"Bl0 IIl|lBIR''
A vivid drama of thc lumber woodr

Produccd by UNIVERSAL
Directed by William F. Creft
You will liLe tLir fart moving, hc-nan rtory. Ronrncc, intrigue and battlcr of witr and 6rtr. Exciting action fclturci thc forert firc, thc train wrcck, rnd thc hand-to-hend fighting on the floating logr.
Wertwood "Home of Paul Bunyan" ir thc beckground
Pincr, thc ncw atnoa-
Bcrutifully photogrephcd forcrtr of California pcrlc rnd lehcr of thc High Sicrrrr bring a pherc to thc rcrccn. Thc largcrt logging opcntion in Crlifornia Pincr ic rhown in aetion. Mark
Photography by Jackron RorcSell Protection and Satisfaction
The big thing you have to gell in roofing is not so many rolls nor ao many squarca, nor so many pounds-it is protection-satisfaction.
Neither of these is determined by weight, or size. They are determined by the sincerity 'that ls expressed in their production.
The outstanding feature of
Tlaover Roofi,ng
is the sincerity that is expressed in its manufacture. The purpose of its makers is to produce a roofing that will afford maximum protection and unqualified satisfaction.
Are you capitalizing this feature in Weaver Roofing?

Sylvelte L Weaver
2436 Fart Eighth St. - Lor Angeler
Tclephone BRoedwey O784
You Can Sell F'Va=Sfr'e ButLDtNc PnPER
With every order of hardwood fooring you sell you can sell Triple-Sheath Building Paper for laying under the hardwood. Before we took on this line, we investigated its eastern record, and we know that foors laid over this moisture-proof paper will not buckle. Flooring contractors and home builders want this protection. You can do them a service by telling them of it.
. Order a few rolls of this damp-proof paper, and test it.
TLc public ere intcaced in Hre Bdlfif Idca-oot Bandr.
You Pbotognphic Ptu Scrrioc colDlcr 'c to care fa rtl of thcfo rcqulrn:or end re crly epplicd dll crcrc dc*c od erd budacr.

"something to think abu,t,

Afrer All-What Is the Basis of a Successful Retail Ltrmber Business?
the lumber makin$ the
IOOK into the business methods of L t.tuilers who are consistently the most money and you will find all of them agreed on one essential Point at least.
Their first consideration is to take care of their regular customers-to let nothin$ stand in the way of delivering to their contractor and carpenter friends, time after time, the same uniform $rades they have become accustomed to.
Such a simple proposition that it is no wonder some retailers have overlooked it in their search for startling selling points, new kinds of lumber or bargain offers.
When all is said and done, you will find that the majority of contractors, carpente_rs and builders .." -oie interested in a dependable supply of the types and grades of lumber they have be-en usin$ foi y"uts tf,an they are in "new finds," or "bargain prices."
The retailers who realize this have lon$ a$o put their own buying methods on a basis that enables them to give tireii steady customers this dependable

The'Weyerhaeuser mills are able to for doubtful bargains these retailers get carry out this policy, because they have the the bulk of their supplies from a fewgood, responsible manufacturers. Hence their stocks are uniform and always saleable in their community. And they don't have
seryice. Rather than shopping all around
necessary timber resources, and logging and manufacturing facilities coupled with a sincere desire to serve. many worries with the "boneyard" evil.
GOOD rnany years ago 'Weyerhaeuser men realized that the greatest thin$ in the lumber,business, manufacturing or retail, was the establishment of permanent cusfomers. Out of this grew the first and Ioremost policy of the Weyerhaeuser millrthat of making high-quality, uniform lumber and delivering it to the retailer in saleable condition. The success of this policy is best expressed by the large and increasing number of permanent customers which the Weyerhaeuser mills take pleasure in serving.

fHE Weyerhaeuser organization hae I been making lumber for 65 yearr. Many of jfis monag61s, euperintendentr and foremcn of today arc men who wgrked wtth the founderr of thlr budnerr. Thcir experience and thc enperlce rccumrrbted by 65 yearr of manufacnrrlng lc refected in the qudity of tte produco produced. Thc photogreph above rhows Ernest Johnron, yard foreman of the Cloquet Lunber Company and Northern Lumbet Company. He har beeb connccted wlth Wcyerhaeurer Cloquet compenier for 36 yerrr and 25 of those in the capacity of yardforcrnan.
I F yoar buying connecI tions are not an aid to you in building up permanent custotners of your own Set in touch with the Weyerhaeuser representative. Talk the matter over nrith him. ffe isn't out in the field merely to sal/ lumber. He is there to help Weyerhaeuser customers build a steady, profitable business.
That is why the Weyerhaeu. ser man is interested in loar local conditione. That ie why he makes it his businese to know goar locd demands end to helpyot meet thoee demands promptly and profitably. The Weyerhaeuoer representative ie a busineso man picked because he has these qualities.
fle can be reached byaletter or wire to our nearest branch ofrce. He will be glad to talk to you.
follofing Veythae*sct trIilb allldDirtfi1;thgPla7;t: Closu€tlrnbaCo.....Ooquet'Minn" ThompronYar&rltrc.. ScPaulMim. Port tchl.lrnbcrCo. ... Podrtcltrlr.ho ThcNothernLuoberGo. qllllllllllllllllloquet,llinlr. Bonacnferrylumb€rC.o. BonmrFcn7, Idaho BoircPrp;1clgnbcrgo.... A"e.i14.U Iobruon-\Pcnnvorth C,o. . Ctoqust' Minn. Snoqudtnie Falr Lunbetr C-o. Sroquallnie feUi, W"rf. Vcy.rh;agrThbcrc.o. S*..rtry..h. VoodC.onverrionC.o. . . Ooquct, Mial. Humbild LuDbcr€o. .-. Sandpoini,tdrto \fe;'dh*ur6TiobccGo.. Bltinop,ltld. ' EdrvardR,utledgeTimberCo. C.oeurd'Al"o"rla"m
How Lumber Looks
On thc rnorning of thc thirtccotb, in t oo Angdc+ the wholerale lunbcr -EarLct war we*cr 'Lrrn it hrt bccn fa thirty dayr. Wc would not ray thet it twtr tf rrcek er tbc poini reeihcd in ArUurt, but, $rting on thc noratry of $c 6th, Monday, inquirics &oppcd in numbcr r vcry noticcrbta degrcc, and the ord€n writtcn lert wcck wcrc not ra !tD: crour nor for ar largc vohmc, er brd bccn writtco thc wec& bdore. BUT, in rpitc of thc lescoing in dcdrnd thc pricel bavc not weakcned er much ar they would hrvcr et othcr tiner, rndcr rucb circunrtanccl.
It b reldon that thir pagc containr pricel fc obrvioul rea3o$. Tbir exception ir nedc to bri!8 out ttc ebovc rtatemeng more clearly. Common randomr rcrcbcd tbc low level of $17.(X) and 18.(X), Srn Pedro. That wrr ronc tine ago, and at the very botton of thc martct.- Evcty' onc kn-ew that thorc pricer reprc*oted e loor to thc nile that it was not porrible to lcll randonr that low, with frcight at $6.@ end $7.(X), end nale moncy. , - \ilhen the market darted back, connonl r€achcd 92O.0O in a vcr5r rhort time, and mountcd Fnally to $23.90 and $24.OO, with thc demand pr€tty brir&. Durbg the put week, common randomr hevc held et $22.(X).
Shingler are not ar rtrong ar of two wcCrr ago, end thc price lirtr are lon€what lowcr.
- In the northem part of tAe rtatc, rYholcnlc lnco arc enjoying a rteadier volumc of burincr' arornd thc Bey Dir
Mr. H. E. Verble, District Manager of the Valley Lumber Company, Fresno, and Vicegerent Snark of Hoo-Hoo last year, in that district, is spending the week of the 13th in Los Angeles.
Eict, fron rGportl Bdldios 6acc d Fu Fludro rd OrlilrDd hrvi bcco belf,y;tr ycrr' ud Oaobc po*ct wcll to hold u thc rvcrera
A vidt to tf,c Srn Joqdn Vr[.t bd rccl dllocd r bcttcr odititn in rnd erma Ft.m. OllG of Ftrcroo'r htat rctlifcrl *rfid thrt hi cmpqt rrdc mcy L Scptcmfcr, .nd thrt Globcr rodd rhil I geod- bdryDc' m ttc ;ght tdc of thc booL ThG t'rrdr iD qrc-ve|lcv hrvc bccn hit hrrd t[b Flr, rnd it rer gscrdty lln@ thrt Do.t of Scn hrd baco oecrrfuc d e lo.
Tb S.n Bcrnrrdim .Dd Srn Dicgo Dilrric yrrdr rrcDdt a good volmc of lndncr+ rDd d h! DriEG..
-qrco rccriptr d La ADgCc. hrtlq fa O4+cGLrtr ru rFut tbc;rrnc u fc Scptcobcr. To rlc !foi[ of ILG llrL fortv-thrce borrs hrd Ea rcpctc4 crntfu e EIlc ovcr fiftlz-tro nillio ta,' & Rcdttood ud Fr.
Onc f,rndrcd end trcoty-c db lectiry b |[. Wd Cod Imbcrmco'r Arocirtirn fa Sc lGGt crdhS Oo' tobc4tb nrndrclrrcd lOqOOl,6t3 &* !"14 tq439pl7 fect eDd -rbbp"d loz,ggl,G6t IGcL Thb L |LG frd ut* for ronc d;a whcD thc producirn fu'cc. h.vc bDDGd the relcl. laiy brvc ufillcd ordcn 6a 3'917 cr!! -
Thc C,eliforrie Rcdtood Arlodrtio n+-nc Eflb Lrrl repatcd e wcdCr relce of 6r3a0'(m 6d 8d tl t qa q' 2i2.OOO fect It L rndcntood thrt e rwHcr d Fi€ br U.ci -.ac, uithh thc htt fcr dryl by |t..G EIb.
west coast ru-u".-lrutMe?Eolation weekly reports on production, orders and shipments, for the first forty weeks of ttre past five years, are as follows:
He is aftending the Convention of Masons being held at Los Angeles. Mrs. Verble accompanied him to Los Angeres, bu-t returned to Fresno on the "is[t "f tht 14th. l?t! .'.'.'.'.'.'.'-',1%',ffi',:{ol
Production Orders Shipments
Lumber-Feet Lumber-Feet Lumber-Feet

After the luncheon meeting on October L7th, at the Los Angeles Athletc Club, the Los Angeles Hoo-Hoo Club will change their meeting day to Thursday, and will move to the new Los Angeles City Club building, on Spring Street, near Ninth. The first meeting at the new location will be'on Thursday, October 23rd, noon sharp.
These meetings are growing in size. Each week betweerl fifty and sixty of the Los Angeles lumber crowd attend the luncheons, and are enthusiastic in their comments on the programs that are presented by thg various chairmen.
On the 17th, Andy Donovan, of the Union Lumber Com-
preside. He promises an interisting hour and
From the above it will be observed:
l. Production for forty rveeks in 1924 was 7.69/o less than for the same period in,1923; 1295% than 1295% greater than in 1922; 8?.1470 gre?ter than in l92l; a;td 19.7I% greater Lr--, v-.La /u SrLai!. !u4rr .u -z-r t than in the first forty weeks of 1920.
2. Orders, thus fai this year, have been 8.26% less than in 1923;17.69/o greater than in 1922;73.15% greater than in 192L; and 55.48/o greater than in the first forty weeks in 19fr.
3. Shipments, thus far this year, have been 8.13/o less than in 1923; 22.95/o greater than for the same period in 1922 ; 81.44/o greater than in l92l ; and, 42.5870 greater than in the first forty weeks of.19fr.

ryrffiJ}ff ),
Bg JACK DIONNEI am in{ebfd ,o that excellmt Wri}er of business philgopfn Bruce Barton, for this wonder l$le advertising thought.{'He used it one time\ illustrating a talk on the necesqity ff teeping eternally at lt in the business of publicity. \Ae$Wth. story of Joseph in the Old Testamept. f. Beaf it You will find recited the glories of the reign of Joseph when he -* tt#*/i Egypt" All the earth knew of his wealth, his dignity, his honors, his glories, his kingliness. From the four ends of the earth they came to admire him, and to do him homage.
He was .t^{re- biggest thing in the whole Universe. The babes in their cradles lisped of the gt""t ffi Greybeards told their children that never befae had there been so migtrty, so wondrous a King, in all Eg5pt's history. It would $^m tUat an impression had been made upon the world ttrat would not fade through ttre centuries; ttat the fame of Joseph never fade.
And r,ight in the very midst of this wondrous recitd of the greatness of Joseph and the mighty impression he made upon the world,-just as diernetrically as tte suddenness with which Niagara drops over the tremendous cliff that makes its cataractyou will find this verse:
"And Joseph died and there arose a n:w king in Egypt that knew not Joseph." Think of it. One day the greatest man in all the world. The next day, in the Book of Books, this epitaph; "-in Egypt THAT KNE\f,l NOT JOSEPH."

One day he was as the sun. The. next day, Egypt KNEW HIM NOT. Had forgotten him. He had gone down into the eternal promiscuity of the dust, and was wiped from their memories as chalk from the blackboard of life.
- And this, says Barton, is what happens to the business that fails to keep up its publicity; fails to keep itself before the minds of the public" One day it rides the crest of the wave, its slogan on every tongue, its virhrres in every mind- Tbe next day gone and forgotten, for a new King has risen in Egypq "that hew not Joseph."
And Barton tells this excellent little story in connection with this same lesson
An advertising man was trying to sell a sndl town merchant some advertising material. The merchant replied that he didn't need it, that everyone krew him, his business, and where he was located, as he had b een doing business there for twenty years. "And what building is that across the street?" asked the advertising man. "That's the Methodist Church," replied the merdrant. "FIow long has it been there?" asked the ad man. "Seventy years," said the merc.hant. "And yet," said the advertising man, "I'll bet they RING THE BELL EVERY SUNDAY."
Our Own tills Ships Docks
And remember-we are exclusive agents in California for the famous Fir and Hemlock Flooring-trademarked and nation' ally advertised-produced by the entire battery of 'Weyer' haeuser Mills.

California Bigtrees Date Back Before Adam
The history of the tree known as the Bigtree, or technically the Sequoia Washingtoniana, now found in isolated and sheltered spots in the Sierra Nevada Mountains of California, reaches back into the very beginning of history, to a period rvhen this tree probably covered the slopes of western coast morlntains'twice the height of the present ranges, and extended from some point well north ol 49" down into the Lower California peninsula. A factor in its p.resent limited range, says the U. S. Forest Service, is the strange geological transformation that some hundreds of centuries ag'o came over rvhat is norv California.
The Bibical prophecy that the valle-vs shall be exalted and the mountains rnade low was very literally fulfilled in California some aeons before it was uttered bv Isaiah. In !!e- ligtr mountain ranges of those days, running up to 20,000 feet or more in height, came a volcanic disturbance, so that molten lava poured through the valleys and stream channels, filling them up and blocking the streams. After the lava had cooled, it was so much harder than the granite of the original mountains that it resisted erosin is the granite could hot- As a consequence, the granite peaks wore away, and the lava beds remained until finally lavacoverel ridges towered above deep canyons worn in the native stone, and streams flowed and still flow many thousand feet below the level of the strearns once shaded bv thb Bigtree's grandsires.
Not long ago miners in the Tahoe National Forest workihg a gold mine 2,500 or 3,0O feet below the lava cap of
one of the Sierra peaks, in one of the former streambeds, came across an old flood deposit in which were the tangled legs of.a group of the Sequoias that once grew on-the mountain slopes. Though buried for unknown thousands of years, the logs were in excellent preservation. They u'ere changed somervhat in structure, 6ut the annual rings ln a cross-section of the rvood stooC out as plainly is thoug! the trees had been fallen only a few drys beiore.
During the last thousand years the Bigtree of ioday has not reproduced appreciably, and at one time foresters felt that it was a dying species. Recently, however, efforts lrave been made, and with considerable success, to sta.rt plantations of the tree throughout California, outside of its present range.
Small plantations have been made in the Klamath National Forests in the northwest corner of the States, n€ar Lake Tahoe in the central part, and in the Sequoia National Forest in the southern Sierras. In each of these localities the tree has far outstripped the native conifers. Even in comp-etition with brush, which suppresses young pines and firs severely, the Bigtree has been able to-develop successfully. In the l?-year period since the earlier of-these plantings some of the young trees have made a growth of 8 feet, against 4 or 5 feet as the best that local saplings have attained in the same time. Foresters are beginning to wonder rvhether the Bigtree may not some day reforest large areas of California by means of plantations similar to the experimental ones already established.


