Food & Beverage Trends with
Food t rends t hat will carry int o 2020? We won?t be seeing t he back of t he graze t able just yet , t hank god! In fact , we?re seeing people choosing to have a grazing st at ion at recept ion inst ead of canapes. We are t hrilled to see t hat people are st ill loving sust ainability for t heir wedding breakfast s and really t hinking about seasonality when choosing t heir menus. We have also not iced people want ing to incorporat e t heir hometowns, family herit ages into t heir menus as well, making t heir menus just t hat t ad more special.
Cockt ail t rend predict ions for 2020? I have a feeling t equila is going to t ake t he crown for 2020. Whet her served as a shot wit h t he salt and lime wedge, or making a signature cockt ail to commemorat e your big day, everyone?s going to want a slice.
What cat ering t rends are out in 2020? Addressing diet ary lifestyles has become increasingly more common and who says it has to be dull? Whet her it ?s glut en free, vegan, nut free, keto or paleo, we are always gett ing request ed by our couples to include a menu which is suit able for all. Everyone?s going to want t he vegan opt ion! A classic t ea and coffee buffet st at ion is soo 2019. Next year we are set to see iced coffees and espresso mart inis being served as t he caffeinat ed go to and what an innovat ive way to st ill serve t his beloved part of a wedding day but in such an unt radit ional way.
Cockt ails have never been so readily available wit h t he likes of a canned pornst ar mart inis and mojitos and why not have t hese chilling on ice at a help yourself cockt ail st at ion? It ?s a great way to save a few quid on cockt ail st aff and ingredient s, as well as saving you heaps on glassware! But let s not forget t hose all import ant biodegradable st raws!