Car r ying over into 2020
We predict a few t rends from 2019 will st ill be alive and well come 2020. One t hat we can rely on is charcut erie displays, but glammed up. Guest s expect a display t hat is bot h art isanal in nature and art ist ic in display. Charcut erie displays are also going to require more of, you guessed it , plant- based it ems. Going into 2020 we're seeing charcut erie displays featuring vegan or veget arian friendly component s, like fresh t apenades and hummus. Margot Jones, Owner, Purple Onion Cat ering
Liquid Nit rogen has t aken off in t he cat ering indust ry. This st at ion allows chefs to turn cre?me anglaise (ice cream base) into ice cream in seconds in front of guest s. In 2020 I see it expanding beyond dessert to possibly add smoking/ frozen component s to amuse bouches, present plat ed salads wit h liquid nit rogen berries, or turn family- style main course sauces into live act ion component s at t he dinner t able. Sust ainability and No-Wast e movement s are going to cont inue into 2020, as t he conversat ion of sust ainability moves to t he forefront in many indust ries. Jamie Shaw, Senior Event Coordinat or, Foot ers Cat ering Duel Ent rees, as opposed to guest choice dinners. Tapas and cockt ail style weddings inst ead of t radit ional dinners. Faust o Pifferrer, Owner, Blue Elephant Event s and Cat ering Wit h st at ions, people love t he alt ernat ive carving st at ions - carving veget ables, assort ed bacons, cheeses, bison tomahawk st eaks. They don't want to fill up at one st at ion, so lot s of small plat es is t he t rend. Now t hat compost able disposable opt ions are so good looking and high quality, we'll see t hem be t he choice even more oft en t han in 2019. Jeremy Bronson, President /Owner, Occasions Cat ering
Locally sourced made from scrat ch.Couples have relayed so many t imes t hat where t he food comes from is just as import ant to t hem as how it is prepared. Composed appet izer st at ions wit h mini drink shoot ers are st ill t aking a front seat on menus. Couples "Insert Food" Bar - Each one composes a pierogi, t aco, silder, et c. and a drink to go wit h it . The appet izers are t hen a st at ionary piece along side a grazing t able. Highly personalized appet izers t hat t he couples help creat e. Brandon Snooks, Execut ive Chef & Owner, Farm t o Fire by Hudson Valley BBQ Co.