Havc you ordered these Job Signs for yonr Contractorc? Many dealers have.
One gave us an order for | 0 signs for each of 20 differe-nt contractors, figuring that his investmcnt of ' $3.00 per contractor would be a profitable on.e. Another dealer includcd, among his contractore, three cemenf men and two plaeterers-the signs reading-
273 FIRST ST. - MERRITT 3674
ftgmsrnlsl-1hie sign 1ies in-in color scheme and design-with our State-wide Outdoor Advertiaing Campaign.
Remember, too, that the Job Sign is in 4 colors, on long-fibred and waterproofed "Duckine" stock, and that it can be obtained, delivered at your address, at the following low pricee-
l0 to Z,[ rignr (rarnc copy) , @ flh cach
E ro 71 riinr (ranc copy) . ...'. @ 25c cech
75 rignr and ov"r (rame copy) '. @ 20c cecL
All orders should come to our San Francisco office. Payment on delivery.
Albion Lumber Company
Dolbeer & Carson Lumber Co.
Glen Blalr Redwood Co'
Hammond Lumber Company
Mqnber Mills
J. R. Hanify Company
Hobbs, Wall & Company
Holmes Eureka Lumber Co.
Llttle River Redwood Co.
Mendoclno Lumber Co.
Northweetern Redwood Co.
The Paclftc Lumber Co. Union Lumber Compa.ny
San Bernardino

The city of San Bernardino, containihg about sixty thousand people happily housed in the valley so well sheltered by the towering peaks of the San Bernardino Range of mountains, contains six well conducted thoroughly modern Retail Lumber and Building Material establishments.
During this year, when the ups and the downs were happening to lumbermen in other parts of the state, the San Bernardino district rvas distinctly peculiar, in that at no time during the depression, did the dealers at this point feel any lessening in their trade. This valley, made so prosperous by the wonderful citrus and walnut industry, has enjoyed a long season of prosperity and is looking forward to an even better 1925.
The yards, all located within the city limits, are: The Bettingen Lumber Company, Hamilton-Gill Lumber Company, Hayward Lumber Company, Hammond Lumber Company, Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Company and the Suverkrup Lumber Company.
Opposite is a picture of the Hayward plant, rvhere Mr. Roy L. Sandefur is the manager. This yard is well located. They handle practically everything that an up to date concern lvould sell, and their entire yard and office lay-out is right up to the minute. They plan, in the near future, to build new office buildings where their present office stands. The new building will contain, besides their sales and bookkeeping offices, a large hardware department, and commodious service and plan rooms.
We have shown trvo pictures of Chas. R. McCormick's plant, to properly illustrate the advance that has been made bv retail lumbermen, in the last ten years. The original office and sheds shorvn in the picture taken ten years ago were replaced just recently by the modern building shown in the second picture. In 1914 all lumber was hauled by teams, and on roller wagons. The car in front of the old office is plainly of a very old vintage, and no doubt, H. W. Newton, manager of this yard, has bought many hats since that one that he is wearing in this picture. Their new offices are beautiful. The entrance is inviting. They have a front lawn, lvindow flower boxes, and a front door wide enough and near enough to the street to make it also inviting. 'lheir main office is attractively finished, has a large recePtion space, with counters going the full lehgth of the room.
Inside these counters are the bookkeeping and cashiers offices, and to the right is the private office of Mr. Newton. Adjoining this building is a long shed, containing their sash and door and rvall board stocks, in fact, nearly the entire yard is covered with modern sheds, and their stocks are well ke1>t. H. W. Newton is a pioneer in the lumber game. in Calitornia, and has been a manager for this company for a long time.
The Suverkrup Lumber Company, owned and managed by J. E. and H. F. Suverkrup, is the successor to the old John Suverkrup Company, founded by the father in 1887. At his death. the sons changed the name of the company. They have also just completed new and modern office-s, as shown in the illustration. The building pictured houses their general offices, 6nish shed, mioulding racks and other storage space for rvall boards, etc. The offices are at the left hand side, and extend about sixty feet deep into the fi,lilrlina Thev are nicely finished, the main offices being oh the right at the entrance, and the private offices at the left. Thrs company uses a modern bookkeeping and billing system. They have prominent displays in the other part of the building, of Pioneer and Paraffine Roofings, Blue Diamond Stucco and other rvell known and advErtised products.
The Hammond Lumber Company r*'ill have its new plant ready for occupancy in about sixty days. Their old site is heing taken over by a new hotel building, and thcy have purchased ground several blocks east, lvhere they are building nerv sheds and fences to house a large plant. Mr. Ed. Franz manages this yard.
Hamilton-Gill have an attractive establishment on the main street of the town, having about the most prominent of the six yards. Mr. Hamilton is the active head of this institution, and they are doing a splendid business.
The Bettingen Lumber Company, which just recently bought out the Gabriel Lumber Company, is managed by Mr. A. B. Pineo. It also has a very 6ne looking office and yard.
In the illustrations opposite, No. 2 is the interior of the John Suverkrup offices, and No. 6 is the interior of Chas. R. McCormick's new building.

E. dcncynlcr
Superior Orh Flooring, 'Amrricr'r Finclt" Scnd rnc your inquiricr rnd ordcrr Tclqrhonc Dougler lll?
Nw Location-Officc ud Warchourc
735 3rd Strcct-Oppodtc S. P. Dcpot Homc of WESTMADE PLYWOOD G. A- Recouillrt
S outhcrn-HARD WOOD S-N ottf, ctr Bnrcc OrL Flooria3
Meplc Floorin3
1209 Firt Netionel BuL Bld3. Tclcphonc Suttcr 231
'At Your Scrviect' Srn Frrleirco
Gcnuinc Mrho3uy
l2O Firrt Netiorrl
TCcpLonc: Suttcr lOll Bul Buildir3 :: 3u Frucirco
O. F. FOIS'O--U LUMBER COMPANY Whobrfc t.n|.q,

2a Cetifomie St TdcDhm Dooder 5?94 llra Ftrncio
H- B. Crenrnto
l6-l?l'a;n Srntr Mrriu Buildia3
Huboldt llolit Rrdrood Gr.D. Srrfir Tlo+ Shrb ud P-tr
- Srn R.drEd ShrL* ud Shbrler
Lunbcr Buycrr, Inc- Wllfrcd Coopcr Lbr. Cc Lubcr Buycn, Iac. Holp Bldg. O Catnl Bl&. Northrcatm Bl. Bldr. Sqttlc, Wuh. Lor Angclcr, Grl. Porthnd Ore3o
Allan Turner, the San Francisco wholesaler, has returned from a trip to the mill operations of the Metropolitan Redrvood Lumber Co., at Metropolitan, California, where he completed arrangements to act as the sales representative of this well known redwood concern in the State of California. The Metropolitan Redrvood Lumber Co. have large redrvood holdings in Humboldt County with a mill capacity of over 100,000 feet per day. They also operate their own logging operations. He will also continue as
r'H(xGESArr tIrE,
the Northern California representative of the Gerlinger Lumber Co. of Portland, Oregon, the large northwest distributors of Douglas Fir.
FI. E. Crawford. Vice-President of the Pacific Lumber Co. and General Manager of their large Redwood operations at Scotia, was a recent visitor at the company's San Francisco office where he conferred with the officials of their San Francisco office on business matters.
Money Most Plentiful Should Boom Buildin$ After Election
The banks of the United States are loaded down with cash. Seldom in the history of this nation has there been as much money in bank vaults as there is today.
And one of the chief reasons why the lumber business has slowed up slightly of late is that there is an apparent determination on the part of its owners to KEEP IT THERE for a few weeks more at least.
From the Atlantic to the Pacific the city banks are overloaded with money, and it is unusually low as to loaning rate.

There is enough mon.ey laying idle in American banks right norv to finance a home for every non-home-owning person in the country, and leave a lot over.
But they are not loaning to prospective home builders. "Slow" notes are not in demand. They are hanging onto it until election is over. After that, if nothing happens to upset the equilibrium of the financial thinkers of the country, it may become more generally distributed, and there is ev€ry reason to believe that much of it may find its way into building channels.
The financial prospects of the country for the approaching winter are unusually good. \A/hat we need most of all in this country is low rate, long time money to loan on small homes in rural districts. It isn't the difficulty of SELLING homes that troubles the country lumber mer-
chant. It's FINANCING these small homes for worthy people.
You can't take from tvvo hundred to five hundred dollars and buy a home in the average country town, like you can in most of the cities. And it is the financing of attractive, modest, modern homes in our rural districts that is badly needed. If we are to keep the boys and girls on the farm, we must do it by giving them nrore congenial surroundings at home.
One of the greatest blessings that could descend upon this country today would be the creating of ways and means for doing the following things:
Furnishing home building finances at low interest rates, on long time notes.
Selling them the homes at redsonable PRICES to begin with, so that they would have something of genuine value to show for their savings and their devotion in paying off the homes.
Too often when the finances ARE furnished for building the family of small means but good moral character, a home, they are robbed in advance in the PRICE of the home, by speculative builders whose only interest is to sell the building.
There is no better security than mortgages on homes that are wisely built and honestly financed, and the security
in that event is mutual to both sides of the transaction.
Let us hope that when the election is over and the fear of constitution destruction is founcl to be groundless, that much of the great accumulation of money now in the bank vaults of the country rvill find its rvay into the hands of those who are worthy of credit, who would o!r'n a modest home of their own, but have not the ability to make the financial start.
It would mean much to the nation generally.
Chas. R. McCormick of San Francisco, President of Chas. R. McCormick & Co., has .returned to San Francisco after spending a week at Portland. He was also a visitor at the company's mill operations at St. Helens' Oregon.
San Francisco Concern to Market Port Orford Cedar Panels
Panel to be used in connection with high grade Port Orford Cedar interior finish and trim, Homer Maris and
To meet the demand for a Veneered Port Orford Cedar states that this new .product is a long-felt want as here. tofore they had to supply these panels in solid lumber, rvhich was not only expensive but very unsatisfactory. Port Orford Cedar grows in a very restricted habitat, the only location that it is found growing in the United States is in Coos and Curry Counties, Oregon. Owing to its arcmatic qualities, it is adapted for such uses as linen closets as it keeps out the moths. The wood is ideal for panels, taking an excellent finish and is especially adapted for white enamels and paints. It will not warp or shrink, is everlasting in all locations, and has the color and grain of ivory. This is the first time that Veneered Port Orford Panels have been offered to the trade in California-
The Coos Veneer & Box Co., at Marshfidd, Oregon, are the manufacturers of this product. Benj. Osland, president of this concern, has followed lumber manufacturing in the Northwest for a number of years- About four years ago he started the manufacture of cedar separator stock for batteries. He has equippd his mill with modern machanery and is now in shape to manufacture a strictly high class Port Orford Cedar Panel. He is equippcd to menofacture 3, 5, or 7-ply up to 2l-ply stock for all purposes.
All panels are made with Casco water-proof glue.
Mr. Maris says that they have started an extensive canpaign to market the new Cedar Panels in the Northcrn California market. They are sending a small sample of their 3-Ply Cedar Panel stock, &inch by 3 and one-half inch, to all architects, planing mills, cabinet shops, and schools in the Northern California scction, which is accompanied by literature describing the excellent qualities of Port Orford Cedar.

High class Yellow.Pine Salesman, thoroughly acquainted with the trade in Houston and South Texas, would like to connect with a strictly first-class Pacific Coast concern as their representative in Houston, Texas. References. Address Bbx A-2, clo California Lumber Merchanl

Glasby and Co. Spread Out
William A. (Bill) Peck, formerly Pacific Coast Sales Manager for the Haynes Automoble Corporation, known by thousands of men in all walks of life, up and down the Pacific Coast, has just recently taken the position of General Sales Manager for Glasby and Company, Los Angeles aggressive jobbers of sash and doors and other allied products. This is the outfit that has become famous through their free use of the slogan, "Speed Gets 'Em."

Mr. Peck, while admittedly not an experienced sash and door man, in the technical end of the business, possesses one rare attribute, that he is thoroughly ground in the matter of giving real sbrvice, and according to Clare E. Glasby, head of the organization, he does excel in this one particular.
Mr. Peck rvill make his headquarters at the main office of the company, on East 25th Street, Los Angeles, and will try,'within a very short time, to call personally on the many loval accounts that have ben acquired by Glasby and Company, during the past three years.
t-Rrr Booro Boorr
I.kr lan lrer'Boorr
!.Rev Surrrrrr t Aco|'rr hrcor
tr-Rry Slocr &ou Srrrur
X-Rrr frllrrre.
Rprl Frrr l{rcrrrt lorrprro lrrg, Rrrrr hrr hrrrrurc lrrrrror' Srrrn, Rerrp Frrr frcrrrrc
Rrurur Qurcr krrErct trrn trn
lrorur Sxon Accotrrt Lc Lrt l-r
Ihurg lecr Llmrr Errlcrt lolvre Trer &lrr*
Imports of lumber to San Francisco for the month of September showed a gain over August, according to figureq compiled by the marine department of the Chamber of Commerce. Total imports for September, including the interior, coast ports and Washington and Oregon, were 75,203,000 feet as compared with 67' 7,000 feet for the month of August, an increase for September over August of 7,86,000 feet.
Importations of lumber from coast ports for the past mohth showed a decline of 1,617,0@ feet as compared with August, when the total was 16,361,ffi feet. For September- the figures were 14,744,00 feet. Importations from interior points and Washington and Oregon for September shorved an appreciable gain over the preceding month, according to the Chamber of Commerce figu'fs.__ ^^^From interior points there was a total ot9,7fr,ffi feet of mber comins into the local oort durins the past month, lumber coming port during past month, as compared ;ith 7,830,m feit for the month-_of August, a gain of 1,890,000 feet for September. From Washington and Oregon.lq*f! month were 5O,739,9F^f.d,.* "9T: uregon the past 5u,/J:r,u pared_ with 43,177,0@_feet for the month of pared wiih 43,17i,m feet August, a galn of. 7,562,W feet for September over the preceding month.
No percon har rightE until he has fulfiHed I hir obligations.
We do not ask the privilege of profitr until we have done all that is required of ur--and more.
California Wins Forest Fire League Championship
California, for the second successive season, is winner of the National Forest Fire League championship of the United States. After getting off with an indifferent start in the face of a bad season, and trailing for months in the second division, she staged a spectacular come-back in July and August and rapidly climbed to first place. With a total of 1,810 fires, which uii to September 30 had burned over 605,000 acres of Government and private lands, and cost $786,000 to suppress, there is no possibility, experts say, of any State in the Union overcoming her commahding lead in the few weeks of play-season left.
The citizens of the Golden State, in spite of the Federal ground rules which greatly restricted their play-field, hung up a record of 59 per cent out of every 100 fires that occurred. Lightning, which always stands high on the forest fire batting list, slumped badly in midseason, but finished strong with an average of 41 per cent.
Smokers were the "Babe Ruth" of the fire league, and scored 43 per cent of all man-caused fires, with campers second at 15 per cerit. Other league leaders in destluction rvere brush burners, railroads, ltimbermen and incendiaries. Contrary to all known rules of good sport, errors and carelessness on the part of citizen-players were large- ly responsible for the remarkable showing made by the State.
In the face of this unequalled record, the Forest Fire league of California bids fair to close its season with the greatest financial loss ever experienced. Conservative es-
timates place the forest fire damage at over $5,000,m0, which will eventually come out of the pockets of the tax payers of the State.
Below is a remarkable showing of building permits in 12 San Francisco Bay cities for the first half of the vear t924:
Robert Osgood, Los Angeles manag'er for the Wheeler Osgood Company, has happily announced the arrival of the first child in his family, a fine boy, on the night of the 2nd. of this month.
He says that the mother and babe are getting along wonderfully, and that he is just about the proudest individual in the state.

ROM thooc lumber dedcrr who ere not bendling BAISAM.WOOL wc agein ro[cit rn ordcr. Some time ago we did ro with predicion that BAISA,M-WOOL would eelL Today we do it witb tLc pioof before ue that BAISAM-WOOL rellr in tte city, in the rmdl town, anrl in the cormtry. With a little honelt efrort almort every hmrber dealer cen make additionlrl BAISAM-WOOL profitr. And at the nme time give hir cutomerr bctter homer-more comfortable, more healthful, more ratirfac{ory
DALSAM-WOOL comcr in wrrppcd
I-l and realcd rollr containing 2510 rquarc fcet each. Thcrc arc only thrcc widthr, l7 inchcr,25 inchcr end 32 inchct. You don't have to crrrlr en urortmcnt of lenshtr. BALSAM-WOOL ir cut to rny length rcquired, right on thc job. Your rtocL of rtandrrd rcalcd pacLegcr ir 6ttcd for rny job th'at comci up. -TLorc are no oddr and cndr lying alouad to cat up thc proGtr you hrvc medc. BALSAM-WOOL rcquirgr littte rtorerc rpace. It ir light in wcight and earily -h.nilcd. It ir the Liad of a- product thet you and your men liLa to handlc.
Kerckhoff-Cuzner Have Attractive Display
This picture sholvs the attractive booth of the Kerckhoff-Cuzner Mill & Lumber Company at the recent San Fernando Vallev Fair.
It was visited by several huhdred prospective home builders, and Mr. Clampitt, manager, says the display placed them in touch with a large number of prospects, many of whom are to build at once, and that it acquainted every one of his trade territory with the service his firm rvas rendering to the home building public.
The special features of the display rvere the hand-colored photographic plans, pictures, etc., a product of the Lumberrnen's Service Association, and a variety of builtin features furnished by Pratt & Warner.

Each interested home builder was presented with an attractive Bungalow Book featuring a variety of modern homesr-their name and address was secured, and this prospect list will be followed up.
This is creative advertising rvhich the California Lumber Merchant 'ivould like to see more dealers undertake.
HAMMOND 'lhe Hammond Lumber has been sold to the Citrus
SELLS YARD Company yard at Cucamonga Belt Milling Company.
The D. E. Thompson Lumber Company, San Diego, has pnrchased a good sized tract of land adjoining their original location, to be used for future expansion.
The Escondido Lumber Company, zrL old established concern at Escondido, has ben bought by the Hayward f,umber & Investment Company, of Los Angeles.
The nerv owners took possession on October 10th.
PrecisionSelect any piece of Everlasting fooring fiom any wfu&und boundle. You will f,nd itfits pof*ly, sideand end, any other pice from any otherbundh
National Forests of State Yield Over Million Dollar Revenue
The National Forests of California are one of the big business enterprises of the Government that pays for themselves. Figures just released by the U. S. Forest Service district headquarters at San Francisco show that during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1924, there was turned into the.Federal tr,easury the sum of $1,241,605 as receipts from timb_e_r -sales, livestock grazing and other forms of uses of the 77 National Forests of thi State. The expeditures for the administration and protection of the forists, for the sam.e period, amount to approximately $985,000, leaving a credit balance of over one-quarter million doilars.
The amount received from the sale of mature timber in the National Forests was $910,970, and from fees for the grazing .of, 9-a!t-19 and sheep, $250,000. Water power brought in $43,0@, and speciai uses $91,000, of which^latter amount nearly $60,000 was received from the renting of summer-home sites in the forests.
_ Compare4, with the returns for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1923, National Forest receipts for the past yea? were- $32,890 less; the decrease being taused by the s-iller number of applications for permitJ to graze-livestock on the forest ranges.

^^Tw.enty-five per cent of the National Forest receipts, or $310,400, will 6e returned to the State to be distiibuted to counties in which National Forests are locat.ed, for school and road development. An additional 10 per cent, or $124,000, will also 6e expended locally by the Foresi Service for the construction of roads and traili. California
rvill thus benefit to the extent of nearly $435.000 from the business receipts of the National Forests, without taking into consideration the intangible asset of sport and recreation that the Federal forests afford, and which are yearly enjoyed by millions of citizens.
W. J. l-awrence, who has been Los Angeles manager of the Albion l-rrmber Company, for some time past, has resigned from that position, and has gone east to accept a position with the California White & Sugar Pine Company. He is succeeded at Los Angeles by Mr. Wiggins, who has been at that office on the sales force.
Fire destroyed four dry kilns at Schafer Bros. Lumber & I)oor Co., Montesano, Wn., on September 1. The work of reconstructing the buildings was started September 1O. The work of installing the iron equipment was started on the l7th., and the kilns completed ready for drying lumber on the 24th.
It is believed that this is a record time for rebuilding fonr nerv drv kilns one hundred four feet long, it taking only trvo rveeks to construct four new buildings and one week to install the iron equipment complete.
The new kilns are of the Moore Progressive type. The iron equipment was furnished by Moore Dry Kiln Co., North Portland, Oregon.
"Paraffine Co. Specializes on Uniform Products"
How much do you think an industdal coDccrn spends eacb year to inspcct the products it raanrdactures and sclls to consumcrs in every part of the globe?
Would Slm,O00 saem an exorbitant amount? That's what ThG Paraffinc Compa.nies, Inc. of Ips Angclcs, crpcnds during thc year to make sure that each of their products i8 up to the quality standard it has fixed.
"a{ lot of peoplc who buy a can of.paint or a roll of rooing or a strip of floor covering nevcr drcam that in ordcr for thcm to get the same quality of product timc and again requircs a good deal of watching on thc part of the manufacturcr," saF W. H. Lowe.
Lowe, who is general marurger of thc paint' roofing and floor covering depardment of The Parafrnc Cmpanics, Inc., says that what requires thc most care is the constatrt vigilancc to 8ce that the raw materials cntering into a product are uniform-
"\Mhen we turn out a roll of our Malthoid roofing," he dcclare4 "we're not only selling the roo6ng, but tbc rcputation of the cm. Danv as well. -For fo*v vears wChave sold oursclvcs to the public is i quality manufacturer. Becausc our goods have- always. been good, inoit &re same as others,' as it--werc-, thc coacuming public has Scen'led to believe that The Paraftne Companiea, Inc., goods arc the best ticy could b.uy for thcir money.

