The experiences of radioraphy students during clinical placement
Stella Kibena, Inge-Liis Verst, Janelle Märs
Abstract The aim of the study is to describe radiography student experiences and the importance of the supervisor in clinical placement. This final paper is based on a literature review. Radiography students spend most of the time in clinical placement, getting the experiences that allow them practise independently after graduating. Clinical placement gives the student an insight into their future role in a hospital environment, developing technical skills as well as communication skills with patients. Experiences may help the student to achieve clinical competency, however, they may also dissuade the student. Daily supervision and feedback are important aspects in student development. Supervision in clinical placement is very important because the supervisor is a role model for the student. Cooperation between the student and the supervisor is a high priority for effective clinical placement. Feedback from the supervisor is very important, it gives the student a review about how far he/she is from his/her goals and it highlights student weaknesses. It is possible to provide feedback in many different ways and the supervisor’s mission is to provide objective feedback to help the student become proficient in the radiography profession. Keywords: radiography student, experience, clinical placement, supervisor, feedback