MITTEPROFESSIONAALSETE MEESMARATOONARITE (≥ 4 5A) VERERÕHU JA PULSI TAASTUMINE PÄRAST MARATONI LÄBIMIST Blood pressure and pulse recovery after marathon in non-professional male marathoners (≥45yr) Ege-Elizabeth Kaldaru, Ülle Parm, Taimi Taimalu, Maire Aruots, Anna-Liisa Tamm Abstract Physical activity has a positive impact on health and participation in marathons has increased in popularity. However, this kind of sport requires extreme endurance, which can cause different health problems, as well as death, even among experienced marathoners. Participants without sufficient preparation and men over 45 yr belong to a risk group. The number of studies investigating participants’ preparation, as well as pulse and blood pressure recovery (BPR) after a marathon is very limited. The aim of this study was to assess nonprofessional male marathoners’ pulse and BPR after the marathon reckoning with marathon preparation. The sample consisted of non-professional male marathoners (≥45 yr) who had registered to Tartu Marathon Cube (skiing, cycling, running) and agreed to participate in the study (n=212). A questionnaire, the blood pressure and heart rate results were used (measured in rest, right after the marathon and ten minutes after recovery). Descriptive data, the t-test, the Mann-Whitney or the χ2 test and the Pearson’s correlation were used. Participants (skiing n=84, cycling n=32, running n=26; mean age 51.7 ±7.2 yr) had previously taken part in lots of marathons (median 34, IQR 17-65), mostly skiing (88.7%), cycling (75.4%) and running (68.3%). Three months before the certain stage, marathoners in mean spent 4.4 ±4.4 hours a week for preparation, and at the same time they passed 3015.8 ±3814.7 km. Even among 204