"Now ure guard this reslrct zedously, so that if we wcrc to let an inferior picce of mcrchandise gct on ttc markct undc thc tradc name of 'Pabco' where would wc bc? Thc public would locc confidencc in us, wouldn't thcy? And no concern can afiord to losc the confidence of the public. Competition i8 too 8tifi thesc days'< any day-for a concern to risk that.
"In our roo6ng, for instancg wc pay ccrtain largc salarics merely to examine-ihe redwood bark entering hto thc nat'erial Thesi men dcterminc whether thc bark is choppcd fine enough, whether it is just the kind rcquired for rooing purposea.-
"Rcdwood bark incidentally was sclectcd ag a basc for roofing
during tbc *ar vbcn tbc picc of r.tr td e d.L Th. H hal provca ro cficctivc ttat rhco thc FicG of nrr dtqltlcd rt dl reained tbc rcdrood ar thc bara
'Tbco again, ia thc mattcr of peint iarpcctoa. It i. r ftry inportant fact that a paint bc rrifqu. SqOorc roc fordg! hgredient should inadvcrtcorfy cntct i6 thc Fint dudog nu6e rurc. Thrg bit of impnrig Eitht bG thc mlr of qnilnf lo entire paint job. But ncr trrincd in tbc 6oc .rt of ft fu oa il\trt3 arc paid largc ealarics to prevcnt iost rucl e Siot crwr tetiql pl,ace.
'Thcre's a great lccso{r to the plblic in thc inrpocbo dectment of a big isdustrid concern Wcrc nqqc sm@t to bot iust how orninizations are crpcading a ld o[ ucy b errsc ttco irf purc aadUgu quality goodb thc/d rcgrrd-$c- bflil3 FodE+ they purcbasc througb dificrcot cyc+ and touxl aLo.d o{' Soool rhich havc bcen th&oughly inspcctcd."
California Lumbcr tcrchant, Loe A4gcles.
Gcntlemcn: 'Wc are in reccipt o[ your Octobcr 13t it E ud rle nr turally oleascd to scc thCt you bave dcvotcd e lull prge b cuts riscd ii our littlc boollct and to a confrlincotery lrii> uo of same. '
As a resolt of a brief mcotioa in thc Golf Catt L@ bcrnan of this bootlct, we havc reccivcd rocraf htt rr lrlino f6i cqiea and hrve not rcccived a d4lc inqdrt fr@ rcidcrs of tro othcr lunbcr jourleb to tbolo tc lcot coda. of our bookletThig iadicates, rc ttial, thrt tr. DisE l ctrin for ttc Gulf Coast Lumbcrmrn, 'Thc Livcet Jonrnel on Errtt" L rcll founded and tbet it ir rcad bt liYG lumbcrm looEDg coostantly for nev idca*
Very tnrty youn'
ADcrdGGr Lunbct & tllrailc Co- Absralcotr, Wreb.
Amcrlcrn lttll Oo.' Aberdeen' Tfalh.
ii"oot"- Lunbcr & Slh3tc Oo' Eoqulam' Warh.
Proiper llttl Co{ Proaper, Ore. -
n"ifr"na Lunbcr co., Raymond'. Wash-. -
b-"1'r-tti Bor & Lumbcr Oo- South Bond.' T9a!b.
nof-u"it urll Oo- Ab€rdeon, Waah' ;;i;-fum"-&-rr'ntcr ce., south Bend' wprb' i.'i.-r,.-lt ilrrrtc Co- South Bend, Tfe'h'
Dlo.l|tr n trna OrrDGl C..Da crrtr Errbot Ofrdc Cth-.D Grtlcrhc {B. araao Eara GltLa-.. yblt Eau
- 6th Floc-Hind Bldg. 23O
9(X) A. C* Brrld lll& La
Rivc Rodwood Co, Huuboldt Bay.
Fresno Hoo Hoo Orga,nize Club
Fifty-five loyal members of the Concatenated Order of Hoo Hoo, in the Fresno District, met at the new Com- merciil Club, Fresno, on the night of October 9th, and completed their formation of the new Fresno Hoo'Hoo Club.
.- ft w.as-one gf the most enthusiastic lfoo Hoo gatherings that has been held in the state for some time, and was pir- ticularly notable for the large percentage of 'members ihat tnrned out to the meeting
Martin D. Johnson, of the Sugar Pine Lumber Company, Fresno, is the President of the new Club. He is a young' man, full ,of .pep, and if the first meeting can be taken as a sample, is going to make a wonderf-ul leader for this- grgup._ The entire membership is behind every- thin_g_that -h9 has done, and have pledged themselves io lend their aid during the year to hold thJHoo Hoo interest tlat was gained through.the successful administration of H. E. Verble, Vicegerent last year.
Ro_1 W. Bagby of Fresno, rvas elected Vice President, and Mr. D. K. Edwards, of the same city rvas unanimouslv qade Secretary-Treasurer. They will have five Directori, Harvey Isenhower of Fresno, C. W. Mclntyre of Clovis. L. L. Walker of Fresno, E. L. Smith of Fre#o. and R. O. Cheatem, Fresno.
The Club adopted the Constitution and By Laws as suggested by the national office at St. Louis, and have authorized their board of directors to name such suitable committees as they will need.
Meetings will be held on the evening of the first Mon-
{gy i"-each month, the first one falling on the 3rd of November.
* A good gall_old timers w,ere at the meeting. F. Dean Prescott, J. C. Ferger, J. G. Ferguson and a-number of other men who have been Hoo Hoo members for a great number of years. J. C. Ferguson made a short talk td the members, relating some of the experiences that he has had in the order during his eighteen years of membership. Jack {9rg.I talked for a few minutes and congratulated- the C.lub^jo.r the splendid spirit. He ptedged fris support to the Club.
_ J. M. Chase, of the Hayward Lumber & Investment Company, Los Angeles, wai a guest and responded to his introduction with a short talk on the wonderful results possible through such a body of men.
Phil. B. Hart of "The California Lumber Merchant,,, talked on "The Value of a Hoo Hoo Club.,' He is presi- dent of the Los Angeles Club.
The retiring Snaik, H. E. Verble, read the Constitution and By Llys t9 the me_mbers, and then called for a report from the Nominating Committee, for'a nerv Snark. Roy Bagb.y, chairman of the committee, reported that they had unanimously selected Mr. Frank Minard. Vice preiident and General Manager of the Ci S. Pierce Lumber Company, Fr,esno. He needs no introduction, being one of the most prominent and popular of the San Ioaiuin Valley retail lumbermen. Flank has served foi twb yeats js Secretary of _the San Joaquin Valley Lumbermen,s Club, rj prominen4y identified lvith prac[ically all of Fresno,s Public and Civic activities, and-he will,'without a doubt, prove a very fine Vicegerent.
Here It Is! The Big Los Angeles Hoo Hoo Dinner Dance
Chairman Jack Rea has announced the time and place for the coming Los Angeles Hoo Hoo Dinner Dance.
-Jack and his committee of thirty have been working hard for two weeks on the arrangements, and they have set the date far enough ahead to insure a splendid attendance.
Vista Del Arroya Hotel, Pasadena.
Thursday night, October 3oth.
$3.00 per cover.
Dinner, dancing, entertainment: all provided by Jack and his gang, and he guarantees a big money's worth.
I{e asks for early r.eservations, sent to Leo Hub\11d,_7a Hayward Lumber & Investment Company, 410 San Fernando Road, Los Angeles.

President J. C. Ferger, of the Swastika Lumber Companv. Frestt5. ha. cal-ied a meeting of the San Joaquin Valiiv Lumbermen's Club, for Saturday noon' October 18th, ;t Fresno.
The notices have been sent out by Secretary Frank Minard, of the C. S. Pierce Lumber Company, Fresno, and it is expected that they will have a large attendance.
A Home Plan featured in the Ladies Home Journal and designed by Lumbermen's Service Association, Los ,41-eelef, made such an appeal to Mr. H. Grunewald, of 70 Fine'Street, Port Jervis, New York, that in order to adopt and use the plans- for a home he had arranged- to build at once, an ordei was sent by Air Mail, Postmarked New York, October 2nd lO A. M. r-eaching Los Angeles 8:20 A. M-, October 7th. Plans were immediately dispatched by Air Mail and assurance given that they would be delivered to Mr. Grunewald October 12th.
Naturally the Lumbermen's Service Association are proud of their abitity to create and develop plans that make such a strong appial as is reflected in this transaction and they are to 5e iongratulated upon their achievement.
F. B. Pryor, sales manag'er of the W. M. Ritter Lumber Co., of Coiumbus, Ohio, is on his annual business trip to the Pacific Coast where he will spend several days calling on the lumber trade in the Bay District and Los Angeles territory. The W. M. Ritter Lumber Co. are large eastern hardwood manufacturers and are shippers of hardwood products into the California market.
Horvell Baker, of the California Pand & Veneer Co', Los Angeles, spint several days in San Francisco around the firsiof the month. While-in the Bay District, he was a visitor at the office of Homer Maris, the well known distributor of panels in the Bay District.
T. C. I\{clntire, of the Emerwood Panel an-d Top !o" p"iit""a, Oregon, has returned to the Northwest after ;p*dt;g a cou-ple'of weeks in California on.comPaly l*t-t^- tt.rr. lVfrite in San Francisco, he was a caller at the ofrice oi-fto-.t Maris, who is the distributor of the Emerwood Products in Norihern California. Mr. Mclntire also looke-d over conditions in the Los Angeles market with F' K' Baugh, their Southern Californil representative'
Rod Hendrickson, of the Hendrickson Lumber Co" San Francisco. is on a two weeks' business trip to the.Northrvest, rvhere he will visit his mill connections' Hrs como."" i" the Northern California representative of the 'lt.ti.r." i"Lu.. C". During his absence, Louis A' God"id *itt be in charge of the Sin Francisco office'
S. E. Barwick, manager of the Chicago office of .the Long-Bell Lumber Co., was a recertt.San Francisco vrsrtor .vheie he spent . *..t visiting his- lumbermen friends in iit;- ut District. Wrtit" in San Francisco, lre wa;- !!e ;;;rl "i rti. son, Bill Banvick, sales manager. of the ChiloIuin l-umber Co. He was on his way to the -company s tit-iii- tp.i"ii,o"t "t Longview, Washington' He was accompahied by Mrs. Barwick.

Truckr-7 modelr Burer-S modelr.
uJnt Ug[ rp*a -"a.f {igh ryccd-loos d;;trDe *.8". fJ fl^&-ai1' tt"r"t . To dqiblcdcc1. rrce'cr bo*..
Let tfie Moreland Tranrpott Depafinent make a sunv€y of yonr tranrportetion pnobl'co.
Fectoriel at Brnbank' Cdif.
, sai Frencirco, Lor Angete,, o.ut"l1,.*:U:*:,:-1.:Lff;i,*1;T:.tcld, srn Dicao, srlt L.L. cit'
Wh ath"ppens with Laminex
doors and wet plaster!
-apra&ice which should be aqtoided, yet Laminex doors will stand such abuse without warping, buckling or separating!
"All.doors warped-had to be replaced-cause, hung when plaster was wet.

How many reports like that have c6st you rnoney? No matter how much you gu.ard against it, irresponsible workmen will subject doors dnd woodwork to such abuse.
See what the Lannom Bros., Manufacturing Company say about cases where Laminex doors were hung in buildings wlth wet plaster. Because Laminex is built byourspecial process, with-waterproof iemenr, it will not warp, buckle, twist or separate.
Over a million Laminex doors are now hung and in actual use. They have withstood climates notoriously hard on doors-Extreme cold, dampness, silt air, great humidity, high altitudes.
We build Laminex doors of old.-growth Douglas fir with flat grain throughout, or with vertical grain stiles and rails.
vur rralrunal aqverf lslng I ne .JaEuroay rosE an zines-, repeat this zines, vear. We f retailers wirh a.tie-up plan by which they may reap the benefit of this de wnte us-or ask your cloor Jobber.
Our national adwer_tising in The Saturday Evening Post and nine other maga:s-, will repeat the Laminex message 22,910,794 times this year. We furnish
"":#,t#i#"", @ ;ryi,ff;:"*
Last year there were registered in the United States 15,400,000 automobiles.
That same year there were in the United States 6'800'000 income tax payers.
Any girr can be r#: i":j, coupe, In a taxi they all can be jolly, But the girl worth wh,ile is the one that can smile, When you're taking her home on the trolley.
fsagftsi-"Johnnie, can you tell me what a hypocrite is ?"
Johnnie-"Yess'm, it's a boy that comes to school with a smile on his face."
Jones-"I've lost my dog."
Benss-"\ft/hy don't you advertise for him?"
Jones-"He can't read."
He had been reading romances of the days when Knighthood was in Flower. IIe was romantic, himself, and he groaned at the sordidness to which the world had come. He believed it his duty to go-forth and inject something of the old spirit of chivalry into the daily routine.
So one rainy day he sallied forth to spread the gospel of chivalry, and hoping to do some knightly acL He beheld a bewitching maiden about to step from her limousine upon the dirty pavement. Quick as thought he sprang forward-Sir Walter could not have exceeded him in courtly grace-and threw his coat upon the wet pavement under her dainty feet.
She stared at him in surprise, then at the coat, and then ejaculated aloud:
"Well, of all the damn fools !"
"The best book for the educaton of an advertising man is any one of the half-dozen of Shakespeare's plays. \tr/llat an advertising man needs is a command of the English langurge, and brains. Shakespeare will supply him with the language. He must supply the brains himself. (Brisbane)

Two things indicate a weak mind: To be silent when it is proper to speak, and to speak when it is proper to be silenL-Persian Proverb.
Yes, tte "business idea" is cUansbg frm ncrc ehrc;& ness and conscienceless selfishness to onc of a high gredc of honor in which setrice and fairnesa predminata Tbil improvement has cooe chiefly from within. Of'courrc there is the influeoce of religioa and morals to bc cmsidered as supplernentaries. But thc lawr and nctho& of business have made ttemselvee; and thcy arc fouadcd ry on the immutable facts of human natuse and progrcal And they have developed, not in the minds o[ drcucrr' but in the forge and heat of human contact No busincel can succeed without contact{hat real coopcretion bcn of a mutual understatding and appr,ccietion of vducl ud relationships.-Elbert Hubbard Sccond.
"Two more payments and shc-s mine"
Newsboy-Wot d'ya read?
Blank-i've been 6ut of the city for a few days. \tb* papers have you ?-Judge.
For many ycan Southcrn Californire tar ba frDil' iar with Carc Pccrlis Bnnd Ccdar Shingla
We arc now carrSring on our vrtarf, Sao Pedro, for immcdiate rhipment:
6n 6/2 16" Prairn Cld' ql'8iabl
C-.* 4/2 2tY' Rqr,l Shindr.
l@7o Ctc.r-f(n7o Vr|drrl
Vill rcll in care or patt ctrr Pbonc,if iatcCcd.
f123 Pr.i6c Dl6rt Bldtt
Phonc VAndftc 31Of Phm. MEbo. 221?
Lc AngdG.
TRADE. MARKED LUMbER- PR.ODUCTS e/l60hchtd( theTour
-,llut llrcfaI tsutldrnVWoodr
ouPlas Fir - Souttrern Pine Catifornia \{fiite Pine
Thc opcning of thc ncw lumber mrnufecturing plantr of thc LongBcll Lurnbcr Couprny at Longvicw, Werhington, hre addcd Dou3lar Fir Lumbcr aad Timbcrr to thc lirt of Long-Bcll traderurrlcd produetr.
Thir ncrar that throughout the Unitcd Strtcr rcteil lumbcr dcalcre crn now obtain lumbcr end tinbcrr of onc or morc rpccicr of wood boriag thc Long-Bcll tredc-merk. It ncenr thrt lumbcr urcn, univcrrally, can eboorq by brend, lumbcr productr that have bcca rafcguerdcd in manufecturc to mcct that important rcquircment to long r rtendard in Long-Bcll productioa-MAXIMUM BUILDTNG VALUE.
Thc eddition of Dougler Fir to Long-Bcll productr manD., furthcrmorc, thgt thit manu-
facturcr ir now e produccr of thc four mort urcful building woodrDouglar Fir, Southcrn Pinc, Celifornia Whitc Pine end Southcrn Ork.
Tradc-markr on couutlclr warcr havc long bccn rn aid in buying.. Buycn provc thir for thcmrelves cv.ry tine thcy buy food or clothing, hourebold equipncnt or autonobilcr. Thc namcr or cmblemr of ccrtain manufacturer. arc GUTDES in eelection.
Thc lemc rignificance of ccrtain naEG. on othcr merchandirc ir cqually truc with lum' bcr. The Long-Bcll trade-nark on lumber ir en IDENTIFICATION that rerurer protcction to buycr and stendr for a gcrvicc that lumbc,r dealerr and thc buying public havc e right to cxpect.
Douglar Fir Lumber and Timberr; Soutfiern Pine Lumbe,r and Timberr; Creoroted Lumber, Timberrl Postr, Poleq Tier, Guard-Rail Portr, Piling; Southern Hardwood Lumber and Timben; Califomia White . Pine Lumber; Sarh and Doorr; Oek Flooring.

By lack DionneAge not guaranteed-Some I have told for 2O years-Sone less.
Why They Called It "Fir"
I got this story the other day from a retail lumber dealer "Boy," said the first, "whut you say dey cdls dishere in Southwest Texas who vouches for its'authenticity: lumber?"
"De boss say dey cdls it'Fir,"' said the second olre.
of the board he was fifting just then.
"Why you reckon dey calls it "Fir?"' he asked muc'h pvzzled.
"Ah knows why," said the second.
They were unloading the first car of Fir lumber that The first one rubbed his hand over the smoot'h surface had ever come to their yard, and the two colored lumber handlers were looking at the new species of lumber with much more than passing interest, discussing its appearance, apparent quality, etc., and likening and contrasting
it to the Southern Pine that theY of their lives. had been handling all
"\f,fhy den?" he wanted to krow.
"Cauce it comes fum FUR off," replied the other trigmphantly.
to make this announcement, that the E. J. Dodge Company is known for its grades, and prompt shipments.

