Honeymoon Trends with
What are t he t op honeymoon dest inat ions for 2020? Caribbean islands top t he honeymoon hot list of 2020; Jamaica, St Lucia, Dominican Republic and Barbados in part icular. Los Cabos, Cost a Rica and t he Bahamas are close behind!
What are some of t he biggest changes you're seeing going from 2019 int o 2020? What honeymoon excursions are t rending for 2020? Cultural excursions are becoming more popular t han ever before. Whereas in year's past , adventure and adrenaline were top factors in choosing an act ivity while honeymooning, now, couples are looking for enriching, aut hent ic experiences to really feel like a local in t heir chosen dest inat ion. Examples include touring a historic city or archaeological park, t ast ing local cuisine off property, or volunt eering at a local charity where t hey can spend t ime wit h nat ives and t ruly make a difference.
In 2019, over- t he- top luxury was at t he forefront of honeymooners minds, where grabbing t he perfect Inst agram shot was a given. Now, couples are looking for ant i- luxury, and ult ra- local experiences, so t hey can really feel t he aut hent ic vibes of t heir dest inat ion. Honeymooners in 2020 will gravit at e towards bungalow - style accommodat ions and rust ic resort s where t hey can t ruly disconnect and feel t he ambiance of being away from home. Unplugging and spending quality t ime toget her is now becoming more import ant t han sharing every moment of your t rip on social media. In t his regard, wellness ret reat s and self- care amenit ies are becoming more popular for honeymoon resort s to cat er to.