Celebr ity Weddings with
What are t he biggest celebrit y wedding t rends for 2020? To be aut hent ic to t hemselves and not to be seen to be following someone else's t rend. Biggest dest inat ion spot s for celebrit y weddings in 2020? Sout h of France, Morocco, India, Scot land & Ireland. What 's out in 2020 for celebrit y weddings? Copycat what someone else has done. So st andard wedding cakes, t hey must for example have a story att ached to not only t he design, but also t he flavours et c. What 's carrying over from 2019 int o 2020? Celebrat ion of families and friends and privacy. Whereby celebrit ies are releasing photos aft er t he event . They live t heir lives in t he public eye, but want t heir wedding day to be a celebrat ion of t heir love wit h t heir nearest and dearest What kind of t hemes are popular wit h celebrit y weddings? Anyt hing t hat represent s t hemselves as a couple. They want to be seen as t he t rendsett er, t he t railblazer.