Efiective October lst., the E. J. Dodge Company, of Besides redrvood, the Twohy-Lumber Cornpany conSan Francisco,.rvill be represented-exclusively in Souihern ducts a general rail and cargo fir b-usin-ess, a-nd-they rePreCalifornia by the Twohy Lumber Company, of Los An- sen.t one of the large Southern mills, for oak flooring.geles. _ T!., pofse- Redwood will be handled into Southern "
Mr. Twohy, head of the company, says he is quite proud California both by cargo and rail.
n JOU know what that meerns...lealcv \ t I roofs. The rainy season is drawini

.!J near. Pioneq Slatc Surfaced. Shtt gles applied right over the old roof without tearing off the worn out wooden shingles, is the short cut to profits. Get after th; business before the other fellow beats you to it.
. . . Pioneer Shingle Design Roll Roo/tng performs the same trick...dan be applied-rieht over the old wood shingles. Brith Pion6er products make a perrnanent roof of beauty and eliminate the every season expense of repairs.
...Sell the "over old wood shingles" idea to your customers and "cash irft on Pioneq Slate SurfacBfl Shrnglef_ and ,Pionee- Shingle Design Roll Roofing.
Filling a long felt need, "Masterbilt" fixtures will create a sensation in California.
We have perfected a Breakfast Nook Unit that is unique in design and fool proof in operation. The set, assembled and crated at our factory, can be installed by any mechanic, and in a minimum amount of time. The complete triple set fits into a studded wall space 5'0"x2' 10", and will go into any four-inch wall.
This is the only set that will fit under a standard height window or sink.
The set consists of-table, two end wall seats (four side wall seats optional), and ironing board, the ironing board being concealed in one of the wall seats, when desired.
The "Masterbilt" Folding lroning Board is furnished as a separate fixture, fitting in studded wall-face of any wall -in any cabinet C. C. dqor-or concealed within lower cabinet-cooler or locker

Masterbilt Fixture Company
Showing construction of side wall seat, with ironing board concealed within. TTASTERBIL? BrcaIdIWe also manulacture old stgle one-piece standing Ironing Boards to ang dimension.
for the Dealer

A Perfected Line of Built-in Kitchen Fixtures with Exclusive Features Long Needed.
JOBBERS I DEALERS We Have an Attractive PIan That Will Appeal to You.
For Yard Stock!
V ARD stock of the very highest quality is manufac' r tured by Tacoma mills from the fine 'Wcat C.oE t woods found in tremendous stands in the Tacoma Dir' trict.

But, you want more than good yard *ock; 5lou rvant quick seryice and depcndable aupply. Tacma offen you both with unusual assurance. Tacoma and Toma District possess a rare combination of faciliticc<-rcel' lent timber closc at hand, great mills with the lart word in equipment and ahipping arrangemcnts for eithcr rail or water that have no superior on tlrc C-oast.
Get acquaintcd wiht Tacoma NOV. Tacomr guanDt€ you satirfactory and uniatcrmptcd ecrvice for a gcnentionl Vrite today for a frce copy of the Tacoma Directory of hubcr manufacturerr and dcecription of Tacoma and Tacona District.
To have your. itt4uitics rcach dI of tI- Iolnba nuir,faclwing-hdwuy of Tcoma and Taconw Ditt'rci"
'Masterbilt'Fixture Company Announces New Breakfast Set
We suggest that the readers of this journ"t take par- ticular notice of the two page announcemLnt advertisement in this_issue, by the "Masterbilt" Fixture Company, of Santa Barbara.
This concern, a subsidiary of the Santa Barbara Lumber Company, headed .by Mr. Clyde H. Boyd, is putting on the market something new in the shape of a built-ii triple breakfast nook set, containing besides the customary table and seats, a concealed ironing. board that folds into a receptacle back of one of the sidi wall seats. The manufacturers claim that this is the only practical folding ironing board that has been put on ihi market, and that it is the only one that can be used anywhere in the kitchen, that it will fit conveniently under anv standard height rvindorv on sink.

Mr, E. W. Cummings is the inventive genius who per- fected the new features of the set,.and he has pointed with justifiable pride to the many advantages that it will offer the home owner.
.Mr, -Cummings said that it has ,always.been a problem rvith the builder to place one of the most important oarts of a kitchen, namely, the ironing board. Hq claims'that architects and builders have followed the custom of determining where to put this fixture, after the balance of the kitchen had been designed, and that there were thousands of kitchens in the corlntry that are poolly designed. and very inconveniently equipped, as a rgsulf.
.In using "Masterbilt," it is pos,sible to place the ironj1S-loara under any-window or sink, or in lny part of the k_itchen on account of its folding'feature, and that no part of the cabinet is over thirty-two inches high, the stindard height of a window stool.
The sets are made with an unsd.rpassed care to detail in construction. For.instancq, the spring steel hinge tlat
supports the ironing board, when open, is a specially pat_ ented_feature, and is guaranteed to hold rnore-u,eighi than n'ould ever..be placed upon it, in ordinary use. Thi. up_ ptles as well to the unusual arrangement of the brace thlt falls into place when the nook ta6le is opened. Mr. Cum_ mings says that any part of the set can be easilv ooened by a.srnall child, and that they have entirely elimiirated the possibility of- p-art of the se[ collapsing suddenly, result- ing in injured feet, etc.
The breakfast set seats come in two styles, each with the concealed ironing board. In each, ttri tjble unfolds from.the end_wall, but they have made two styles of seats, vvhich are to be optional with the buyer. One is made with trvo full length, end-wall seats, and ihe other with the foui individual side wall seats. A feature of the former is that the brace is so constructed to allow ample leg room for the person sitting next to the wall.
These sets are manufactured by the ,,Masterbilt,' Fix_ ture Company, 4t Santa Barbara, ind come to the'dealers completely assembled ready to install. They are securelv crated at the factory and can be successfuliy shipped by local freight.
|n.r. B-ofd has stated that the company is receiving in_ quiries from a good many dealers, and itso from wf,ole_ sale distribLttors, for whom they have a verJr attractive proposition
lle has also stated that the companJr is desirous of se- curing 1 fiIlt class sales manager who could take charge of the distribution of the product, and attend to all details ,of their sale. Persons interested in this could communi,catedirectwiththeirhomeoffice,atSantaBarbara.
The next issue of "The California Lumber Merchant" 'rvill contain another.advertise,ment, explaining more of the details of the ner,v line.
Progress Results from Forest Service Study of Air Seasoning of Lumber in California

Amcrican industry haa definitely cntcred upon an cra in which profit is letgcly a oucstion of thc adoption of thc rrf,nQlt &onomy and cfficiency in production In rrite of the prescnt drift torzard kitn dryinc in t.he aeasoning of lumber, by far the l,aiser oart of the lunber cut and dried is stiil aii scasoncd, and air scaroning wf,l continuc at lcast for many yar! to bc an irnportant itcm in thc opcrating costs of lumber manufacturing and sclling, atd of thc wood working industries. Air drying is an c:pcndve pioccse, crpcnrivd in tinP and, tiereforc, in thc invettmcnt in stock tied uo and in land rcquircd for thc acaaoning yird, and cxpcnaivc dcgrade loesce Ag practiced at ttre avcrage plant' it i8 rlnlcccasarily expcnsivc in thesc itcos, and it is l.fc to siy tfiat the improvcmcnt of air drying constitutes onc of thc moet promising pordbilitics for rincrcasing profit which i8 at prce cnt opcn to thc industry.
Mu-cfr thinking has dready been devoted to the imgovemcnt of air drying, and- not a few bullitins and booke have bccn writtcn uoon the subiect. Lurnber plarrts havc stludied the results of their air scagoning and have developcd from their expcriencc--the practice which in most cascs thcy bolicvc io bc the bcet for thcir conditions. But individual Dracdce scldom has thc advantaFe of-the correlation sith various conditiori which can only provirlc a aound basis for thc modiGcation of practice to mect changcd conditiong or nct locatiotts. Under a d-ccptivc appcarancc of ringlicity' the factorg involvcd in air scasoning arc 8o numeroua and so complex irr their intcractions that mills in dre same locaEty and under vcry similar conditions rrct inlrcqucnt- lv come lo oppoaitc conclusions in rcspoct to thc same items of pracbce. .The problcrn demands not only a dcgrcc of,sydtcmatic study which a busincss institution cannot often sive. but a dcfinite statcmcnt in quantitativd teims of the cffect of ttrc nore imDortant factors influerrcing the results. .And itis has not thua far bcen obtained frorn ttrc study givcn to thc problern either by the industrv or bv scicntitrc studcnts.
Rcdizini this -nccd, the Forcst Service has starteii a comprehcnsivc study of thc wholc problem. Thc study is nation-sidc in its scopc. and its corrclation througbout the diliercnt tirnber regions is tmdcr tbc cuoervision of the Forcst Products liaboratoiv. In the forcst regons of the West, the woik is beinr condrrcted by the oficcs of F'orcst Prodtrcts of thc Several Forest Scrvice districts. In California, this worL has becn in progrcgs for ncarly two ycars in the redwood rcdon and for a little ovcr a ycar in the u'nc-rccion" The numbcr of factors rcouiriric attention is so grcat that thc work *iit uc iontinucd in California for at leact two scasons more. It will be obvious, ttereforc, that the rcsults up to the 9los9^of thp vcai 1923. which arc piescntcd in this arti- -cle. are nece*arily tcatative and gubiect to modification by lurther study. Howcvcr, thc outlincs oi certa:a factors in thc casc have drcady bccomc fairly clcar. 4 qfosrcss rcport -has bccn prcparcd for tlre lumber marrufacturcrs who arc oo-opcrating m the experiment bv Forcst Aarirant C. p. Grccn.-who is in -direct charge of thc work With - thc undcrstanding of thc tentadvc
charactcr of thc conclurioor thur fat rcrcbc4 it is bclievcd that thcy arc ruftdcotly dSrificant to bc of vdue to dl tbc itdurtricl rhicb cqrry on tlc air uroning of Celifornia wooda
Cdifornic Lrunbcr Dryins Conditioor
Onc o{ thc nod drifins pcculirritice oa tbc CaEfornb industriet in rcapcct b br bcr dryirg il thc vcry lrrgc moirtnrc content caricd by grcca rood of ttc tiobcr socics whicb arc lunbcrcd berc. C@. rird wiO 15-7OVo grccn noirtnre conttot in Douslas 6r aad eouthcra loag lcef 1inc, and 50-f(Xl% i! Idaho thitc pinc' ciltcrn white pine, and loblolly or Nortb C$oliDr pine, the rnoirture content o{ grccn tcttcrn -sofc pinC (the rcrtcrn ydlc Pinc of thc botanlstl and thc forcatcn and tte Celfornia shitc and rcstcfn rhite piac ol thc lumbcr manufecturcn arroci*iong), o,ftco amounta to from lm b 150% and thc buL logr of srUnr pirc Day rur er-ligL tt 2rSQV-o the green @iahrrc contdrt il ra vanlDtc in C;H6nira Rcdvoo4 a! itt DhFicaf ud mccharical ropcrtie, but grcco butt'cut redwood frequcntly sintt i! trtcr. Tbc.c facts in rcrpccr to Celifcnie loodr nelc in many vayr for a noct ecutc dr tGaBing problcm anong Califorair lumbcr nenufacturcrs.
*ThLb b tlc conprub len tttcl !. b.a!t rcoted bv ttr hnbcr elodrtlor .!d rtcot' ntzci bv tf,r Fcrrt llorvlcr lc ttr lunlc ol thr ouch riurod rrda Lm tctulatty u Plrrr Pon&rcr
Thc accond pcculiarig of thc Crltortf. rcgion is tbe radic.al dificrcocc in rcaroing co-aditi,ong c:irting in tbc tto nain divlsions of tbc lurnbcr rnaufacturing lndurtry, namcln the Califoraia ginc regi@ i! th9 Sicrrar and thc croalt rangr, aDd thc rcdlood rerio of thc coart slopc. In thc rcdrood Uc&, drc rainy scaron ir long, tbc tuDiditr high, "d lunbcr scasoning slot. Al e coe sequcnce, doubtlcrq drecLing, rerping, and drnilar defects as a rcrult of air ranoaing are ncglkiblg or crn bc nadc lo, at ttctl is no bluc aap ataia problcn arch er bcdevils the plnc indruW, end thc collepcc which aomairncc afilicts rcdrood Hlr ftyinc doca aot troublc its air rearooias, Prlc- ti<v the rholc problcm of air sceronins is that of dryiry tbc. Inch boardr cwo of light uppci rock are curtonariV dricd in thl pilC -for at lcast . yc.r vbco it b dcsircd -to briag thcm to a thorousb dr scasoned condidon IDch tirtcr rtocl rcesonr coomonly for froln cfubbca Eootnl to two ycan, and for heavy thirfucercr tte scaloning tirnc not infrcquently runr thrcc yc.rc. Tbe rault of thir ir, of ourrc, e iarge anount of lunbcr dripPcd bcforc it is -dry and nuch of it pncticaly Srcco, with rcsultiag hcavy tranrportetioo cc shcn shipment ir by rail an4 bcyond qucation, conridcrablc incrcarc in unratirfecrtrv ocrfornence of the wood rtcn it ia ulcn hecently large quantiticr of rcdtood arc com.:ns to b1 dricd at ttc Lor Angrlcr harboi tcrrinaf at San Pcdro, whcrc dryinc is much morc rapid than it is in the reEwood producing bilt. No crpcrimcntd oilcs havc yct bccll crcctcd et San Pcdro in ihe Forcrt- Scrvicc air scaroins rort, but attcntioo till bc givto to th.t dtortioo i! thc futurc wcl. In thc p.nc rGgrosl b coatrast to thc redrood rcglon, tbc runocrl arc longer and dri,.r r'rA thc ri|rtcas arc
colder end .offit Lmbcr litr drt iD rir srains n'ilcr o r lctr Enrtrc coq 6ra Gd rlarttl b the rcdmod rcti6' rDd it ritr do thL b tb re iD lrrc liG w eevr to er littlc l drtr dryr Otr tt3 ;rt idc of 6c $crru, i! trcq ttc dryn:r of tte rtDo.Dhcrc ir crccdrc. .Bc cs r!|cDt d.o.-i3 6c srcc oa bh. dj!' lnd cvco thc noet nid rir dttiDt Do!+ blc L hrrdlt ruficicC-O fcocat bhc deb rtca it jttrcb rctrrcty. OB ttc d.s bu4 tbe dtcnttt to Fi! rDGGd bt oD!!ts3 rm dlcr rnd ttur rcdocing ltd!' b dr F ri6n, oltco lcdr oolt b t rio. lc IlG c$:Clin& cwing, eld nreinr: Hrdttr thur oqtlincd ttc .itutio' ttlt brvc rc-lcerocd 6ur tr tht rill b.b lD rclid?
Sticlct Thtcbar
Trhe Gttt ttc nrt'tcr o[ &tilS fua Srrelrp to rqz, ia ttc rcdmod tcaio' tta! 6c clinrtc 6dt to dot drfiq; d d 6c db orc l-incl aicbr ln tb& rhilc on ttc cut d.lc oa ltc tlictrert e clinrtc rhich lrcqtrot|;l dtic. ttc E bcr too frrt, DncticJlly crvcry nitr s 2'incb rtic.Lcn Thcrc uc, u r trfiaa d f.ct, oth.r Irctorr brclvld i! ttir c[fgo. Hoicwr, if oa trntr b tpt htt t dry- inr. lt i. obriou 6.t thc Et r.EtT ltouiiitc ir iscercd circnldioo b 6c lnB rld onc of thc ;rvr i! ttich rtir cu be obtril.d ' tr --l tbrclcr Ccf:rr -fta -tr not rrr 6ichcr-*icbt il ttc rrfuood r,c6onf OoG of tnc hrreC rcdtood o. oriicr tu drcefu q@ o thir cctdtn ia6;1 n*-:zind rticl:rr Atttc CHir v.rd of tfi efirn Idcr Cqry' Qf Fce* Scrvicc Dttt ttP Cct ritt l-in.h' !16: iach" end ainch rticbar' rcrecctivcv. Qp totri rcruttr o ttb vrriiblc .rl ot rtdl' eblc. oing to citcoottag oltas tr''- qa drviic ret;d tbc tnnbcr. Bm ruElc tbt tbice-mOr @dd bc diDDGd AG tb rvtragG drying time rt 6c rqlnood & On dc bdb A 6c &ru Flrcot dtttsJ ti@. 6L rold rcoccrcc 2!l% isar b tte itorstd tnrnorir of cenial dcd t h hrmtr rmdccgoilg .Guoint ud r-clt> modinr rcdrr ri@ 1! thc intccrt E1l & tbir-ceriter Wdtd th. itdl E bc b tcrcetcd b och ea occorcl Thil b d cdrs ofi lihc e nidng *oc} foeocq-b [voortctcet Dtdtt Ar e re d lG r6rirc of 6c -Fotttt Sctric n 6p36 fl; rcuoocd to & drlr cqdUlnbgncd4ry rir nmtb* rUcfi rcfc*u arrdY e 50f, nvian ovtr thc rat &ccr evcrl!! dnc i! 6c indtltrt: But 6rt btolF. dro uothcr rrt o[ Oi rtcY. I! 6c furl re rlultt of -thc rtudy, it i boDcd b dr dq 6ritc queotitivt 6gBG3 c 6c cfcct d diclcr-tbcltrc.. oa &Ying: I! tbc cscrincol piht et ttG d[ d ttc Fnrit tirorrrr' $qly Coqry' * Sorenvitrc. o thc c.tt .ilc of 6G llatl' it rrr .hilD tht zilch *icbr och el brd bc.n co*ornrrrfv r-4 clrrGaf *h q hnbcr to dry ro llrt er b nrb 6G dr drvins rcrooniOtc fc rbout h.f of ttc ab rnaJra*c d S% tfich brd bcca ca. icricrccd rith thi. .DGdB i! 6G bq hc. iory. Rcduction i! IhG thichcr d ft *iikcrr. accooprnicd by mqc cutfrl l+ iry Frticuhra ter thom to bc crfblc d
Forty-Year-Old Douglas Fir Makes Profitable Cutting
Among many interesting things encountered in a recent fielfl trip through Oregon and Washington in search of pure stands of Douglas fir of even age, Junior Forester R. E. McArdle of the Pacific Northwest Forest Experiment Station tells of coming across a portable saw-mill in the midst of a 43-year old stand of Douglas fir. In this timber that had attained approximately but one-third of its full growth the mill operators were making a profitable cutting of ties and side lumber.
The field trip through this region is the first advance of the new Pacific Northwest Station toward getting complete information of the timber yield that can be expected from Douglas fir in pure, even-aged stands at different ages. This will follow ?rp and amplify the work of the old Wind River Forest Experiment Station at Stabler, Ore., and will consist of establishing sample study plots in trees of all classes from 40 to 140 years, on every variety of soil 3nd. in every climatic region of western Oregon and Washrngton.
Fred Roth, of J. H. McCallum, San Francisco, has returned from a three-weeks' motor trip to the Northwest. On his way north, he went over the Redwood Highway via E,ureka, where he visited several of the large, redwood mills in Humbolt County. His itinerary carried him along the coast Route to Marshfield, Oregon, where he spent a ferv days in the Coos Bay District. He then drove to Portland, Grays Harbor, and Seattle, where he called on the mills in these districts and also looked over the Long- Bell Lumber Co. operations at Longview, Washington. He was accompanied by Mrs Roth on the trip.
The Tynan Lumber Co., with retail yards at Oakland, Salinas, King City, Gonzales, and Monterey, have opened general offices in the Santa Mariha Building, San Francisco. This concern formerly had their headquarters at Salinas. L. M. (Mike) Tynan, son of Mr. C. Tynan, the President of the company, and who is well known to the lumber trade throughout the state, will act as manager of their San Francisco office. Mr. C. Tvnan will cohtinue to make his headquarters at Salinas. -
James F. Forster has opened a new yard located on East Fourteenth Street, Oakland. which will be known as the Forster Lumber & Mill Co. Mr:.Forster has been associated with the retail lumber business for manv vears and was formerly connected with the Westefn Lumber Co. and Sacramento Lumber Co. of Sacramento.
Mr. Walter R. Fifer, who has ben cbnnectecl with the silqs.:department of the Washington Lumber & Millwork Compin],: Los Angeles, has resigned fiom that position. He has not yet announced his plans for the future:
Mr. A. W. (Bates) Smith, head bf the A. W., Smith f.umber Company,i Los Angeles, "\Yholesalers of Pacific Coast Woods," left Los Angeles on the night of the 4th., to make a three weeks' trip through the mills of the Northwest.
The Miller Carrier t l:r saves your cocK

