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KÕRGKOOLI LÕPETANUTE EMOTSIONAALNE ENESETUNNE JA HIRMUD SEOSES TÖÖTURULE SIIRDUMISEGA Emotional Feelings and Fears of the Graduates Regarding the transition to the Labour Market Anna-Liisa Tamm, Sandra Seerman, Ülle Parm Abstract After finishing university students might be ready for the labour market. They have to be able to take more responsibility for they decisions and actions, as they need to manage both professionally and financially. This stage of lifetime is stressful. The purpose of the study was to assess the emotional wellbeing and fears regarding the labour market of recent graduates. For data collecting a web-based questionnaire was used (a part of which was ESQ-2). Descriptive data, t-test and χ2 test were used. A statistically significant difference was considered at p < 0.05. 96 graduates in 2019 of Tartu Health Care College (THCC) and the other Estonian universities fulfilled the questionnaire. Results showed, that graduates from other schools than THCC were more concerned about finding a job (27.7% vs 8.2%; p = 0.025). The most common concern in is the incorrect knowledge of Russian (72.3%). The professional knowledge, skills and general competencies obtained in university were assessed as sufficient to cope with in the labour market. Internship was considered sufficient, THCC graduates more than others (87.8% vs 48.9%; p < 0.001). However, it was felt that talking to an employer, using search engines, talking to a career counsellor and writing a CV could be addressed more in the university. According to ESQ-2, 47.9% of the subjects had symptoms refer to asthenia, 30.2% to anxiety, and 28.1% to depression and/or sleep disorders. .