Top Trends for
Wedding Themes WITH LOUISE BEUKES FOUNDER OF B.LOVED/ B.LOVED HIVE What are t he t op wedding t hemes for 2020? - Eco- conscious weddings, - couples will be looking for Brit ish suppliers wit h good eco credent ials as millennial couples sust ainable values come to t he fore - St at ement florals - floral design is gett ing bigger and bett er as we move into 2020 wit h ceremony, marquee and venue inst allat ions becoming a more regular feature in wedding design
Indoor/Out door - nature will play a big role in 2002 wedding design, influenced by t he eco movement Which 2019 t hemes do you t hink will carry over int o 2020? The grazing t rend is going nowhere, but it 's going to grow up in 2020 moving from separat e grazing t ables to be incorporat ed fully into t he recept ion t able design as a relaxed alt ernat ive to formal cat ering. Are t here any t hemes couples are st aying away from in 2020? Vint age, rust ic, ikat , glamour, indust rial t rends are all moving aside What are t he biggest t hemes in t he luxury market ? Dest inat ion weddings are st ill huge, whet her it 's a luxurious elopement or int imat e wedding or huge celebrat ion of family and friends, t hose wit h higher budget s will be looking at high per- head spend as t hey creat e incredible experiences for t heir guest s from beginning to end. I t hink we'll see a move towards more exot ic and hidden dest inat ions, in keeping wit h millennial couples t ravel experiences, such as Bali, Mexico and unexpect ed locat ions like Norway.