Wedding Theme Trends with Hannah Chong of Heaven's Gift Pte Ltd What are t he t op wedding t hemes for 2020? We believe nature and t ropical expressions st ill play a big part in t he upcoming year, wit h more eco friendly inst allat ions for couples who loves greens and nature. However, inst ead of having t he t hemes done up in rust ic expressions, modern lux and chic t reat ment s are styled toget her wit h t he organic element s. Met allic props such as Gold, Bronze and Silver are used to creat e clean lines wit h t he greens landscaping or t reat ment . Which 2019 t hemes do you t hink will carry over int o 2020? Hipst er style and pampas styled cent repieces will st ill be used for a while into 2020. Though we believe t his will eventually fade off soon as Couples are t aking effort s to personalise t heir favourit e t hings into t he wedding. So int erest ing signages or symbols are used to depict element s of t heir love journey. Are t here any t hemes couples are st aying away from in 2020? Int erest ingly, t hese days, couple have specifically told us not to use fairylight s, as t hey relat e t hat styling as out dat ed t rends, as much have been seen in t he use of all t hese twinkle twinkle light ings. But we st ill st rongly believe light ings will play a big part in t he final decorat ions design, from LED inst allat ion in decorat ions, or props, to Neon signages , are going to popular, because t he ambience are oft en enhanced and make magical wit h light ings.
What are t he biggest t hemes in t he luxury market ? In t he luxury market , it is all about creat ing big and wow impact st aging. This is one t rend t hat we have seen coming back in big waves. Today's couples are infused wit h many inspirat ions from t he Russian or Middle East ern weddings, where print ed props are used in massive way. The int egrat ion of print s and floral will cont inue to resonat e in luxury market s. And besides t hat , bold ideas such as lush hanging features and use of special decorat ive mat erials will be inst alled in bolder and more ext ravagant ways. The use of wire mesh wit h light ings are t he in t rends for Asian market s, riding on t he inspirat ions creat ed for t he Middle East market . The use of colourful drapes wit h int ensed light ings will also be a common t reat ment to be seen in coming year. We are excit ed for t he next wave, where t he birt h of Avant- Garde creat ive expressions will be sett ing t he pace for t he luxury wedding t rends.