Top 2020 trends in
Br idal Beauty Well, you can expect to see a lot more FUN. It appears t hat we?ll be gett ing a lot more playful so t hink accessories bot h in t he hair AND on t he face! There will be excit ing cont rast s between t extures, colours and overall we will be seeing a lot more personality which means it ?s an excit ing t ime to explore your creat ivity! As a Hair and Makeup art ist I?ll be encouraging my client s to keep t he overall finish natural and simple but wit h a pop of fun t hrough eit her playing wit h unique accessories or int erest ing colours and t extures incorporat ed into t he overall style. Let ?s have some fun! Zoe Cornwell, Hair + Makeup Art ist , Knot Your Average Bride Make Up t rends are favouring natural looking skin and rose gold and champagne hues. If you?re feeling brave and a bit edgy t hen coloured eyeliners and red lips are looking like t hey are on t he up. Skincare is grabbing t he headlines wit h new companies emerging bringing affordable skin healt h to t he forefront and more accessible t han ever due to compet it ive pricing. Claire Jones, Creat ive Direct or, Claire Hones Make Up Art ist The 90s inspirat ion is in full swing. We are seeing very clean, soft , very blended eye makeup, very clean skin, and eit her a nude lip (as in t he color of t he client 's own lip, just enhanced) or rosy lips t hat also run somewhat into t he plum tones. We are also seeing more color on t he cheeks, which we love as art ist s! Bianca Sansost i, Owner/ Founder, Bianca Sansost i Art ist ry