Luxur y Wedding Trends
The biggest t hemes in t he luxury market are an emphasis on flowers and an emphasis on exquisit st at ionary. Couples are allocat ing more and more of t heir budget s to ensure t hat t heir flowers make a "wow" st at ement and t hat t heir st at ionary is personalized by a graphic art ist to convey t heir own unique story. From handpaint ed calligraphy to artwork of couple's pet s and ot her personalized element s, couples are making t heir wedding day print it ems (from save- t he- dat es to escort cards) a high priority. Tyler Speier, Owner, Tyler Speier Event s
"Lush, abundant , Aust ralian- sourced floral. Fresh florals remain a big st at ement wit hin t he styling design coming in to 2020 but couples are asking more and more quest ions around t his being a sust ainable element of t heir wedding day. Somet hing we love! This means foam- free, Aust ralian sourced produce and Repurposing. The scale and design aspect of floral are being t aken to new height s also wit h floral making up a larger percent age of t heir overall styling invest ment ." Lauren, Founder/ Creat ive Direct or, Et c. Event St yling - Floral ent rances - Long t ables - Int riguing props - Personalised napkins Mat ilda Godson, Social Media Coordinat or, Whit ehouse Event Crockery "Vineyards wit h panoramic views and soft past els, greenery to accompany whit e and gold color schemes, and art deco vases and t ablescapes. Many luxury weddings will be indoors, while st ill having a garden or greenery t heme. Luxury is oft en paired wit h anot her t heme as well, such as t ropical to form t ropical opulence." Karen Gordon, VP, Growt h, Goodshuffle Pro
We will see weekend- long celebrat ions, where guest s will indulge in designed event s for each day, and we aren't t alking about planned group act ivit ies. We are t alking about t ransforming a ballroom into t he st reet s of India wit h a food t ruck, bist ro light s, and t ables. We are also seeing couples want to t ake care of t heirguest s 24/ 7 wit h hospit ality suit es t hat feature snacks, branded wat er, and beverages guest s access anyt ime during t he weekend. Jennifer Charles, Co- Founder, Chief Creat ive Officer, Somet hing Fabulous