United States rubber tires-the load picked up, not dragged -save wear and tear on your dock.
Judgins from the experience of those who have used the Miller Gas Lumber Carrier, we figure there should be a saving on up-keep ol about 60Vo,
If the lumber market you are figuring with a sharp pencil how to cut production costs. Add to the known saving in men and teams, the saving of wear and tear on your dock-and you have an economy that makes the installation of the Miller Gas Lumber Carrier almost mandatory.
Use the Miller in good times because it helps solve your production problems when you are straining every nerve to fill orders
Use the Miller when the market is dull because it will make_. you money by saving through its, economical operauon.
Write for literature giving accurate descriptions.
*Improtemcnts in l!24 model can be a;dded to oll earlier models in use.
Eut Sidc Mill & Lunbcr Coo Dirtributorr
(Continued from Page 36)
rcducing this exccssive whitc fir scasoning degrade to very littlc above the 25Vo avcrage for the pines. In piling pnc, lfu-inch stickers will ordinarily rcquirc other factors to be handled just about right in ordcr to avoid producing stain. One-inch st bkers can seldom be uscd at all, becausc of tbc danger of stain when circulation is slowed down. Moreover, in the prre regioq where white fir is used for stickers whcnerrcr this cheaper wood is available, thin stickets arc undeCirable bccausc they cannot bc profitably sold ofr or used for any other purposc. The bearing of this point will bc discussed a littlc later in the article. Thus, for this rcgion, sr.cker tlaickness has little value as a variable to meet variations in conditions, and control of thc circulation must be sougbt by varying othcr factors, such as spacing bctwecn boards or introducing chimncys in thc pilcs.
Spacing Betwccn Boards
When for any reaaon it is not feadblc to changc sfckcr thiclcress in order to control circulation, the latter may be controlled by the spacing betwccn boards, The latter demands caSiful attentioq in any casc, bccause the iir circulation which is chiefly cffective in drying is a downward circulation rather than a horizontal draft through the pile. As thc air takes r{t watcr vapor it bccomes rapidly heavier and tends to sink Orrough the spaces bctween the boards. This faat makes clear, dso, the necessity for sufrcient space around thc pilc to give circulation enough, especially at thc bottrorn' to carry away the mcfsture laden air which accrrmulatcs there. In cxpcrimentd pilcs at the plant of the Pelican Bay Lurnbcr Cornpa.ny, Klamath Falls, Oreg:on, with the same stickcr thickress in thc specificd pilcs, thc total degradc (wh'ch was most of it duc to blue stain) was decreased from L4.5Vo to S.lVo, and. an cqually bcncficial rcduction in footage loss (duc to checking, etc.), wcre sccurcd by incrcasing the spacing bctwccn boards from 3 to 7 inches. Stain conditions arc cxccptionally bad in that region, whilc conditions tending to producc chccking, etc., are less scvcre than in some other localitics. Whcre sunmer heat is greater or avcmgc huraidity lower, to opcn Otc specing to as much as 7 inches might causc too great damage from checking and, warping. To gct efrective circulation control by board epacing also requircs morc carc in piling, to kccp thi spacing at thc standard, than is givcn by most lumbcr pilcrs. But thc- above re sults show what can bc accomplishcd through such control.
Ch;mneys and Horizontal Circulatiolr
To apprcciatc thc special valuc of chirnncys o; vents in pilinj practicc rcqurrcs attcntion now to a factor in the drying problcm not thris far discusscd. A look at the accompanying diagram will'show onc of thc most interesting facts developcd by this air seasoning study. Did you cvcr takc down a lumbcr prlc when it had sbasoned until thc top boirds felt dry and find thc bottom of the pilc still wet? Almoet cvcryone who has ta&en dowrt a hunber pilc has had that cxpericnce. But how much wetter. is thc boaom and how much longer does it takc to gct that bottom dry? If anybody knew, he has kept cxccedingly still about it. The diagram hercwith presentcd is an example of the dcfinite quantitive inforrnation about the drvinc Droccss which thc Forcat Scrvice study ias- irndertaken to obaitL This diagrari reprcsents -ordinarily comraercial air drying practicc, and thc particular pilc on which it ie bascd rras onc erected at thc plant of the Lassen Lurnber & Box Co., qr the east side of thc Sicrrax, wlrLere t3Vo of the moistuf,e content reprcscnts a fair air seasoning final equilibriurn- It shows (broken linci) that in this pilc it took the botto,nr of thc pile (B> L0% wecks to reach that..moigtutc iontent, while tbc- top of thc
pUc (a) reached that conditioa in 7 rcelr. That is, thc bottm balf of thc file tool 16.5Vo Iongcr to dry than did thc top of thc pilc. Arid in somc of the e:pcnmeDtal dlcst thia c:rccss waa :rs high as 55%.
Thece facts indicate that onc of the most important points of ar scaaoning for thc industry !o do somc hard thinking about is how to pull the seasoning timc to thc bottom portions of lurnber dles down to that of the upper portions of the piles. The situat'on would only be a matter of gucss work and confcting opinionr witbout &6nite quantitive figures such ag this diagram shows. lf ghi6 sysning up of thc eeasocing rate bctwcen the difrcrent parts of the ptlc can anywherc ncar bc app,roachcd-and it can--and, in addition, a horizontal cut of thc drying t'rnc of thc whole dlc can bc made, for cxamplc by the usc of propct sticker thickness and board spcing 6rou8bout the pile, as abovc indicated at lcast for the redwood rcgio4 it will put a quite dificrcnt facc uBon the invcstFc,trt cos|: of the ari. seasoning of lurnbcr.

Now, to accompEsh this cvcning up of drnng in the pile, some mcttod must bc used whbh can be varitd for the difretut portions of the pilc. The varying oJ stic&er thickncss, howevcr, is not fcasiblc, if for no other rcason becau3c thc mintqlaa36 6f from one t6 thrcc million feet of stickcra in each of two or more dirrclrions, is a greater cxpcnsc than a yard can afiord to cany. Likcwise spacing between boards carurot fcasibly be varied for d'ffercnt parta of thc sanc plc, if for no othcr rcason than that the averagc lumber piler cannot or rill not pile that way. There are two nethods which it is bclieved can be uscd moct satisfactorily for this purpose. One of ttcgc is thc introduction of ctrirnneyr or vcntr into thc pile, and thc ot'hcr is rhat is termcd horizontal circulatior\ obtzincd by ncans of double stickers at certarn intcrvals, ChiEncys carried throughort thc pilc at thc srnc wid0r migtrt bc clased with a stickcr thiclness and board spacing as a mcaas of sccuring a straight iacrease in $asoning raltc throughout ttre pile, inasmuch as chirnncyr scrvc in a Ecasurc to dividr thc pile ino two or morc nattorcr one!. But cven ttus, they will cxcrt a greatcr efiect upon ttc bottom of thc pile than upon thc top. The cfiect upoo thc botton pction of thc pilc can bc increased either by carrying thc chimneys only onc-tralf or ono.third of thc way up thc fle, when the tqp of tte pile docs not nced to bavc it3 drying ratc in crcascd, or, .othcrrisc, by irral'ng the chinncy tapcr from a vidcr basc to a Darrotcr top. Horizontal circulation meana simply the opcning up of thc pilc by introducing doublc stickers (onc on top of tbe othcr) at intervals, s:ry, bcrtwccn cvcry fifth to tcnth board oourse, as thc scytrity of-cooditions may rcgu-re, throuShout the towcc portions of ttrc lxlc. It should bc rrotcd that evcning up thc drying ratc of thc pilc by such. ugc of chimneys or horizontal circulation afords a mcans of spccding up the total drying time, cveo in localities flrch ac portiorx of the pine regim, wierc thc nui' mum rapidity of drying is clearly limitcd by liabilig to footage.lqqq in thc lunber-, duc to chccking, etc.
Footage Locses
Footagc losscs duc to tle'.dcrclopritir* .of mechanical defccts such lr ebcgking, watt> ing etc., whitrc lcss scrious.tban rain, aslEDG consdcrablc proportioni in tbe'ginc' tctdotr: Besides ptopcr adjustrrcat of circulation fur t'hc pilc, as prcviously discusscd, thcrc arc three spccial measures which can bc employcd to overcomc this troublc. First it is de sired to discuss the alignnent of stickcrs. When stichers arc carelcssly placcd as it is common to find thcm in many yardq therc is bound to bc trouble from varpcd and crookcd lurnbca Care in tecptas tbc ctickers vcrtically pLaced above cach othcr *ill
rnorc thel p.y fa 6c dillt crln tic rcquircd ia piling. It ie rcetrcd thrt ttir L j aimsdl Eiltct to hdd to rtrnderd rbrre pitiog is doac by coltr.ct or licce rcl. Brn it is rortt attcotioo. Thc rccod pdc it to havc thc cod sticbr otdrp e lit& bcyond thc co& of ttc berdr. Wbco thil ir done, noch lar cnd chccling dcad4. then othcrvirc ooerrr. Iorcotr, thcn ttc en& of thc boardr proftu bcyood ttc rticb crsr an cnd chccl oncc rtartcd tcoda b co. tinuc until it EGGI! &c.ticlcr. Evco tbctt it is considcrcd Dd fcadblc to inrirt o ttc stictcc ovcdapling &c ctd! of thc borrdr, thc rarng rtich ir posible fto- heriry the atictcr er clorc at pocdble b 6c cfdt of the berds ir ro gred tbet no c@D.!t can a.fiord to let continuc roch cerdg aa tror oftca prcvailr Hcrc dlo, it i! rcalize4 horrscl, tl'ot r lar8c dift.trltt rt oDoe arilc3 froA thc qolnnn practicc d nany comparicr of piling in ttc rrnc pilc lumbcr of hapiazard lcostha ro thd rt ttc rcar cod of the file thcre arc not coontb bocrdr of thc longeet length to rtplct r sticlcr ticr. And th.t btiqt ur to ttc ffi euggcstion It may, admittcdln be feedblc fc vcry fcr companice to !o,tt th& hnbcr cm. plcteb to lcntltr ro that cacn pih rq$ contain bo.rds of oac lca$h @Iy. Tli p'racticc, borcycr, uadcr nany dinetic coditions vould aavc o rouch ncchedcel: de eradc and footagc lc tbat it! lro6trblcoc.. is by no ncanr vidooery. At ttc lc.i, thc cvidence cotinually grorr tbat a hrg: irvinS ca! bc cficctcd by cgrcgrtio of 6G lumbcr into et lcut tro drr.cr, nefins thc division immcd:atcly aboe thc lcogth rhich is cut in grcatcdt volume. This pcrnitr pil'ng thc lunbcr up to and including 6at lcrgth rith rtichcrs at thc cnd of thc longG3t b@rds, and thcrcforc ?ith df uut> ported ovcrhaag conGrcd cntircly ti6i! +c prle: Such ovcrhang rithin the lilc rcdt! in moch lccr end cncctoc than occrr rto thc ovcrbang is iu tbc lotp* bo.dr rDd butridc thc protcction of thc cod *iclctr. Thc lunbcr Longcr tbea thc lcogb qt h grc.tcst voluroc rill 6c! proUrUy 1ile fdrly rcll by iacE And ccca if it d€ roq the aaviag of lumbcr, rbcre demeg! b.t beco at all coaidcrablc litt ur>Ggncd F.litrt, rill bc $6cicnt, it i! bclictc4 b sbol a hrdlooe foGt.ovcr thc cort d such a simplc rcgrcgubn Dcfuie quutitivc figrner .8e Dot yct dcarlt finel o dir po-nt but it ir crpcccil tb.t thct titr bc ro bcf,orc tte rcL clorca Frctorr Aficctiry Slrein TUg dircursioo epplicr rpcdficelly b ltc liae rcgion And hcrc, u b tbc ca* of lo6tagClorrc!' 6; f.ctar o bc dirc -urcd arc in addition to thc FopcE ootrol of cb cuhtion p'rcviouely notcd. Firrg it ir dcrircd to alircEss thc bd end c.hrnotcr of atic}crs to bc urcd. Thc &ta on ttc pointr herc invrlved. arre lot yit cmpletc bit tlc folloring atc thc qutiottt ihic! lrc bciag ltudicd. Whih rhitc fir dicl.rl uet-{ by.thc ildrltrt dictty-bccaurc oa th.ir grc8ffi cbcepcal ttir rfccicr 1l dooHcl bcttcr tha! piac for ttat p|rDocq, rt lc.t then rap dnc, bcceuc of itr frccdon fro,o ..!t b. Pr,crcnt alata ho*vcr, rccn to.b dicatc rtet old bleclcocd licbr"'crvco'of rhitc 6r, tnnradt uc aio b-tb. hD' bcr pttcd :ritt 6etn tbr* '4o.-ri.r'.!tsco rticlcrc. Tbb Dh.!c of tbc Foblco h DF iac c.rcfully ltudicd. er. rcll et &G ilf6te ail-vantase:€f DotLi - 6r''""6 tirrt':fiap 'sticftr4 rbicb aurt bc uccal b mc'.rc' gione rhcre--rlitc-6r ir aot rveifrbh. S
LoUtco of ncr vr. old *aincd *ic.br L of great inportancc bccaurg, lholtl it bc provcd th.t eny lerge enouat of rtab osBur fron the orc of old ltickcrr rhich coold bc. preveatcd by tr.Fry oly ncr oncr, tb industry could brndmcty afcd to 6gqe
(Continucd on Pegp 4{) -':-"
The nerv mill of the California Door Company, at Diamond Springs,'completed just recently, has just begun production and is cutting in the neighborhood of 150,000 feet of pine per shift.
This mill, one of the most modern in the state, is a double band outfit, the main mill being l8oxl82 in size, with an addition 3Ox6O, and in addition there is a well equipped box factory.
Dry kiln equipment of the California Door Co. consists of six Moore charge kilns, of tile and concrete construction. The battery of dry kilns is shorvn in the accompanying illustration.
"The kilns consist of six rooms llx104. They are Moore's improved charge kilns of the baffle type, which produces a fast internal circulation, but have no fans or other mechanical eouiDment. They are flexible and the operator ""n g.t "ny condition of temperature and humidity."
The Creo-Dipt Co., Inc. has decided to put in a staining plant at Vancouver'. B. C. It is expected that this will be in operation by the first of next year. The factory will be similar to others established by this company in various parts of the United States, and will turn out shingles stained in thirty shades of green, brown, red, gray and "Dixie White."
Mr. R. I. Nairn, manager at Vahcouver, B. C. for this firm told a representative of this paper recently that the advertising appropriation of the Creo-Dipt Co. lor 1924 rvas $200,000. Sales ln 1923 totaled 2,26 cars of shingles. The qtrota for 1924 is 3,000 cars, and this will probably be exceeded. All shingles are stained and are 100 per cent clear, vertical grain. A new sales ofifice will shortly be opened in California.
9{n Fifc Blds. San Francireo Phone Dug. 34fs
Scnd your iqufuic. to r or to oq Southcm Califorab rogracntetivcr:
Marrh-Strong Building, Lor Angelcl Phonc TRiaity 966?
Hepburn Mill Changes Name
The Hepburn IVIill Company, an old etablished Los Angeles sash and door manufacturing concern, has changed the frrm name to the Hepburn-Topham Mill Company, Inc.
The partners in the business are Mr. C. A. Hepburn, the founder of the busihess, and Ollie A. Topham, who took an interest in the concern, a few years ago.
Mr. L. D. Stephenson is now selling the Miller Gas I-umber Carrier in California and Arizona,. He will also cover Nelv Mexico. Mr. Stephenson is well known in the southwest as a builder and ooerator of sawmills.

ITIFTY-THREE year! aso
.[. built thig Catholic school California. lt ie now being Redwood lumber it contains.

