis, he called on O. M. Nelsons, Southern California representative of the Santa Fe Lumber Company. Mr. Gunton says the Los Angeles and the surrounding country are showing its usual activity in buildrng operauons.
A recent bulletin from the offices of the Red Cedar Shingle Bureau, at Seattle, contained the following suggestion to their members.
"In sending out lists, sales letters, correspondence to customers, add at the bottom a note:
"IMPORTANT-If you hear ,of any proposal to pass Anti-Shingle Ordinances in your territory we would appreciate your wiring collect, the Red Cedar Shingle Bureau, either at 1148 First National Bank Bldg., Chicago, Illinois, or 4455 Stuart Bldg., Seattle, Washington. The Bureau is organized by the shinglg industry to combat this unfair and discriminating legisation alnd has Field Representatives who will come to your -assistance."

A. A. Wiley, pqpular and well known official of the California White and Sugar Pine Association, San Francisco, is ;back at his desk after spending 4n enjoyable two weeks vacation sojourning in the popular Feather River Canyon.
Saf'r W' E CooPer
Hitch onto our Service
We're ready to go, Sayr W. E. CooperYorn proits will grow.
Wetre anxious to please yor4
\il'e've got tte right goods, In HARDWOODS and SOFT PINE
The best of all woods.
Tie upget our co-op€ration, You'll find that our products Create some senration.

Wetre ready to serve your
Mo:t urgent dedrerFor W. E. Cooper ir a firm OF LIVE WIRES.
That'r almost divine.
Southern Pine Association Takes Action on Grades
NEW ORLEANS, Sept. lO.-Resolutions recom,mending approval by the Southern Pine Association as a body of proposals of the Central Comm,ittee on Lum,ber Standards with respect to standardization of lumber grades and sizes, uniform grade names and a National standard grading rule book, were adopted by the Association's grading committee at a meeting held in New Orleans. The session was attended by members of the grading comm,ittee from ten Southern states, embracing S,outhern Pine pro-

ducing territory and was presided over, by W. T. Murray, chairman, of Rochelle, La.
The Grading Committee also adopted a resolution requesting Chief Inspector J. E. Jones of the Southern Pine Association, to draft a revision of the Association's grading rules, as nearly as possible to conform to the basic specifications and grades proposed by the Central Standardization Committee, and in such manner as may be best suited to the requiremernts of the spe,cies of wood, and submit the revised rules to the grading comm,ittee for consideration and presentation to the Central Committee on Lumber Sandardization.
The committee recom'mended that the Southern Pine Association favor the increases in percentages of short and odd lengths in carload shiprnents of flooring, etc., as proposed by the Manufacturers' Committee on Lumber Standards.
California Paftern Hemlock Round Edge Rabitted Siding. White River Quality Red Ceder Shingler, Star A Star Perfectr. Sanded Finirh and Factory Stock.
Wholeralerc and Re-manufacturerc
PortLand, Oregon
TTIFTY-THREE yearE ago Father Henneberry
.F built this Catholic gchool for boys at Alton, California. It is now being torn down for the Redwood lumber it contains.
A Help To Buyers
A pocket directory of Tacoma's Forest Products industries has just been issued by the Tacoma Lumbermen's Club of Tacoma, Washington, for the convenience of those who wish to transact business with the firm.s and individuals engaged in those industries which have made Tacoma "The Lumlber Capital of America."
These firms and ,m,anufacturers are listed alphabetically under their proper classifications, the address, name of sales manager and telephone number being given and the productg handled being enumerated. Where a number of
R. 0. lYilmn Lumhr Company
Tl/holcnlc Lumbcr Productr
Fifc Building San Frencirco
Tclcphouc Kceray lll
Fir Spruce Redwood Port Orford Cedar , Red Cedar Shingler
In fact. that'c the only kind of Redwood we aell-cxtra fine.
lVe have ae fine Redwood timber as the Lord ever planted in California, and we manufacture it for you juet ag we would like it made for ur if we were the buyers.
com,modities are manufactured, the specialties are also listed separately.
The importance and magnitude of Tacoma's lumbering industry is indicated by the nurnber of firms appearing in the directory. Under the classification "City Mills" there are N firms listed; 17 District lvlills; 13 manufacturers, of doors; 19 wood working plants; 3 loggers; 11 retailers; 7 wholesalers; 1 exporter. IJnder a classification, "Miscellaneous," there are also listed a number of firms closelv allied with the lumbering interests.

