"When having a dest inat ion wedding, couples t radit ionally would st ay at t heir wedding resort for t heir honeymoon. Now, wit h millennials want ing to see more, do more, explore more, t hey are opt ing to hop a plane to a nearby island and celebrat e t heir newlywed days away from t heir family and friends who came to see t hem get hit ched. This is making t ravel planning much more elaborat e, where dest inat ion wedding planners are needed more t han ever to help wit h t he t ravel arrangement s of essent ially TWO t rips!" Jen Avey, VP, Market ing, Dest inat ion Weddings Travel Group "Bigger weddings for dest inat ion weddings, I had one t his year t hat was close to 200 people." Jennifer Taylor, Owner, Taylor'd Event s Group "Dest inat ion weddings seem to be gett ing bigger, more guest s are att ending and so couples are opt ing for t hree or four days of celebrat ions rat her t han one or two."
The big changes from 2019 into 2020 are... As more couples are gett ing married aft er t hey have children, t hey are opt ing for more family- friendly locat ions rat her t han adult- only resort locat ion. Couples are st aying in a beach house for t heir wedding week wit h t heir family inst ead of flying to anot her locat ion for a honeymoon. Krist in Wat kins, Owner and Lead Designer, St ephanie Rose Event s
Jane Riddell, Owner & Creat ive Direct or, Planned for Perfect ion