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AGRESSIOONIRISKI HINDAMISE VAHENDID STATSIONAARSES PSÜHHIAATRILISES ABIS The Aggression Risk Assessment Instruments in Psychiatric Inpatient Care Rainer Priimäe, Margit Lenk-Adusoo Abstract The article is based on the undergraduate thesis and is a theoretical literature review. The total volume of the thesis was 29 pages, 50 literary sources had been used. The aim of the thesis was to describe the aggression risk assessment instruments and the different aggression prevention strategies in psychiatric inpatient care. The article provides an overview of the aggression risk assessment instruments. The results reveal that using the aggression risk assessment instruments provides more precise results than the subjective clinical evaluation by the medical staff, and the use of those instruments decreases the restraint time of the patient as well as the usage of different restraint methods. The article describes three risk evaluation instruments: the Historical Clinical Risk Management-20 (HCR-20), the Brøset Violence Checklist (BVC) and the Dynamic Appraisal of Situational Aggression (DASA) as they are the most documented ones in the scientific literature. Nevertheless, DASA and BVC have been created to evaluate the dynamic risk of aggression and are therefore, probably the most convenient techniques to be used in everyday practice. Keywords: aggression, violence, risk assessment, psychiatric inpatient Sissejuhatus Patsientide agressiivne käitumine on levinud nähtus kõikides tervishoiuvaldkondades, kuid statsionaarses psühhiaatrilises abis on see suur probleem, et tagada nii patsientide kui ka töötajate ohutus (Kealeboga 139