Scientific Hln drying prererve! within our productr naturetl oturdy and beautiful gualities' while
Modern maclfinery and ddtled human effort irutifier our rlogan
RebuildingOldHomes in Vogue
By RICHARD G. KIUBELL, Nationd Lunbcr Uanufacturcre AcrocietionIn Washhston, in Ner Yorh and doubtlcg nuy otbcr of ttc older citice ol the Unitcd Stater one of ttc mort mrhcd ald b' tercsting phagcs of homc-making at prrc*rcBt ir tbe ctlbrtic' oG might ainiost say profcssional recosrruction and rrodccniutim of old-homes. It is ioi only a salvaging proccs of ouch ccmon:c veloc, but it is also an absa6iar and-cdu&tive catcr1lrilc aDd il h.vbg no little civic value in thaiit is rcstoring thole rrrdoru nasbc' hoods, br'nging back red cstatc valueg and ir et thc ramc tioc preserving hundreds of thc charming spccimcDs of the architccturc of the pcriod preceding thc Civil War.
It is almost invariably formd that therc eolid borocr 9f 9gr forcfathcrs wcre so wclt planncd and built thrt any liluclnrrl &\ fects that have dcvelopcd- have bccn duc to thc rcttling of t lb and foundations ratficr than to any wcalocc of netqid g Foq workmanship. Rcccntly a ?O0-yeat old hoorc o &c^Ner Englatrd sea-coast wls restored. It rar found thet tbc oftlood undcr' floors, put down so long ago, werc at rotr1d as thc day liey lcrc cut aBd so much hardencd by agc that lhco alrcllcd tncy medr cxcellert top-flooring. Rcbuildcn ate fnd;ng ewrnacrc thet d1 rnost all of-the lumber in tbcrc old borcr' rtctbcr thcy erc d framc or masonry constnrction, ir ar good a! Dst' ud lbqgvct Q9 dimensions pcrmit it is being re-urcd in 6c dtcrati@. Whca edditional nci matcriat ir required tbc rcooratcr 6odt that b. h.r under.taLen his work opportuncly aa luobcr ir lor aboEt 'lO IE cent chcapcr than it ras in 1920, and evco l0 pcr,caot chcapcr rrnn in 1923. Other building natcrial rhore dmilar dcclince
Furniture Stock in Setr CUT TO SIZE Rcady , to Ascmble
Flat Surfacer Hardwood Trim Suded BRADTEY TUMBER C(). OF ARKANSAS WARREN . ARKANSAS C. l\ll" Chr*, Reprercntative l.oe Angelee Chicago Lumber C.o. of Wa&" San Fnreirco
In the smallct and aho in the nsset tortr ald eitice of- thc ""u"try-O"rc il ju"t;; bcing dcvclopcd a lystcorth driec6 iG. build liouses of comparatively ieccnt pcdod- It fu tcll rmdcrood that dwelling arctitecture was at a lor e$b ia_thc lert- p.rt of 6G ninetccnth and tnc first part of tbir ccdury. For ncarly a qEG of a centur5r a small home tbat ta8 not an cyG..oar frm ttc dry it was built was rarc, and a rnajorig of the large hoccr tcrc'dte citics pcrpetrated on defcnsclcrs cy6. Uaay o[ therc boorcr erc lurnbci-briilt and contain so much rturdy netcrid thrt b tlccl thcm ie apt to be strccr vartc. So cvcrSrvbcrc re bcar d ncq who, having grown into larpr rncanr and bcttcr trttg att- cr& in:ng their old homca vith a vicw to impoviig tbdr aryhibdlrrt by alterations and crtcoding them to trcct DGt rcquircDadtL Thousands of peoplc who hatt to let tbc old bore go arc cnd!! that simple external altetations and additior tnnrforn a! trdt cdiice irito a homc of bcaury aad that tbc rdfitional noorn aa. quired may be secured at l01cr coct by additionr and rcerrrngF mcnts than by thc erection of a ncr bourc.
In thc cities, rmfortunatcly. hidcous architccture apIENrr to bevc becn accompanied frcquently by'jerry-building" dtriDg tbc pcciod of architecturd tsilighg so that tlrae it docr mt dnp Ey b lq conffuct a house of-the 6rst or rccond gcocr.tion brcl. Tbc gooal materids in such structures do not have the 'ralvagc vrluc in place" which ir rcdizcd in tbc bdlding of carcful-lorlqud-ip. Bui that reconstruction and dtetation are vafdy improviry thc residence districtr of tlle sraaller citic ir evcded to cvcry autdto' bile tourist Incidentally, ttete is litrlc doubt about thc iofucocc of the automobilc in bioadcning the architcctnral apgcciatim ol ihe average cifzen- Along rith inproved fotm thcrc is rtlo en tdvance in the usc of colc. Our fathcts aad grendfettcf,! acco to have gone color-blind about the ramc timc 6cy lqt thcrr ap1ryir tion oJ proportion, so drat infcrior paindng of itr-arrortcd colcr was oftcn added to shocking architecture. Tbc r.built houcs .sc gcnerally bcing paintcd in good tastc.
Rebuilding or dtering are oftea c:ccllcnt invcatocotr csca where nd neicssary froni thc ut'lization point of vicr. Scllint values thus gained are frcqucntly out of proportion to ttc crfoacThis is partiiulartv true of lunbcr-built hourc4 dicb erc pccufedy susceptille to altiration, and they arc a large proportioa of qe housci which are available for renovation Building material dcr} ers througtrout the countr5r are actively assisti.ng their dientr in studying and planning alterations of an improrring nature! bgth _prsq tically ind csdhctically; and the local architect will usually bc lod to bi a vcry Btaunch supportc of any dcparturc that ponircr r bctter looking town.
"If lt's Bradley's lt's Better'
In zlll Stocl Sizor
permits us to carry in stock a greater volume and variety of stock than ever before, and to handle it with greater efficiency. Your trade demanded the enlarged quarters and now our increased facilities are at your service.
Ordctr for frctory rLipncq!;1_ in rpccirl dincorionr tdd = conrtruction tolicitod.
Two reasons why dealers prefer PACIFIC FIVE.PIY BOARD for ualls and ceilings
Pacific Five-Ply does not expand, contract, bulge, warp, crack or crumble. Can be wallpapered, painted or calcimined without being battened. Is air-tight.

J. C. Nellis, assistant chief of the Lumber Division, Dept. of Commerce, Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, with headquarters in Washington, D. C., was a recent speaker before the California Redwood Association at San Francisco. Mr. Nellis made a very. interesting and instructive talk and advised the lumbermen what his department was doing to increase the sale of lumber in the foreign markets. While in the Bay District, he also addressed the Lumber Department of the San Frahcisco Chamber of Commerce. He also visited some of the Redwood, California White and Sugar Pine, and Douglas Fir mills during his visit on the Pacific Coast.
R. E. Seward, popular salesman with the Twohy Lumber Company, Los Angeles, is back in Los Angeles, from a five weeks' honeymoon trip through the Northwest. He returned, with his bride, oh October 6th.
The wedding occurred at Seattle, the home of the bride, formerly Miss Constance Mitchell, on September l7th. The happy couple toured through the saw mill country from there, visiting Vancouver and a number of other points.
"Bouncing Bertha, America's pride, but, There's no Place Like Home."
The last issue of "lVloore Facts," published by the Moore Dry Kiln Company, North Portland, Oregon, contains a splendid editorial, illustrated, telling of the valuable properties of Gum.

The Pasadena Sawdust Club held their regular meeting at the Maryland Hotel, rvith a full membership attendance. This was the 6rst meeting of the Club since the return of Mr. Paul D. Ransom, Secretary, who has been in the east on a three months' trip.
Plans for fall business \pere discussed and the general expression was that what was needed above all else, was "better and more dignified methods in the distribution of lumber to the trade."
Mr. Ransom has reported a very healthy business activitv among lumbermen all through the eastern paft of the country. During his absence the Club's afrairs were capably looked after by his son, Mr. Eugene Ransom.
Announcement has been made of the marriage of Walter P. I\fedill of San Francisco to Mildred L. Cutten, of Oakdale. at San Francisco on Saturday, October l.
Mr. Medill has been associated with the lumber business for many years in the Bay District and is sales manager for McKay & Co., the rvell known Redwood manufacturers. Ife is extremely popular and well known with the lumber fraternity of the state and has always taken an active interest in'Bay District Hoo Hoo aftairi. They rvill make their home in San Francisco.
Al Kelley, of the Santa Fe Lumber Co., San Fra'ncisco, has motored down to Los Angeles where he will spcnd the next ten days visiting with his many lumbermen friends and looking over the sights of the Southland. Al represents the Santa Fe Lumber Co. in the Bay District and Sacramento Valley.
Money Saving Facts

fo, the Lumber Re-worker
C.altfornia White and Sugar Pine shop grades are the econoTnical, good woodsfo, Sash, Doois ind Frames
\atulaf advanrages of soil, climate and altitude combine to make California White?ine trees the largest of the species, (Pinus ponderosa). Califomia Sugar pine, (Finus Lambertiina), is the largest ofall pines. Trees are found inthe california di.irict m_easuring z3ofeethigh and rz feetin diameter. From 3 to I logs, roJeet rn length,usually produce rooo board feet oflumber,while this amount is often obtained from even one or two logs.
, These big pine logs .yield a large percentage of upper grade lumler, an average yreld berng:
CaliforniaWhite Pine, No. z Shop and better,gs y-41g.
California Sugar Pine, No. z Shop and bette44oy-6og.
Moreover, greater thicknesses, wider widths and a larqer per, cjqtqge of the most desirable leneths .o.n" frorri tli"."
California Pine logs. Fully 8y6 of the"cut in No. z Shop and .Better is six,quarter and thicker. Random shipments from mills wrll average rz inches, with over 6% 6fooilengths. This per, mrts the re.worker to rip and cross,cut to the b;t advantise. Because rhe big Califor-nii pine trees have little tapei, ihet";b; s straight,grained; and th-e slow growth and long life of these species produce a fne, soft,unifor-m texture. Cuttings from this soft-textured, straight.grained lumber have the miriimum tend, ency to warp, cup or twist.
169 billion feet of Californiajl/hite pjne and Sugar pine tim. ber now srands in the virgin'foresrs of tlre bdifJ."ia airtiict. The annual production ofJtock used for sash, doors and frame, 1--:1",r":o -ore than 3 3o million feet.The supply of these woods rs ampte tor two centuries requirements.
Stock cut from California White and Sugar pine-sof?textured and straight.grained-gives the re.worker ieveral airtinA "a"r* tages: itis easyto work, glues-easily,holds nails and screws frmly.
I he product may be installed with minimum labor; once installed It -stays put,"it paints a-nd enamels perfeCtly, requiring less paint to attain the finest finishes. These points of "*.fll".r.Z keep the re,worker's overhead at aminimum, and give customers the'sarisfaCtion that brings re.orders.
There are no better sash, doors and other millwork Drodu&s of softwoods than those manufactured from C"i;f"if"Vi;i" rtne ctnct Jugdr Ptne.
(continued rrorrr Pase 38) gffi*i*H Srl"Hr9fr,"-H$ i: l#S'#*&h:**r$#&i out mcans of selling ofi thcir stickcrg aftcr ir;.t ct *tbLl"--"oa;;d", itf6, thc fiifrrc ot QGGch' tqC F o [Enl-l rtrq o"l o., .t the mo#, tw" ii-i --ttile thev ;tfi;A; ile.rt*tb -d-;G"d"6"-6."c" fflA to -h@i! -l+t+ -.Sxllq t'/ud still would have sale value, and replace of thc dlce is firrther inpcdcd by grasr eld 6lEng and too.l llcbl Ht !Er!S c them with ncw aa a-gainst the bill which the weeds ind debris. Such vcgetation oot ooly yard bccmc hfcctql rith 63 !-i d dtl "+TH iJ:',rr;1'";H:f'l#.'f'"qqgr mffi ,H.'Str:Tt'.T.i:1..3-* g1.:T"63,ffirg5.g15.ff in. the indus-try whethcr rougb or-surfaced friltl; ;i-tti.;;LG"-;hi"h_""dit C"" ;th tF;;; .t is |!d.dc?t- id-. stickers prgduc-c the more stain. Plcntv of lti.fi i.-t#"6ili;rt"s- of. -H"t"l-ag:.i", ."y;- dora b 6c f".t hdt.n- F.r,- m! mills cai be found wherc they are abeo- ;;;t d"; a"t" "i"-""t-iJ;".iLbG 6[aii ociii".-o. ebrolutc Ddrldtt of ald1od lutely pcrsuaded on o.ne conclusio4 an{-as i.*"'"f,-to- ;;th"i th; iud;rn; iay f* sanintry coditionr h tb.t t'c,itj Cfa' ffi1!"i",,!i*'ndffi'"".ft$T"'*'*Ioi,i Hfl:i*.i:.F;i::f,""*r*t.F: *En',g'm*5;5# dhe Forest servicc aiiseasoning w.gIh- il;"d;":*il; ;;ai i" ;tf,; ainoit f;-"b.rpF dA; Jth--uiJo. -t" ,*I!'#.'JTS *tr"Ti$i:XT#i""tf;.i nor costry. Mow.down the grars aad wecdr i-.i:"gut f;'ou"g dde 9.=e-. siu universal habit of carclessly piling surplus ;a -thlilPFi oi g-""a-vith crude oil' co!t' ;Gal Dnqr and no inqwmt in or unused stickers on tbc ground by the "d;d""I Eiiii, o"-&Jf . Jii""g-*t"uoti pitr"s.c." baddilll1."d dccev rtco ttc basc of the lumbcr pler. This cuts ofi t'he i--"ori-"" tir.L salL Th; tattcr]uo-ctcn, hta-i. ret end .ocly. cbobd dth vegF circulation undcrneath and around thc bot- ;db";;;-tt9g".1tgi;;ntaA.tfan tt6 Ltion q f'tllcrcd iil reuh* rDd 'ood tom of the piles, which ir preciscly thc poiot oil Or, if it is fcasible' an effcctrve vcgc- dcbrir' where circulation is most nccded to carry tation risaainer- ir thc grating of a band of TbrG i! EPq! I:t b bc lcnsl by crcry' away thc moisture hd;- air vrticn comci shecp c goats ia thc tard- oc intcrc&d itr-trG Foblco- But 63 bc.t downward through thc pile. A bettcr ray d Finally,_-t99p. o"it"ty ryl .I! the vard tnodcdgc rill not npply bcU'-- Tb ttftdisposing of surplus stilkcrs ia to pile tlcm i" -.-t .! u.ai-at"i""E-6o*i*acnulc c:ginrc cr rill -uc repy il -ahc.c rdiaiury rc' on support. ptaced acrocs bctwecn thl prlca, iii -;liqt"qfy. be ilcurscd to narc it aricr. nrltr cra pcnurac 6e iEdu.trt b crscat front and back, at the top of the forurda- ffi"-";e;dteiridba"-b;- aot" uj .o4t fully-.todi Scir {Cic.don b iodirlfui tion, teaving as muctr ft;f ;fg;dbli'fr- c;iilfiil-y"rd",-""d bt bc&ee ii p t con6itionr-rna to ri-ecccdislv inncrr ot tween tlre srickers and thc sidcs of tlc il.:".y -itf i""iit"a -Ai-tcq$ thc Frd can lctting.b.d coditionr oodPB +ctc ltt oiles. This will not o"rv u"ip th;-"d;d"s t-'h]i"d-; -*tb -a"a.t*- rn eod-c carcl crir{bccec ttcy hrc dtryr bcco tbt iI tri. i,iilui'i-d;--iit'f.6"t tu" itlcld thc urc of sravcl my bc fcedblc. But rar- trt
A. M" Shields, an enthusiastic duck hunter, entertained some of his friends at his duck presc'rve near Albrae on October l, the opening day of the duck season.- Among those who attended wire A. J. Russell, of the Santa Fe Ltrmber Co., who reported that although thc duclc are not as plentiful as latt year, he had a successful day and bagged the limit.
Chart rcturcd to In forcSolng qficle

H. S. Morton, of the Hill & Morton Lumber Co., San Francisco, is on the sick list and is confined to one of the East Bay hospitals convalescing from a recent^operation. He expetts to be back at his desk around the first of the month.
Tanners and leather belt makers had to use the hides of 795 steers in making the leather belts required for the nerv Lone-Bell Lumber-Mill at Longvierv, Washington. Reduce? to units of l-inch single ply belting this order called for 94,436 feet or nearly twenty miles of belting.
The packer steer hides for this order were pur-chased from thi packers and then put through the lSrges-t !qlt!^tl belting tannery in the woild with a capacity of 300,000 hides yearly
Belting manufacturers ag-ree that lu.mber mills are Qxtremely -hard on belting' Only the highest quali-ty, best made ieather belts can stand up under the terrific wear and tear of the large heavy duty lumber machines'
For this reason -the hides used in building this belt equipment had to be selected from strong' h.e3lthy steers tiited during the summer months when the hide is in its best condition.
San Diego Hoo-Hoo
Starting New Year with Bang
San Dlcgo's Neu Snarft
--Joe_Restine, the r.relv Vicegerent of the San Diego Hoo Hoo .Di:trict, is getting himself into harness in finJ shape, and is.lining out what promises to be a big year for the oider, in his territory.
He has completed the appointment of his Nine for the yeg, gn{ it looks like a splendid line-up:
E. L. Bullen, 31378, Senior Hoo Hoo, Homeland Building Co.
C. C. West, 31599, Junior lfoo }foo, Benson Lumber Co.
I Harry A. Cass, 33498, Bojum, McCormick Lumber Co.
G. F. Hoff, 22571, Scrivenoter, Materialmen's Ass'n.
G. E. Mattison, 30668, Custocation, City Lumber & Wrecking.
F. D. Park, 25576, Jabberwock, La Mesa Lumber Co.

