Chapter 4: Dawn of the New World Order
The “New World Order” is the end result of the Great Plan: a one world government run by the global elite under the main entity who showed them the path how to pull off the hostile takeover, their god Lucifer. This is exactly what is prophesized in the Bible, this is exactly the goal of the Great Plan, and this is exactly what is unfolding before us today. They are very close to achieving their objective. You probably don’t understand yet how bad this will be for us, but by the end of this book you will have learned all of the most important moving parts of it and how they interlock to form a pyramidal, compartmentalized conspiracy run by a very few Luciferian families, and to the ultimate benefit of only a few thousand of the people involved with bringing the one world government in. They have all jockeyed or are jockeying for position in it right now, to live under it and benefit from it in the times to come. If what they were trying to do was for the good of humanity, they would be doing it out in the open instead of behind closed doors, under the veil of secrecy. Only evil acts are done in the dark, away from concerned eyes, while good acts are done in public, for the public. The story of the Great Plan coming into its end goal of the New World Order is such that one cannot explain it to the layman to the point of him or her understanding it without a fully rehearsed 24-hour speech. It is such a vast, interconnected web of deceit that the only way to explain it is to lay out all aspects of it, showing how the dots all connect. So this is what you are holding in your hand, from me: My written speech that will take you about 24 hours straight to read, if you take the time to read it and understand what you are taking in. The reason it takes so long to explain it is the same reason why someone could be called a “conspiracy nut” by piping off about only one element of it. Without knowing all of the elements and the facts behind them, you can’t even begin to visualize the real conspiracy, and it’s easy to pass off people ranting about the Federal Reserve or 9/11 or New World Order-anything as lunacy and then go back to the personal non-reality bubble most people these days reside in. Now that we’ve *briefly* gone through how the Great Plan began and how it was carried forward from ancient to modern times, we are going to go into some greater degree of detail regarding the significant players and events of the last 300 or so years that have brought us to the doorstep of the New World Order. Time has been on the side of the 6,000 year old Great Plan, and they have moved their agenda along slowly and covertly enough so as not to arouse suspicion from the population at large. That’s not to say that people have been trying to call this conspiracy out for millennia. Even the warnings of God’s prophets and Jesus Christ Himself throughout the entire Bible have for the most part fallen on deaf ears. You are holding in your hands as dire of a warning as I was able to manifest, and hopefully you understand this warning at this point. Only independent-type thinkers have been able to step outside of the proverbial box over the years and view what is happening without blinders. The result of those thinkers has been a crescendo of 84