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eaphet 台灣東亜歴史資源交流協会
EAPHET is a citizens’ association in Taichung, Taiwan, established in Jan., 2010, for promoting understanding and compassion in our East Asian societies by exploring and exchanging peoples’ stories, or histories, and the resources people need to do so. People's histories, or popular histories, are stories, or a set of stories, we tell ourselves, our family members and friends, in which we explain in our own words who we are and why we are here today. These stories are based on our particular values and experiences. We do not have to be historians to tell our histories, or stories. We do not need special training to listen to stories told by others. Eaphet supports and encourages people to tell and listen to these stories. 歷史不單只是過去的種種,也包含了我們所正在進行的一切。發現與挖掘每一個人、事件與物件背後的歷史,將讓我們學會以新的視角看待這個世界。協會的宗旨是在協助少數族群以及非主流的人們,讓以往被壓