AUTORILT SAMAL TEEMAL VAREM ILMUNUD Laine Randjärv. Estonian Song Celebration Movement and its Leaders: the Story of Tuudur Vettik. Trames, 2017, 21(71/66), 1, 79–94. Laine Randjärv. Estonian Song Celebrations as Drivers for Political and Social Change (CSP 2014) (Info Choral Singing : Histories and Practices. Geisler, Ursula; Johansson, Karin) Publisher: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Location: Cambridge, GBR, Choral singing – History. pp 65–86. Laine Randjärv. Across the Borders: Unfolding the Personality of Creative Intellectuals through their Correspondence – the Epistolary Heritage of Tuudur Vettik. Trames, 2012, 16(66/61), 2, 97–123. Laine Randjärv. Intellectual Occupation and Collaborationism in the Cultural Life of Estonia: reflected in the Epistolary Communication between Tuudur Vettik and Roland Laasmäe. Trames, 2013, 17(67/62), 1, 3–34.
ARHIIVIMATERJALID Eesti Teatri- ja Muusikamuuseum (ETMM) M 9 – Mart Saare kogu M 104 – Alfred Karindi kogu [Karin Karindi mälestused abikaasast] M 145 – Harri Kõrvitsa kogu M 347 – Tuudur Vettiku kogu EV Kultuuriministeeriumi arhiiv Vladimir Riisi toimik Rahvusarhiiv (RA) EAA, 1229 EELK Simuna kogudus EAA, 1232 EELK Väike-Maarja kogudus 253