A com,bination map of the entire Tacoma district and of the city itself shows the, exact location of each plant listed so that buyers of forest products who visit "T'he Lumber Capital of America" can see at a glance just where' to find any of these mills or factories and s,o that persons unfamiliar with the Tacoma district can understand the relation of the various plants to the lines of traitsportation.
Wholemle Lumber
1043 W. Harding Way
Exclusive Representative in California.
Siberton, Oregon
The Governmail's fqures as to the ilwability, or lastkg qualiliq of wood (White OalT beitg talTen a 100/o) are as lollous:
Redwood-l25 to t757o.
DouglaE Fire-75 to tOOVo.
Western Larch-75 to 85Vo.
Western Hemlock-35 to *SVo.
'lf it is necessary for you to furnish your tradc with a cheaper eiding, why not do eo with our Redwood Garage Siding or Eitra Merchantable Siding, either in lx4 to 5/sx6. You will then be protecting and increasing your good-will by selling something that will give ' permanent satiefaction.
What could be nicer than the following letter, from Mr. R. L. Andres, manager of th'e Chicago office of the Vancouver Lumber Company, Ltd.
"Mr. Jack Dionne
Dear Sir:
I cannot refrain from writing a word, to compliment you on the splend'id article which appears in your September 1st issue of the CALIFORNIA LUMBER MERCHANT, under the caption: "Its a Funny Thing About Shingles." I regard this as being the best article on the subject, that has ever come to my notice.

Not only have you pointed out the source of the trouble but, also in masterly way, you have supplied a logical and, what I believe can be the only effective remedY'
Yours trulv.
The Lumber,mens' Golf Association of St. Louis will hold their seventh annual golf tournam,ent on Septem,ber 28, at the Midland Valley Country Club, St. Louis.
This will be 36 holes, medal play, competition, and many handsome prizes will be awarded.
All golfers associated in any ef the lum'ber or woodworking industries in all parts of the 'country are eligible and invited to participate. Those desiring to enter should write for further particulars to Lumbermens' Gol'f Association, 1838 Arcade Building, St. Louis, Mo.
Probably the biggest single shipment of Philippine Mahogany that ever entered the harbor of Los Angeles, was brought in the other day by the Steanr,er Dlymont. It brought a million and a quarter feet of Mahogany, which was consigned to Cadwallader-Gibson, and unloaded at San Pedro. The Dlymont is a ship that has been plying in the inter-island trade in the Philippines but will remain in service on this side, it is reported.
Announcement has been m'ade that the California Door Company will rebuild their saw-mill at Caldor, California, on a much larger scale. The mill will replace the plant that was destroyed by fire during the month of August.
From the House of Quick Shipmentd
By Jack DionneAge not guaranteed-Some I
for2O years-Some less.
"Send Your Son Down"
I think the most successful darkey story I got hold o,fl durtng the entire big war-and there were thousands of them emanating from the big conflict-was that of the nigger preacher and a companion who were in the AmericFn army at tlre f,ront, when the Germans started a majon bombardment.

