Foundation Studies – Skills for Working Life Entry Levels 2 & 3 A supported introduction to the world of employment and college life, including life skills, sports, social skills, English, maths and games. As well as learning a variety of useful life skills, including gardening, catering and hospitality, car maintenance and household DIY, you will also be involved in a range of wider activities, such as a youth enterprise scheme where you run your own business as part of a group. There are also a variety of trips and visits, plus fundraising activities and opportunities to socialise and take part in games and sports. This is a general, Entry Level, skills related course which provides you with the opportunity to experience and learn about a variety of occupational areas before progressing into further education or into the workplace. You will be supported in developing the skills needed to help prepare you for the world of work or further study, including your English, maths, communication, healthy living and social skills. Qualification City & Guilds Certificate in Skills for Working Life – Entry Level 2 & 3 Duration One year Course Content You will cover a diverse range of topics throughout your course, including: • Catering & Hospitality Skills • Car Maintenance Skills • Household DIY Skills • Preparing for the World of Work • Developing your Maths & English Assessment is continuous, with assignments, projects and practical work. All full-time students are required to study maths and English at the appropriate level. Please see page 6 for more details.
Entry Requirements • No formal entry qualifications are required • All applicants will undergo an initial assessment in literacy and numeracy • Places will be offered following a satisfactory interview • Applicants will be expected to demonstrate enthusiasm and commitment to the chosen subject area
“It teaches me confidence and life skills.” Taken from Student Voice Survey 2018, Level 1 Foundation Studies in Skills for Working Life
Progression Progression routes shown are dependent on successful completion of qualifications and meeting entry criteria. Study options may include Foundation Studies courses in the following subjects: • Hospitality & Catering • Employability Skills • Construction & Building Services • Computing & IT • Childcare and Health & Social Care Employment options may include: • Various roles in retail, horticulture, catering and in the voluntary/charity sector You may also like... Foundation Studies in the following subjects: • Construction & Building Services • Computing & IT • Hospitality & Catering • Employability Skills • Childcare and Health & Social Care Course Costs Please note, the costs given below are subject to change. Aged 16-18 years There are no tuition or examination fees | Materials Fee £100 Aged 19 or over (at the start of the course) Tuition Fee £945 | Materials Fee £100 | Registration/Exam Fee £150
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