Chapter 2/B-Roman Catholicism
We’re going to turn our attention to the Vatican now, as their upper echelon is working in concert with the Synagogue of Satan and other various factions of the Great Plan. The entire Great Plan power structure is shaped like a pyramid, with the inner circle of the followers of the Babylonian Mystery Religion at the very top of the compartmentalized system, and unknowing, naive humanity at the base---you and me---holding the whole thing up. Between us and them we have the societal system they own and control: banking, the economy, government, media, energy resources, multi-national corporations and organized religion. On December 25, 2005, the current head of the Vatican, Pope Benedict XVI, in his annual Christmas speech at the Vatican, flat-out called for a New World Order, and he meant the one we are talking about in this book. We’re going to go back in time here to see how and why the Vatican is willingly part of the Great Plan. I want to make one thing crystal clear here before we go forward. I’m not throwing the average Godfearing/following/respecting Catholic under the bus here. I don’t doubt for a second the sincerity of the average Catholic’s faith, only that they have been deceived as all of us have through the agenda of the Great Plan. After the death of Jesus Christ, His ministry began to spread like wildfire across the land. At this time, the Roman Empire was omnipotent, and ruled the entire known world with an iron fist. The leaders of Rome, the emperors and their upper echelon, were all followers of the Great Plan. This is why they were in power. They worshipped an entire pantheon of gods, including counting the emperors as gods who were to be worshipped. It was rulers like Caligula, whose turn at the tiller of power was defined by violence, torture, pedophilia and incest, who lorded over the Roman Empire immediately after the death of Christ. It is these types of people who ruled the Roman Empire right up until the time it took over “Christianity” in the 4th century and became the “Holy” Roman Empire, and those practices continue right to today. This is the root cause of all the rampant sexual misconduct permeating the Catholic Church. As the faith and belief in Christ began to grow amongst the slaves of the Roman Empire, and others, the Roman aristocracy could see the writing on the wall that Christianity was going to be a force that would challenge their authority. They decided, instead of competing with it for power, to co-opt the Christian movement and incorporate it into their form of governmental control. They knew their days ruling the world were going to be numbered if they didn’t act. Prior to this decision, those found to be practicing Christians were summarily fed to the lions for the amusement of the pagan masses. In approximately 313 A.D., Roman emperor Constantine established himself as the first authoritative leader of the Christians, the first “pope” if you will. This led to the birth of the Vatican a dozen years later. The pagan Roman Empire was thereby transformed into the Holy Roman Empire. They melded Jesus and the events surrounding his prophetic coming with the Babylonian Mystery Religion, creating Roman Catholicism. 38