The shells o'f great size dropped everywhere, and a perfect inferno broke loose, with death and destruction riding whistling on every wind. The colored preacher stbod the horror of it as longy as he could, and finally when he could stand. iit ,no longer he grabbed the o,ther nigger, droprpedr
We are specializing on Douglas Fir Flooring. Send us en inquiry and let us quote you.
Redwood and Fir Dimension and Uppers
TELLS YOU-Timber cut, location and transportation facilities, facilities for manufacture, kinds of stock produced, where to get any item desired, names of sales manager, whether mill is operating.
down on his knees, pulling the other one down aliongsido of hinr,, raised his hands on high and began:
"Oh, Lawd! Send your son down to hep us befo we all get killed ! Oh, Lawd ! Send your son down to save us befo we all gits blowed up ! Oh, Lawd, Send your sort down to hep us befo-"
The other nigger could stand it no longer, and cut in at the top of his voice:
"Dontche db it Lawd! Dontche do it! Dontche send your son down ! Come on down yourselfo Lawd ! Dis ain't no BOY'S JOB !"
112 Market Streeb San Frencirco Phdne Suttor 39t
I)on't Risk Your Goodu)ill
There is no profit in selling roofing that will not give the maximum in service and satisfaction.
If you do-you're going to lose-not one customer, but a whole congregation. When a roof "goes bad," aside from the expense of re-roofing, there are often other evil consequenceshundreds of dollars damage to interior decorations, discolored ceilings, walls and the cost of repairs. Your ex-customer will talk about it till Doomsday.
You don't want avertising of that sort. Don't run the risk; eell
More About Hoo Hoo
The Bay District Hoo-Hoo has sent out attractive posters announcing the Concat that will be held on Saturday evening, September 15, at the Plantati.on Inn, Palais Royal Cafe, San Francisco. The occasion is to bid a hearty farewell to Retiring Vicegerent Snark Henry F. Faull and to welcome the New Vicegerent Snark of the Bay District to his new seat of activities. Dinner will be served at 6:30 P. M. and an excellent program will be staged. Among the special attractions will be the "l2th W,onder of the World-Sheehan and Gallagher-The Go Gettem Kids" and "Pee Wee" Peggs, "Wild Bill" Woods, and "Silent" Bryan, featuring their big song hit, "Good Night." There will also be a "Girlie Sh,ow" by a local professional troupe of entertainers. The entertainment is in charge of Ed. Chamberlin. Frank O'Connor, and Walter Madill, the livest HocrHoo entertainment committee in captivity, and who are planning to make this concat the gala event of the year. A large class of Kittens will be initiated and a big attendance is anticipated. Hoo-Hoo memtbers from all sections of the state will be present, a,nd Vivegerent Snark Faull announces that all visiting Hoo-Hoo are especiallv invited to attend.
Mr. Aubrey Wardm,an, resident of Whittier, Cal., millionare oil man and part owner of Glasby and Company, of this city, has handed his check for $100,O00.00 to Dr. W. F. Dexter, the new president of the Whittier College, for endowment purposes.
Mr. Wardman has been a resident of Whittier for twenty years. He developed and installed the Whittier Home Tel. & Tel. Co., ,of which he is the present owner. He was one of the first ,men to see the possihilities of the Santa Fe Springs oil fi,elds and when oil was found he was a heavy investor and is now the owner of many producing wells in that territory and the La Habra district. He is interested in many enterprises and at all times is "on the job."
He has always be,en keenly active in civic affairs and plans for business and educational betterment. In speaking of his gift, Mr. Wardman said, "Whittier College is a distinct benefit to the entire community as well as to the young men and women attending the school. Gifts to the college now mean much and I cannot help but feel that there is a duty imposed on Whittier peoplo'and residents of this vicinity to help maintain so valuable an asset to our community."
"No college receives sufficient support from it's studentbody and an end'owment fund is necessary."
which is immune to rot and weatherJefinitely guaranteed to keep your customer's roof weather'tight for years.
Weaver Roof Company

Syloeeter L. Weaoer
Telephone Bdwy. ?84 - Loe Angclcr
It might be added that Mr. Wardman is a m.ember of the board of trustees of the college. He is a self made man, having accumulated his fortune in the last twenty years and unlike many capitalists, he has made many friends while so doing.
F. L. Brothers Lagoon formerly
and I. J. Rossman have formed the Rossman Lumber Company, and have opened a yard on Avenue. Wilmington. These gentelmen hailed frorn, the state of Wisconsin.
The new mill of the Grays Harbor Shingle Co., of Aberdeen, Washington, started operations on September 6, and with the installation of new saw-mill equipment, they are now well equipped to manufacture all kinds of cedar products. The Grays Flarbor Shingle Co. are one of the largest manufacturers of red cedar shingles in the Northwest, and six shingle machines were running the first day that operations at the new mill were resum,ed. Within a short time, the entire ten shingle machines in their shingle departmnt wjll be running to full capa,city. In addition to the manufacturing of shingles, they will now prodr4e cedar siding for the domestic markets and also clear cedar flitches for export. E. C. Miller, owner and manageloI the Grays Harbor Shingle Co., is an ex-president of the West Coast Shingle Association and is one of the outstanding figures in lumber circles through,out the country.
L. J. Woodso,n, of San Francisco, Pacific Coast representative of the Hardwood Produ,cts Corp. of Neenah, Wisconsin, has r,eturned from two weeks business trip to Portland, S,eattle, Tacoma, and other Northwest points. Mr. Woodson states that their is much activity in building operations in the Northwest and that the demand for hardwood products in that section is very good.
Bert Dimmick, ma,nager of the San Francisco offic'e of the Cutler-Dimmick Lumber Co., is 'on a short business trip to their P,ortland Office, where he will take up some business matters with Fred Cutler, who is manager of their Portland office. Bert made the trip north by automobile and expects to spend about ten days in the Northwest.
Mr. C. Temple Murphy, proprietor of the retail yard in Pasadena, under his own name, announces that he will add several new siheds and other improvements to the yard, during the fall. Mr. Murphy has added several side lines to the business, and reports a most satisfactory progress in his community.
The Jack-Thompson Lumber Company has purchased a site on Glassock Street. in Oakland. and will install a large plant and yard. Mr. R. E. Jack, and Mr. C. G. Thompson are the owners of this new co'mrp?nj.

