Styling Cakes & Sweets
I t hink t hat couples are becoming more and more savvy when it comes to t he styling of t heir cake t ables and are making much more of a feature of t he cake. I t hink mult iple cakes in varying height s will cont inue to be a t rend as will sett ing your wedding cake at t he cent re of a sweet grazing t able for a more rust ic feel. Megan Collins, Owner, Blossom & Crumb
More glamorous, more feat her more bling bling while before it was more vint age and classical. Nicole Mrad, Owner, Cup N Cakes LLC The most unique t rend we have seen more recent ly is suspended illusion cakes and people?s different int erpret at ions on t hem, t his is t he beauty of working in such a t alent ed, arty indust ry, you can give each cake maker t he same cake frame and t he finished product s are worlds apart , all amazing in t heir own way! 2020 is going to be t he year of dessert t ables. Styled well, t hey?re classy, fun and st ress free! Adding t exture and t iers wit h an impressive floral display is t he way forward, different finishes can be achieved using an array of mat erials, we?ve got it covered! From cake pop st ands to aluminat ed cake frames and everyt hing in between, we work wit h our client s to custom design and creat e t heir dreams into a reality. Emily and Brad Young, Direct ors, Prop Opt ions Dessert buffet s are not only t asty, but look great and are visually st imulat ing. However, t hey need to have an abundance of variety and colors, especially to appease to guest s wit h varying palat es. Ant hony Cuellar, Cat ering Chef de Cuisine, Went e Vineyards Family Est at es
2020 is going to be all about how t hings are displayed and styled. It 's not just about what guest s are eat ing anymore; people want an experience. How dessert s are displayed before t hey even ent er a mout h matt ers. People want to be "wowed" and want somet hing more t han a slice of cake on a plat e. People want to see dessert s almost like decor; a focal point in a room t hat compliment s t he space around it . Dessert s displayed wit h purpose and style makes an event feel seamless. Sett ing dessert s on an 8ft t able is easy; how t he t able flows wit h everyt hing else is t he t rick. Or maybe it 's not a t able at all, maybe it 's a wall t hat has dessert s hanging from it so guest s can pluck t heir sweet t empt at ions vert ically. Shelby Anderson, The Past ry Professor | Execut ive Past ry Chef, Foot ers Cat ering