Destination Wedding Trends with
Tara Fay OWNER OF TARA FAY EVENTS What are t he t op dest inat ions for 2020? Europe is st ill very popular for dest inat ion weddings. Whilst It aly will always probably be one of t he most popular places, Ireland is moving up t he list especially for mult iple day event s as t he count ry has so much to offer t hat is available all year round, not just for summer. Specifically because you don't choose t he locat ion for t he weat her. Spain as always is popular and t he Sout h of France Anot her new upcoming locat ion but st ill slight ly underdeveloped is Croat ia. What are your t op color predict ions for dest inat ion weddings in 2020? I do see more navy and blue being incorporat ed as well as all t he ot her jewel colours. This gives huge flexibility to t he floral palett e and brings t he dest inat ion to t he fore. What are some of t he biggest changes you're seeing going from 2019 int o 2020? Brexit and currency fluctuat ions caused by brexit are bringing uncert ainty into European dest inat ions. The ability of free movement of suppliers across count ries is st ill unknown, t his is causing some brides to hold off making decisions on suppliers unt il cost implicat ions of Brexit are fullly known. What are some of t he emerging dest inat ions for 2020? Croat ia, Madeira.