Tech for destination couples
Pamella Dunn says... Wifi is an absolut e must not only for t he event , but for set up, and for guest s. As are charging st at ions, and batt ery packs to ext end t he life of guest s smart phones. Video walls and backdrops, st aging, and product ion t ech t hat sees fireworks playing out in t ime to music, and live st reaming are increasingly becoming a t hing. And look out for t he virtual guest experience, it is on t he horizon wit h video and cinematography advances. Michelle Anderson of Complet e t he Look says... - Hidden Cameras like GoPros will help couples capture every candid moment . They will also have t he opportunity to capture a unique perspect ive almost as if t hrough t heir own eyes. - 3D - Print ing is going to hit t he ground running, even more, in 2020 as cake designers, st at ionery designers and more indust ry adopt t he unique and personalised opportunit ies it present s. Brides and Grooms can creat e personalised 3D favours at t heir event . These 3D element s will t ake any event to t he next level. - A unique way to record your day is t hrough t he use of t he stunning fashion- forward heart rat e monitors t hat are current ly available on t he market . This would allow you bot h to record your heart rat e during your nupt ials, speeches, photo's and excit ing wedding day moment s and t hen ut ilise t hat dat a to creat e unique pieces of artwork to display in t heir homes for life. - Full immersion project ion t echnology has been used in dest inat ion weddings and large product ion event s for a number of years however I feel t hat in 2020 t his will be t aken to t he next level by incorporat ing floor to ceiling experiences all t he way down to t he fine det ails on cakes. This allows any space to be t ransformed and customised any number of t imes to t ransport your guest s whilst remaining in t he same locat ion.