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ÄSJALÕPETANUD ÕDEDE TÖÖLE ASUMISEGA KAASNEVAD OOTUSED JA HIRMUD Expectations and fears concerning starting work in recently graduated nurses Marianne Nugis, Maritana Meitsar, Reet Urban Abstract After graduating, nursing students feel confident and eager to work. They have specific expectations, which include a warm welcoming from colleagues, having a supervisor, good working conditions, high-quality and patient-centred nursing care, new knowledge and experiences. This research shows that recently graduated nurses often feel disappointed because reality does not live up to their expectations. Unfortunately, they have to cope independently with the knowledge they have from school, relationships with colleagues are not what they hoped for, and the workload is more than they thought. Because of that, novice nurses do not have enough attention for their patients’ needs which leads to a decrease in the quality of patient care. Having to cope on their own and having many responsibilities leads to fear, anxiety and loss of confidence. The research study is based on a literature review. The aim of this research study was to describe the expectations and fears concerning starting work in recently graduated nurses. For this thesis 31 sources were analysed, out of which 30 were scientific articles. All articles were published in the last decade. Keywords: recently(newly) graduated nurse, expectations, fears, transition. Sissejuhatus Kõrgkooli lõpetades tunnevad õendusüliõpilased, et on valmis uuteks ja põnevateks väljakutseteks, kus saab ennast tõestada. Tööd alustavad õed on enesekindlad ja valmis iseseisvalt tööle asuma. Üleminek üliõpilase