Wedding Stationery Trends with Ceci Johnson of Ceci New York What are your t op invit at ion t rends for 2020? There are 3 major t hings. The first is personal touches, t he second is classic wit h a twist - and t he t hird is just embracing vibrant , really beaut iful color. 1. Personal t ouches... You can commission an art ist . Like I paint ed a liner of t he venue of where t he couple was gett ing married. So it becomes a really special keepsake as well, and it set s t he tone right away. A touch of t he view, very elegant . And when you open it , you have a classic invit at ion. But as you pull out t he cards, you get litt le paint ed vignett es of t he different places for t he event s t hroughout t he wedding weekend. 2. Classic wit h a t wist ... So here you have a classic invit at ion, but t he twist is adding a really fun patt ern on t he back or adding it into t he liner. So it 's really just sett ing a cool tone. But you've got t hose classic undertones t hat are t imeless and will never go out of style. 3. Colorful fun...Vibrant big, bright color tones, done in gorgeous wat ercolors t hat I paint for t he client . And playing wit h really cool, different mat erials like velvet wit h gold foil - just to give t act ile, act ivat e your senses and creat e a really fun st at ement . So t hat 's what we're seeing. Lot s of excit ing t hings happening, and ult imat ely, it 's all about personalizat ion and just creat ing somet hing memorable and a perfect keepsake for your wedding.