They have planned a golf tournament for October l9th., and expect to hold a Concatenation the following week.
The meeting on October 3rd. was under the direction of \/icegerant Frank Curran, as Chairman of the day. Frank_surprised the boys with a wonderful musical-program. Mrs. Schatt, a noted soprano, sang a group of song's, and Mr. Z- Earl Meeker, recently from New York, rendered three numbers. Mr. Meeker is connected with the Southern California Music ,Company, at Los Angeles" The program was a delightful surprise for a hot day, and 'r.vas rvell received bv the fiftv-four members who attended the meeting llerman Rosenberg reported for the Golf Committee. He announced arrang'ements for a tournament at the Rancho Country Club, for the afternoon of October 10th.' Details of this affair are in this issue.
Mr. A. B. Wastell, Secretary Manager of the State Retail Association, was a guest and responded to his introduction rn'ith a ferv minutes' talk on Hoo Hoo and on the coming Convention of the Association, to be held at the Biltnore lfotel, Los Angeles, on November 7th and 8th.
Frank Currah announced that the Los Angeles District Hoo Hoo would hold a Concatenation duringlhis Convention, and that he would appoint his Committees during the vyeek of the l3th.
Frank Wise, of Patten & Davies, won the attendance prize, donated by Charlie Brace.
C. E. Jackson, 32456, Arcanoper, W. P. Fuller Co.
C. A. Lane, 33501, Gurdon, J. W. Glasson Co.
The San Diego Hoo Hoo -have resumed their weekly luncheons, at the Maryland Hotel each Friday ttoon, "rri they extend an invitation to all Hoo Hoo to- visit ihem. Their's is Hoo Hoo Club Number One.
Isaac :Bledsoe, of San Antonio, Texas, has been visitilg i" California on a combined business and pleasure trip. He is Vice-Presideht of the Home Builder's-Lumber Co. at San Antonio.
Kiln Ptyirtg Hardwoods
It,ir iuat aa.imngrtpnt that lumber reEivc propcr carc bcfore it ic put into the kiln and aftcr it has bccn dricd, as it iJ to opcratc thc dry [iti pi"p.itr
is but one of our succeseful efforts

I wtxoows
EntrTY i sAsH
JFrcnch lloon \Scrcn Doon
Lor Angelee - Hunboh Wg2
How Abouta Revival of wooden Home Building in So. California?
He was a lumber man from the South-not the South of California, but the Old South where they miss their ,,R's,' in speaking-and he has recently been visiting Califo,rnia and looking thihgs over.
When a lumberman visits any strange territory the first thing that catches his eye, naturally, is the building actituity, and this lumberman was no difierent from the others. In California particularly, everyone is inclined to pay particular attention to the building things they see, so the visiting lumberman finds much to engross his attention in Southern California, with its great tide of building.
He strolled into The California Lumber Merchant office on his rounds, and this is one of the thoughts he turned ' loose:
"Why don't the lumbermen of California work for more frame homes, wooden homes, in this territory ? Everything out her'e in modest priced homes of an attractive character, is stucco. There is nothing particularly difierent or attractive about the wooden homes you.see here, while there is a riot of interesting architecture in the brick and stucco homes. I know other territories where they are building much more attractively with wood than they are in Cali_ foria. And while the lumbermen sell lots of wood for stucco homes, of course, as well as for brick veneer homes, he sells still more when he builds homes covered with wooden siding of shingles, and there is no material that
lends itself better to beauty in modest home construction, than does wood."
And he went on to enlarge on the theme, that he believed the lumbermen of California are not giving their attention enough to the encouragement of wooden homes, and were evidently not giving the building trade sufficient assistance in the selection of rvooden homes.

"Why shouldn't the lumbermen of California work for the use of more beautiful, modest sized, wooden homes,,, he wanted to knolv. "There is no stucco job on earth that can possibly last as long or give as much iatisfaction as Redwood siding. Siding vvon't crack, and it will last for a generation without deterioration. Also it can be put on in very beautiful fashion. Shingle sided homes bring the same sort of results. They give splendid satisfaction to the home owner. And they put more money into the pocket of the retailer of lumber. California dealers should use plan books made up especially of wooden home plans, and they should be ready with their suggestions and information, so that the customer may learn the advantages of the wooden home.
"I really believe Southern California should wake up and build morer beautiful homes of wood. It may not have the 'permanence' of brick, but it has more 'endurance,' and will last as long as anyone wants a modest home, and will
(Continued on Page 51.)
Twisted Proaerbs:
"lt's a poor rule that doesn't s[ir[ both waya."
Unles_s you-give_us the opportunity to show you the trade building fcatuies of our
you'll miss profits that should swell YOUR bank account.
AII the richness of-Mahogany, but lower in price and in cost of 6nish.
The ONLY Inqortas vith our ovn Timba S,pply ad Mills h Luzon, oil with PACIFIC COAST HEADQUARIERS cr Sth and Brannan Sts. ,San Francieco
- Lot Angclce
Well ventilated sheds in our yard where HARDWOOD LUMBER and FLOORING are Pro-tccled from rain "r,a "rr, "J d.fir.tJ to you BRIGHT and CLEAR and FREE FROM CHECI(S. WE RUSH RUSH ORDERS
we employ HIGH POWERED, _COMPETENT MEN to fill orders. we -carry- !q9H -GRADE " - -SToca ""J *" ""lr t" nicH clAss TRADE at DOWN RIGIIT LOW PRICESWE SATISFY YOULET US SHOW YOU

Chas. P. Eisenmayer
514 Central Bldg. L"G Angclc.
homPt and efficieot renice in bothrailirnd water rhiPmentr of
Port 0rford Cedar Panels
Excellent for White Enamel and Paints. Will Not'Warp or Shrink.
Color and Grain like lvory. Everlasting in all locations.
Aromatic-Moth and Insect Proof. Made with Casco Waterproof Glue. Manufactured in 3 Ply or more.
We are pleased to announce to the lumber trade of California that we are the exclusive Sales Agents in Northern California for Port Orford
Cedar Panels manufactured by the Coos Veneer & Box Co. of Marshfield, Oregon. Stocks are carried at our warehouse in San Francisco for immediate shipments. Let us ship you a small order of this wonderful aromatic panel so that you can show it to your architect or most particular customers.
73s rhird street "-"ce and warehouse
San Francicco
'We are also Northern California-Rep-resentatives of the Emerwood Panel and Top Co. at portland, 9t.g."T. - only .conc-ern making- Haidwod Panels and Tops on the p""in.-C"."t.C-"-pflr" Sr".L"l"? Special sizes on hand for quick shipments.

Selling Ethics
Mr. P. W. Dixon, American Door Co., Los Angeles, Before the Millwork Institute of California,I was given an assignment at Santa Barlar1 and I didnt thinL I -as'"Uie-io aefcnd m-ysclf bccause I didn't "l?tlY rcmcTber until aftcr I got back when I formd the prograo of what had occurTcc that I was on it in some way. -"i'"--i"lrt.igLa that thev lehyed the prcsentation of.my subjcct ""iif 1"t1, Uii"l"i| it ga'e tie the-opportuilty of aki:rg in.thc.other Chairmen's point of view, and minc was-thc same' rn q4ng to gi9t .-i'*-itt""'i" St"t Baibara you would havc ttrought I.had-smdlpox-nobody that I approached knew--anything abolt lt' .rn-lact -when I wcnt up to any one.and-said' -"1 l13Y-c an assrgnmcnt-r-aEr "'ti.S"iti"i Eitii""t coirmittee," hc said, "I'll tcu. voE r havc four or five at home right now, and cannot usc them'" so -r aq gotng t9 ask the Chair to do me a favor and appolnt a member lrom eacn ai;H; *ttJ--t"b- what these things- -arc and those fellows who ;;;ii;iirc i. iirussle with that Probtem. It is quitc likdv if wc had a men in each-district out of the compositc sourcc wG could ["ifa so-"ttti"g we could dl subscribe to.Thc- qrrcstion of ,s9]inp ithics-that yoi may say scriously is tte rules of ttte game. I-think vou made a mistake in handing it to me' but thc qucstron ot now ivc do things starts with thc selling gamc. '- Th; #t;-itrif tite to tell us thai c-o-opcration, good fdlowship and these-things are the basis of get$qS along -and advancing.thc industrv I think are sometimes a littlc camcd away wrtn tnctr i"ifuiiit-. The business of gctting busincrs and selling it is more or less a kind of competition which at timcc takcs.o-n thc plasc ot i."JL"a wirfa.c. almbst. Even in thc most prirnitivc methods of boixing and fighting there has had to be rulcs of the game-..w9 }avc the oii Ouecnsbury rulcs, which dctcrnines where you will tatc a swioc at i man and when you have to give him a chancc to tpt on to iris feet. and it seems to mc that scllinss cthics is a good dcal like that. I attempted to analyze this a little bit and to -givc thc "J""t reoott of a ehairman wi-thout any assistance from his con--itt.". 'As I went into it it seemed to mc it started off, firsL vith the rules of thc Institute. This is suggestcd so that thc rcsolution iommittee can adopt tfiat part of it. Thc first would be that we havc i-iet of rules of the Institute; ttrc second is that se have a cre{, ot--hat the millman believes. "We want to have something in which wc all belicve and can subscribc to, il it is only one or tvo principlcs. It is ouite likelv on thc basis of that wc could build a sct of standatd prices. which i would name aa the third phase of sclling cttrics. hnd tast I would put thc method of presentation, or just hos- the many members of -the industry prese-nt their^ case to the pu!'lil'you -might say how they acquire their sanding' or as to -vhether they are a cut-throat outfit or whcther thcy attcapt to gct bu$ncaa in i clean sportsman-li&c way, or whethcr it is a ganc whcr. c thc rrran with the smartcst idea or cleverest way rcaches thc publrc and cives him his cntrec. And I took the crecd as thc next phase of it' Ind I jottca down two or threc little things which I ttought possiblv
The tast I had undcr tbc creed ta! to rccognizc en -qqatiop -of practicc not mentioned in our codc, to bc decidcd b1r thf Ctot{cq -nuu= - Nor, the standatd practicca I iottcd dora' end thc dc6lti! I t ot-;butd bc-"ihai -sroup of pricticcs ald !6tcd rnctbodr rticb ri"" " u"ito*itv. ;d -uaviOe l-cast anount of rcaction or hendiclp io our "ta"s of ierch.ndisins, ard ruch itcos of pracicaf -dTtrg and aoproach. a failurc to follos lhich ;oultl bc r.thiclt.- tn orii"ta:a ""t i";bi"h thc principlcs of a rportroa.arhip.!d-frir d3aling with a compctitor rould be cnumerated at a guidc to tborc not fo-rtunatc enough to bave lcarrrcd thcm in thc lr.dc-" - Th"i i"-H"d;i ; shp at the ncgl niflman, I cupporc, but {t_cr you havc bcen in a long tinc, re rould say, 'Sfhat loulil A ilo il; a; likc that?- /ind Us tclla uc vbat to do ard tbt ir tLc way we gct iL it"-. rinder the last phasc of tbat I bclicrc lclliry cthie rorrld fail in any prcscntatbn unlcss sc bad, you might ray, a brric Edngq of esabfisf,ing your coursc, and thc grcat6t -pt-d d tF! --o"ld be tlre salcsiarU and thc aalclnan's method I havc dcfircd er 'isalesraan's attitidc and training." I did!'t Lnor bol to trrc 6q words oroDerlv to cct in tbc ncaning, and o aftcrrardr I dcfncd what I'tlr6uef,t wo:dd be a salesoen'r guidg and I dcecibcd ttc salcsmau's eaining again under a generality, ltich rar ano-th rry to get out from uidci by saying somctbing vhich rar I flatirndcand-that is vcry often a-fact you have to considcr rhco you e!!qt see any definitt action to bc recomcndc4-and ro tbc ralceoeat trainini rould bc a protram of cducation for thc ralcr hced ald salesmin of any ncmber] and thig could bc elaboratcd ald rcfucd to thc point w6crc a 13s 3al3rmnn tating on tbc luk rould hlvc a salci 621rrat'-t Eust stoD risht bcrc and tcll you-you hol when thesc mcn Didcsch aad Nicf,okon rcre dircnrsiag tbir meaud I had a vcry brilliant idca, I thought, 'Why couldnt lc beve e salcg manua[" so I said to oDc of tLe boyl dora our ray-tlir- il not a slaD at hin- but I raid. 'Wbat do yoq thinl of a nanual Ior salcrmcn?' Hc iai4 "You inov I dont litc Qo.9 ropl rt'i!"r wc can gct a better darc of peoplc than that" Holcvcr"u[dcr salesnarrs training, I do thinl-rcriouely it b a potlco Sat ron{ Dut uE across with- the public rnore rapidly thaa e lot of educatiooal work that t think ve-imacine re caa do ornrclvca Yon bor aftcr all wc ar,c thc hardcgifdlots to lcll en idca in our orn nill becausc wc havc a prciudice in ttc rnill garoc. You c1nng! go !g-a nillmrn and scll hi; arr idea about hot a ralcrnen lbould do thit' that or the othct, becausc he bad a prejudicc in r'!t qind {-ttrrt how hir salescen should do. That ii a gedcnl artitudc and I an ac bad as any of you aad I e- tilliry to ray tlat ir my attito{gt If rc can take thit out of our head and 6tablilh tt t tl todd call a general rnanual of practicc for ralconco' I thinl roeytc thir gcncral'iv rould do: 'An -&boratiron and rcf,ncrncot in relca ltainfrs to tfic point where a net salcraan tating on thc rort rould
would be general enough. You know generality. is the only screcn of a chairman who did not do any work -wrth rtrs commrftse' -tni-niJin"s itt.t all purchasis possible would bc rnadc from members, or amongst mem-bers, rlth Chc- idca of tying tlrcm togethcr'
The second was to condcmn the makrng ol talsc or orsparatrng "t"ti-""t" "i.tti "o-petitor's producc, scrvice, prices, pcrsonal or financial standing.--e"a--l"if"s o-ne of the codes of ethics in 6ghting' lile hitting bciow tfic belt, we would cxpect all -memben to liv-e uplo ttt" gl"to'
To co-operate with a competitor in obtalmng a bcnetrcuu unuorn trade pia"-tice. That would be a generality which a sct of standard rr""tides would definitely fix as to how that would be done. --to -condemn the buriening of the industry with an unfair or needless expcnse. That creed- could be dispensed with, possibly in s"-i iir"s.' Some men think you can taki an averagc of a lot o! iniioeiiencea mills and that ii the average in the distric! bqt I [tti"[ Ur. Didesch's slogan, which he asks thc adoption of, fully covers that point.

have a sales uaaua! of rhich thc forcrord atrd ltatcocot d cthicr ;;rrtd g"ia" hin-n-ot only-ac to t-hat -rar thc lair qgacicc of Fa industr;. but rttat standard nethodr of aDFoach and p'clgitetln of theii'comoany's position rould conforu to a parelld- cffct-otr thc oart of a -conpcti-tor, and ;ould not rcdrlt in a conpti@c cffort to s;c how much-more onc housc coutd promirc thot thc o1hct, u how much morc or lcsr ablc tbcy lcre to suPply thc gpodl"
It sccns to trc that that would covcr thc guidancc o[ 6.t
We arc rccornmcnding that your rerolutbnr connittcc eutorizc ttte conrnitteJoa sellinf cttictto lcnqout a qlrcsti@ritt egogfotg ihese subdivisions of th; rulet of the Instim aad crocd end thoc eincral thincs wc believe would guide qe ia nrling a ret oJ tt Ddud iractices. and finaly to elaborate on this probleo of lnaling ralcr inaa's triining of suth character that it would be dcfnitcly lct forth just hor and-in shat manner salcsmen vould or would not Drclcot their goods.
You brought rhir sa lrorreclvcr I thall you-
There is more to advertisin$ than in the papers. Kaiser Pill $gt lnore one on earth-an d looh at him!
$etting your name publicity than any-
(Continued from Page 47)
outlast stucco many times over.!'
Perhaps there is a lesson for California lumbermen in the observations of this Southern visitorWe know a big Texas lumber merchant who visited Southern California last summer, and who went back home and reports that he is rvorking as he never worked before to furnish beautiful wooden home plans to his trade. Why ? He says because he doesn't lvant the stucco craze to invade his territory, and the way to keep it out is to give them wonderful service in beautiful wooden homes.
Richards Hardwood Lumber Co. Fur. nish Radio Program
Through the courtesy of the Richards Hardwood Lum_ ber Co., of San Francisco, an excellent raclio prog.u* *u, given..at K,GO,- Pacific Coast Broadcasting Stuflorr, Gen_ eral ,Electric Company, Oakland, on Saiurday evening, L)ctober 4, between 8:00 and l0:00 p.m.
The program was a musical treat ind was furnished bv talented artists, consisting of vocal sel.ections, humoroul readings, piano-accordion solos, male quartet, and instru_ mental selections. The Richards Hardwood Lumber Co., of which concern Mr. F. -Richards is president, are the recipients of many favorable comments for furnishing this excellent program.

Los Angeles Lumbermen Entertain San Franciscan
One of the happiest parties that has been given in the southern part of the state, among the lumbeicrowd, was given on the first of this month, by Fred E. Goldine. of !b. If."_g _Golding Lumber Company, Los Angeles,"ind Mr. _Cliff Bergstrom, also of Los Angeles, in hoior oi Mr. 1,. W. McDonald, of San Francisco, who, with Mrs. McDonald, was visiting in Southern California.
About thi-rty.of the town's best lumbermen golfers, and a number of friends of the hosts, not in the lu-=mber'business, assembled at the California Country Club on the afternoon of October lst, and played an l8-[ole elimination match, for a beautiful silver cup provided by the hosts. It rvas r,r'on by Harry Burford"
..After the golf play, the entire party enjoyed a wonderful dinner, at the Club, and then adjourned tb Mr. Golding,s home, where they were entertained further with vario"us sorts of amusements.
Herman Rosenberg carried ofi most of the honors at the evening part of the_p,arty, being run a close second by Clint Latrghlin, and B. W. (Bobbie) Bryne.
Those in attendance, and who have voted Fred arrd Ctif as wonderful hosts, were:
^ {.._a E._ Golding- Cliff Bergstrom, L. W. McDonald, C. J. Laughlin, A. C. Pemberthy, J. C. Thomas, paul pemb_erthy, T. B. Larvrence, F. M. Slade, W. T. Cooper, A. L. !Ioove1, Dave Steinme\z Jr., B. W. Bryne, George GoldTC, Phil Hart, Paul Masters, Il. L. Rosenberg] L. M. Rosenberg and F. M. Connelly.
Spred Gets'Em
We have strived at all times to play fair with the Lumber Trade--gi.ritrg real value for value and service that our Competitors have criticized.
In fact, and not being boastful, we set a pace to shoot at in the Way of Service that has enabled you to receive your Sash and Doors in less than one half the time it took in days gone by.

We are always criticized by our competitors, but we welcome such comments. That alone has assisted us tremendously in building uP our business to its present high standard and size.
For example, for two years or more we have advertised "}4-HIOIJR SERVICE' and have made god'
If it be the survival of the fittest, then we point with a large measure of pride to our steady growth and prosperity.
Mr. Out-of-Town Lumber Dealer

When visiting Los Angeles make our office your headquarters. Plenty of parking space for your machine and our telephones and office conveniences are here for you to use.
Our plan or blue print estimating department will help you solve any details and survey quantities for you.
Hoo Hoo Club No. 9 Endorses New State Highways
At the regular lunchebn of Hoo Hoo Club No- t held at the Palace Fotel, Rod Hendrickson, the newly elected President for the ensuing year, presided.
He announced the following Chairmen of the Committees who will act during the year:
Membership and Attendance: Henry Hink, Dolbeer & Carson.
Finance: Frank Flarris, Van Arsdale-Harris Lumber Co.
Fraternal: R. O. Wilson, R. O. Wilson Lumber Co.
Program and Entertainment: Ted Higgins, Jr., Higgins Hardlvood Co.
Public Afiairs: Prof. Emanuel Fritz, University of California Forest School.
Sports: John Stroud, E. J. Dodge Co.
eubticity: J. E. Martin, "The California Lumber Merchant."
The chairman will announce the balance of the various committees at the next meeting.
'A resolutioh presented by Plof. Fritz of the Public Affairs CommitteC, endorsing the movement on foot to extend the first unit of the Bay Short Highway in San Mateo County from South San Francisco to Pacific City arrd to extend the Skyline Bo-ulevard from- its terminal at Woodwaidia to Salinas and Gilroy making it a trunk line for throush traffic, was unahimously endorsed by the Club and the Sicretarv was instructed to forward this resolution to
L K. lVood Lumber Co.

