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DIABEEDIST TINGITUD DISTRESS, TEKKEPÕHJUSED JA LEEVENDAMISVÕIMALUSED Diabetes-Related Distress: Causes and Reduction Birgita Eva Tamm, Eve-Merike Sooväli, Maarja Vislapuu Abstract Approximately every fourth person with diabetes has high diabetes-related distress. To the best of authors knowledge, no study exists that has evaluated diabetes-related distress in Estonia. Diabetes-related distress refers to negative emotions related to worries and fears in several areas of diabetes care and management. Patient-centered psychosocial care for people with diabetes requires problem identification, psychosocial evaluation, and intervention. The aim of the theoretical study was to describe the causes of diabetes-related distress, screening possibilities and reduction opportunities for people with type I and type II diabetes. Based on the aim, two research objectives were set: 1) Describe the main causes of diabetes-related distress, 2) Describe the assessment of diabetes distress and opportunities for distress reduction According to literature, the main causes of diabetes-related distress were: fear of hypoglycemia, worry of diabetes complications, regimen-related distress and distress of healthcare system. The two most commonly used screening tools to assess diabetes-related distress were: The Problem Areas in Diabetes Scale (PAID) and The Diabetes Distress Scale (DDS). Patient-centered healthcare, motivational interviewing, patient teaching and informing, problem-solving therapy with realistic goals has shown positive effect for reducing diabetes distress. Support from health care providers, family and peers had a key role in managing and reducing diabetes-related distress. Based on evidence-based sources, this thesis is the first to describe the concept of “diabetes-related distress” in the nursing field in Estonian. Keywords: diabetes-related distress, causes, assessment, reduction. 82