Mr. D. B. Minor has resigned the .position as manager of the Mcleod Lumber Company, of Portland.
The Jamestown-Oregon Lumber Company, a new organization which took over the property of the Alsea River Lumber Company, near Monroe, Oregon, is albout to start operations.
Mr. Henry Fischer is the manager of the new company.
Mr. N. H. Parsons. a former retail operator in lllinois has just returned to Pasadena to make his ho'me in this state.
Mr. Parsons made the trip East to dispose of his interests in Illinois, selling a yard that he had been operating there for some time.
For sale in Curry County. Also have a VERY ATTRACTIVE investment proposition here in Texas requiring $8O,000.00. Can satisfy the ,most careful.
Have Buyera waiting.
In thriving town in the Sacramento Valley, an up to date LUMBER YARD. this is worth vour while. Investigate at once, for this won't list.
With some hardwood experience, to sell in Los Angeles territory. Splendid opportunity for right m,an, to work up. S,ee F. P. Baugh, 411 O. T. Johnson Building, Los Angeles. Phone Broadway 1154.
By Contract or By M. Lor Angeles Humbolt 4484 G62l Makee Ave.Have good paying yard, good location in Lor Angclel. SEE L. M. MEYER
330 Chapman Building, Lor Angcler t"" "ou;:;irnt call
WANTED-SALESMAN with established trade in l)ouglas Fir, White an{ Sugar Pine in Sacramento Valleys, to represent large band mill operation. Must be able to produce results. Give me references, experience and salary expected. Replies will be treated as confidential. Address: Box 72, care CALIFORNIA LUMBER MERCHANT.
Rate for this space $2.50 pef issue.
Moist Air Kilns

They are kilns designed and operated so as to maintain high humidities around lumber being dried. This moisture or humidity is supplied by steam sprays or water from lumber being dried.
Are They?
High humidity drying produces lumber free from warping, surface checks, and other defects.
The Forests Products Laboratory recommends high humidities for correct lumber drying.
Our representatiue uill gladla call and go ouer glour drgling' requirements.

Encouraging competition by welcoming an opportunity of figuring billr, allowing othen to dictate to you a3 to what you rhould receive for your merchandire, lcaving it up to outridcrr to advire with home builders thereby rcrv, ing thcm in a manncr to creatc confidcncc and get full control of their building fundr, climinating you as building authoripy. Thcce are rome of the rcaronr why retailing lumber is in the deplorable condition wc find it today.
You can and must help in bringing about a tranoforrnation in the merchandieing of building materialr. The timc har come when you cannnot afrord to depend upon competitive bueinerr in making the lcgitimate profit you are right- fully entitled to.
There'r but one remedy-
Equip your burinesr with e complete building reryice. idcac and planr.
Adopt creativc advertieing methodr, inrtill deeirer for homer. Advire the public that your officc ir headquartcrr for building information.
Create e rervice roornl in it inrtall a breakfart nook, ironing board, medicine cabinct, mirror doorr, panelr, flooring, trin, etc. A room likc thir with table, chairr, tartily decorated with floor covering and drapericr on thc windowr, backcd by competent building infornration will altract homc builder3 to your burinerc.
Adopt thir plan; it will develop into the mort important dcpartment of your buriners.
Dealcrc operating under thir modern method will tell you that less efrortr, worry and expcn3e are required in eclling ideac which crcate non.competitive buriner than in puehing a pencil trying to out-figure .omeone elre in relling boards. You'll agree too oncc you have adopted thir plan.
Phone 64839