N. 'rlf. BlnL Bl&. Portlrnd' Orc-
Ve Spccializc in C'nyr l{rrbor OtD GROltrTIl YETLO}V FIR Finfuh rnd Vcrticrl Grdn Flo*ng. If you [Lc crtre good $ntity Rd Cdrr Shingh. wc can futnirh thcm.
Fruit Growers Supply Company
Manufacturcn of C,alifornia Whftc and Sqnr Plnc Lrmbcr Millr at Scuvilc ud llilt' C,et 1EO,(X)O,(X)O Fcct ADrud CrDdtt
B. W. ADAMS, Mgl. Salct DcPt. First National Bank Bldg. - San Franeirco
the speciil committee recently appointed- by Governor Richaidson to report on additi,ons-of the State Highway System. 'C. D. LeMaster, of Sacramento, Retiring Snark of thc IJniverse; Frank Trower of the Trow Lumber Co', and g"rt M""o-ber, of F. B. Macomber & Son, who were -in .ti"nat.t.. at the Annual Hoo Hoo Convention gave int"r..ti"g talks on the doings and happenings at the Minneapolis rieeting. Charlie Dlodge, of E- J. Dodge- Co', drew if,e luckv n.tfrb.. for the boi of cigarC as the Attendance Prize.
Contrary to general expectations, -there was a v-e-ry large turnout at-the iuncheon on October loth' The golf tournament at the Rancho Club had provided some stiff coB[FlF tion for the luncheon, but at thi urgtng of Secretary lVick; ;r.h; that all of the non-golfers' come and hear Frank Plane talk about mahoganyl the boys showed up in fine shaDe. -
F"""r. Plane, of the E. K. Wood Lumber -Comgall' yas ctr.i.*.tt oi th. d.y. He was also the speaker of th-t d3y' and he surely did-entertain the--boys-f.or thirty m-inutes' .r"iifr i.r.. of iis experiences in West Africa, *b:" lt y": in that country geiting out mahoqany logs' He told ot the habits and cistomi of the natives, of the grcwth or the mahogan;t trees, and told it in a very interesting manner.
The president announced that the Club would meet oncc -;-ri-ih; ninriti. Club, on the l7th, and would then ;;;; i" tnl ".* Los Angeles City Club, starting there on Thursday, October 23rd. - P;;;; Si'niptin *.i pt."."t, a1<t !r-e told the pory of tne wonderful goo ffoo ac't"ity in the Northwest, in the past thirty days.
Los Angeles Hoo Hoo
Play Golf
While from point of numbers the attendance at the Los Angeles Hoo Hoo Club Golf Tournament. at the Rancho Club,.on Friday Oct-ober_10th, was somewhat disappoint- r^ng,.the quality-of play that was displayed by the'thirty- five.boys wto showed up, -rvas more thin graiifying.
The good golfers were handicapped con-sideribl i ty " strong.-cold. wind, and the same wind proved a compiete demorilization to the scores of the playirs of lesser merit.
Joe.-Chaprrran, -of the La Brea Miteiials Company, won !!9 sj]ver^cup that was donated some time ago 6y the Hipolito Company, Los Angeles, to be won twi-ce in succession, for permanent possession. Mr. Chapman rvas vic- torious over all competitors at the recent Tournament at the California, and his low gross at this last affair gives him the cup.
.Irow _gross in the "A" class was won by F. M. Slade, u'hile the low net in this flight was taken by Frank Marmion.
Class "B," low gross, Ray Throm, Iow net, Fred Goldine. ..Class "C," low gross E,. D. Tennant, low net A. e. rylerryman, J r.
The affair closed with a stag dinner, at the Rancho Club, and that was followed by a gener-al good time of story telling and other divertisirnents.
Los Angeles Hoo-Hoo to Hold
To properly close the trvo days convention of the State Association, to be held at Los Angeles on November Zth and Sth, Vicegerent Snark Frank eurran, of the Los Angeles Hoo Hoo District, has called a Concatenation to be held at Los Angeles, on the night of Saturday November 8th.
Further details will follow, as soon as they are worked out.
Mr. George llouston, Sales Manager of the Long Bell I-umber Company, is spending a few days in and a-round l_os Angeles, with Mr. C. J. Laughlin, their Southern California manager.
Mr. A. B. Wastell, manaser of the State Retail Association, states that the retuins to date, on their coming Annual .Convention, to be held at Los Angeles on No-vember 7th and 8th, have been gratifying, and that he predicts a record attendance.
Tlie next issue of the "California Lumber Merchant" r,r'ill contain a complete program of the two-day Cqnvention.

From the House of Quick Shipmentr
uppers from which immediate shipment can
Suppose Your Plant Should Burn Tonig[1-
Would y-ou b-e able to view the twisted, emoldcring ruing, consoled in your mir- fortune by th-e sure L.nowlg-de-e thal you are adJquately i"""t.d, *itt;;; condition on the-policy fulfitled, go that there will be no {ueetion oi ttt" "-""tit you will recoverl
The time to think aborrr thie queation ig not aftcr, but before thc 6rc.
lVendling-Nathan Co.

Manufacturerr of Doughr Flr
rnd Port Orfond Cc&r.
Sarvmilb, tttmnnaA Orcspn
Dirtributing Plent Bay Point
AnNal Production 2(X),(XX),0(X) Feet
GENERAL OFFICES :trTl Hlt:S.l"tt''
Lor Angelce Oftce, trl ccntrrl Bld3.
R. A. Hiscox, of the Western States Lumber Co.. San Francisco, is on a business and pleasure trip to the Atlan- r.r4rtLrrLU, rs rrrl a Dusrness anq Auan_ tic Coast. He went direct to Bbston and New york, and on his return west he will make several stops in the lVtiddle West territory. He was accompanied by- Mrs. Hiscox.
The-entire corps of ofificers of the Shipowners' Association of the Pacific Coast, with the exception of the VicePresident, was re-elected at the annuil meeting of the Association held in San Francisco. The office of VicePresident was vacated by A. B. Hammond, of the Hammond Lumber Co., who retired after serving two years. L. C. Stewart, of the Sudden & Christenson -i-umbei Co., was named to succeed Mr. Hammond.

F. J. O'Connor, who was re-elected President of the Associatioh, is associated with the Donovan Lumber Co. rvith headquarters in San Francisco.
Charlie Ward, the well known Northern California lumberman, has joined the sales force of the Redwood Manufacturers Co, at Pittsburgh, California. For the past year and a half, Charlie followed the wholesale lumber business in the Bay District.
The buildings of the San Gabriel Vallev Lumber Comqan1r, _at Arcadia, have been bought by-Mr. George L. Eveleth, who will remodel and stalt a sish and doo"r and screen factory.
The Cloverdale Lumber Company has been A. F. Stevens, of Healdsburg. -
sold to Mr.
The drive of Pacific Coast lumbermen in their campaign to stimulate sales in the Pennsylvania districts is repbrtid 'to have taken on a big aspect fbr the port of philadelphia.
The establishment there of direct iales and the eitension of the New York office to the Philadelphia district, it is stated, bids fair to double the normal movement oi lumber this fall. The major portion of the lumber cargoes is being handled at the Philadelphia Tidewater Term"inal and the facilities there are being prepared for a heavy straih during the next ferv weeks,- Ten-charters have beeir made recently at Vancouver to carry lumber to Atlantic coast- ports, as shippers find the full cargo rates more attractive than conference tariffs. Parcel lots are going on the regular liners in small quantities: the movJmen"t in canned fruits and fish, being more desirable freight, receives the preference in mosi cases.
Louisville, K.Y, U. S. A.
Sliced Veneers-l /24" Qtartered Figured soft texture, smooth even cirtting, machine dried flat.
Sawed Veneers_l /20r' to Gum 8' to 16, long.
3/16" Quartered Red Prominent Figure or
Plywood-Stock sizes /a"-3 Ply, 3/g"-5 Ply,48, 60 and 72" long x 18, 24 and 30" wide. Fine Figure, well matched, proparly manufactured, and "GOOD TO THE CORE."
Superior Since'89
LAWRENCE GOES NORTH MI.- T. _p, (Te_d) T.awrence, LoS Angeles manager for the Hart-Wood Lumber Company, lefi Los Ange-les on the night of the llth, for a two weeks trip to th"e northwest.
He stopped first at San Francisco, at their offices there. and then went to Portland and Vancouver.
, Mr. Sam T. Hayward has just returned to Los Angeles, from a trip to the northern part of the state. While iwav he completed the details for-the opening of their ,r.* y"ri at Delano.
Stock Sizec Canied By
4616 South Main SEeet
Loe Angeles, Cal.
The Kiernan-Hubbard Lumber Co. of Oakland are now constructing a new wharf with creosoted piling at their plant so that they will be able to handle shipments fro-m ihe mill directly into their yard. The new wharf will be ready for operation about the first of the month. The Kiernan-Hubbard Lumber Co. was formerly the JacksThompson Lumber Co. J. H. Mathews, formerly with the \A/est Valley Lumber Co. of Woodland, is acting as manager of this yard.
The increment borer, diameter tape, hypsometer, psychrometer, hygrothermograph, and other implements and appliances of the forest research man's outdoor laboratory were laid aside this summer for the more prosaic implements of the forest fire-fighter, according to Silviculturist
S. B. Show, who is in charge of the research activities of the United States Forest Service in Cdifornia- All the research men lvere at one time or another called upon to assist in maintaining the fire-lines uPon the large fires that resisted all efforts of ttre forest workers to subdue them during most of the summer. This has been by far the worst fire season that the California forests have evdr knou'n, u'ithin the years covered by the Forest Service records. From the very beginning of the 6re season in the West this year conditions have been abnormal, growing steadily worse as the summer season advanced. California has suffered hardest and longest, the worst fires not coming under control before the last weeks of September-' Ever)' available member of the Forest Service. of other bureaus of the Department of Agriculture, and even men from other Government departments have lent their active service on the fire-line. Forest Service men sav that the situation in California this year has presented the hardest problem in fire control that they have ever faced.

Who Pays for Advertising?
By H. T. Didesch, Matnging Director, Miilwork Inst. of Catif.So^mebody has to pay for alt that ex- pensive advertising-you have heard that phrase more times than a few, It rises up as a bugaboo in the minds of some mcn who don't stop to figure out what it reallv means. .It is true enough, just as a coli la"J. But as a cold fact,-airait from its re- lation to others, it is about the most rnisleading fact in business,
Fomebody has to pay all those expensive salesmen, too and for all that expensive ma- chinery in your pkint, and for all those ex- pensive cartons. Which one of them will lou d^o without, in order to get your prices down?
Without the salesmen your distribution will weaken. Without thl expensive machinery your cost of production will mount up. ,Aqything that reduces cost, whether it be efficiency in operation, or increased sales that reduce overhead, has to be paid for. But
if it is paid for out of savings in cost it be- creasc your volume eighty-eight per cent in comes an ec.onomy. - three years, are you going to havi to chargc
It is passible, in othcr- words, to add cer- the cdnsuniei mirr" F"i Ett"-p"oa".i, t" dt tain expenses to- your business which de- for advertising? oi irJ t.-" t;t"a i"-ui stroy exp-ens,e. Adverlising, properly_ car- able, instead t-o charge hini lessior To show ried out, is that kind of an expense. It can a bigger profit in ihE business?' simpl'fy distribution problems, increase dis- If advertising gives the donsumcr a fav_ tribution Not in a minute; there is no miracle "rorti"L po*er aUout'it. Eut -lo6a orable disposition to your name and product, advertising consistently carried out, doeslhat so that the dealer finds it easier to make thing. his resale, and if your own salesmen then
When the paint and varnish manufactur- find it easier to get the business, are you 9Is of ,this country began advertising the going to have to q3y a_s high commissions? idea "Save the furnace and yau savJ a[," There are large advertisers in this country they hoped to double the:r business in firie whose salesmen draw no more than half the years. That time is not up yet, but at the commissions which are paid by non-adver-' end of three years they wCre within twelve {sins manr'f,aoturers in the same rindustry. per cent of having reached their soal. They And the difrerenc+the saving in com:rdshave forty per cent of their limit in which sions-js greater than the money slrcnt in to reach twelve per cent of their volume advertising. limit. If you, rin your own business, can in- Sure, ..somebody pa.ys for it."
Louis Gerlinger, Jr., of the Gerlinger Lumber Co., Portland Oregon, was a recent California visitor where. he spent about two rveeks calling on the California trade ancl making a survey of lumber conditions in the San Francisco and Los Angeles Districts. While in the Bay District. ,he was a caller at the ofifice of Allan Turner who acts as the Northern California representative. He also went over the
Los -Angeles territory, with A. T. Show, the company's Southern California represe'ntative.

_ B. E. S1-ripley', California representative of the Whitney Lttmber Co., with headquarteis in San Francisco, is on i several days' business trip to the Northwest. He will visit the company's mill at G-arabaldi, Oregon, and also spend a feu' days at Portland. He will retuin to San Franiisco about the middle of the month.
For 18 Yearr
har been a standard of Grade{uality-Manuf acture
Manufactrred By
of ..America,s rs ,evrdenced^ by its use in this handsome norrywooo, Lal.
Best" Oak Floorins new athletic club a[
The floors in this. buildin-g are. _mirror-smooih from wall to wall In each, room. .The perfect side, and end matching which is responsrble lor these flawless surfaces is made definitely certain by,running_the wearing surface nf the flooring strips frz&,'wiaei and longer than the under side. No hidden shoulderi or'Drotrudins humps beneath the tongue and groove can hold the upper edgeE apart.
SUPERIOR BRAND OAK FLOORING is setting the standard of value a_nd excellence not only- in expensive U"iiii"g" titJ--ifri-oni shown bu-t in hundreds oI modest ho?nes as well. Dialers .iJ "o"- !!illly, finding., our improved .manufacturing -ethoa"--i*.ria6iy result rn steadrty rncreasrng orders.
Shall We Quote Now?
On Flooring, Ceiling, Siding
You will know it is one of

Garibaldi, Oregon
Planing Mill Products
A. T. Show of Los Angeles has contributed this gem, and states that the sentiment has helped him and r,r'ould no doubt be a guide for others. The author is unknown
If you think you are beaten, you are; If you think you dare not, you don't; If you like to win but you think you can't, It is almost certain you won't.
If you think you'll lose, you've lost; For out in the world you'll flnd Success begins with a fellow's will; It's all in the state of mind.
If you think you are outclassed, yon are; You've got to think high to rise; You've got to be sure of yourself before You can ever win a prize.
Life's battles don't always go To the strongest and fastest man. But soon or late the man who wins Is the one who thinks he can.
Small Lumber Plant is Successful
A small lumber mill operated by a Fordson engine and using ah 18 inch circular saw for its operation has been operating at Wakefield near Crescent eity this summer, under the direction of John L. Childs, who states that with a crew of two men he has succeeded in getting about 2,000 feet of inch board sawed in one day, and probably 3,000 feet of other timber per day of eight hours.
_T-h. little mill operates best with logs ranging about 25 inches in diameter, but will take larger timber, Mr. Childs states.
All the lumber used in the cohstruction of the Elk creek bridge came from the small mill, and some of the timbers are of good size.
Mr. Childs believes that there is quite an industry to be worked up in this connection and believes he may install more mills of the same sort in future years.

IYc ere cxclurivc egcltr in Sout[crn Californir for thc Wertcrn Lunbcr Mfg. Co. -UPPERS. lllo Centrat Bldg. - TUckcr 1O?4
We Specialtze
l\fcll urortcd rtoctr et our Lor Angclc yar.d or dircct cerload rhip- ncntr fron nill.
Farmer Horder sent an order off by mail for wood; He $ot stung with what they brung, 8s he ought to should.
Classified Ads

Experienced mill man who has $10,000 to invest in a Co-partnership to start planing mill. Have,ideal location for same. Own one acre of land facing railroad in East Bay district. Excellent field for this line of business. If interested, and for further details communicate with Box T-1, care California Lumber Merchant.
Wanted: Young man for invoice clerk and assistant bookkeeper. Must be accurate at figures and use typewriter. Address in own handwriting, give age and full history of past experiences. Enclose references. Confidential if requested. Salary $150 up. Santa Barbara Lumber Compahy, Santa Barbara, Cal.
the mellout tan of auturnnfelds permanently fxed-in^slate
The day of the drab roof has gone. A beautiful roofng color in elate hae re, centlv been discovered, which brings to the slate,surfaced shingle entirely new color effects.
This rare tone, weathered brown, gives to your roof the mellow tan of autumn fields, permanently fixedinslate. Andonly in the Richardson quarries of Georgia is it found.
TIu Richardson Multicrome Roof
This, however, is but one example of the beauty secured in the RichardsonMulticrome Roof. Many color effects are possibleone to please every taste. The rare weath,
ered brown, for instance, is attractive when applied with other Richardson Shinglesofjade green, tile redor black pearl.
wWThe Multicrome Roof is built of Rich, ardson SuperGiant Shingles, extra large, extra heavy-to give greater beauty, longer endurance. The high quality ofits inner ma, terials,too, assureslast. ing beauty for this roof. Its base is sturdy Rich, ardson felt, for fifty years recognized as the best. And the warer, proofng ie Viskaltunusually durable be, cause 99.8/a pure bitumen, especially vacuuro, prOcessed.
Richardson Multi,The,5o<.-egteawlhickne,sofRichardrcf, crome Roofe are eco, Mulilqome Koots add,s b&utt o,textute ;A t;;;; ,f ;;A;^,2.-Cbil"ty iii,. nomical to lay and Iapping,slate flaka funlw Protect .the equallVgOodfOrnewor stuta! v$kala-sdtvfqw b6c 4gdrnsa i" wther andfire hazatds over,tne.olo,root Jobs.
Aaive sellinglwlp
Advertisements like this appearing steadily in the Literary Digest, House and Garden, House Beautiful and also in the national magazines of contrac, tors, architects and builders, are creating an active demand for Richardson Roof, ing in yourlocality. And the Richardson Resale Plan is making pro6ts for thou, sands of fuchardson dealers by giving them the direct benefts of thig adver, tising. Wrire for details of thio plan for your territory.

Write far our new boofla
We will send you our new booklet,Roofs of Distinaion, together with samples of Richardson Super€iant Shingles in opal, weathered brown and other colors. Just use the coupon below.